People can expect significant changes by 2030

The year 2030 is when the UN plans to have global governance in place and the way things are going in the world there is little reason to believe they will not accomplish their objective. Even so, things like world wars or the Rapture could change timelines but let’s suppose mankind continues on its present course. How will life on earth change by 2030?

The 2020’s will bring many high-tech revolutions. Computers will be 100 times faster than they are today and people will have unlimited data storage access. Internet access will become a human right. Everyone in the world will have gigabyte Internet service by 2030.… continue reading

Making America great again or just the last hurrah?

How can a nation be great when half the people in it are given over to a reprobate mind (Romans One people) and half the others are following them into their follies? It seems to me that braggadocio about America returning to greatness will just turn out to be her last hurrah. Pride goes before a fall.

Over fifty years ago Americans started replacing Christian teaching with the lies of satanic evolutionary humanists. These satanic inspired humanists taught doctrines of demons. The demons just happen to be disembodied spirits of Nephilim who brought judgment on their own heads in the days of Noah.… continue reading

Leftist press becomes domestic enemy of freedom

The fourth estate in America was once one of the pillars of the free republic but the “free” press is now controlled by a half-dozen corporations and a few dozen billionaires that mostly have a Marxist ideology. They spew socialist propaganda and hammer and sickle the truth 24/7.

Our forefathers could not have foreseen the press becoming so powerful and so controlled by enemies of our nation so there is nothing in our Constitution that puts checks and balances on the fourth estate. There are laws that could be used against revolutionized media but politicians and government bureaucrats fear taking on the all-powerful press.… continue reading

Western women and society are complicit in the sex abuse

There is no excuse for the way some men in the western world treat women, but after Pandora’s Box was opened by the godless cultural Marxists we should have known the demons let out would attack our women.

When men no longer answer to God, and a permissive society says most anything goes, many men will just do anything that they want.

This all started in the 1960’s, before that time most men including this one put women on pedestals. Women were held in high esteem. Men protected women. We treated them like mothers and sisters. We even watched our mouth when a lady was present and made sure others did likewise.… continue reading

Christians should not be affiliated with leftist antichrists

The left as we know it today is antichrist and anti-America. The leadership of the left is now run by Marxists who are trying to divide America and bring America down by deconstructing our biblically rooted foundations and by using identity politics. It should be clear to those knowing the truth that Satan motivates Marxist socialism. So then why do most people on the right think that these leftist antichrists can be reasoned with? They do not care about truth. The left is run by programmed satanic people pushing the demonic socialist ideology.

I watched Fox News the other night and wondered why all the Christian hosts choose to invite leftists to argue with them?… continue reading

Coming purge of permissive progressive godless socialists?

The international Marxist ideologues and globalists have pushed people in western democracies way too far too fast. The social engineering programs they set up are failing and are falling in disfavor. It looks to me like the pendulum is about to swing in the other direction. Are we about to witness a purge of permissive progressive godless socialists? And will this revolution against the socialists begin among those who have strong religious beliefs?

After world war two, social liberalism was promoted by people in the West wanting to evolve the world into a Utopia. All kinds of social justice programs influenced by the teachings of humanistic philosophers like Karl Marx were introduced into western societies.… continue reading

Collectivist traitors and snowflakes attacking the foundations of America

The foundations of America are under attack by socialist collectivists that have taken over much of academia, media, and government. They intend to destroy America because they hate God, nationalism, liberty and individualism. The socialists want a world where everyone on earth is micro managed by “more evolved” Obama and Oprah queens controlling the collective. All of what you see taking place in the cultural war is the means to achieve the Marxist end.

Godless Marxists calling themselves “progressives” now control the political left in America. The political right in America believe that individuals have inalienable rights given by God. Those rights are outlined in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.… continue reading

Socialists planning violent revolution starting in complicit leftist cities

One hundred years after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia the left plans to bring the revolution to America. I think the left has plans to bring about a violent revolution in America starting in the fall of 2017. The socialist violent revolution will first become apparent in the leftist cities. There really is a conspiracy by leftist globalists to fund radicals to bring our system of government down. They are funding hate and division wherever they can. They hope this will result in a civil war and the collapse of America.

The leftist mainstream media, multinational fascist corporations, billionaire controlled Internet media, many foundations, universities, the Democratic Party, Islamists and most big city mayors are all complicit.… continue reading

The truth about Charlottesville in defense of President Trump

I can’t believe what I have been hearing over the last week. Has everyone lost their collective mind? Even many conservative Republicans and people like Sean Hannity do not know the facts about Charlottesville or else they are afraid to oppose the hysteria. They act as if President Donald Trump said something wrong about what happened. In defense of President Trump, someone needs to set the record straight.

As the violence was happening in Charlottesville. Trump said the blame for the violence could be attributed to hating people on all sides. That set the media in a frenzy because they wanted Trump to condemn just the neo-Nazis and white supremacists as if all supporting the Robert E.… continue reading

The Utopian Age of Aquarius went missing

The Age of Aquarius song became the mantra and utopian dream of hippies of the 1960s’ and 70’s. These undisciplined Dr. Spock babies thought that they could end war on earth by saying peace and love, wearing flowers in their hair, and rebelling against authority. They thought that they would bring in the Utopian Age of Aquarius of New Age pagan lore. Most actually were Marxist Maoist and New Age dupes. This was their song.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

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America’s timid responses to enemies made Fascism possible today

Many of the problems of America today could have been avoided by better decisions in the past. If America made the correct hard choices, America could have been a nation that stood against tyranny in the world and a nation that stood for what is morally right. The world today might be a much better place today.

If we had not made timid responses after the second world war, it is less likely that Communism could have spread its poison, tyranny and error all over the world. At the end of World War II America was the only nation with atomic weapons.

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When socialists get their way the laws of human depravity follow

When communist styled socialism does not work as planned, their leaders turn toward fascism as the answer. A perfect example of that is China. Media still calls China, “Communist China”, but it actually is a crony capitalist fascist system. Islam also is a fascist system. The world is not becoming more communist. The world is rapidly becoming more fascist.

The large demonstrations in Europe and America are demonstrations in favor of communist globalism. However, if these dupes get their way, they will not get world communism at all. They will get Chinese styled fascism. The Chinese model is what the power elite intends for the whole world.… continue reading

Commonsense reasons why Jesus returns before 2040

You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that Jesus returns very soon. Here are just eleven commonsense reasons unique to our generation that indicate Jesus returns before 2040.

1.  We can know that Jesus returns before 2040 because mankind is planning to put a human colony on Mars by 2030.

Space X led by multi Billionaire Elon Musk has a very aggressive program to put people on Mars by the middle of the 2020’s. NASA and the European Space Agency are also planning Mars missions that should put people on Mars before 2030. I think China will also have a program to put people on Mars or the Moon.… continue reading

Alt-right and racists are not synonymous but Leftists keep pushing for civil war

Americans and even Christians in America are using the jargon invented by radical leftists. The Southern Baptist Convention overwhelmingly just condemned the alt-right. Do the people in the SBC who voted against the alt-right even know that alt-right is a term made up by the left to ostracize those that do not agree with the Republican establishment.

Alt-right to leftists are those that support the Tea Party, constitutional government, nationalism and biblical values. The left and mainstream media believe people like Cruz, Paul, Palin, Bannon, etc. are leaders of the alt-right. They say news sites like Breitbart, WND, American Thinker, FrontPage, Info Wars, etc.,… continue reading

Imagine a world without Leninist and Lennonist progressives.

Progressives like to think of themselves as those progressing humankind toward a better world. However, most progressives are members of a mind control cult that is progressing the world toward Orwellian tyranny and Marxist collectivism.

Marxist subversives gained control of western educational systems and western media and are continually indoctrinating suggestible minds. The leaders of the progressive left are actually God hating Marxist revolutionaries.

Vladimir Lenin called such indoctrinated people in the West useful idiots and that is what they prove to be. These programmed cult members do everything they can to bring about division. The dead head losers of the left think the solution to everything including their own unpopularity and misery is revolution.… continue reading