America transforms from honorable to dishonorable in fifty years

The early 1960’s certainly were not perfect but the vast majority of people in America led fairly honorable lives back then. The mid 60’s probably were the very last of the Happy Days of Richie Cunningham. That TV program and programs like the Andy Griffith Show or Ozzie and Harriet were not that far off the mark for small town white America in the 50’s and most of the 60’s. There were a lot of children in those days, birth control was limited, abortion was not legal or acceptable, and there was little confusion about the role of males and females.… continue reading

Choosing sides in Nations indoctrinated by Islam a religion of hate

With the rise of violence that we see taking place in most Muslim Middle East nations, conditions on earth are obviously taking a  radical turn for the worst. These military and mob actions in the Middle East are not going away anytime soon, and there really is nothing America can do about them but get out-of-the-way. What America does have to do, is to stop the Islamists from ever getting nuclear weapons because it is pretty obvious that they would use them if they had them.

All sides are blaming America for the bloodshed and there is even some degree of truth to that claim because we should have kept out of the affairs of Islamic nations as much as is possible.… continue reading

Seventh millennium in two decades, these are the prophetic years

What if you knew that at most you had about a decade left on earth to accomplish whatever you will do in your mortal Christian life. Would you do anything different? I have good reason to believe that we are living in the prophetic years and ten or fifteen years is about all the time that those in Christ have left to work. Even if the Rapture were delayed for more than another decade, at the rate that world societies are decaying and growing openly hostile toward true Christians, we will not be allowed to work much longer to get out the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ anywhere.… continue reading

Many exhibit insanity because God gave them over to a reprobate mind

There are books and teachings going around telling those in the Body of Christ that they need to repent and pray to restore America to something that would be more like 1956 rather than 1776. Many quote 2 Chron 7:14 but that passage applies only to Israel (find out why). The big rage in some circles is “The Harbinger” book, as if God is behind the falsehoods presented therein to get Americans that have rejected Him to repent.  Some Christians obviously are confused by the bad theology that is going around, so let me try to clarify things a bit.… continue reading

Religious leaders are the satanic wolves that Paul warned about

Since the time of Babel there have been prideful self-righteous religious people influencing the world that think they should be honored and set above the rest of humanity. They claim to be enlightened people who dare to speak for God and like to be called prophet, priest, reverend or some other exalted title for “holy men”. They pretend to be people enlightened by God but many of these religious leaders are actually megalomaniacs doing the work of Satan.

We see these religious examples many times in the Old Testament opposing the true prophets and anointed leadership that God raised up. When the Messiah came to Israel, it was the Jewish religious leaders that rejected Him and opposed Him.… continue reading

2013 update to the coming crash caused by world debt

I thought it was time to update my coming economic crash caused by world debt article. That article is still receiving a few thousand downloads a month, so updating it seems appropriate. Some think everything is fine now and we are on our way to economic recovery but this update should dispel that myth.

I can’t post the whole update or article here because it is posted elsewhere on this site and I would end up with a duplicate content penalty by the search engines. Therefore, you will have to follow the link at the end of this post to read most of what I said in the update and the original article. … continue reading

The postmodern media plague of unreliable sources and information

Have you noticed that a lot of information obtained from main stream media, alternative media, religious media, intelligence, and the Internet cannot be depended upon? How are people suppose to sort out the truth if they can’t find reliable sources for information? In this postmodern media plague where truth is what certain factions want it to be, we get half-truths, disinformation and outright lies. The media “facts” given to us today turn out to be fabrications tomorrow. Whatever the headlines of great interest are this week will not even be mentioned next week if it does not advance the government or media agenda.… continue reading

The Satanic world system is rapidly progressing toward Antichrist

With so many people calling themselves “progressives” these days you would think that the progressives would have made some progress over the years but it looks to me like this Satanic world system is now rapidly progressing toward the Antichrist and its own doom.

The hippie generation of the 1960’s thought they were about to  enter the age of Aquarius where peace would guide the planets and love will steer the stars. The old communist hippies and their progressive offspring are now ruling the world and these godless diehards are still singing the same utopian song. Even so, the reality coming upon the earth will have somewhat different lyrics than that old Fifth Dimension’s song.… continue reading

Koenigs perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Apr 2013

John Adams indicated that the American system of government is only possible for a moral people. That leaves out fools. Look around at the immorality that the majority of people in this country are now doing, supporting or enabling. America is becoming a nation of the fools, by the fools, and for the fools. This is the latest American reality show. Need I say any more on the state of our Union on April fools day 2013?


If you want an foreign example of a April fool, just look to North Korea. Their new young leader, Kim Jong Un, says that North Korea is at war with South Korea and the United States.… continue reading

Is Jesuit Pope Francis the Antichrist or the False Prophet?

This Blog deals with world and church trends and Bible prophecy so I would be remiss if I did not write something about the first Jesuit Pope ever to take the throne. Pope Francis now rules over half of what is called Christendom with its 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. This Pope will also have great influence with other world religious leaders and world governments.

I recently have already written on the supposed prophecy attributed to St. Malachy. The prophecy says that Peter the Roman will be the last Pope before Rome is destroyed and judgment comes on the world. This present Pope is the 112th Pope and last Pope on the Malachy list.… continue reading

Spiritual formation is gearing the Church up for self delusion

The greatest danger to Christianity today is the downplaying of biblical doctrine. The Church is built upon the word of God given to the prophets and the apostles for leading people to Christ and for maturing believers in the faith.

True Christianity is not built on personal feeling or what you think God is saying to you because you learned to practice certain spiritual disciplines. Yet, that is what many Christian leaders and Christian education centers are teaching others.

Spiritual formation is taught and is required in almost all Christian higher leaning centers today and the graduates then teach it from pulpits, in seminars, and in Christian books.… continue reading

Evangelicals and Apostates Together: Warren Osteen and Oprah

Can you imagine any of the Apostles appearing before millions of people but never giving the gospel message to them? Yet, the pastors of two of the largest churches in America, did just that, when appearing on three hours of Oprah’s Lifeclass program.

Forget politicians, the real reason for America’s problems become more evident in the churches Americans go to and the religious leaders that they follow. Evangelical leaders don’t even know what the Christian message is anymore, or else, they cannot or will not express it. I think Joel Osteen, Rick Warren together with Oprah and all their followers represent the real problem in America among those that still identify with Christianity.… continue reading

Americans will not elect a President with a biblical worldview

It is not hard to figure out why Americans are nominating and electing people like Obama and Romney for President. The evidence indicates that the vast majority of Americans do not have a biblical Christian worldview, so it just stands to reason that Americans would also have little desire to vote a person into the presidential office that has a true biblical worldview.

Some think America is a Christian nation but they are short on the facts. True Christianity is not a culture, it is people who have been born spiritually into the body of Christ. These are nowhere near a majority in America.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Sept 2012

Shortly before or after this article appears, comments should be opened again after having been closed for about six months. If you want any realistic hope of getting your comment posted you will need to read and abide by the new commenting policy (top bar). There may be some bugs since I can’t find out if all my plug-in software is working as advertised until comments are turned on.

If you are an old regular, take note of two very important changes. All comments will be monitored before posting that means there will be a delay in any comment getting posted.… continue reading

Religion not government is the big danger to Christian liberty

For very brief periods of time, liberty of individuals may have existed in this world but it was fleeting. In spite of America’s claims of being the land of liberty, it really only existed for some individuals in America and some periods in America had more liberty than others.

Moral nations could have true liberty but there are no moral nations on earth because people are immoral. Most people understand that people need controls. The history of the world makes it clear that humans choose to live under strongman rulers that govern various clans, tribes, nations or kingdoms of the world.… continue reading

True and pseudo Christians living in post constitutional America

Most within Christianity in America today continue to live in blissful ignorance. They have become like the Laodicean Church found in Revelation chapter 3 that was living high on a hill with a false sense of security. On the other hand, astute Christians and some true patriots are aware that we are now living in a post Christian influenced America and a post constitutional America.

If these astute Christian and patriots are correct – and I believe they are – how will the American Church have to change its focus to be effectual salt and light within a nation that will be reaping the consequences of its own evil ways?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jul 2012

Do you realize that there is not one Protestant on the nine member U.S. Supreme Court? There are six Roman Catholics and three Jews. Over one-half of all Americans are Protestants and most of those are Evangelicals, but there is no one representing this large segment of Americans on the Court. Apparently justices were selected to represent skin color, sex and political views but they ignore candidates believing in the inerrancy and sufficiency of the Bible. What does that say about the Evangelical Christian claims of all the Presidents that appointed them? They gave lip service to Evangelicals for votes but their deeds in office say they were not one of us.… continue reading

America is on life support – flying flag upside down now seems approprate

Memorial day is a day of remembrance for those fallen in battle in the service of this nation. It is also a good time to give a national warning to those that think freedom is free. The American nation that our forefathers died for already is on life support and if we do not fight to keep our liberty and freedom we will lose it.

Perhaps the time has come for patriotic Americans to fly their flags upside down because the nation is in great distress. If nothing is done to turn America around we will be judged by God. Soon we could no longer be a great or a free nation.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues May 2012

The economic and political picture in Europe is rapidly changing for the worse. The recent elections in France will put the Far Left in control for the first time in over thirty years. That means that democracy has already produced a tyranny of the majority in some European countries. The majority have decided to continue their liberal worker benefits and cradle to grave socialistic program even though there is no way that their nation can pay for them.

It is now clear that the majority of people of Europe will just vote out leaders that try to save them from themselves.… continue reading

Illogical reasoning: brain virus pandemic creates postmodern nation

Many people in America seem to have caught a mind virus that causes illogical faulty reasoning. Sometime after 1960 young American minds caught a bird brain virus and as they aged their brains continued to get more and more defective. The result is the postmodern nation that we now live in where bad is good and good is bad. The brain virus is part of a demonic communist plot to bring down America. Here is the proof that the bird brain virus exists and that it now infects many American minds:

The ability to reason has almost vanished in most of the nation.continue reading