Comment Rules & Policy

  • Your very first comment on this blog will have to be approved by me but after that there will be no more delay.
  • Do not plagiarize the writings of others. If you quote anything of significance, give the source or a link to the article.
  • Try to stay on the post topic. Most other blogs soon drift off onto the favorite rants of a few and that is where most people stop reading. I am not going to allow that here. Let’s keep these comments interesting for those that are interested in the post topic. Those that cannot stay on topic might as well not comment here because they will not be commenting here very long.
  • If you have something you want to tell me or ask me that is off the topic email me (My email address is on homepage of my website, look for cat and mouse graphic near bottom). It also can be found from the top bar.
  • If comments become a personal attack on me or any other person commenting on this blog your commenting privileges are likely to be revoked.
  • Obviously attacks on Christianity or the use of profanity will get you blacklisted. I will usually warn people before blacklisting them so take any warning seriously.
  • I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason. I make the final decision for what I allow on my blog.
  • The blog title suggests that we are coming to the end of the age. That view is founded on world events and Premillennial Theology. If you come to this forum to argue against Premillennial Theology, your comments will be removed and you could be blacklisted.
  • Unless it is the post topic, this blog does not exist to argue the secondary  theologies within Christian orthodoxy that Bible believers divide over. Those issues will never be adequately handled on the comments section of a blog. Let’s not start down those endless rabbit trails.
  • I will not allow comments from people who claim to hear directly from God outside of His revealed written word. That includes promoting the false prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation, Word-of-Faith, or other “prophets” of hyper-Pentecostalism or New Age Spiritualism.
  • The Bible is the final authority for Christians. Therefore, if you quote something in the Bible to support a position, try to make sure the context actually does do that. Proper exegesis requires the grammatical-historical-hermeneutic method of interpretation.  Look it up, if you do not know what that means.
  • Try to keep your comment fairly short (less than 500 words is about appropriate). A real long comment, or large cut and paste may not get posted at all. Also, use paragraph breaks on longer comments. Some comments do not get fully read because they are almost unreadable. Believe it or not, you can put in line spaces from your mobile devices. Google it if you do not know how to do that.
  • Don’t expect me to be available to answer every argument, point, or question that you or others bring up. That is why the comments are open for community discussion.
  • There are limits to lawful free speech. If you walk that line, you’re likely to be banned from this blog.
  • At the end of the post you will find check boxes to sign up for follow-up comments and to be notified of future articles. Give a valid email if you expect to be notified.
  • If you put more than four links in your comment, it will be delayed as being possible spam. If the links are appropriate, it should eventually get posted.
  • If you copy my articles to post on another forum like Facebook etc., make sure you include a visible link back to where you got the article. Linking to is most encouraged because it helps the rankings of the entire site.
  • Let’s make this forum a good experience 🙂
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