An asylum island like Australia needed for the criminally sane

Patrice Lewis wrote a good article about the paranoia that should be quite normal if we are still among the sane. That is especially true in light of the big change that government is now forcing on the sane people that remain in America. The still sane that reject the free government candy suckers for liberal suckers and that have overcome the endless brainwashing coming from government, media, and our schools increasingly want out of the funny farm that is under rapid and rabid development by liberal progressive fascist control freak socialists.

The problem is that now there seems to be no where on earth for the criminally sane to escape the inmates of the earth funny farm. I guess we can try to resist the loony agenda but if we do we will probably be rounded up by the nut house staff as terrorists and dangerous Bible believing Christians and isolated in ugly places the criminally sane.

I have the solution! Australia seems like a good place for an asylum island for the criminally sane to be exiled to. But the liberal progressive fascist socialist control freaks that now live in Australia will have to be relocated to California where I am sure they will feel quite comfortable. The insane world can exile all the criminally sane in the world to Australia.

I think the first thing the sane people of New Australia will do is to write a constitution and a bill of rights modeled after the one that politicians no longer obey in the United States and actually enforce what it says. The second thing the sane people need to do is to outlaw big government, big corporations and all aspects of fascism and communism. The third thing the sane people need to do is to cut off all contact and communications with the insane world.

The criminally sane then might have a foretaste of  paradise on earth while the insane will have a foretaste of the hell that they created on earth.

The government is after me … and you

That’s because everything about our government seems designed to make me feel paranoid. They want my guns. They want my money. They want to dictate my lighting options. They want to microchip my livestock. If I attend a tea party protesting our trillions in deficit spending, or if I am against abortion, or if I object to illegal immigration, I’m lumped with terrorists. If I stare at a man dressed in drag – even though he’s dressed in drag in order to be stared at – I’m guilty of a “hate” crime.

And it gets nuttier every day. Our government is kicking our economy in the tush and encouraging it to tank by spending trillions it doesn’t have. It says offering cash for clunkers
will save our economy. It wants to take over health insurance, assuring us that it’s a “right.” (Documentation please!) It is spending trillions of dollars on certifiably idiotic ideas such as government-run “private” businesses and government-run health care and government-run schools. It wants to impose harsh restrictions that will close thousands of small businesses. It wants to take over my health insurance. It wants my personal information. It wants to restrict my ability to raise my children as I see fit. It wants to know how many toilets I have in my house, how long it takes me to get to work, and what my mental condition might be (hint: mistrustful). Now tell me, does any of this strike you as ominous?

Now I grant it’s a pretty sad state of affairs for a citizen to be afraid of her government, but it’s nothing unusual. In fact, throughout history it’s been the norm rather than the exception. And maybe therein lies my complaint: Our government used to be the exception. Now it’s the norm. It’s changed from the Founding Fathers’ vision of a lean, streamlined, minimal experiment in individual rights protection, a system that catapulted the United States light years beyond other countries in terms of freedoms, liberties and growth. Now we’re slowing down to the plodding level of so many other Western nations, and I don’t mean in terms of the economy. I mean in terms of personal freedoms. I mean in the freedom to live our lives as we see fit. To screw up or redeem ourselves under our own impetus, free from government intrusion.

That’s why we all need to become paranoid. The government IS after us. The sleeping giant has become aware of this, hence tea parties and rowdy town hall meetings and other unacceptable forms of First Amendment expressions.

Remember the real motto of this country: E pluribus unum. Out of many, one. The “vast right-wing conspiracy” is becoming more united. Farmers, factory workers, peace officers, store owners, plumbers and so many others are now aware of the dangers that await us in this brave new world the government wants to force on us “for our own good.”

We must stop the elites from thinking for us. We already know what’s in our own best interests – and it ain’t them.

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