Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation

Have you ever wondered how Lucifer/Satan/Devil plans to become like the most High?

Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

The stars of God here are the angels. Satan was created to be the highest being in God’s creation. Since Satan cannot create his own creation, I think he is attempting to evolve the fallen creation.… continue reading

Lake of Fire for Devil his angels and his seed; God’s offspring don’t go there

The pastor at a baptist church where I attend said that with the tribulation drawing closer we had to increase our effort to get people saved, because those not believing will end up in Hell. By Hell, he actually meant the Lake of Fire. They are not the same place, but they often are used synonymously as if they were. By saved, he meant saved into the Church. Time is indeed growing short to get out gospel message before the tribulation, but many people will still be saved afterward.

I am quite aware that many Christians hold the position that all not getting saved into the Church will go to Hell (Hades).… continue reading

Globalism will come but not the way “Great Reset” elitists believe

We begin the New Year with globalist reprobate minds planning to take over the planet through their “Great Reset” plan. At this point, I do not think they will succeed, because globalism will not get much support until the general population demands it. The nations now are way too divided to agree on any type of globalism. By the way, the state run capitalism and socialism the globalists want is really Fascism.

The way I see it, nations could only come to common agreement now about global government, if some grave danger to the planet existed. Phony crises like global warming, the threat of this mild pandemic, or the economic downturn caused by fearful politicians are not going to bring about grassroots calls for globalism.

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After America declines world power shifts back to first century location

Some think the civil war in America has already started. Has the fall of America as a world power already begun? The reprobate minded radical left who are controlling the Democratic Party obviously believes insurrection is warranted against President Trump. They also are hostile toward his supporters. The left already tried a coup attempt and an impeachment to overthrow the president.

Democrats are now outright saying they will take it to the streets if Trump is winning the election. This radical leftist hijacked party plans to use any means necessary, even insurrection, to drive Trump from office. I think people funding and pushing this insurrection should be rounded up and prosecuted.… continue reading

The mystery of Babylon the kingdom counterfeit of Satan

One of the great mysteries of the Bible is how the prophecies about Babylon are to be fulfilled. The major prophecies about Babylon are found in Isaiah 13-14 & 47, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 17-18. Most just focus on the Revelation prophecies and ignore the Old Testament prophecies about Babylon. Even so, any prophecies that have not already been fulfilled about Babylon in the OT still must be literally fulfilled.

If you study all the prophecies about Babylon, you should see the parallel in Revelation to what is said in the OT. The OT prophets make it abundantly clear that Babylon is a literal city located on the plains of Shinar.… continue reading

Western, Islamic or Alien Antichrist? The big prophetic picture provides insights

There are many different theories in the Church on how the end times events will play out. Some think the end time prophecies in the Bible will be fulfilled when an Islamic Antichrist comes against Israel. Others think that the Antichrist will be a false Christian or Jew that comes out of Europe. Historically many Protestants taught that the Roman Catholic Church is the Antichrist system. More recently others have come to believe that fallen angels and their Nephilim offspring will be involved.  All views have some merits so we need to look at everything and see where each fits within the big prophetic picture.… continue reading

Men need to keep America great by taking back cities from reprobates

One thing most rural Americans can agree on is that urban America has lost its moral foundations. America can only stay great if the big cities are taken back from the reprobates. That is not going to happen if Christian men in the cities do not man up and take action to stop the subversion of our nation coming from the Marxists and Islamists. Christian men are supposed to protect their families, not roll over so that their children can be brainwashed by the heathen and lost.

God created only two sexes, male and female (not 58). Throughout the Bible God make it clear that males are supposed to lead.… continue reading

World tyranny arriving sooner or later courtesy of Fabian progressives

The progressive movement also should be identified as Fabian Socialism. It embraces the concepts of Marxism absent violent revolution to achieve it. The UN was founded on Fabian socialism. Their goal is a totally top down managed world. The globalist plan to control the earth is called Sustainable Development. The plan to put sustainable development into effect worldwide is named UN Agenda 2030. The global socialists (fascists) intend to control the world and they will use governments, elitist controlled corporations and religious groups to help them set up the totalitarian system. Free speech and free thought is already being outlawed wherever the socialists are in control.… continue reading

Surviving the next decade becoming unlikely for most Americans

Americans have become a very foolish people living under false security. They think life will go on as usual while they commit abominations, open our borders to drugs and socialists, and enable slime to rise out of the sewers to erode the pillars of our foundation. If this continues, most Americans will not survive the next decade.

Americans seem to have no clue about what will happen here if the godless left takes power again? What if some of the polices of the people controlling the Democratic Party actually went into law in 2021 and beyond? Just the expanded give away programs and high taxes would bring down our economic system.… continue reading

The Lawless One appeals to lawless people

Speaking about the last days Paul said, “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2Ti 3:13). In other words, there will be progressive insanity displayed on earth. Since that is a biblical truth, we cannot be so naive as to believe that we can get these evil people to do what is right.

Evil people are waxing worse and worse and there is nothing Christians can do about that other than to take a stand against their evils. Those trying to reason with people given over to a reprobate mind are for the most part casting their pearls before swine.… continue reading

Kingdom of God is not a worldly leftist humanistic counterfeit

Those thinking that Christians can establish the Kingdom of God on earth through human works and church endeavors are being misled by the spirit that rules this world system and this age. There can be no Kingdom of God on earth until Jesus returns. At the end of this age the evil tares are removed through judgments and Satan is bound in the Abyss. Only then will Jesus set up His Kingdom on earth.

There are two spiritual forces on earth today striving for the souls of humans and they have been doing it since Adam and Eve. There is the spirit of God and the spirit of the being given authority (Luke 4:6) to rule this world.… continue reading

Christian haters and satanic predators are gaining control

The American government is no longer controlled by the people and that is not likely to change. The government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not existed for quite some time. We claim to have a constitutional republic but our government finds ways not to abide by our Constitution anymore. Just about all the rights in the original Bill of Rights are now being subverted by authoritarian government and only some libertarians seem to take notice.

By the way, the Bill of Rights did not give us those rights. God gave inalienable rights to humans He created with free will.… continue reading

Western women and society are complicit in the sex abuse

There is no excuse for the way some men in the western world treat women, but after Pandora’s Box was opened by the godless cultural Marxists we should have known the demons let out would attack our women.

When men no longer answer to God, and a permissive society says most anything goes, many men will just do anything that they want.

This all started in the 1960’s, before that time most men including this one put women on pedestals. Women were held in high esteem. Men protected women. We treated them like mothers and sisters. We even watched our mouth when a lady was present and made sure others did likewise.… continue reading

Religious leaders are the wolves that Paul warned about

Since the time of Babel there have been prideful self-righteous religious people influencing the world that think they should be honored and set above the rest of humanity. They claim to be enlightened people who speak for God and like to be called prophet, priest, reverend or some other exalted title for “holy men”. They pretend to be people enlightened by God but many of these religious leaders are actually megalomaniacs doing the work of Satan.

We see these religious examples many times in the Old Testament opposing the true prophets and anointed leadership that God raised up. When the Messiah came to Israel, it was the Jewish religious leaders that rejected Him and opposed Him.

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The Portent continues The Facade

Dr. Michael S. Heiser has been brought up a number of times on this blog so I think a book review of his latest novel is past due. Fourteen years after The Facade was published Heiser wrote a sequel in 2014 named The Portent. I can understand the long delay. When one writes about how Satan and his Antichrist might go about deceiving the world, just regurgitating what is already widely taught is not going to add much to the debate. The Portent is loaded with new insights that could only be written about after they were first found.

In The Facade, Heiser generally went with the cutting edge conjectures being taught on Bible prophecy and UFO forums around the turn of the century.… continue reading