Pink Slime Is spreading Across America Like The Blob And You’re Lunch

Remember the 1958 move where the Blob came from outer space? At first the police in that rural area just dismissed the accounts of those that encountered the Blob. Only after the Blob consumed a lot of people and continued to grow bigger did local authorities start to take notice. That was science fiction but today in 2012 we have real Pink Slime (control freak Communists) rolling across urban areas in America like the Blob, and few in most rural areas even acknowledge the danger.

The Pink Slime beings are humans but they are godless, the demonic underworld has them under their control.… continue reading

25 symptoms that argue that America has a fatal disease

I think America has gone past the point of no return. I see no political solutions to the problems because the problems are really a result of the immorality of the people. Just changing some of the government overseers for a slightly different set of government overseers will just bring upon us a different set of problems. It will not cure the fatal disease of mortal rot that is now so evidently being displayed throughout our society.

Here are 25 symptoms that argue that America has a fatal disease:

1. Race and class hatred is rising dramatically in America because many people covet what others have and believe that those living today owe them something for what happened to their ancestors.… continue reading

New evangelicalism usually also means denying Bible inerrancy

I recently read the book “New Evangelicalism“, by Paul Richard Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel Victorville CA. Paul Smith is a leader in the Calvary Chapel movement founded by his brother Chuck Smith, who also wrote the foreword to Paul Smith’s book.

The book gives a brief history of modern Protestantism beginning with modernism where scripture became critically analyzed through the filters of the philosophies of 19th and early 20th century humanist intellectuals. This humanistic intellectual analysis of the scriptures became known as “higher criticism”. I took one of those silly “higher criticism” courses in college myself.

I will give you my own take on modernism; most of what I will say about modernism in Christianity does not come from Paul Smith’s book, but from what I read in his book, I think Paul Smith would agree with most of it.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Apr 2012

There hasn’t been much change in the big world picture since last month. The big march on Jerusalem that many Arabs nations were supposed to participate in did not even make the major news medias. That proves that hate indoctrination only goes so far as a motivator. Most Arabs in the Middle East only really care about Jerusalem if there is some payoff for them.

Assad will not be leaving Syria anytime soon despite what the Obama Administration said. No one wants to take on Syria because Assad has Russian and Chinese backing. Nothing would get through the UN, and I do not think NATO will go it alone with Russia threatening a response if they should do so.… continue reading

If Bible prophecy will be fulfilled, why expect worldly solutions?

American Christians who are aware of Bible prophecy should not be surprised or unduly concerned by the lawlessness and insanity that we are seeing in our nation and the world. If we believe Bible prophecy will be fulfilled in our generation why would we now expect America or the world to come up with solutions for a world that will prove to be doomed without Jesus?

Why should we expect the prophecies about what would happen in the last days, to not happen, if we are indeed in the last days? If these things were not already happening before our eyes, I would have to question my own presumption that the prophetic scriptures about the end of the age will be totally fulfilled within a couple of decades.… continue reading

Insider Guide to Modern Protestant Christian Banalities and Names

American Christians sometimes talk in banalities and often the names and phrases that they use do not always give people a correct thought-for-thought translation. Seekers coming into our American seeker-friendly Christian churches might like to know some insider information. The following is a short insider guide to help people understand some of the verbiage of modern Protestant Christendom.

Insider Guide to Modern Protestant Christian Banalities and Names

Word or expression – – – – –The Insider thought-for-thought translation

Amen? (by the preacher) — I want everyone that I am preaching at to say amen

Amen (by someone in the pews) — I want the preacher and everyone else in the church building to know that I agree

Amen (by the choir) — Words of a song

Amen by a Christian acquaintance — Right on!… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Mar 2012

The death of outspoken conservative Andrew Breitbart last week was quite a shock especially since he was telling everyone that something would be unveiled on March 1st about Obama that would be the beginning of the end for Obama. Breitbart collapsed and died while walking home from a bar shortly after midnight on the morning of March 1st.

Andrew Breitbart was only 43 but thus far police are saying that he died of natural causes. An autopsy has been performed but they say they are still waiting for the toxicology report before the finding will be released. Some alternative media sites are wondering about the reason for the long delay in the toxicology report.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Feb 2012

The Republican Party establishment continues to be predictable in the 2012 presidential nomination. Every time a conservative pops up the Republican Party establishment shows up to play Whac-A-Mole. Rick Santorum was the last conservative that popped up the hole. He is also the last conservative left in the game that has not been whacked, so you can be sure the Republican establishment will now focus their big hammers on him.

Mitt Romney is the only acceptable candidate for the Republican establishment because the establishment is as center left as he is. Does it even matter anyway who Republicans make their candidate?… continue reading

Revivals without relevent messages for Americans are dead on arrival

I guess you should expect articles like this once in awhile because part of the title of this blog is “Church Trends”. In case you do not know, a Blog is a personal journal. It is where I get to publicly express my views on topics that come to my mind. People are free to read them or not read them, and to agree or disagree.  If this post upsets someone they need to realize that there are other views in the world besides their own.

A pastor claims that he wants a revival in his church but he says he cannot find any evangelist that will teach a clear message of salvation every night during the revival.… continue reading

2012: year that started events on earth many will desire to forget

The year 2012 will probably prove to be the most important year in the recent history of the world. It will be the year that started events on earth that many will desire to forget. I do not believe 2012 will be the start of the last seven years of Bible prophecy; yet, many believers might start to think that the tribulation is upon us. It could get that bad.

I am sure Israel would like to put off a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities hoping that the Obama administration will be replaced in 2013, but I do not think they believe that they can wait that long.… continue reading

Christians and Constitutional Conservatives already lost America

I think there is a fundamental error in thinking among Constitutional Conservative Christians in America. Some Conservatives and Bible believing Christians in America think that they can just elect someone and make America back into the basically Christian Constitutional Republic that it once was. Nothing could be further from the truth. A nation gets the leader that God determines that they need or deserve. Constitutional Conservatives and Bible believing Christians have already lost the American Republic. There will have to be nothing short of a moral revolution to get it back and I can prove why.

The American Public School system has become little more than a humanist communist government indoctrination system.… continue reading

Imagine evangelists missionaries and martyrs occupying the occupiers.

There are many Christian teachers that teach that Christians should go in and occupy or possess the land. There are other Christians that want financial support to go into foreign lands to be missionaries. However, missionaries are needed right here and now in our inner cities. Other Christians think that they were called to be evangelists but they mostly evangelize the already evangelized.

To be honest. I have not encountered any Christians that want to be martyrs for Christ (Being martyred for religion seems to be a Muslim thing, it has something to do with hate for their own life, and the perks).… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Oct 2011

The silence on my last post had been rather deafening. The lack of views and response was probably because it was not about the end of the world or politics or the fall of this nation. How many people are still going to websites that were predicting that the Rapture would be on the Feast of Trumpets this year? Well folks, for you pre-trib premillennial Rapture believers the seventy years since 1948 have expired if you add the seven year period that is commonly called the tribulation. We are still here. Those teaching this were wrong.

They now may produce Mayan prophecies, Mahdi Antichrist, and Planet X theories but sorry…they will not appear here.… continue reading

Christians need to take a biblical stand, for Christ’s sake!

First let me point out that Christ Jesus does not need us, so when I say in the title that Christians need to take a biblical stand for Christ’s sake, I am referring to the mission of the spiritual Body of Christ called the Church. Our Savior created the universe and He is perfect in spite of the Laodicean and aberrant Christianity that is largely following the world system and the ways of Satan.

Christ Jesus offers us a gift of salvation and a role in eternity with Him but what you do with that free gift is up to you.… continue reading

The time for procrastination is over if you are planning relocation

Back in 2005 I relocated to Arizona and bought a house there because my wife was planning on starting a cash based Osteopathic practice in the area. Housing was way overpriced but if you wanted to live in Arizona you had no choice but to pay the price. I purchased a two year old house for $207,000 that the original owner had paid only $150,000 for just two years earlier. By 2006 I knew that my wife’s plans were not going to work out so I knew it was time to scale down and get out of Arizona before the economic crash that I knew was coming hit.… continue reading

The West needs to see the present world realities

It’s time that people in the West opened their eyes to the present world realities that they live in. The present economic threat to the West is caused by socialism, living beyond one’s means, high energy prices and trading with China. The present military and stability threat to the West is Islam. The primary religious threat to the West is not Islam, it is secular humanism, religious pluralism and New Age spirituality.

Most in the West will learn to find a job if the West stops paying people to do nothing, and stops giving people entitlements that they have not earned.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Sept 2011

Its been ten years since the terrorist attack on 9/11/01 and we have been pretty fortunate that there has not been a successful WMD event in all that time. If you would have asked me in 2001, I would have told you that I thought that more mass casualty attacks were inevitable.

The reason they have not happened can be credited to our military and our intelligence agencies and the lack of sophistication of the terrorists. If you remember back in those days we were wondering if Russian built suitcase nukes were available to terrorists. Apparently they were not. The Russian general making the suitcase nuke claim was apparently just blowing smoke.… continue reading

Deception is epidemic in America.

Have you noticed that deception has become an epidemic in America? Deception is the rule of the day and most people buy into the deception because they can no longer discern truth from lies or they actually want to believer liars. For example the rhetoric that most whites are racists but blacks are not while black gangs beat white people in many cities in this nation. Or the lie that everyone wealthy got their money at the expense of others.

Deception is so ingrained into our American society today that I hardly know where to begin to even talk about it.… continue reading

Progressive Liberal race riots are predictable and inevidable

Even though most media will not dare mention that many blacks are racists and that the latest riots are mainly race driven. It does not change the fact that these violent civil upheavals are race driven as well as the result of an amoral undisciplined people. These are people that largely grew up without fathers but instead were mentored by government and media Marxist social engineers. They were also mentored locally by a gang rap culture of drug pushing criminals.

Much of these ghettos are now in rebellion against their institutional keepers and the inmates want to attack all those that do not belong in their own mental ward.… continue reading

The demonic progressive agenda to turn man into rebellious beasts

The scriptures say that God created man in His own image. Some ancient text scholars say it means that man was created by God to be His image bearers or imagers. I think that is at least partly correct. We can look at other passages and get some light on what this means. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the express image of God (Heb 1:3) and we know that Jesus as God’s image has the capacity to be God over all creation. In like manner, man made in the image of God was given the capacity to rule over the whole earth.… continue reading