The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is setting up the world for the harlot woman on the Beast

I was not going to write about Tony Blair’s kick off speech to his new Faith foundation because I did not want to rain on this social effort and just look at the end time implications.

As You can see I changed my mind. While I was out cutting grass half the day I got an email asking for me to do a radio interview on the one world church implications of this (from a very well known Conservative Christian organization). When I came back in and answered the email it probably was too late for the show anyway. I am not a great one for doing interviews because I like to think about what I am saying before I say it. When I talk my mouth does not usually allow my brain to do that. My brain still runs on a single processor. When I combine talking and thinking it never comes out the way I would have wished.

I also highly suspect that they were really trying to get a radio interview with Bill Koenig since he does the speaking circuits. This mix up has happened before since there are two Koenig’s in the Bible prophecy field.

The other reason I decided to write this article is that after thinking about it, this foundation could be the most significant political creation in history that will move the world toward a pluralist tolerant all faiths mentality.

In other words this may be the actual start of putting together the harlot woman who rides the end time Beast Antichrist world system into power (Rev 17:17).

With that in mind lets looks at Tony Blair’s speech. Also be mindful that Tony Blair has just converted to Roman Catholicism and although his faith in the Roman Church may be real, he is going to use this Catholic platform to bring in globalism through religion.

The foundation will concern itself with six leading faiths.Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jewish, That includes the major religious influences in the world today.

Tony thinks as globalism goes forward and national boundaries are broken down the glue that will hold mankind together to solve the global problems will be religion. He equate religion with faith but it is not.

He says religion provides a common basis of values and beliefs for people to get along together. Obviously he is not talking about religions as they are today. He is talking about some idealist unified religion that only exists in his thoughts of what religion could become if everyone would just agrees that everyone is right.

He says his foundation wants to show faith in action. That sounds wonderful but faith in action is different things to different people? Is faith in action doing social good works or is it proclaiming the gospel with those social good works? In Blair’s faith in action scheme preaching Christianity would not be allowed.

Tony also wants everyone to know what other religions believe and he thinks that will make them comfortable with other religions. Obviously he thinks we all really just have a different way to the same God and we just have to learn that so we can get along.

I fully know about the beliefs of some of these other religions and it just makes me more uncomfortable because their way to God is not the way that Jesus said was the only way to God. I would have to give up my Christian beliefs to think that these others religions are on a path to God. My faith says that without Jesus Christ they are doomed. No greater understanding of their man make religions with their man made god’s is going to make me accept religions where man is justified by his own good works. How does fully understanding Islam change the lies in Islam? Or how does fully understanding that Hindus worship of millions of god’s change my view of that damnable pagan practice etc.

The course Tony Blair wants designed in Universities is called “Faith and Globalization” Well we know that globalization is what Tony Blair wants but most people in the world do not want globalization. Elitists like Blair want it so that they can totally manage our lives and its prophetic that he intends to do it through a unification of the religions.

Another avenue they plan to take is education through the mass media. You might call that mass brainwashing because that is what it will really be. Pretty soon “Faith and Globalization” will be played side by side will Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” to continue the brainwashing of everyone in the world.

Tony Blair in his speech equates religious differences with race and gender differences as if education about skin color or sex is no different than education about religion. I have news, race problems are not usually about skin color at all it is mostly about cultural differences. Do you see the world ethnic groups becoming closer because they are now educated in race relations? That is ridiculous. There is more ethnic hatred now than there was before the education programs. It will be worse with religion. Learning about someone else’s religion is not going to bridge the gap between the huge differences. It will just make more people aware of the reasons why that hate those in other religions.

I think the social works they are planning to do are commendable but social works are not going to save the world. If they can use religion to help people socially fine but that is what humans should be doing regardless.

Blair wants to expand the Abraham house in London to include those of other beliefs. I am not sure what the point ot this is. Mixing God’s word with doctrines of demons is not going to produce a hybrid unless it looks like the Devil.

The most troubling part of Blair’s speech is his stand against all extremism. Well Mr. Blair, true Christianity is an extreme religion. It clams that the only way to God is through His Son Jesus Christ. So that form of Christianity is sure to go on the interfaith chopping block. I am sure Blair would love everyone to keep their rituals so they can make pretend that they are doing something spiritual and Holy like many Catholics. He also says that extremists in Islam are a perversion of that faith. In fact, the extremists are the only ones that are keeping the true teachings of Islam. So in other words, Blair wants to modify all religions to appease all other religion. He does not call that watering it down, call it what you want Mr. Blair but it is really taking out what offends me from your religion and then I will take out what offends you. I can see it now, a long ongoing summit of religions to bargain away their passages.

Jesus did not say that Christianity would unify faiths he said,

Mat 10:24″Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

Christianity is a radical religion and that is why millions have given up their lives to get out the message of salvation to the world. Now they want modern Christians to just forget about that divine commission and instead promote a gospel of can’t we all get along? Faith in Christ is supposed to pull people apart. Believers are leaving the world and becoming new creations. Blair says that this is destructive and dangerous. Well maybe from the world’s point of view it is, but we are not of this world and that is why people who want to build their own utopia right here and now without the Lordship of Jesus on earth really hate our message.

Well guess who is on the advisory counsel of Blair’s foundation? None other than Rick and Kay Warren who show up in all the CFR worldly places. I guess that should not surprise anyone these days.

Sayyid Syeed a veteran of interfaith outreach, said it is possible to find common ground without watering down religious teachings if the work is based on sound scholarship about each faith. I guess Sayyid really means scholarship from liberals who do not take the text literally anyway.

So that is the Blair Witch Project. So where is this all heading?

I think this will continue to grow among the Liberals and the postmodern emerging Christians who want a pluralistic soft dominionism but I do not think it will catch fire until after the world religious wars. This is just setting the foundation for the real interfaith program that will become a mandatory world wide program after those wars. At that point everyone will be brainwashed into believing that a interfaith solution is the only answer for world peace.

After the religious wars governments will be so afraid of new religious wars that they will outlaw all speech that is offensive to any other religion. As a Christian that will mean that you cannot say that Jesus is the only way to God, or that anyone is a sinner going to hell. You will also not be able to talk about a coming judgment or a physical second coming of Jesus. Saying these things will be breaking the law and if you do they will either send you to a brainwashing camp or you will be put in prison as a danger to world peace.

The Roman Church will speak for the interfaith religion, by the way, she already has a seat at the U.N and has embassy’s in many countries. This interfaith harlot will be the woman that rides the Beast of Revelation. She will help bring the Beast world system into power but when the Antichrist figure arrives on the scene he will turn on this harlot and burn her with fire, And that is the fate of Rick Warren’s Global Peace Plan. The Antichrist that arises will claim to be above anything called God and he will demand that everyone in the world worship him.

Seeing the foundation for globalism and interfaith religion is being set up now, you can be fairly certain that the rest will follow shortly.

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14 thoughts on “The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is setting up the world for the harlot woman on the Beast

  1. I have been recommending a book called “My Stroke of Insight – a Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey” by Jill Bolte Taylor and also a TEDTalk Dr. Taylor gave on the TED dot com site. And you don’t have to take my word for it – Dr. Taylor was named Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People, the New York Times wrote about her and her book is a NYTimes Bestseller), and Oprah did not 4 interviews with her.

  2. Revelation chapter 14 carries 3 end time messengers:
    The first announces the judgment, and points to the fact that the honor and worship should be given to the creator of “the earth the sea and fountains of water,”. It is a repeat of the statements found in Exodus 20 in reference to the fourth commandment by which we know that He is our God.
    (see it in Ezekiel 20:12,20).

    The second angel announces the fall of Babylon, representing that global union of the fallen church with the governments of the world that you write about, as it was also presented in Revelation 13. This angel declares this union to be full of unclean spirits of demons, it is Satanic in nature.

    The third angel warns the believers against the mark of the beast, and that mark is holy concerned with the object of your worship, for the beast demands worship to herself under penalty of death or trade prohibition.
    The angel also encourages the saints to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus in direct opposition to the mandates of the beast.
    This last warning indicates to me that the faith of Jesus will be outlawed as you well said, but also the original commandments of God, possibly by forcing the world to worship on the day that offers the most common ground, that is Sunday, vs. the true day of worship separated by God which Saturday. This will create a test of loyalty to the beast or to God.

    Lord bless you Amen

  3. I should rather say, Sunday could be made the forced day of rest not excepting any other day for voluntary rest, for we really do need to worship Him every single day, but the day for not doing business or work for personal gain according to the Lord is Sabbath and it is Saturday. The beast will most likely put teeth into the blue laws that will be exalted beyond measure.

  4. Most people don’t realize that the scriptures has a “Schedule”, or “time frame” given for each event to occur, one reason Jesus condemned those of his day for being able to read the “signs of the sky” but not the “signs of the “TIMES”.

    There’s no reason to be “amazed” at events taking place in the world today, it’s the “TIME OF THE END”.

    I use “Charts” as “visual aids” to explain the scripture, they are easy to read/understand, for those who have a biblical background.

    Everyone is welcome view them.

  5. I am somewhat concerned that this Faith consortium does not involve the oldest and largest of all faiths, that of paganism, it is the LARGEST worldwide of any faith and is growing. How on earth can this foundation exist in 21st century yet not consider the largest and oldest of all, moreover how can it operate ecologically considering that paganism is the most ecological of all faiths.

  6. The coming world harlot believes in one God but she is a whore with the world system. That’s why when the Beast gets control he turns against the whore that he rode in on and burns the harlot.

  7. Don….I think your findings for the end tmes are very interesting…true ? only one way we will find out right?? I dont agree with your beliefs about america not being a called nation of GOD……I certainly do not have the education and knowledge that I read you have…..BUT I DO KNOW THAT GOD CREATED AMERICA WITH HIS OWN HANDS…

  8. All nations are for God’s own purposes, not just America. America was once a refuge for Christians but now America has largely departed from God. If you read the polls there is no way you can say the majority of people in America are true Christians. If you look at the government programs like abortions and school programs there is no way that our government reflects Christianity. So how could we be a nation of God? In fact, there are no nations of God on earth other than Israel and Israel thus far has also rejected its creator. Christians are a nation that are not of this world.

  9. I agree with Don when he says: “Christians are a nation that are not of this world.”
    This is the reason why talking about “Christianize America!” sounds to me a lot like queen Isabella declaring “I want a Catholic Spain!” in order to advance the Spanish Inquisition. The majority will never be Christian in any nation ever, there is no such a thing as a Christian Government, it is an oxymoron, for governments represent Cesar and Christ said “My kingdom is not of this world” so trying to make it of this world is just a political move, “thanks but no thanks”, the Israeli theocracy worked only when the Lord Him self was in their camp day and night and even Israel is an unchristian nation.

  10. Even Paul or Jesus for that matter ever took a city for Christ. If you have tares growing among the wheat until the end of the age you have tares growing among the wheat until the end time harvest. Those who think they can take cities or nations in this world for Christ and make them Christian are often buying into a form of Dominion Theology.

  11. Very interesting article. Also concerning is the great movement within US with Interfaith. This again brings out the ideal of tolerance for peace. I accidently found the website…well at least it was not intended…that the Church of the Goddess is the biggest supporter of the Interfaith. Churches/Confessed Christians need to wake up. Anyone who joins this movement is in great danger.

  12. Just got on this particular part of you site, Don. Yes, Yes, amen to everything you say here!
    Interestingly, I’ve just started reading a little book called “World Dominion”, subtitled “The High Ambition of Reconstructionism”. It’s by Peter Masters and was published, in London,in 1990. It’s incredible how much we’ve come along that road in 21 years.
    I wonder if Blair is in touch with Anti-Christ, wittingly or unwittingly. I occasionally wonder the same about Prince Charles. Of course, there are groups who have speculated that either man is. I don’t suppose we can think too much about it. I think we’ll be gone in the Rapture before he is revealed. At least that’s what Dave Hunt believes and I think Dave is pretty sound.

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