Global warming climate change, postmodern thinking and Al Gore reinventing truth

I have not covered climate change (global warming) much on this blog because it would seem to be off topic to the world and church trends and Bible prophecy theme. But, it actually is an attempt at satanically controlled global government. So an article on this climate change topic does seems fitting.

I did write about this issue and listed scores of articles on this global warming or climate change topic on my old blog and I always took the position that all the hype was based on junk science and was a hoax and a fraud pushed by global elitists and politicians controlling the purse strings of many scientists. The facts revealed since then still say the same thing.

Nowhere in the Bible does it speak of any man caused global warming or any climatic global tipping point so I know any drastic change in climate is not going to happen in this dispensation. The only global warming in Bible prophecy is the judgment of Revelation 16, 8-9 when God’s angel pours out his bowl on the sun. That act of God is a taste of hell so people will choose not to go there. Next, we are told that darkness comes, so most likely there was a nova on the son. Man does not have control over the sun.

Lately in the news you have probably been reading articles about what is now known as Climategate. It is beginning to expose some of  the deliberate data manipulations and the scientists conspiring to keep the public from seeing data collected that did not support the global warming theory.

In my mind the AGW hype and the Cap-in-Trade taxes is really not about global warming at all. It is a conspiracy to bring in world governance through regulations and taxes on carbon and that means on just about everything.  But the problem with any global conspiracies to rule the world is that global government will not come until God allows it. As long as the Church is here with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit all of these conspiracies to rule the globe are going to be exposed, come to naught, or end in some man made disaster (like a war) that will delay Satan’s world government agenda. The hindering has been going on for two thousand years and it will continue until He that hinders is taken out of the way.

The satanic elite of the world are making their best effort to bring in world government through the back door blown opened by a lot of hot air but God raised up a few men that are exposing these frauds and God even reversed the temperature trend on the earth. The earth has now been growing cooler ever since the fraud-in-chief declared that the debate was over and announced that anthropic global warming was a fact and it would bring all kinds of catastrophes on earth unless we allowed global governance over everything.

Last I heard,  God is still in control of the earth and He is the one that really determines the climate on the earth. Those that are trying to control what they have insufficient knowledge of are really playing God and they are in open rebellion against Him, erroneously thinking that man can control this planet. Fallen man cannot rule this planet, nor can the ruler of this world (Satan) do anything that God does not permit.

One might wonder how so many scientists became willing co-conspirators in the anthropic global warming fraud. It is not so hard to understand if you realize what the postmodern philosophy has done to the thought process of  a whole generation. Real science has to be objective but  postmodern thought is highly subjective. Postmodern truth just becomes the consensus of what people say it is. Therefore, even though there was little objective science behind the global warming claims, consensus and group think made it their truth.

First it became truth because those controlling money and positions of power in government and science said it was true and next it became truth to the general population because it was the only truth taught by a secular humanist elitist controlled mass media and educational system.

About a decade ago I became very aware that most people are now telling me and others what they think we want to hear instead of telling other people what they actually believed (I find that to be true among many Christians as well). Scientists also are often telling those that fund their projects, bosses, and their peers what they think they want to hear rather than presenting them with objective science. We see this clearly taking place in the anthropic global warming arena. Some have even produced false data and conspired to falsify or withhold data to please or to not offend the consensus.

Individualism is now almost outlawed in government, think tanks, and corporations. Most decisions are now made through facilitated group think meetings.  That brings obvious dangers. In history we know that almost all of mankind’s advances came from individual efforts and the majority especially in science, politics and religion were often wrong. Not only that, who do you think appoints the facilitators that steer the decisions of the group? Well, in the case of climate change theory it is those with the power to control the purse strings. When money and power are controlling the only allowed outcome of the group think meetings the outcome and consensus becomes a forgone conclusion. If you want to keep employment with those pushing and promoting AGW you had better not be telling your employer something that would disagree with the only acceptable consensus.

I had my own experience with group consensus just before I left the government. At that time the fraud-in-chief – Al Gore – was Vice President and he was busy reinventing government. Actually reinventing government was nothing more than going to team concepts and group think. It was replacing individualism with Chinese communist collectivism. The Federal government started giving early retirements to get mature people that could still think for themselves out of the government and then group think and group consensus became the first commandment in government. Think there is no connection to what Al Gore did to the federal government and his climate change agenda? Think again. Al Gore is now trying to reinvent the world to conform to elitist controlled secular humanist governance. His AGW fraud is just a tool to get money and power to bring this global governance about. That is really why the global elite awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize.

I am afraid Al Gore is now about to learn a Bible lesson that he must have skipped in Sunday School. Pride comes before a great fall. He recently received an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize based on fraudulent data and junk science. If Al Gore was not a hypocrite I do not think he would be buying property on the coast and the tin mine  on his property would not be the worst polluter of Tennessee. I think Al Gore is about to become an object of ridicule as he already is in this article about it being over for Al Gore. So far we have seen only the tip of a iceberg that will sink Al Gore’s ship. The iceberg is still on the fringe but it soon will be blown into the mainstream and that is when Al Gore’s yacht is going to crash and sink. I think when his AGW ship goes down a lot of people in science that were telling elitists and politicians what they wanted to hear instead of the truth are going to go down with him. It will probably set the globalist agenda back at least a decade.

On the other hand, It certainly is possible that since postmodern people seem unable to critically think for themselves and because they cannot ascertain truth and often are apathetic or government dependents that these insane people will prevail. In that case, a carbonated Kool-aid will be bottled in Copenhagen for the whole world to drink. The deadly concoction will kill great nations and many people.

If you still have doubts where the truth lies on this read which set of scientists would you trust ? Would you trust those scientists that have something to gain or those scientists that risked there own livelihood in order to expose this AGW fraud? By the way, it seems that even the data about rising levels of CO2 is skewed to favor a rise . Perhaps there are some increases but even if there carbon dioxide levels are rising it is  likely to turn out to be beneficial to man. Plants and food crops do better with higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. There is no evidence at all that higher carbon dioxide levels on earth ever produced any global warming. Perhaps God designed the earth so that higher populations would have higher CO2 levels because higher CO2 would be necessary to grow the crops required to feed an expanding population. From what the Bible says on crop growth in the Kingdom Dispensation I fully expect a much higher CO2 level on earth in that era.

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6 thoughts on “Global warming climate change, postmodern thinking and Al Gore reinventing truth

  1. probably so. To me it is sad to see kids being brainwashed with all of this junk. You know most kids or alot of parents do not do research for themselves. But I do believe there will be a rude awakening for those that are fooled by GW alarmists.

  2. For anyone who hasn’t herd about it, Google ‘climate gate’ someone hacked or leaked emails from a leading climate research institute where they talk about hiding the global cooling trend for the last 9 years and how to get scientists kicked out of pairreview journals and how to get governments to withdraw funding from them if the don’t agree with the global warming lies.

  3. Yeah Bob, it seems to be at every level that government is involved in doesn’t it ?
    From what I understand, NASA is in deep trouble with the previous Obama cuts.

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