Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

I was going to write an article about where the radical left is taking this nation but Paul Walter came out with this article that I quoted that says most of what I wanted to say. Paul Walter was in the Communism system so he knows what he is talking about. Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

Lets see what Obama and the demoncrates already achieved

In just the first 50 days the Obama’s administration has turned this nation into a socialist flunky of the elitist run United Nations.

Obama proposes unlimited abortion and supports taxpayer funding of abortion here and abroad and will now allow aborted babies to be used for stem cell research.

We have a proposed budget that funds every liberal program ever dreamed of in the name of “stimulus”. The government will now spend three times more than it takes in and create huge budget deficits that can only lead to hyperinflation or depression and a lower standard of living for everyone in the future.

Obama has lied to the people about stopping congressional earmarks.

Obama has announced a radical plan for cap-and-trade on CO2 that will soon double your energy bills and do absolutely nothing to improve the environment. It will also insure severe energy shortages by putting coal electric power plants out of business and eventually make energy rationing required. In the not too distant future you will probably have to obtain and buy a permit to even burn wood or have a barbecue. The cap-and-trade costs (taxes) will be passed on to you on everything you buy lowering your standard of living because everything will certainly cost you more. It is not going to be a hidden tax paid only by the rich it will be paid by everyone.

Obama in the area of Foreign policy

Obama has already snubbed the British our closest ally.

He is now alienating Israel and is encouraging those nations that mean us harm.

The U.S. now provides aid to Hamas terrorists.

The U.S. is kissing up to Communist tyrannical governments like China and North Korea.

Obama proposes a major cut in the defense budget while we are still fighting two wars. It is not going to go well with our troops and at the rate he is alienating our friends we will soon have no allies and will have to withdraw from the world.

He supports using the military to police the United States in domestic affairs.

Obama has surrounded himself with radicals and crooks that the Left press calls moderates. The people in charge of fixing the economy are the same people who caused the problems.

Steps to socialize medicine are underway in spite of what they tell you.

The Federal government is simply unconstitutional in many ways. Even the President and the Security of State are in their positions unconstitutionally and the cowardly courts do nothing.

If that is not enough there is much more to come.

Demoncrates will try to pass the UN rights of the child that will make your children wards of the world and just make parents caretakers that must follow the directives of the godless world social engineers.

They will try to muzzle free speech on the Radio through the FCC and on the Internet through the Internet providers.

Taxes will be raised for the middle class through new fees, carbon taxes, raises in capital gain tax rates and tax bracket creep.

Obama intends to raise taxes on businesses and that will make the U.S. uncompetitive in the world. So there will be further mass exodus of our corporations to other nations.

They will repeal the defense of marriage act.

They will pass hate speech laws directed at muzzling Christian doctrine and stopping proselytizing.

They will appoint a liberal Supreme Court and pack districts courts with Liberals that will redefine the Constitution and legislate from the bench.

They will come up with some form of amnesty for illegals because they want their demoncrate vote.

They will try to stack the political deck and make it very difficult for the Republicans ever to be in power again.

The Obama administration will attempt to allow openly homosexual people in the military. This will have dire consequences on our military.

Many of your own pastors and other people you deal with will become government informers through the policies of Homeland Security.

They will pass gun control laws step by step. They will try to twist the second amendment to make people think the second amendment only guarantees access to guns for hunting when in reality the second amendment gives people the right to have guns as a check against tyrannical government and the lawless in society.

What is going on? What is their agenda?

The radicals running this nation really want the consumption of the U.S. to decline to the level of the rest of the world and they want our influence in the world to be proportionate to our population. They really want elitist controlled world government running the show.

The U.S. is only about 25 percent Liberals and probably only about 10 percent would support the radical socialism and fascism that these people intend to bring in. Most that support this philosophy are elite American hating bigots, environmental wackos, criminals, and people living off of free handouts from the government. Yet, thanks to the elitist run media and an education system run by godless socialists and humanists they have succeeded in getting a radial leftist government into power. Do not underestimate them and think they  can be easily removed. Hilter, Stalin, Mao and others like them took over their nations with initial support from a small percent of the population. Once they get their informers and secret police in place it is too late because if you do not go along with the agenda you will be dealt with. Think the secret police network is not already being set up? Check out this article where state police are told that libertarians are terrorists.

At some point due to some crises that they will not want to waste, they will declare martial law and in one shot suspend all freedoms under the Constitution. They will then nationalize all police forces that will then take their orders from the Federal government. From that point on until the next American revolution tyranny in the United States is almost certain.

Paul Walter — Marxism Comes to America

A dire warning, from a man born and raised under communism.

Something is very, very wrong. This article is meant to get your attention. It is meant to scare you into finally seeing what is happening all around you. What you are trying so very hard to ignore. The things discussed here are real. They are documented fact. For the sake of everything you hold dear, your children and your grandchildren, please read this article with an open mind, then check the facts for yourself. What you do after that is between you and God.

In a communist/socialist country there is no such thing as private enterprise. Everything is either owned or controlled by the government. The socialists are taking over America through the bailouts. The bailout money comes with strings. Through the strings and mandates that come with the money the government becomes your partner. It’s called “Public Private Partnership.” Create the financial crises, offer the solution (bailout money) and you have a complete totalitarian state.

These huge bailout/stimulus packages will create hyperinflation and result in a worldwide economic disaster dwarfing the Great Depression. It will indenture you, your children, and your children’s children under Socialist tyranny.

Socialism is the core, guiding philosophy behind Marxism/Communism and Fascism, which are two flavors of the same tyrannical system of government. Since there is not a dimes worth of difference between them, I use the term Socialism interchangeably. Adherents of this political philosophy in America called themselves “Progressives.” These same self-proclaimed secular humanists continue to attack traditional marriage, between one man and one woman. They attack traditional churches, especially those that take a stand against same sex marriage. In our public schools, they promote, sexual perversion, and pornography to our children, warping their impressionable minds. All under the guise of “education,” is nothing less then taxpayer financed brainwashing.

The president is already calling for every citizen to have free national (Socialized) health care. This won’t be free. It will cost this country trillions of dollars! Even worse is the government control that comes with it. People will be told what they must weigh, the kinds of food they can (or cannot eat). Smoking will be outlawed, even in one’s own home. Anyone caught with an alcoholic beverage, smoking, or eating what the government has forbidden, will be denied health care. Government control of health care will result in the most deadly tyranny imaginable. Of course, they are counting on the loyalty of the police to enforce it.

Marxism, Socialism and Fascism are not natural forms of governing. They can only exist by force. Both political philosophies require a Police State to survive. Police are used to oppress their own people who resist.

Community Oriented Policing is a communist inspired system. It is designed for the police to know everything about you. Your business is “their business,” all in the name of stopping crime. The core effort of this program requires that neighbor’s spy on each other, reporting unusual behavior to their “neighborhood policeman.” All that information is entered into a national database, so Big Brother knows all and sees all. Grants Pass Police already have Community Policing program in place.

Since the National I.D./drivers licenses can be lost, forged or stolen, Their next step will be to microchip people. The FDA is implementing a new law, requiring every domestic animal in the country to be micro-chipped. In Japan, parents are told to microchip their children, to prevent kidnapping. People today are considered a ‘human resource’ by government. The next step is to microchip every human being.

Every thing is already in place for martial law here in the United States. All we need is the right contrived crisis, whether it’s another “attack” on our soil, a health “crisis,” or a “managed” monetary collapse, martial law will be imposed. Will you submit, go along with this farce? If not, be advised that retired police officers around the country are telling NewsWithViews that they have been notified that civil unrest is on the horizon and that they may be called back to duty.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting Communism and Fascism, to stop these tyrannies from coming to our shores. Now you are silent in America’s hour of need. Worse yet, some of your children (brainwashed in public schools) are actual domestic enemies, paving the way for the destruction of America.

Will our police officers and soldiers prove to be liberty loving Americans or servants of tyranny? When their time of decision comes, I pray they realize their children will lose their freedoms as well.

The destruction of America is coming through the “Unholy Trinity,” (Modern day Scribes and Pharoses); the compromised political leaders, their obedient police force, and above all, your SILENT LUKEWARM CHURCH LEADERSHIP.

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21 thoughts on “Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

  1. Communism in a way has already begun. They brainwashed many kids by getting them to believe that the atheist worldview is a “scientific worldview”. I will blame this on parents for not sending their kids to a good Christian school and teaching their kids the reasons why they believe what they believe the Bible is true. According to history most of these dictators were atheists. See when u can get a society to think that truth and morality is relative then the government can take full control of peoples lives and the people do not have any reason why the government is wrong for what it is doing.These atheists think we are progressing in the way we think but history tells us a different story. Here is one example

    Basically the government and media are already controlling how most of Americans think. It is sad though that America cannot learn from history of how a atheistic worldview can ruin a country. But then again they do not pay attention to what history says because they believe that they are more “intelligent” or another way of saying their minds has progressed since that time of history. I believe God will make them pay of their stupidity.

    Here is some verses that describes America’s future

    And you, even yourself,
    Shall let go of your heritage which I gave you;
    And I will cause you to serve your enemies
    In the land which you do not know;
    For you have kindled a fire in My anger which shall burn forever.”

    Thus says the LORD:

    “ Cursed is the man who trusts in man
    And makes flesh his strength,
    Whose heart departs from the LORD.-Jer. 17:4-5

    Pride goes before destruction,
    And a haughty spirit before a fall. Prov. 16:18

  2. I see a pattern among the right conservative christians in USA: they always accuse socialism and communism. OK, I neither like socialism and communism. But I see NONE cristicism on capitalism! This bothers me for I am Brazilian living in Brazil, so I see USA economical situation from a privileged perspective. Brazilian financial system goes very well, thank you. Why? For it’s very well regulamented, it has specific financial laws, the most advanced Consumer Code in the world and a Central Bank which fiscalizes and regulates all the financial system. In 1995 there was PROER, a federal governmental program to sanitize bankings and avoid a banking crisis. All these are Brazilian blessed heritages for there are NO Brazilian bankrupted banks!
    I think balance is missed when American Christians blame the government but fails to blame the only real (ir)responsible for this crisis that is even attacking Brazil: the wild beast Capitalism, the Free Market, the Wall Street’s Greed and lust for money.
    If we are true Christians we must be honest, right? We must NOT be idolaters, who love to blame socialism, comunism and government but forget to blame also the perverse market logic. I really see a very idolatry for the god Market and his holy spirit invisible hand in United States of America. For in God’s Kingdom it won’t be neither socialism nor capitalism. It will be simply Godism!

  3. One of the problems with Capitalism or any system is that there are predators in the world. There has to be regulation and law or the predators will soon prevail. There is no perfect system but Marxism that destroys incentive to create wealth and enables the government to be the predator is certainly not an answer. The real problem with the present financial system came about because corrupted people in government created fiat currencies and deficit spending. I guess the blame can be put on the citizens for keeping them in office. It is not Capitalism and free market systems that is the “wild beast,” the “wild beast” is greedy and power hungry immoral people.

    Nations have cycles, sooner or later the scum rises to the top in any nation and the only recourse is for the oppressed people to revolt and form a new government. Your time will come as well if the people in Brazil depart from morality no matter how much regulation you have. We had regulation here but corrupt people and special interests found ways to buy the politicians and get around government controls. For a moral society our system of government with the free market system is undoubtedly the best but even our founding fathers warned that our system could only be kept by a moral people. Unfortunately the lack of morality is the real problem in this nation and most of the world.

  4. It seems that it is vogue for many to lament the evils of capitalism. Many forget that we here in the states have experienced an age of abundancy for nearly sixty yearsdue to our capilistic freedom. Granted, we brought this current state on ourselves. Not because capitalism failed, the combination of immorality, greed, pride, and laziness to vote our derelict leaders out of power is what has brought us to this sad state of affairs. And now, our brilliant, dear leader is piling it on with his socialist policies that will drag this out longer than necessary or bury us as a country.

    Of course there is corporate greed and under true capitalism, they should be allowed to fail. I would go as far to say there is no such thing as “too big to fail”. That is a huge mistake on our government’s part by propping up businesses that made greedy and bad decisions. The heart of capitalism is the freedom to succeed, and to fail. And if they do fail, someone will be there to snatch it up, brush off the dirt and begin anew.

    As for some of my countrymen, we made huge errors living beyond our means, buying houses we had no business buying in the first place and the utter folly of thinking that the good times will last forever. And what do some get for their mistakes of getting adjustable rate mortages when rates were all ready at historic lows? We get a bailout instead of taking our lumps and learning from our mistakes. It’s like giving a child who shoplifts a lolipop when they are caught. Where’s the lesson?

    Socialism is flawed because it goes against our present, fallen nature. It stiffles creativity and honest ambition. And we can see it failing miserably in the world today. Anyone over forty can remember the misery that communism/socialism brought to Russia and Eastern Europe. Waiting in line for basic groceries, inefficent healthcare, squalor, and government that rewards laziness and perpetuates slavery to the state.. Capitalism, coupled with personal responsiblity , accountibility and God’s moral law, without much government intervention is still the best game on the block. (On this side of the Lord’s return and earthly rule!)

  5. Seriously, what has failed? It is not capitalism and the market mecanism that failed. It is the credit-based financial sector which has failed. It is State capitalism or corporatism (i.e. government support for big business) that has failed but is now ironically being presented as the solution. It is the central banking system has failed. It is the Keynesian view of the market economy which has failed, the views which holds that consumption stimulates the economy, and wealth is increased by government reinvesting in the economy. This is also being presented as the solution to the crisis while it is one of its causes.

    Free market capitalism hardly exists anywhere, apart from Hong Kong maybe. Almost in every Western country what we see is a mixed economy which does incorporate free market mecanisms, but also involves huge government intervention and government direction of certain sectors of the economy. Through taxes and subsidies such as support for big businesses, the reality is that our governments indirectly plan our economy. The mixed economy is really often just crypto Socialism.

    A true capitalist market economy is based on property and therefore individual rights. When companies commit fraud and infringe on others’ rights, they are to be held accountable for their crimes in the court room – that is the judiciary branch of the state. Not in congress, parliament or government – the legislative and executive branches of the state, respectively. What we are seeing today is that the principle of the separation of powers is being totally disregarded by the world elite that wants to impose their economic views on the world.

    Production, savings and investment are the motors of true capitalism. Not consumption, taxes, subsidies and easy credit.

    Government and big business and the credit-based financial sectors are responsible for this crisis. However, the underlying problem is undoubtedly the immorality of mankind, which has always thrived no matter what the economic system was.

    By the way, wasnt it Brazil’s Socialist president and former union leader Lula da Silva who’s recently said this about the crisis:

    “This is a crisis that was caused by people, white with blue eyes. And before the crisis they looked as if they knew everything about economics. ”


    “Since I am not acquainted with any black bankers, I can only say that this part of humanity that is the major victim of the world crisis, these people should pay for the crisis? I cannot accept that.”

    Well, I guess that explains why Latin America is one of the world’s wealthiest regions on earth! And no wonder there are no black bankers if they’re among the poorest in Brazil and most Blacks around the world live under oppressive Islamo-Fascist and Socialist rule. That sure made me laugh.

    Latin American countries and many Catholic countries around the world could use some Protestant work ethic if you ask me. It seems whenever something goes wrong they have to come up with Statist answers and resort to pessimism and anti-Americanism.

  6. Nasrani, You always make so much sense. I wish one percent of the people in the world knew what they were talking about as you do.

    There is no doubt that the crises was caused by the policies of those in government running our nations. Like you said there is little free market capitalism. Government elected and appointed bureaucrats are setting the economic agendas in most of the world.

    People are ignorant that the sub-prime crises came about because government forced banks to lend to low income people who could not afford the property. People in the Clinton administration assumed that prices of houses would always go up and the economy would keep expanding. We can see they thought this in there ridiculous budget projections of trillions of dollars of surpluses. These idiots actually thought they conquered the business cycle and that there would be no more recessions. That has never happened in the history of the world but these liberal government nitwits actually believed it. There is always times of boom and bust it is a natural as night and day.

    With the mindset in Washington and elsewhere that we could avoid recessions by keeping interest rates artificially low the Federal reserves of the nations helped create speculation that blew the bubble of pseudo wealth. Everything was bid up in price including investments, commodities and housing until nobody could afford them anymore.

    The bubble had to burst and investments, houses and commodities will fall to what they are really worth. At that point people could afford to buy them again without taking on debt that they cannot afford to pay off. The problem is the government got involved again and now is trying to stop the cycle by spending our way out of a recession with money that they do not have.

    Government now has this strange idea that they can prevent recessions by spending money and creating huge debt. Bush did that and after a short recession he kept a already large bubble expanding until it had to burst. Now this Obama administration also thinks that they will spend our way out of the recession by the same concepts taken to a ridiculous extreme. They might even succeed for a short period of time but at what cost to the worth of the dollar? What will they have achieved if they again have expansion in GNP but those dollars buy 50 percent less? The Obama policy will just bring a long drawn out hyperinflationary depression. Worse yet, when interest rates rise as they must, just paying the interest on the national debt will either mean the doubling of everyone’s taxes or even more hyperinflation.

    Government really cannot raise taxes too high or people will stop producing and then the economy goes back in recession and government income actually falls. So the only thing possible thanks to government intervention is a future of hyperinflation, price controls rationing etc. until the next revolution. Per chance if they even tried to stop the inevitable hyperinflation the country would have to default on its debts and it would bring about a depression so severe that it would destroy this nation.

    That is what government achieves when it tries to control the free market system. We could have had a few recessions over the last few decades followed by a brisk recovery but because government thinks it can control booms and busts with their solutions they will lose the nation in the long run.

    I also remember hearing what you claim the Brazilian socialist president said. obviously he is a racist who learned nothing from the history of his own country. If it were not for Brazil’s vast natural resources Brazil’s future would be bleak and if commodity prices stay low their future will not be a rosy as some think. Socialism only works in a nation when government handouts does not come from the labor of other people in the nation.

    Anyway, look for the inflation shoe to start when the United States Treasury Bonds bubble bursts and interest rates shoot up. Then the dollar will drop like a rock.

  7. American students, now is the time be brave. The next time you are forced into viewing the world within a racist spectrum called multiculturalism, stand up for yourselves. Don’t just go with the flow to get the grade anymore. If your class assignments feel wrong, hand in an objection to the assignment instead. You will be doing yourself and your country a favor. Reject Marxism indoctrination any time it raises its ugly head. What “seems” good is not always good in reality. Be brave…trust your gut, and stand up freedom of thought in the classrooms of our free society. The pendulum has swung. Don’t delay.

  8. I can’t believe you spew this misinformed rhetoric.
    What are you thoughts on the damage done to our economy when Republicans did away with trade tariffs?
    I can’t think of much that’s more of a slap in the face of the American worker.

    Unfortunately we have to let you spew your garbage; but fortunately most of America is not as gullible, ignorant, or quick to follow as you and your sheep – er “readers”.

    Grow a brain.
    Read something other than Right wing rhetoric.
    At the very least understand the incredible failures of the Republican economic and social agenda have put this country where it is today.

    While you’re at it, be an American and support your president.
    Or at the very least, use your own brain to establish valid arguments for where and how he should change his views and actions.
    Spewing the same lies you heard on Fox news, and sprinkling in a little “fear of fascism”, is just a joke.

    Come to the West Coast maybe, where we’re a little more in tune with reality – what’s happened that Hollywood is quickly becoming the most sane place int he country.

    Repeating the same action, expecting different results.
    Yeah, let’s stick with the republican agenda; it’s done so well for us to date.
    “To promote the general welfare”

  9. I only posted what Doug said to show people the high level of arguments that tend to spew out of the mouth of Liberals. He should not expect to get posted again.

    By thy way Doug, for your information, I am not a big supporter of the Republican party either because it also is part of the problem and most of its leaders continue to be out of touch with the Christian heartland. But, don’t forget the fact that the majority in this nation have been Democrats and Congress and the laws passed are almost always legislated by Democrats with the help of a few RINO’s.

    I personally think we need a third party in America that actually speaks for the hard working Christian people of the heartland.

    Nevertheless, if we the people in the mostly Christian rural heartland areas of America are forced into secular humanism and socialism by the tyrannical majority that are brainwashed products of Left controlled media and education (often found living on the Left coast and on inner city government dependence reservations), then we have arrived at socialistic Marxism and Fascism.

    Then the only real remedy is for America to divide. You simply cannot have a United States of America when the people of some of the states have two radically different worldviews. You cannot have America and Amerika occupying the same space.

    The left coast is so in touch with reality that it thinks that Hollywood actors should tell us how to run our nation and our lives when they keep demonstrating that they cannot even run their own. We have had enough bad actors in Washington so now you add comedians! I also hope you people on the Left coast do not think we are going to bail you out from the economic and moral cesspool that you created with “progressive” postmodern insanity.

  10. Doug really needs to see who supported NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, etc. in the 1992 election. It was REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS. The destruction of American commerce has been a co-operative effect and the corollary is being seen.

  11. “Come to the West Coast”…”in tune with reality”?

    Wow, that is about the funniest thing I have ever read on this blog.

  12. You are a fool!!! Fascism is right wing marxism is left. The right in America are corportist and yes facist. They are not Marxist! You and your readers are a bunch of xynaphobic moons who are a shining example of the failure of our edicational system and a betrayal of America.

  13. If your going to post comments on my blog read the posting policy or it will be you that will be mooned.

    I do not know why I have to keep explaining why Fascism is left wing to educated people. I guess I really have to blame it on the socialist educators that purposly twist meanings of words to deflect criticism of the Left and to demonize the Right.

    They often like to call the far right Nazi’s (national socialism, by the way) but that simply is a lie. The Far right wants little or no government at all. Fascism is big government socialism in partnership with corporations controlling everything.

    If you go far enough right you really get to anarchy. You will not get to Fascism in a nation until socialists take over. If anyone needs proof of this just notice that wherever Marxism ruled and rules the governments look much like Nazi Fascism, e.g. Stalin, Mao, Castro etc. That is because Marxism and Fascism are blood relatives of the Far Left.

    Here is a lesson on the political spectrum from someone who gets it correct.

    By the way, there is no such word as xynaphobic. I guess you mean xenophobic, seems you often get words wrong.

  14. Thanks for your informative post. Yes, up here in Canada government targets people who still have brains and spirit. These people are attacked through slander campaigns which force them out of their professions. Their homes are illegally entered daily, their property vandalized, their homes fumigated nightly with chemical poisons. They are stalked in the streets, surveilled 24-7 and attacked by hundreds of people in a day with fumigants. If you look on the internet under –organized stalking –you can read about the stasi system, but the information is disguised, since most sites are put up by the government.

    There is no reporting this crime. Anyone who reports is incarcerated in a mental hospital and put on dangerous pharmaceuticals.

    Please get the word out. Anyone who is helping with this death squad program, unless he is a trillionaire, is preparing his own destruction. Once the best are killed, we will be human livestock and China will look like a big human rights supporter.

  15. Bro Don, I just came across you on the internet and I’ve been reading for hrs. There are no words to convey how much we need your wisdom in this country and in the world. I don’t currently have a job but if I did, I’d love to be able to pay for your internet and give you dsl. I read you have dialup. I assume that is still the case. For those that can afford to, maybe you can help this servant of the Lord with his expenses. Thank you so much and God bless you for speaking the truth boldly and helping God’s people stay on track. Your rewards will surely be great in the Kingdom. May God always keep a wall of protection around you and your household.

  16. Thanks Alena,

    The problem is not the expense. The problem is that there simply is no viable high speed internet service available in this area. I do not want donations.

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