Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation

Have you ever wondered how Lucifer/Satan/Devil plans to become like the most High?

Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

The stars of God here are the angels. Satan was created to be the highest being in God’s creation. Since Satan cannot create his own creation, I think he is attempting to evolve the fallen creation. He intends to reverse the curse that God put on creation because of his own deception and Adam’s sin. He intends to rule over all beings in this creation and exclude the Creator.

The creation did not evolve through time and chance over billions of years like the so-called science of evolution claims. God created everything just thousands of years ago. Even so, everything in this Satanic run world system is now based upon the evolution lie. Is Satan denying what He knows, or does he really have an agenda to become like the most High through the evolving of the creation that has been devolving?

Satan is not ignorant. He knows that since the curse of God was put on this creation because of sin, this whole universe has been devolving. Satan is the highest being created in this creation. He was created to rule the spiritual realm. Adam was created to rule over the earth and all living on it. However, Adam sinned and died, so now Satan sets up whomever he wants on earth. Satan is still the ruler of the fallen creation, and he intends to exclude the Creator from coming into His creation and replacing him. He knows the creation is devolving into destruction, but he believes he can change that.

Satan and the angels were created as spirit beings. They can appear in physical form, but they were not created to remain in physical form on the earth. On the other hand, the human race was created to be physical natural beings who would be visible imagers of God in His creation. Humans are the beings that will rule over the physical creation not the angelic spirits. Satan and the fallen angels oppose that. That is probably why they rebelled.

Satan can deceive and influence human beings, but He can never become a member of the human race. He tried to get direct physical control over the human race by first getting some of his angels to leave heaven and take physical form on earth. They mated with earthly women to produce a new race on earth that the Hebrew scriptures call the Nephilim.

The Nephilim hybrids were to become an artificiality evolved race of giants that would supplant the human race. According to ancient accounts the Nephilim were wicked. They even started warring against each other. There was violence all over the earth. Most of the human race and most other creatures became genetically corrupted because of the angelic interference. God decided to start over with Noah and his family. He sent the great flood to destroy all air-breathing beings not protected on Noah’s ark.

The fallen angels who left their heavenly estate to abide and mate with humans have been imprisoned in the abyss until the judgment (they might be released on earth again when the abyss is opened during the great tribulation on earth). The bodies of their Nephilim offspring were destroyed when God sent the great flood. Their spirits live on and wander the earth seeking physical bodies to inhabit.

The scripture calls these wandering spirits devils or demons (it depends upon which English translation you are using. The name just means evil spirits). Scripture makes it clear that these evil spirits seek to and are able to possess humans. Jesus dealt with a number of these demons when He was on earth. Jesus was not just making things up. Demons actually exist on earth and they possess people even through most Christians act as if everything can be explained through science.

Satan knew the Creator would enter His creation to redeem what was lost, and that is why Satan killed the Heir. The Devil thought in his heart that if he kept the Creator out of His creation he would remain the most high in it.

Evolution is now taught everywhere even through all the claims are based on nothing but lies. Satan has an agenda in using these lies. The recent disclosures by government and media about unexplained sightings is prepping people for the great deception that is about to arrive to deceive everyone on earth. One of the signs that we have arrived to the end times is that UFO’s and Aliens are about to get credibility along with a lot of press coverage.

Christians should not be so easily influenced. The Bible tells us that there are angelic watcher beings that roam the earth on colored horses and appear as clouds to those on earth (they are the transportation vehicles of the unseen realm).

It should be apparent that even the majority of those identifying as Christian no longer have a biblical Christian worldview. Polls say that only a few percent of “Christians” still hold to a biblical Christian worldview. The rest just believe the worldly satanic propaganda about whatever it is that they never learned. That is because most Christians do not study scripture. They have no scriptural foundation to stand on for what they claim to believe.

Satan’s top deception will come when fallen angels posing as aliens claim that humans are a species that they helped evolve. In other words, they will claim that humans were not created by God as the scripture declares, but they evolved the human race from lower life forms. The fallen spirits in reality will be saying that they created humans, making themselves superior to humans.

Satan continues with his plan to evolve the human race into a more evolved transhuman species that would supplant the human race created by God. He is now using mostly unbelieving humans to help him do it through genetic engineering. This “evolved” transhuman race would then supposedly continue to improve upon itself, and manipulate the physical creation, and start nullifying the curse that God placed on it.

Satan can directly possess any willing human he wants. He offered the creation to Jesus, but the Creator and heir, was not about to submit himself under the Devil. Satan a short time latter possessed Judas so that the Kinsman Redeemer Heir of the human race would be betrayed and killed. Satan thought he won, but the Creator started a new creation when He rose from the dead. He must first draw out those destined to be saved in the fallen creation. Then at some point determined by the Father, Jesus will return physically to take possession of His kingdom (probably about 2000 years after he left).

The Beast of the end time will be a satanical possessed man that dies, but then somehow becomes one with Satan and rises from the dead. God calls him the Beast because after the man died and was risen by Satan, he is no longer human. Exactly how this happens is not known, but after it happens, I think he may try to supplant the human race with transhuman beings like himself. That may be what taking the mark of the Beast is all about, and why those taking the mark can no longer be saved by God’s human Kinsman Redeemer.

Satan’s agenda is to keep the Son of God/Creator out of His own creation. The first thing the Beast does when He rises out of the abyss is to kill God’s two prophets who were telling the world the truth about the soon coming Kingdom of God led by Jesus. The Beast then enters God’s temple, declaring and showing himself to be the most high God. After that, he proceeds to kill all that will not worship him as the most high God and take his Mark.

No human effort could possibly defeat this supernatural Beast. Only the second coming of the Creator into this creation can destroy the Beast and his satanic agenda to take over the material physical world.

When Jesus comes back, He defeats the Beast and rules on earth for a thousand years. Satan is imprisoned in the abyss for that period. This happens so humans can fulfill the natural role that they were created for. After all things are restored and even death is defeated, Satan is released from prison for a short time. He then gets the human race still in their flesh to rebel against God just as their father Adam did. This will prove that natural humans remain corruptible and therefore cannot inherit eternity.

The last book of the Bible tells us the end of the story.  God dissolves the fallen corrupted creation and all souls that existed in it are judged. Satan and his angels and all not found in the book of life will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity. God will then create a new heaven and earth where there is no longer any curse, sin or death.

So much for Satan’s presumptuous beliefs that he can and will become like the most High by ruling over and evolving the cursed fallen creation!

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation — 40 Comments

  1. Agree, Satan the grandmaster and father of lies and deception has been using : evolution, marian appearances and UFos to deceive humanity and he’s not giving up yet. Millions accepted Fatima, Lourdes and don’t see them rejecting a possible ‘Extraterrestrial Visitor’ who will claim a non-biblical account of Creation.

  2. Do you think Satan has always had a man prepared to “possess” as the Antichrist, as his knowledge of the timing of the end is limited? Also, Satan knows Scripture, and knowing his fate is written and sealed does he really believe he can change his fate? Or is his plan just to get as many people as he can condemned along with him?

  3. I tend to think many are demon possessed and yet seem normal on the surface. With all the evil going on, reprobate minds taking over our nation and world, demons and ultimately Satan are behind it all. The world is rapidly preparing for the great alien deception. If the end is worse than the time of Noahs flood, or the time of Sodom, with Satan having his last great moment of power and deception, I don’t think any of us can imagine how bad things will soon get. That is why we pray for our blessed hope the rapture to occur before it all really heads south, which I believe the rapture will happen before that and also be a trigger to basically open up hell on earth, after a time of peace.

  4. Hi Toby,

    Satan is a pure psychopath. He obviously thinks in his heart that he can become like the most High in spite of what some say the scripture says. I think there has been an Antichrist candidate in the wings for a long time.

    I think scripture indicates that Satan believes his fate is not sealed as long as he has access to the Throne. Only after Satan is cast out, does he know his time is short.

  5. Incredible article.

    I have often thought that in his pride Satan thinks he can win, even now after so many defeats (e.g. he was 8 people shy of a complete Satanic world order just prior to the Flood, also through Jesus dying on the Cross etc.)

    It is due to this thinking on Satan’s part that I have always thought God the Father has never, even remotely, shown His true power to creation.

  6. Anyone has any idea as to how many Angelic beings GOD created ? Some commentaries compare Angels to Stars and we know that there are gazillions of stars, i have read different commentaries through the years and they all vary, what we do know is that the majority 66% did not rebel ( one third of the stars did fall with Satan )

  7. Good article Don. I had never thought much about it, but had always read the Isaiah verses as “past” tense, not future. Reading them as future prophecy makes much more sense. Thank you for the clarification.

  8. People look at me like I’ve grown a third eye if I say anything about the world not having been here for billions of years. Even people who say they believe. And a lot of them seem to be the same people who are really into the UFO’s.

  9. One second after the rapture, ever wonder what happens right after all Christians and the Holy Spirit who indwells us are caught away? This post is about Satan’s plot and scheme. Will the answer come down immediately from some otherworldly satanic source that the ones who disappeared were taken by the “aliens?” Or will the government and crackpot humans be spreading the lies?

    Why wouldn’t the fallen and deluded masses simply start worshipping and following the “aliens?” Perhaps no one actually sees the “aliens” but rather it continues to be teases and glimpses?

    What will the RCC and it chief blasphemer say about this all? And how does an “alien” revelation simultaneously empower an antichrist type world leader and the RCC? Will “Mary” reveal that the “Aliens” did it?

    Will war ensue on the heals of this as the godless leaders of the world seek to solidify their power and put down competition?

    Will the skies darken and winds blow as those left behind become immediately aware that something has changed? Will many fall on their knees immediately and repent, knowing exactly what has happened because they have been aware of the Rapture teaching but never accepted Christ as their Saviour?

    Is the devil ready to go at a moments notice when God calls us to be with Him? Or will he be caught unaware?

    Is there anything we can do now to help those who are left behind to live and probably die in the last 7 or so years before the millennial kingdom?

    Thanks for your commentary and blog

  10. Hello everyone, what a couple years it’s been! I’ve been following this genetic upheaval quite closely, as I’m very interested in the mechanisms of how all this works. I’ve also thought for a long time that the blood of Christ has something to do with directing our genetics back into our original format. It makes perfect sense to me that the fallen ones with their superior science and supernatural understanding could’ve come here and tampered with the genetics before/at the flood. Once I learned about the nephilim, that’s what I thought was going on; with some kind of genetic malfunction. It’s all starting to make more and more sense as we watch all these come into being. Some days when I feel like I’ve got a hurry up and buy more groceries, then days where it seems like I should just sit on the back porch and look up, and not at the “aliens” either! Great article! 🙏🏼🔜🎚

  11. Hi Don,

    You brought out some interesting points that I never thought about before. I can generally see your points from your explanations. If you don’t mind, where did you see this in the Bible?

    “The Bible tells us that there are angelic watcher beings that roam the earth on colored horses and appear as clouds to those on earth (they are the transportation vehicles of the unseen realm).” Are you talking about Ezekiel’s vision here, or something to do with Elijah?

    The report on UFOs comes out in June, so it will be interesting to see what they say. I posit that they won’t tell us everything, but only that which they want us to know.

  12. In no paticular order 1., God created ALL angelic beings; 2., I firmly hold to the theories of Jacques Valle who posited that Alien encounters are very close to demonic appearances in history and are interdimensional versus extraterrestial; 3., did Jesus imply that in humans taking the Mark, that this would be a sort of “Crossing the Rubicon” regarding the inability of those that do to ever be able to receive salvation? Random musings of a retired Chicago Police Officer.

  13. The vision Ezekiel saw was the actual “vehicle” carrying the throne of God. Must have been a mind blowing sight. What he described is a UFO type object. But he gives great detail. As we know Satan tries to imitate God so he may possibly appear at some point in the same way. But I also wonder how the fallen angels first appeared to the women they corrupted, and how they may appear again. Possible UFO type craft?

  14. Great Article Don, I have been seeing the recent increase in UFO info on the news and thinking it all relates to what they need as we are taken home in the rapture. I can hardly wait! Love your Blog!

  15. Hi Allen,

    I was referring to all passages that shed any light on the issue. The scripture foundation for the angelic watchers is Zec 1 7-17, and Dan 4:17.

  16. I feel that if the government disclosed aliens were real most people would kinda shrug and accept it without much hesitation. On the day of the rapture I bet there will be lots of UFO sightings with a message from these beings. This could also be a big reason why the harlot comes to power as people will say that all religion is now in question and an inclusive religion that includes these beings must be created. These beings will say they have cime to protect and evolve mankind from a hostile force (Jesus) planning on destroying the world. Whatever the case the explaination will be very convincing even to deceive the elect if it were possible.

  17. Hi Jim,

    Actually, the Harlot is existing world religion that influences existing governments. When the Antichrist comes to power the ten kings burn the Harlot. So more likely he uses the alien deception to help debunk the claims of religion, and not to set up the Harlot. With the Harlot gone, he then sets himself up as the only god people can worship.

  18. Hi Don,

    I guess when I say harlot I refer to the end times world religious system after the rapture until the midpoint of the tribulation. I think whatever shape this organization takes it will be heavily influenced by the recent disappearance of the church and Whatever explaination is given.

  19. Hi Don …

    A great article. For decades, as a result of recurring dreams I had as a small child, before flying saucers were even talked about, I have long expected “flying visitors” to show up around the time of the rapture. I have been astounded at the number of bible scholars in the last year or so, and again today by yourself, who have seemingly vindicated my boyhood dream experiences which I have only recently shared with a few. Incredible.

    God bless.

  20. I think the beast that is mortally wounded is talking about a kingdom, specifically the revised Roman Empire.

  21. Actually Don hit the nail on the head with this statement: “One of the signs that we have arrived to the end times is that UFO’s and Aliens are about to get credibility along with a lot of press coverage.”

    Historically UFO sightings were attributed to people with vivid imaginations (and laughed at), but now the government seems to be willing to open up a bit on the subject and say they exist. My question is “why”? What does it gain our government to say they are seeing flying objects they cannot explain?

    One case that Don may be aware of is the Robert Lazar case in Nevada where he claims to have worked at Area 51 on a top secret propulsion system (trying to reverse engineer a fallen spacecraft). Mr. Lazar had a TV station in Las Vegas air his statements on what he saw. I read in detail what he had to say. My conclusion is that his word cannot be verified unless the government PROVES what he says. If the things Lazar brought out were fact, what would the government say about that?

    I can see where the government could use disinformation to help them control people. In this case, I don’t know what they would get from saying that aliens exist. If this person was the anti-Christ who controlled these aircraft, perhaps he would say that since his aircraft was much better than ours, he would be our supreme ruler and demand we worship him or he would do bad things to us.

    I don’t want to put the cart in front of the horse. I shall see what the task force at the Pentagon puts together as a statement on UFOs. Up to this point, Don’s theory of Nephilim is just as valid as any other theory. This is an interesting topic that dovetails with the end times.

  22. Excellent Don. You are one of the few who understand that Genesis 6 reveals fallen angels producing progeny through natural, human women. We are DEFINITELY living in the last of the last days.

    Like Paul said in Phillipians 3:11 and Jesus in Luke 21:36: I pray that Father God will count me worthy to be evacuated in the Firstfruits Rapture, before the “heavy stuff” starts!

    – Gregory

  23. Many years ago, like 20-25 years ago, a Christian friend of mine and I saw a UFO. He saw it first and showed it to me. It was the size and the shape of the moon but it was a diferent color. It was standing there in the night sky for about 5 minutes and it disappeared with such a high speed humans will never be able to reach.

    I have always wondered what would’ve happened if it hadn’t been us who saw it, but if it had been some atheists or any other 2 people, who are not Christians. They would sure have believed in aliens and no one ever would be able to change their mind. Because they would have actually seen aliens.

    It was before the internet and social media and we bought every newspaper the following day, but there was no news. We asked eeveryone we know if they had seen it, no one had. It seems to me that we were the only 2 people who saw it. It was huge and visible, and it was floating way lower than airplanes. Millions of people should have been able to see it, yet it was only us two who saw it. And I have always wondered another thing too. Why were we two shown such a thing if we were definitely not going to change our mind about Christ only because we saw demons. Did he really think that through such a stupid thing he would be able to deceive us?

  24. I used to wonder how Angels could have rebelled and gotten so wicked, but now that i study humans that were created in the Image of GOD and how they /we choose to : kill, steal and also destroy our own i understand how iniquity can spread like a virus when left totally unchecked and GOD is not going to allow sin and sinners to prosper forever

  25. Don said “Satan’s top deception will come when fallen angels posing as aliens claim that humans are a species that they helped evolve. In other words, they will claim that humans were not created by God as the scripture declares, but they evolved the human race from lower life forms. The fallen spirits in reality will be saying that they created humans, making themselves superior to humans.”

    This has already been said by people like Robert Lazar with a small bit of variation. He claimed that when he was hired by the government, the government gave him information telling him about the aliens (Don uses angels and Nephilim) and how they “invented” religion so we would not hurt ourselves. He claimed he was allowed to peruse a pamphlet explaining the aliens for a bit until it was taken from him. According to Lazar, he read that our kind was placed here by the aliens for some reason. If this is true, then I can see where the aliens would be trying to place themselves in the position of God by saying they were the creators.

    The general idea about evolution doesn’t fit because there is no proof of it. From the fossil record, we all just popped into being (this argues for the point of being placed here BY God.) Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) is the same now as when it showed up in the fossil record and did not evolve. A bird is a bird, a man is a man, and a fish is a fish. What the aliens are saying is they placed us here, but they didn’t really explain everything else.

    Lazar claimed the alien wreck in New Mexico near Roswell really happened, or maybe an alien craft wrecked nearby, but the result was the government had an alien craft, and he claimed one of the aliens lived (keep in mind this could all be disinformation…I’m relating it as I read it years ago.)

    All this information about UFOs exploded in the late 1940s with the testing of atom bombs. It would seem that sparked the Nephilim’s interest.

    OK…we shall see what the government says about these things in June. They will try to explain how the craft they saw blinked in and out of view and moved at incredible speeds. The blinking in and out could be explained if there are more dimensions than three. We are only aware of three, but we cannot perceive anything higher unless it is revealed to us. The alien crafts could be a three dimensional shadow – of sorts – from their four dimensional world. God never told us of such things, so granted this is speculation.

  26. I always wondered about aliens and UFO’s, but linking this to a “plausible” excuse for the Rapture is mind boggling. What a coincidence that 60 minutes had a show on this past Sunday with a segment on the UFO’s the military has spotted and recorded. We all know our God is in total control of everything, but just think for a moment that Satan also has a hand in this. I expect more shows (or should I say propaganda) from the corrupt media concerning aliens to pave the way for an explanation as to why people suddenly leave the earth. We know the truth, but a gullible world will accept the lie.

  27. In answer to what Carl said, I don’t think most of us are linking this to the Rapture, but it could have nefarious implications. Let’s entertain for a minute an evil person in league with the devil who wants to control mankind, what better way to do that than put fear in their hearts using unidentified flying objects that can easily outmaneuver anything we have? This could be a tool for him to scare us into worshiping him as God in the temple of God (if you get my drift?)

    One could associate the news of Israel being bombarded with rockets from Hamas in the Gaza as the evil one trying to take control of the Holy Land. The Globalists are the ones attacking Israel right now. It is a consortium of evil leaders and entities such as the democrat party that is obviously anti-Israel.

    We are now in the year 2021. I think a major war will break out soon with the Globalists against Israel. I think Don’s timeline in his prediction of when Christ will return is correct. Why do I believe that? I don’t know, but I just do! I suppose because it makes sense.

    I think the unexplained aerial phenomena could very well be a tool Satan is using to gain control. He probably knows his time is short, so he is getting desperate. As seen in the news, the Globalists are showing their true colors right now. Their agenda of power is clear.

  28. So we thinking Gog and Magog is about to bust out? sorry about not posting sooner. the site keeps saying i have to allow cookies and java script to post, both of which are enabled. I’m not sure if this post will come through or not.

  29. As Don has proposed in a previous article his estimate of who will actually be raptured is a “tithe” of the population that calls itself Christian. How do you explain all of these missing people? It will certainly be noticeable. One way to explain this is that they were abducted by “aliens.” Perhaps the “aliens” will then visit the earth and explain why they abducted these inferior life forms standing in the way of world peace and unity. UFO sightings have been around for a long time so why all of a sudden is the government releasing this information? I know it sounds like a crazy idea, but its not any crazier than the world rejecting the Gospel. They are of reprobate minds and are given over to believe lies, not the truth so anything is possible.

  30. Hi Carl,

    Yes, and also keep in mind that there will be a harlot religion ruling in the world after the war between the Abrahamic religions threatens the destruction of the whole world. Fundamentalism at that time will be labeled a threat to world peace. So those people that hold on to their exclusive way to God had to be removed.

  31. Testing to see if this goes through. Been having lots of problems posting. Wonder what this report on Ufos will bring next month? Probably not much.

  32. The article that three of you already commented on, somehow got published before it was fully written. It probably will be posted this Friday. Your comments will appear then.

  33. Don,
    Your articles are always an interesting read. I’m looking forward to the new one coming out.
    Thanks for all your hard work and taking the time to always share your thoughts.

  34. Reading the news today, I can see trouble on the horizon. Some states like Oregon are demanding that people show proof of vaccination before they take their face mask off. Here we are moving closer and closer to a system of having something placed in our forehead, or on our hand, to buy and sell goods.

    Reading yesterday, I also saw large portions of Oregon (the conservative counties) desiring to unite with Idaho and form Greater Idaho. This shows me that people are tired of the fascist state of the left.

    What they are doing looks like a full assault on Christians (from space and the pandemic to other ways as well).

  35. The argument I always get from the Left is “greater good” and “more efficient.” To which I often don’t even bother the argument, and remind them it is a boundary and rights issue, and that it doesn’t matter if they think it’s the “greater good” or not, or if their idea is “better” or not. When they say they “don’t understand what the big deal is” I tell them “it doesn’t matter if you understand or not. No means no.”

    It either sends them into a tizzy at which point I remind them “Stop trying to control people.”
    That usually shuts them up.

    Just thought I’d share that tactic. Once you remind them that their argument doesn’t matter in regards to rights, then you can get to the real argument which is about them wanting control to feel safe. If it’s a politician, you just tell them the same thing, and that they need to stop seeking control over people, period, and that it’s not power they have a right to have. For the followers, it’s about “feeling safe.” For their leaders, it’s about power.

  36. This is excellent Don.

    I would suggest that Lucifer must bring God’s promises of a land and a kingdom to the Jewish people to nought. If he were able to do so God would have to withdraw condemnation and judgement against him, for such a victory would prove his boast “I will be like the Most High”.

    Of course Satan can do no such thing but he has no option than to continue trying. His condemnation, and judgement to the Lake of Fire is a terrifying motivation.

    ‘Anti Semitism’ is obviously Satanically inspired, and I believe is for the above reason.