Latest information on the health of Don Koenig

A number of people have been emailing asking about my health, so I will give a brief update for those that are wondering.

I have GIST cancer that has spread to other organs and there are other issues as well. The chemo thus far is keeping the GIST cancer tumors in check, but there is no cure for this type of cancer. The chemo is buying me some time, but the drug stops working on the tumors after being on it for a year or so.

As large as the tumor in my gut was (7″x5″x5″) I am surprised that I made it to 2022. I probably will not reach 2023. Nevertheless, timing for our departure is in the hands of the Lord.

The main tumor is ten to fifteen percent smaller than it was in July but the write-up that come with the latest CT scan and MRI is not very encouraging. The local cancer department with its oncologist does not seem to be equipped to be proactive about the issues on the reports.  I really need to be dealt with by a big city cancer center where there is a whole team to deal with the issues. I also probably need to be in some kind of trial. The main problem with going to the big city for treatment is that I do want to do the several hour commute.

Who knows? I might try a trial of my own. I am looking into taking Ivermectin along with the chemo. There are reports on the Internet that say Ivermectin works to shrink tumors and also makes  chemo work better. I talked to the local oncologist about it, but he said he would not be allowed to prescribe this drug for cancer treatment. What ever happened to “right to try”? The medical profession is being control by politically correct “Karen” administrators.

My white blood cell count is still high, but the ongoing infection seems to be low grade. I have not had fever for a couple of months and my appetite is mostly back.

The iron infusion I received a couple of months ago made my red blood cells return to normal. I still get very tired and short of breath, but that it is probably being caused by the chemo and infection.

Anyhow, I have been hanging in there, but I really do not have the stamina to spend a lot of time on the computer. Even sitting in front of the computer to write this exhausts me.

If you are wondering…

The way I see things, is that the world will soon be heading into end time and Revelation events. I do not agree that everything happens in just seven years.

I do now believe that is is the Abraham Accords that is the covenant with the many that the Antichrist confirms. It has a fitting name and is being widely accepted by the nations surrounding Israel. What would fit better? It appeals to the three Abrahamic religions and the descendants of Issac and Ishmael. After breaking the covenant, the Antichrist first brings the sons of Ishmael against Israel, but when that does not get the job done, he brings the world.

We probably should keep in mind that Enoch was taken about a half generation before the flood Judgment. I think the Rapture could occur seven or more years before the Antichrist breaks that covenant.

I hope you all have a spiritually prosperous 2022. I do read your emails, but I usually do not respond.



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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.

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