Obama, Oprah, and Tolle’s narcissism will bring the world New Age enlightenment?

This article sure hits the nail on the head. It makes the connection between Obama, Oprah and Tolle. This trinity of malignant narcissist’s think that they will actually change the world from what it is, to a “world as it should be”.

Imagine having Obama in the White house and having Oparah and Tolle as his advisers. Obama will control what you are told from the political, Oprah will greatly influence TV addicts, and Tolle will be the false prophet of a New Age pluralist religion that tells the world to hail this elitist pluralist puppet speaking great things.

We already see that most of the world is putting their future hope in the Obamanation who has done absolutely nothing to warrant such a position or the world’s admiration. How do you even dream up a way to bring in such an “all paths” New Age pluralist paganism to attempt to take over the world? (Of course they exclude true Christians and display great hatred toward us because we will not be deceived).

What you are seeing is not just natural events there are Satanic forces behind all this and only the Church can stop it. However, much of the Church is asleep or have been deceived themselves by liberal postmodern leaders.

The outcome of this election may determine much more than who becomes President. If Obama wins it most likely will determine the whole future path of the world and bring persecution to true Christians even in Western nations.

You simply have to read this article to understand what we are dealing with here!

American Thinker: Obama, Oprah, and the Guru: Malignant Narcissism

Grandiosity, more than anything else, is what characterizes Obama’s character and campaign. Grandiosity is also, more than anything else, what characterizes narcissism, and Obama’s narcissism has become obvious to many.

Two other very reliable witnesses to Obama’s narcissism are Oprah Winfrey and her guru, Eckhart Tolle, both themselves pathological narcissists. Delusions of grandeur interpersonally connect Obama, Oprah, and her guru. All three believe they can, even that that they must, change the world for the better, and that means garnering for themselves more and more adulation, what the psychologists call “narcissistic supply.”

The public record shows this: First, within the minds of Barack and Michelle Obama resides the grandiose, even megalomaniacal notion that they have the power to make the world as-it-is into the world-as-it-should be. Second, the Obamas look to talk-show host, Oprah Winfrey, as their “global role model” to effect this change. Third, as the Obamas’ model for change, Oprah relentlessly promotes the grandiose New Age religion of her guru, Eckhart Tolle.

Let’s review the connection between the narcissists: Barack Obama looks to Oprah Winfrey as his “global role model” for change. To effect this worldwide change, Oprah, in turn, relies on the “infallible” teachings of her guru, Eckhart Tolle. Tolle, in turn, looks in the mirror and
makes friends with the backwards image of himself, thus enabling him, and others who see themselves in the same backwards way (Obama and Oprah), to “change the world.” All three mock the Judeo-Christian tradition. All three are determined to remake the world “as it should be.”

It is significant that Obama, Oprah, and Tolle all mock the Judeo-Christian tradition, because that tradition carries with it a standard of truth and conduct. According to the Ten Commandments, for example, idol worship and lying are wrong. Tolle, Oprah, and Obama, violate those commandments by worshiping their own images and lying to protect the imagined integrity of those images. Malignant narcissists cannot tolerate a spiritual or religious system of absolute standards. All morality must be self-referential. Thus, it wasn’t the truth that led Oprah to endorse Obama but rather what she called “my own truth.” Eckhart Tolle is Oprah’s guru only because his mentally deranged worldview validates Oprah’s “own truth.”

In their efforts to remake our planet, Obama, Oprah, and Tolle are not looking toward a world that glorifies God or Christ. They look to be part of the reign of a different savior. According to Oprah, not only does Obama always tell the truth, he also knows how “to be the truth,” a straightforward messianic reference. Obama’s, Oprah’s, and Tolle’s “world as it should be” will be one that glorifies the two-dimensional, backwards, grandiose, greedy idol-images of themselves.

Within that morally upside-down world, the walls protecting our republican government and our Judeo-Christian values will crumble — just as Obama said in Berlin that they must — and our people will be sacrificed to the false god of malignant narcissism.

A closer look at these three narcissists and their widely-ignored interconnections is in order

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7 thoughts on “Obama, Oprah, and Tolle’s narcissism will bring the world New Age enlightenment?

  1. Read ch. 17 & 18 of the ‘Book of Revelaion’, and you probably ‘interpret’ the term ‘Babylon the Great’ as being America……. No other nation in history has been blessed as America has, and the description apptly describes the ‘powers and strenghts’ of America. Some will say that ‘America is God’s nation’…..not so…. When the Rapture takes place America will lose her ‘Christian base’, it that Christians – and the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth – 2.THES.ch.2…..ie. ‘the Hinderer (Holy Spirit) will be removed and only then, can the Antichrist be identified…..when the Christians and Holy Spirit are gone, then the ‘Antichrist’ will have a ‘free hand’ – for 3 1/2 years……..until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ….TASmith

  2. Actually Ted, I wrote a whole commentary on Revelation. In Chapters 17 and 18 I explain who Babylon is and why America cannot be Babylon the Great.


    There also was another nation that was blessed greater than America. It was Israel under Solomon.

    I think America is in the process of already losing most of its Christian base and that is reflected in the downward slide we see in the nation. The rest of what you said I pretty much agree with except that the Holy Spirit will still be here after the Rapture. He just will not be here working through the indwelt Church.

    Thanks for your comments

  3. now we have the outcome… and Oprah is now spotlighted on Fox news as a major contributor to this outcome, but disappointedly no connection to sacraligious Tolle. I chimed in to watch one of Oprah’s first global brainwash sessions and immediately heard the voice of God warn me not to participate. Turned it off and got out his Word instead. Was a big Oprah fan, but haven’t watch her since. I know that major events are in line for we Christians to prepare for a time of trial and the Savior’s return.

  4. Talk about narcissist.
    I just read this post, then another post about AA of which I am a member.
    I am a Christian and my faith has become stronger because of the lifting of my alcoholism by my Creator through
    the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous for the last eleven years.

    You, my friend are the ultimate narcissist. This was your response to a fellow AA member in your post:

    “There is only God and that is the one I know. Actually I can define God for anyone…”

    How dare you. How dare you profess to be the one who can define God for anyone.

    You think you are humble and His servant but you are not. God is bigger than even you can define.
    Recite His prayers everyday and perhaps you will begin to feel love in your heart again. You are sorely missing love in your life my friend. You are sorely missing love in your life.

  5. Annie,

    There is only one God and that is the one I know. I can define God for anyone because Jesus defined God and I know and believe what He said about God. http://www.thepropheticyears.com/comments/theonlyway.HTM.

    You might also say how dare Paul and the disciples the foundation stones of Christianity define God for us. That is not rational. Christians would have nothing to stand on if there was not a foundation of truth about God laid.

    I also can define how you can know that one God for anyone.

    It is not hard to do these things when you know who God is and know that Jesus is the only way given in which all men must be saved.

    Recite God’s prayers? Huh? He never gave us any prayers to recite! He just told us how we ought to pray when His disciples asked Him to show them HOW to pray not what WORDS to recite. Reciting rote prayers as if there is some magic in your words is witchcraft.

  6. then i must be a witch because every night i say the lord’s prayer with my children.
    i recite the lord’s prayer and various passages
    from the bible, every night and in the mornings before i go to work.

    words are not magic but the closeness to my lord brought about by my prayers and recitations are.
    i am following his word in my everyday and truly my life is blessed. wonderful husband, two amazing children,
    a career i love. sure there are ups and downs, but the bible and our relationship with our savior gives me strength.
    everyday, every moment. leave it to you to call me a witch.

  7. Don’t jump to unfounded conclusions. I was not calling you a witch because you are saying the Lord’s example of how to pray. Repeating rote prayers does not make you a witch. I said if you think there is some magic in saying rote words it is witchcraft.

    For example, those who say the Hail Mary over and over and over again thinking by doing so they will earn some grace from God are actually practicing witchcraft. That does not necessarily make them a witch either. Witchcraft in the Bible is practicing sorcery not belief in native spirits and what most people call witches today. The proper name for witches of today is paganism. Witchcraft in the Bible is sorcery to influence spirits, reciting chants is one way that is done.

    YOUR the one who told ME to recite God’s prayers. So it was obvious to me that you do not have proper understanding on this issue. I do not need to recite God’s prayers. I need to say my own prayers to God and I do.

    Repeating Scripture is repeating scripture there is nothing at all wrong with that unless you think it will earn you brownie points with God for your many words. It could actually be prayer if you are really thinking about each word as if you were speaking to God about the example of prayer that He gave you.

    You need to know that the Lord did not tell us to pray those words. It was given as an example of how to pray by request of his followers. Jesus was not telling us the exact words we should say to the Father over and over. Actually, prayers of Jesus are recorded in the Bible and Jesus was always praying about something quite specific. Paul’s prayers are also recorded and it was about specific things. We need to pray as if we were talking to our Father about our concerns and needs and to give Him praise. How would your earthly father like it if every time you spent time with him you said the same words to him and they were not even your words but something you learned by rote by a teacher of how to address your father?

    You might ask yourself why you say that example of how to pray twice a day but you mention nothing about praying to God about real issues and why you are just teaching your children to pray formula prayers?

    I am happy to hear your life is going well and that you are following the Lord. No. you are not a witch and I never implied that you were.

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