Tribulation begins in 2020’s and ends with second coming in 2030’s

For decades I have said that various world trends suggest that the tribulation would begin in the 2020’s making the second coming in the 2030’s. Recent events in the world seem to make that timing even more likely. By the way, that world trends page above was my total original website 20 years ago.

I have been a critic of Dr. Tom Horn because some of his books suggested that the Antichrist would rise almost a decade ago. Even so, one of his latest books called The Wormwood Prophecy has me wondering if there could be any truth to his conjecture that the asteroid Apophis could fulfill the Wormwood prophecy in 2029. I always thought that a multi-headed comet would fulfill the Trumpet Judgments because of the details given in Revelation. I figured as the comet got caught up in the earth’s orbit the comet’s rubble and dust would bring about the first Trumpet Judgment and shortly thereafter the larger pieces of the comet would hit bringing about what was said in the subsequent judgments. That is something I still believe, but the dating of Apophis is intriguing.

Apophis apparently is to pass by the earth, or as Horn suggests, hit the earth on April 13th 2029 (on Friday the 13th). The official government line is that Apophis will miss the earth, but Horn suggests that there is a government cover up. He says certain expert scientists are telling him it will hit the earth on that date. I have not bought into what Horn is claiming, but I do have to admit the whole thing fits my timeline for when I think Wormwood would be about due.

The Trumpet Judgments begin shortly after the mid-point of the 7 year tribulation. The Trumpets start after the Antichrist kills the Two Witnesses and defiles the Temple. If Apophis is Wormwood, that would mean the tribulation would begin about 3.5 years prior to April 13, 2029. That brings us back to the Jewish fall feasts of 2025 as the start of the tribulation. Horn hints that the Rapture is also possible then. If Wormwood hits in Apr 2029, the second coming would then be about 3.5 years later in the fall feasts of 2032.

The timing seems right but the question remains, is Apophis really going to hit the earth? I have no inside knowledge on that, so I guess we will all have to stay tuned. In a couple of years even amateur astronomers will be able to figure out the calculations for themselves. So this is not something that could remain secret as the asteroid gets closer. The asteroid does seem to be about the right size to cause what is said about Wormwood but it does not answer the question about how a single asteroid could also cause the two prior Trumpet Judgments? I still say these Trumpet Judgments will come as a result of a multi-headed comet, but the timing is intriguing enough not to dismiss Apophis entirely.

We also should not dismiss the impact of the coronavirus that will continue to spread all over the world. It could very well take us right into the tribulation with the riding of the four horses of the apocalypse riding from Europe. The world is now pretty much shut down in fear over something they have little control over. This is going to have a huge impact on economies of nations for years to come. Flattening the curve seemed to have worked at great cost to the world economy, but most people have yet to realize that just flattening the curve is not going to stop the pandemic.

President Trump talks as if he can now contain the virus from ever becoming a serious health threat again. That could only happen when it first appeared. Now that it has spread all over the world any containment of the virus is impossible. It will not stop until most people of the world catch it and become immune to the virus for awhile. At this point only a very small fraction of the people in the world have caught the virus. We do not even know how long any immunity will last. Less than ten percent of Americans have had the virus so far and we have already had 50,000 deaths.

This coronavirus virus will very likely come back seasonally along with the cold and flu. If it does come back before November, Trump can kiss his reelection goodbye. The impact could be worse next year as the flu and the coronavirus join forces to overwhelm the health systems in areas that have largely escaped the virus this year. The Spanish flu appeared in 1917, took a break in the summer, and came back with a vengeance in 1918. It also was a serious problem in 1919.

The likelihood is that this virus will come back this fall and for many falls thereafter. Nations cannot keep shutting everything down every time the coronavirus starts spreading again. We would soon be living on a police surveillance planet where everyone on earth is being tracked. Yeah, apparently that is where the Gates of hell and ilk wish to take the world. The coming surveillance state also points to the tribulation starting within this decade.

Some are saying that the world economic downturn will hinder globalism and socialism. They are wrong. It actually will be quite the opposite. The globalist elite hoped for and planned for a crisis like this. They even funded the labs that make man-made viruses possible. In October of 2019 they had a seminar and an exercise called event 201. It was a exercise for a future coronavirus outbreak (such as we are now experiencing) and how such a virus would impact the world.

They suggested in a future coronavirus outbreak that they should give the nations of the world what the models indicate will happen but offer an alternative. The models claim the virus would kill 65 million and the world would go into a depression lasting over a decade. Their alternative is that nations could put in place global governance to mitigate the impact and the world would have a better outcome. (Just two months after event 201 a deadly coronavirus escaped from a lab in Wuhan.)

Allowing government to control everything is allowing a form of fascistic socialism. All that is now necessary for socialist fascist world governance to be implemented everywhere is global agreement about who should lead it. The “progressive” elite wanted to bring that in through the fear of climate change but now they have something that is more immediate that people fear more. What makes anyone think governments will ever give up the power they just took from their people? Constitutional conservatism is now dead in America. What do we really have left to conserve? Government is running everyone’s lives and the socialist fascistic godless left is now running government along with most everything else.

We are seeing that the world is already organized enough for the godless leftist elitist control freaks to totally manage us. The coronavirus gives them the excuse for why this needs to be done. People will give up all their freedoms if government and its mouth peace media can make a case for why government control of everything is for our own good. I think the government power grab of the last couple of months now sets the precedence for anything that happens in the world until Jesus returns. If the government plays a tune, the lemmings will just follow the tune off a cliff to their own demise.

The tens of thousands of communication satellites the technocracy is putting up within a few years suggests a communication system where people cannot buy or sell without having some kind of digital accounting. This digital system could become a reality by mid-decade. This satellite system will allow 5G for everyone along with a global ID. The worldwide digital system will probably be first put into place worldwide to enforce the rationing described when the Black Horse of Revelation rides. (Never let a crisis go to waste.) Then just a couple of years later when the satanic false prophet decrees, you will not be able to buy or sell at all without your number and the 666 access schematic on your right hand or forehead.

Europe is heading into dire economic straights. The EU is not going to survive the debt collapse and all the upheaval that is about to bring. I think we should expect the end time ten kings to rise out of the area of the Old Roman Empire as the solution to the EU demise. The little horn of Daniel appears among them shortly thereafter and grows exceeding great toward the east, south and toward Israel. This rider on the white horse will speak great things.

There is far less demand for oil because know-it-or-not yet, the world has entered a great depression. Someone has to start a war in the Middle East to get oil prices to rise. Some nations cannot survive without their oil revenue and two of those nations happen to be Russia and Iran. I expect both nations to soon cause trouble in the world.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is losing face and China is in far worse economic shape than what is being told. I now expect them to get in a war with America over control of the South China Sea and Taiwan to divert attention from their internal problems. An EMP could be why America is not in Bible prophecy or it could be just because of America’s own civil upheavals and the Rapture. I may be wrong, but I think Taiwan will win the war against the CCP with help from internal revolutionaries and help from other nations in SE Asia. When China changes government, the North Korean government will also collapse. Not that getting rid of the CCP and the North Korean government is going to bring any lasting peace. The tribulation is still going to play out.

America is in big trouble. We are in for a massive depression and unprecedented hatred is openly spewing from the left and is subverting our nation. Much of America has now been brainwashed by the left. All the big cites in America are under the control of leftists. I now think the Democrat godless progressives (fascists) will effectively accomplish their takeover of America next year. There will be great riots in large cities and even the law abiding people there will become totally dependent on government handouts and rationing. The shutdowns and the government bailouts of everything with money created out of thin air will turn the government caused depression into government caused hyperinflation. The middle-class will be totally wiped out. The leftists will attempt to use the military and paramilitary against conservative people and it will result in civil warfare.

Food products are about to get really tight in the world. All the shutdowns are going to bring supply disruptions. The locust plagues are destroying food sources in Africa and Southern Asia. I still think the world is entering a cooling cycle that will hit us in full force in a couple of years and cause massive crop failures. The wars and the cooling will come right on schedule in the mid  2020’s to fulfill what was foretold in Revelation about the riding of the Red and Black Horse.

Everything seem to be coming together for tribulation events to start to play out. Fear of the coronavirus has destabilized an already unstable world. We really have seen nothing yet. The debts are not going to get repaid and government helicopter money is not going to buy much for very long. When people start to panic, the lawlessness begins in force. It will not just happen on a local level either. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, but Jesus tells us the end does not come immediately (Mt 24:6).

Judgement in the Day of the Lord does not come before God sends His prophets and His people are rejected and persecuted. At the appointed time, God will send his two witnesses and seal the 144,000 Israelite’s that will deliver the gospel of the coming kingdom to everyone in the world. There will be no excuse. Nobody will be able to say they were not told the truth. The world in general will reject God’s message in favor of a Jew hating Satanic Christ commonly known as the Antichrist. The world’s rejection of God’s Christ is why the Judgments of the Day of the Lord fall on the evil loving world.

The blessed hope of true Christians is that the Rapture occurs before any of the tribulation judgments take place. Keeping believers out of the great trial coming upon all of the earth was a promise given to the faithful Church of Philadelphia (Rev 3:10). Those watching for the return of Jesus are members of that Chruch. As the tribulation now becomes visible on the horizon and is likely to start this decade we should know that the time of the Rapture is almost here.

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Tribulation begins in 2020’s and ends with second coming in 2030’s — 116 Comments

  1. Hi Don

    I’ve been thinking of another scenario as of why the USA is not going to be on the map in the time of the Tribulation. I think you will attack Mexico for our oil and this on the pretext of Mexico can’t/doesn’t want to pay its debt to you. There was a time back in 2017 when Trump suggested we pay our debt by handing Baja California to the US. If the USA somehow attacks Mexico this will be the perfect opportunity for the Chinese and the Russians to place their armies on the border between our countries and even for the Russians to get into Alaska and place their army on the border between Canada and the USA.

  2. Amen. Great and sobering summation of today’s events leading up to the Rapture of the Church. My only addition would be that this feeling, or sense, is becoming weightier by the day. Very much like seeing a storm brewing on the horizon. We have seen the clouds start to gather. We can feel the change in the direction as the wind picks up speed as the system gains momentum.

  3. I agree with you Pete. The feeling/sense you mention is palpable in ways we’ve never felt before. Praise God because He’s turning the eyes and the heart of His Bride toward Heaven in anticipation. And because He doesn’t wish that any would perish, we’re praying for revival AND a huge harvest of new believers in these last days as the Holy Spirit prompts us to share our faith like never before. Don, thank you for sharing your spot-on perspective. Blessings to you both, and Maranatha!

  4. Hi / Don,

    I am definitely not buying in to the “everything has to fit in 7 years” nonsense, let alone the “7 years starts just after the rapture” nonsense (nor the “10.5 years starts just after the rapture” — although, it’s the sixth seal, if I’m not mistaken, that announces the wrath of God, so, I’m not venturing to take a guess at the rapture timing in relation to the seals / horsemen).

    That said, if we were to presume the rapture precedes the first seal (white horseman), along with the 2032 figure — well, then it’s really close (one finger, give or take one finger). Hmmm.

    Frankly, I would prefer an EMP scenario over the civil war scenario. Either way, both are terrifying and, if it’s the latter, I am not sure what decisions I would make, but I suspect I would not be hanging on to any small arms against an overwhelming (if not God allowed) force of events to occur — meaning, like with Peter, at what point would Jesus be saying to me: “get behind me Satan…” ?

    I thank God for your web-site, Don, and I pray for this/your ministry routinely.

    Blessings, Craig

  5. Don, Thank you for an excellent and frightening look into the coming years. Things are calm now compared to what things will be like in the near future.
    I am continuing to “look up and lift up my head” as I see the day approaching.
    It is nice to hear from Pete Garcia as well. I love both of you and appreciate your insight!

  6. Martin,

    We do not need Mexico’s oil. We are not even using what we are pumping. Believe me Russia and China have enough of their own problems. They are not going to camp out on our border.

    I think you are trying to rationalize something said by one of those hyper Pentecostal media false prophets. It will not happen. Either nation can shut us down by just turning off are lights. They are not going to be trying to manage the wreckage that would cause here.

  7. Thank you very much for your excellent report, I don’t know why this time it wet my eyes.
    Along with my family I am eagerly waiting for our Lord to take us home.

    John. From Bangalore, India.

  8. Hi Craig,

    It may not be an either or situation. I think it should be rather obvious that an EMP caused grid failure would also result in civil warfare in this country. And a civil war would also result in the grid being brought down to one degree or another.

  9. No, Don. I don’t even know what false prophet you are talking about. Of all prophecy websites on earth I only read this one. If they shut your lights this will definitely happen with the help of your own people. They can’t do it on their own. I still think that hostile armies will surround America and will obliterate her and this will be they way it will disappear from the face of the earth. And I also think that it will happen very soon.

  10. Don,

    I can feel a sense of urgency in your post that I have never seen before in the decade I have been following your blog.

    The Lord did say when the end comes it will come quickly. Look how quick the entire world halted due to this virus. It shows just how fragile the entire socioeconomic system was. I expect the man to solve this chaos and inevitable war that will soon happen to be the man of sin himself. Maybe the current pope really could be his false prophet who knows. We are likely very close to the end.

    As for the comet, how does it turn the waters red like blood? The only red colored element is bromine. Liquid bromine looks very similar to blood and it’s very toxic but dont know if it’s even possible for a solar body to be composed of such matter. What if a single asteroid hit the moon and flung rock into orbit that rained down on earth over a period of time? Maybe a single large one could break up in atmosphere and hit multiple areas?

    Im thinking Trump wins re-election and the rapture happens in his second term. If him and Pence disappear Pelosi is president. Yea imagine that. She would assist the antichrist agenda as much as possible.

    Im seriously considering relocating from upstate NY to SC or TN (probably Conway SC or Knoxville TN area). Im just not sure if leaving our entire family support group is the right choice in this time.

  11. Hi Pete,

    I just read your latest article. Wow! I was surprised that your article had some of very same talking points as the article I just posted.

    I think you really put it all together in your history lesson and observations about the trend toward globalism. I highly recommend everyone read Pete’s article. Obviously he put a lot of time into it. Here is the link.

  12. I just want to remind everyone of one thing, it’s more like birth pangs, so we know the baby is coming, just like the Dr says, around this date, but in our case, it’s how painful it’s going to get before we reach, the rapture, just like in the days of Noah, He was faithful just like us…I am as secure as anyone about what’s to happen…I don’t doubt one second of it. I listen and watch for that trumpet to sound. The Bible today has more information than any MSM, and in totality I have a great seat watching things coming to a completeness.

    too Craig! In Daniel it describes 70 weeks, but minus one week. Weeks equal years! That 70 week is fulfilled after the Rapture, in 7 years all will take place that’s needs be done by God. Your doubting doesn’t change scripture. Read Ezekiel to 1-25 …62 times God says one thing, in 48 chapters. And everything God said He Did!

  13. Pete and Don…always look forward to articles from both of you! Always very thought out, spirit led, and informative. Thanks to both you for your insight in these last days.

  14. Pete,

    What a great article! Keep up the good work. As to your first comment I think all astute Christians sense this change in the wind so to speak. You put it exactly right. I describe it almost like a growing evil. Almost palpable.

  15. Thanks Don,

    I’m actually a little surprised that things are moving so fast. But I shouldn’t be. I settled on 2032 as a possible date, but because of the moon cycle, believe 2033 is more likely. As alternative dates farther out, 2036-37.

    “I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes” (Joel 2.30,31)

    The 2032-2033 Tetrad

    25-04-32 (Pesach 27-03-32), 18-10-32 (Sukkot 20-09-32), 14-04-33 (Pesach), 08-10-33 (Sukkot)

    Here, only the blood moons in 2033 coincide with Pesach and Sukkot. But the time alignment is closer than for the 1493-94 tetrad.

    However, the conclusion in this article, link below, is that the sun & moon could be obscured by an asteroid or comet impact, or other earthly event.
    My thought about that is after a big enough impact, a polar shift could make it look like the stars are falling. Also cause islands to disappear from the massive crust upheavals.

  16. Thank you Don for another insightful blog. I do think God is using you to help open eyes as to where we are, timewise, in his plan. We seem to be so very close to the Rapture that, for the church, we should follow the directions of Luke 21:28 ” And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” I think most of Luke 21 is really for the Jewish people to help them with hope through the next Shoah that the Bible seems to prophesy, but we as Christians, expecting the Rapture, should also hope in the return of our lord, which seems so very near.

    We seem to be in a pattern of increasing frequency and intensity of disasters. Pete Garcia lists some in his article that you linked, but there are more to list. One threat to the US, that could also financially destroy our land after the Covid 19 response is a very bad earthquake or two. The San Juan de Fuca plate has had recurring very bad quakes, the last in 1700 so it has some probability of a massive quake soon. The New Madrid fault seems to be a few years past due for its 200 year cycle. San Andreas is overdue for the southern end, which is LA. Any of these with our resources depleted from the virus would make recovery hard. I believe God uses these troubles to get the attention of people and have them turn to him for salvation. In the end they will not do so but turn to God’s opponent.

  17. Read Pete’s article. Can not argue with any of it.
    Still, I have much inner turmoil. Hard to talk to my wife about it. Praying and trying to grow in the Lord daily, but I have struggled a lot with feeling its too late and whats the point. I have let God down time and time again, just want to be obedient and useful to him in this late hour. It may sound a stupid question, but is there some point where we say “well its for sure not long now, cash out the retirement, stop saving part of income for rainy day because the end is near. Dont bother mowing the grass, and if your still working you can quit” I mean, I want to go about this with a propper mind set and lead my family properly. Do I stop homeschooling the kids and just bible cram, etc. Look some of this stuff ive mentioned obviously has some worldly bent to it, but what I am really concerned with is doing right by my family as a father and husband, and still growing in the Lord and being useful to him in this late hour. Im not real close to many locally that im comfortable asking all this…

  18. Hi Dawson, it’s not a stupid question at all. I found a link to an article from a dear brother who is now with the Lord on the subject of how we are to “occupy until He comes.”

    I pray that it helps to answer your questions and puts your mind at ease. God’s Word tells us to acknowledge (seek) Him in all our ways and He will direct our path, and that we can ask Him for wisdom and understanding. We want to be found doing what the Lord has called each of us to do, but not neglecting our responsibilities, especially to our family, when He calls us home. God bless you for wanting to grow and be used by Him.

  19. Pete, awesome article! I’m sending it and Don’s article to my brother who talks about the NWO all the time yet refuses to accept what the Bible has to say – about anything. However, he told me several years ago that he read Don’s timeline of last days events and had to admit it seemed pretty logical. I know the Lord is using both of you to help wake people up to the reality of the signs of the times and the lateness of the hour, both Christian and non-Christian alike. God bless you!

  20. Hi Dawson,

    As for feeling like you let God down, well, when we all became followers of Jesus, we were not instantly made sin free. We all still have sin in our lives because of these bodies of flesh. Knowing we sin, and being sorrowful about it, the Apostle Paul gives us the answer in Romans chapter 7. Non believers never experience the guilt or shame of letting God down. But, we are forgiven, debt paid in full, for our sins. We still suffer the consequences & even chastisement, when we do wrong, but knowing it was wrong, and feeling sorry about it, is what separated us from the ungodly.

    God commands us to carry on untill He comes for us. However, being careful is only prudent. Taking steps to protect your family in hard times to come, is not only smart, but show’s you are awake to God’s prophetic word. Paul once again shows the way, in regards to whether & how we carry on. Read 2nd Thessalonians.

    Above all else, Fear Not, the Lord is in charge. I’ve often thought similar things about why bother, but, God’s word reminds me every time, to carry on. If you need self help, get a good study Bible, they have notes to help your understanding, or a good commentary. Many good commentaries are available online. There are commentaries for every book of the Bible individually, or collectively.

    There’s an answer to every question in life, in God’s word. Sometimes, it takes a bit of work to discover the answers.

    I pray you find answers to alleviate your growing anxiety. In Jesus name, amen.

  21. Talk about great minds thinking alike lol – Don & Pete – 2 powerful and similar masterpiece articles! I really get excited to see what you both come up with each week or 2, and really look up to both of you for end-time guidance. Having ‘The Prophetic Years” & “REV310” is a blessing to us all, and I try and send your works to everyone I know.

    It is interesting about the Apophis asteroid. I think I have emailed you before about it and wondered if it indeed could be Wormwood. Interesting that Tom Horn is talking about it – he had a tv spot with Sid Roth (Its Supernatural) where he explained his take on the asteroid and NASA coverup. I initially thought Apophis may be too small – 1200 feet in diameter – but that alone would cause incredible devastation, and the world needs to continue on for about 3.5 yrs until the end of the 7 year period, so any larger and it may seem unrealistic.

    One neat thing I was pondering was say Horn is correct about Wormwood/Apophis – 2029 less 3.5 years, is around 2025. Then should there be the ‘GAP’ period for a few years and the Rapture could occur 2021/2022….. a nice thought!

    Pete – I fully agree, things have changed. I carry an growing feeling that something big is looming on the horizon. I think we will encounter increasingly big events like earthquakes/war/economic and societal upheaval, and then boom, the Rapture – which seems to be very close.

    What a great day, reading both of your articles!

  22. Presuming the 201 notion has validity (or not), it seems as if Satan is restless/impatient (that whole global warming scheme wasn’t panning out). Too bad he has to work with the likes of Joe Biden. Even Satan is shaking his head im dismay over that one.

  23. Hi Dawson,

    We already died with Christ. We are left here in our fleshly bodies to build on the house of God and occupy until He comes. It is never too late to start doing that. One way we get out the gospel and build on the house of God is to be good examples to the world. If we do not even take responsibility to do the expected common worldly things we are not going to be entrusted with heavenly things.

    We can speculate about His soon coming, but we really cannot live as if it has to happen within our expectations. We could be called home for one reason or another in a heartbeat and that is the way we should live our lives. Each day we occupy we should live to the best of our abilities for God. That includes doing the common things required of a father, a citizen and a neighbor.

  24. Thank you all for the helpful direction and perspective. The Jack Kelly articles were informative and helpful as well, I like the way he explained it that you shouldnt just go camp on a hill and wait. Thanks very much and God bless you all.

  25. Good morning Don:
    Thank you for the article – timely, informative and edifying. In the middle of the night and while praying for my friends and family that are unbelievers, prodigals, and/or overly-educated-delusional captives, I thought of a question for you: at this time, if you could only share one of your articles with someone that you care for – which one would it be? Thank you in advance for your answer and as always, God bless you and your important ministry.

  26. Wonderful on. Truly believe the 1st half of the tribulation would very soon run its course through the end of the current decade i.e. approx between 2024 – 2030..looking back 10 years, life was good..the next 10 years would be hell on earth without a doubt…Unbelievable change has happened.. Also vis-a-vis the current covid pandemic, We can hear the cry, “the bridegroom cometh” (i.e from the Parable of the 10 virgins), and very soon we would hear the voice like a trumpet, “come up hither”, i.e the rapture of the church.. Just like Don mentioned, very little time left for those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ…Heart breaking….

  27. Hi Bev,

    I would try to get them to read an article that answers what is currently on their mind. That would differ with different people. I think Biblical illiterate people should read my Revelation Commentary.

  28. Great article once again don,

    Watching the news everyday makes it quite obvious that this coronavirus is a major setup for the cashless society and end times prophecies to play out..People just need to open up their eyes and realize where all this is heading.

    The talk is all about the vaccine and digital id to be implanted into people and bill gates and the 60 other organizations are all on this to make it work… unbelievable but this is the start to a changed world that we are not going to recognize 10 years from now if we are still here.

    thanks for the great articles don and its great to see pete garcia on here too, my favorite 2 prophecy watchmen of this time.

  29. Quotes from an article by Ltc Allen West. ‘”Health records from 5,700 patients hospitalized within the Northwell Health system-which housed the most patients in the country throughout the pandemic-showed that 94% of patients had more than one disease other than COVID-19, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.”‘ 53% of patients suffered from hypertension, 42% from obesity and 32% from diabetes. i.e. COVID-19 is not a cause of death but enhances the chance of death for those who are already suffering from major health issues, such as this study presents.

    I still don’t believe this pandemic needed to be treated like a crises but it’s one now because of the shutdown.

    I brought up the 201 simulation hosted by Johns Hopkins and the Gates foundation in a previous blog. The timing was suspicious to me but whether it was planned or not I have no doubt Satan is behind it. Gates seems to be a useful tool as are the ChiComs.

    I am somewhat concerned for myself as I don’t have means or resources to prepare for catastrophic events or an Orwellian world. My priority is learning to trust God no matter what happens.

  30. The past 10 years for me have been hard. But it wasn’t until 2018 that my soul felt ‘heavy’. If you are like me and struggling I pray that the Lord Jesus gives you strength and resolve to push on. When we are weak He is strong.

  31. Its pretty clear whats going on in the news. Several treatments show eveidence of helping people recover and then gates of hell (borrowing from don) shows up and torpedoes it. The narrative is being steered towards a vaccine being the only way yet there is no gaurentee a vaccine will work. By the time a vaccine is ready if they even get one to work freedom will be a memory anyway. Anyone that suggests those less vulnerable should go back to work is shouted down. I can say this, I dont know about the rest of you where you live, but I had to go into town today and saw traffic is picking up. I suspect if the chain pullers see people try to shake these lockdowns they will have some other excuse primed to send people back into hiding. Some areas have definitely got the virus worse than others, Texas not as bad but still. I dont think they are going to allow anyone back into any kind of real freedom…although they arent all powerful they are very powerful. I suppose God could trip their plans again, but it looks like times pretty short so that isnt very likely.

    Again, very thankful for you all, and the perspective has helped my mind. Ive lost almost 20 pounds since this mess started because I lost my appetite from the anxiety, hoping through propper perspective, reading word, prayer, what support I can find to get past that. I can not imagine feeling the way I have for then next however long. I kind of hope to get to go back to church but I suspect they wont let that happen either. I would be glad to go to a home group, have a couple contacts but virus makes us nervous about doing that, dont want to infect an elder.

    So do you folks that have walked with the Lord for a while still experience fear and frustration that goes along with seeing these events in the world? Like we know it isnt our eternal home, and we are just passing through but we still live here. Hurts to see the downfall of American take place etc, angered to see freedom thrown away for false security etc.

  32. Hi Dawson,

    I grew up in a Christian home and a Bible believing church although there was alot of legalism involved. I’ve always believed but did not walk with God. Being as unconventional as I am there are probably those who would accuse me of not walking with God now but that is for Him to decide. To answer your question, yes, I feel alot of anger and frustration seeing my country destroyed. I think Don is probably right on with his timeline. I never expected to be living in a time like this.

    I’m not really fearful but I do have anger about being controlled and a sense of self preservation that I have no idea how to preserve now.

  33. Hi Dawson! What great timing! In addition to Don and Pete, Pastor JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe in Hawaii has a great perspective of the times we live in. He does a live stream Prophecy Update each Sunday (access through which gives a link to it on YouTube). He also does a Thursday night live stream Bible Study at 5pm (Hawaii time). I just listened to one that encouraged me greatly this past week entitled “How Long Lord?” Here is the link:

    I accepted the Lord when I was 9 years old, but went through various times of being out of fellowship with Him and going my own way. Through the ministry of prophecy about the last days, God got my attention and I renewed my commitment to Him. I’m now 65. My husband and I had planned to sell our home and move out of state earlier this year. It went on the market on 3/16 and came off the market on 3/18 because of the lockdown. Everything in that respect is on hold. Due to circumstances with our employment the past 2 years, neither of us are working or collecting Social Security. We’re living as frugally as we can with the expectation of selling and moving out of state. But for now, we can’t show our house to prospective buyers, can’t travel to look at homes we might be interested in, and we’re watching our retirement funds dwindle day by day, hoping not to have to draw on them any sooner than planned. So fear and frustration and anger over the current situation? Absolutely! Those feelings hit me daily. But we have hope because we belong to the Lord and have an eternal perspective. And God’s Word contains so many promises for us to hold onto.

    All that to say, Pastor JD’s message this past week was a tremendous blessing. It’s about David’s extreme, unexplained anguish in Psalm 6:3-4 and how by the end of that Psalm, his perspective changed because of God’s “unfailing love” for him, not to mention God’s promise that David would be king of Israel. Pastor JD then talks about Acts 27 where the apostle Paul is in the ultimate storm (and ends up shipwrecked). At v.20 the writer says “we” – meaning everyone on board – gave up hope of being saved, including Paul! Yet God had promised Paul he would go to Rome and stand trial.

    God’s Word promises He will never leave us or forsake us. He is able to use us for His glory despite our doubts and fears if we will keep our eyes on Him. Pastor JD gives this message so much better than I can and has so many other encouraging points that he makes.

    So be encouraged and be blessed. God’s not going to abandon us. He goes with us through each storm and trial we face. Yes, doubt and fear happen because we’re human and the enemy of our soul wants us to be discouraged. God doesn’t fault us for feeling them, but we don’t have to give in to them either. He wants to replace our anxiety with His peace that passes all understanding. That happens when we draw close to Him, spend time in prayer and in His Word. His presence will turn our perspective to one of hope. Remember His promise to us in Romans 8:28 – all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes. You are not alone. We all face fear, frustration, doubt and anger. Only through Christ are we able to overcome. I pray Pastor JD’s message is encouraging for you as it is to me.

  34. Well, states are slowly reopening and the data show this pandemic is on it’s way out at the moment. I expect the summer to be relatively uneventful.

    This fall is a different story. Like everyone says the virus will almost certainly come back, possibly worse. We usually have an “October surprise” during election years as well. I would use the next 6 month’s or so to get our ducks in a row.

  35. why is emmanuel macron so popular all of a sudden and seems to be the leader in this global everything hmm

  36. Like Don said before, he compares himself to the king of the gods. Im Sure he would love to rule a new EU.

  37. Certainly Macron is a little horn with a big mouth who thinks of himself as someone great. But Macron does not appear to have a fierce countenance (Da 8:23) and he is not going to be more stout than the other ten kings (Da 7:20).

    Maybe between now and then he will eat a magic mushroom and grow up.

  38. Don,

    I guess that depends on if you are using the words stout and fierce to describe physical features or behavior.
    If it’s purely physical then people should expect a mean, short, portly fellow.
    If the writer was describing the man’s behavior then it could mean someone who is adamant, determined, and viscous. I like this description better.

  39. Jim,

    Countenance suggests one’s physical appearance.

    The little horn does not mean the guy is short either. I believe the Bible also says somewhere that he comes from a small people. In other words, he probably will not come from a great nation or have a great following until he is empowered by Satan.

  40. I freely admit that it is wishful thinking, but I have been considering that a war or emp or anything else is really not necessary to get the U.S. into end time events. There will be such mass caos the world over when the rapture happens that it will give the heathen elites the very real crisis they need to implement worldwide government etc. Millions of people in all walks of life and ages dissappearing at the same moment from all sorts of positions. Airplanes without piolets, ships left to drift at sea, cars suddenly driverless. All good and righteousness influence left in the operation of this country will be gone immediately, this country experiencing the very same crisis as the rest of the world would have no reason not to go along with world government. Don already pointed out when I asked a few articles back about the rest of the new world that not only is the U.S. not mentioned, neither is anything else in the western hemsiphere. While the United States is certainly in decline and headed towards ruin as well as exporting evil it is also to my knowledge the main exporter of benevolence, missions work, etc to the world. Remove all christian influence from the U.S. in an instant and then what difference is there? It is that Christian influence and God’s providence that made this country what it once was, and as that influence waynes so goes the health of this country. The rapture will literally be a heart attack for whatever remnant of the United States is left as we know it. Its a sort of a hope for the best scenario. An emp or mass civil war or both here would be a nasty scenario. Prepare as we want, estimates Ive seen put cassualties in the big cities at 90% and 40 to 60 in rural areas from an emp. Hard to make provisions for such a low chance of survival scenario, and then survival only gets you a short time in a miserable existence before the rapture anyway. So here is to hoping to be able to continue to occupy without such a catastrophic event occuring. Blessings to all.

  41. Adding to that last comment. Don used a number of perhaps only 200,000,000 Christians going in the rapture. Well that works out to 2.5% of the world population gone in an instant. Since going off the common discussion here we havent even got to the “main event” directly after the rapture imagine the mess of all these globalist godless people trying to explain where all these people went. Who knowes they may blame aliens, terrorist attacks, government abductions, other countries, or maybe they will just cover it up. Some poor souls will likely realize whats happened too and what they are in for. I am having a hard enough time processing the current calamity and direction of things and I am a believer and trusting the Lord to take me in the rapture.

  42. What concerns me about the Prez of France is that he appears to be close to fulfilling more prophecies than Obama or anyone else out there for the time being. Most of the learned Jews of Jesus time knew the Prophecies and still missed identifying the suffering and humble MESSIAH described by Isaiah, so the same could turn out to be concerning the AC, these are just my 2 cents.

  43. We’re moving faster; but Judah’s third Temple is still off the radar. So far; nothing but a prototype. I’d like to see something concrete; no pun intended. (Shovels in the ground.) The Temple is pivotal to the events of the final seven years of human government. It seems likely that some fearsome world event will precipitate calls for its construction.

  44. brian,

    what really gets me is the fact that the financial city in babylon/iraq is not even there yet.. it says it will be the center of the world for commerce and other things but all i see right now is a war torn country. nothing much to see. If we expect the antichrist to rule from this modern city in the next 10 years then they better start rebuilding iraq or we can push this end times beyond 2040.

  45. Alex,

    That is also my biggest problem with a 2nd coming in 10 to 15 years. I’ve said before that my personal opinion is that if time is really that short then Babylon would be supernaturally built or would be another city in the plain renamed New Babylon.

    If there is indeed a 7000 year plan for mankind there is little wiggle room for the start of the millennium.

  46. Alex and Jim,

    All you really need is a city representing the Satanic pagan economic and religious system that first appeared and has existed in the world since Babel. Babylon probably will be built after the four horsemen ride and the revived Roman Empire takes over the whole area (remember their riding may occur prior to the final 7 years). The representative city and end time world headquarters will probably be built by the ten kings. The reason it become the focus of the world might have something to do with the return of the gods (fallen angels) there.

    My point is nothing is going to happen until there are ten kings controlling that area of the world. If we are still here, we might look for that after the coming reset and New World Order.

  47. Hi everyone, lets see it took around 10 years for them to build completely city of QATAR with all that oil money and they were not in any major civil war during those times, i just don’t see how they going to build another city in 3.5 years while the Great tribulation is in full swing, especially Iraq still in
    Civil War and oil prices dropping, asteroids crashing, nuclear war, heat waves, earthquakes etc , but anything is possible

  48. Hi Joe,

    Qatar is not a city, it is a nation. Perhaps you meant Dubai.

    Great cities in China have been built within a few years. Millions of people do not have to live in Babylon it just needs to be the international focal point.

    The prophecies about Babylon are more than just prophecies about the city representing Babylon. They are about the world economic and religious system. Just as a small city named the Vatican can rule over a major religion. A small city named Babylon can rule over the nations. In fact, many have thought that the Vatican was Babylon. However, that does not explain the details in the prophecies. It has to be in what is now Iraq. I give an extended explanation of Babylon in my Revelation Commentary Chapters 17 and 18 (top bar).

    The great tribulation is just the last half of the 7 years still unfulfilled for Israel. I would think Babylon gets built either before the two witnesses appear or at the same time. The covenant will include a peace deal. I think there will be peace on earth during the time of the two witnesses 3.5 year ministry. While the Temple is being built in Jerusalem in the Jews anticipation for the arriving of the kingdom of God. The world will be building a temple at Babylon for their own pagan concept of an opposing Kingdom. It’s all about two kingdoms and two cities. Satan counterfeits everything. Babylon is the counterfeit kingdom and is fully equipped with its own counterfeit Christ and false prophet. That is why it is judged.

  49. How can you reconcile revelation chapter 18 verses 10-19 then? That very clearly describes a literal city that is an economic hub and possibly a port city on the water.

    That said, Hillah, Iraq is a rather large city that borders ancient Babylon. I imagine if the world government relocates here it would become a prosperous location and renamed New Babylon.

  50. Babylon was and will be be a literal city but the future city also represents the worldly economic system and counterfeit kingdom. Keep in mind, that the Beast of Babylon will even claim to be God and the whole world will believe him.

  51. I think Babylon is a copy of heavenly Jerusalem, so it will come down from heaven just like heavenly Jerusalem.
    Zechariah Chapter 5:
    1Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.
    2And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.
    3Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.
    4I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.
    5Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.
    6And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth.
    7And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.
    8And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof.
    9Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.
    10Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?
    11And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.

  52. Couple of thoughts, I was trying to understand how millions of people have antibodies to Covid-19 without symptoms and many others are experiencing severe symptoms. The everyday Flue seems to always have pretty awful symptoms but not as severe as Covid-19 and the vast majority recover. I believe that all these people testing positive for Covid-19 antibodies have been subjected to a low amount of the virus which the body’s defenses kill off with no symptoms and those that have more severe symptoms have been exposed to a larger amount of the virus. I was just reading of great numbers of ships/tankers anchored full of oil spread out across the world’s oceans, this could lead to: Revelation 8:9 (NASB)9 and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed. And Revelation 16:3, NASB: “The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became blood like that of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea died.” I could see these tankers being destroyed for the purpose of elevating oil prices and the nations where oil is their life-blood, killing ocean life would not give them pause since they have no problem killing their own citizens to keep power. I would love to hear your thoughts Don?

  53. @Don
    Maybe it’s the altar or something like that. I cannot explain it to you immediately, there is a preacher here in Germany who has an interpretation that Babylon the mother of all whores will be a copy of the heavenly Jerusalem, a perfect seduction in the end times even for Christians.

  54. Hi Neno,

    I think there are two different thoughts there in Zechariah Chapter 5. There is the flying scroll and then the Ephah being carried to Babylon. They both seem to be symbolic. One is a message being delivered to the world and the consequences and the other represents wickedness being carried to Babylon. That probably happens when the Antichrist sets up his headquarters at Babylon.

    The Kingdom of God in heaven is the Holy City. I don’t see how you make a copy of it at Babylon although the Antichrist might wish people to think he is setting up the kingdom of god at Babylon.

  55. Hi Stephen,

    People receive different degrees of viral loads and the immune systems of those receiving a heavy load are more likely to be quickly overcome. I suspect that the worse part of the disease is not a direct result of the virus. It is caused by the body’s overreaction to the virus. The body’s immune system overreacts and starts to attack its own organs. Why that is, nobody knows yet.

    The Trumpets and Bowls are judgments of God. I don’t think these judgments have anything to do with wanting to elevate oil prices.

  56. After our LORD : Jesus stated in Luke 21 : 11 about there being ‘Pestilences’ the next thing he stated which may or may not be in chronological order of endtime events was ‘Fearful events and great signs from heaven’ so i think we are not just out of the woods yet ? All these events will undoubtedly bankrupt many insurance companies too !

  57. Hi Joe,

    Actually Jesus was talking about the same events that cause everyone to hide in holes in the ground for fear of what they see coming upon the earth. Besides, the following verse in Luke 21:12 says before these things there will be persecution. The persecution occurs at the fifth seal and the hiding in the holes for fear occurs after the opening of the sixth seal. We are not in those days yet since none of the seals have been opened and there is no persecution in Israel. Also, none of those seals are likely to be opened while the Church is still here.

    Just about everything will be bailed out by government, but that will cause the national currencies to soon become almost worthless. People need to realize that and take action to try to preserve any wealth still possible. In other words, when hyperinflation hits just about all non tangible paper investments are going to be the big loser.

  58. Don,

    You should make a revised TEOTWAWKI post as we may find ourselves in such a situation in the very near future.

  59. Hey you reckon there is some merit to the claims that warm weather and humidity keep the virus somewhat down? India seems to be doing ok so far considering their population density and healthcare system. I realize they are locked down, but you would think with their population and living conditions that could make it worse.

    What is TEOTWAWKI?

  60. Warm weather and humidity are known to lessen the spread of such virus. The virus breaks down quicker under those conditions. That is why people are saying it may come back in the fall. For example, the Spanish flu died down somewhat in the summer but it came roaring back in the fall.

    By mid summer here you will get a clue by watching the number of cases in the Southern Hemisphere because they will be in the dead of winter down there.

  61. Hi Karen, read the stuff you linked and listened to Jd, seems pretty up on things though unlike Don here he doesnt seem to use the gap theory, regardless that doesnt have to be a dogmatic thing. Thanks for those links, he had a good sermon on fear last week too.

    My own ramblings
    One thing that I see getting brought up by a lot folks about the eventual potential vaccine for the cronaplague is that it is probably going to be the mark of the beast, I see this on my facebook etc. It is highly unlikely given the place of the mark in tribulation events that the vaccine will be it. Whether it is or not we as the church dont have to worry about it. The technology being talked about does have the potential to eventually be incorporated into the beast system, but that doesn’t come into play until the last half of the tribulation. The saved by grace through faith church will be gone before that comes into play. Further, according to 2nd Thesolonians( thanks David L ) we are out of here before the antichrist is revealed anyway, or at least long before he is possessed by satan, so I wouldnt get real hung up in worrying about the vaccine or who ends up running this new European government if we are here for that. That french guy does make me scratch my head though, coincidence at this point but with that name I cant help but wonder in the future. I prefer the Immanuel we sing about at Christmas though, the real one.
    Now whether or not said vaccine will be safe or not…I dunno on that.

    Don- so what do you think, cant set dates but rapture pretty much anytime from like now to about 5 years out at most?

    And on the subject of physical prepping. One article suggests about 3 to six months the other says go for a years worth. What do yall think on the food? not quiet ready to go camp on a hill and wait, still like to eat. We know how to can, garden, fish, hunt, make stuff work, just kind of nervous waiting on this economic hammer to drop.

  62. It looks like there is increased cyber attacks on the power grid. Trump signed executive order on May 1st making such attacks a national emergency and he is beefing up security. I don’t think everything that’s happening is coincidence.

  63. have u guys noticed your streets being dug up recently? here in nj in every town they are digging the sides of all the streets and i heard they are putting 5g sensors in it… now the streets are all patched up and look like a 3rd world country streets.

  64. I have had a power outage for the last 50 hours and have no Internet so people asking me something will have to use their own judgement. Can’t find a generator that works. This is being sent by cell phone.

  65. Hi,

    The gap theory is bogus. Even Dr. J. Vernon McGee got caught up in this nonsense, trying to pin it on the word ‘and’ between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. That’s one big matzoh ball hanging out there on simply one conjunction word (i.e, ‘and’). What is it to you if the world and the universe, as spoken into existence by Jesus Christ, happened 6,000 years ago versus any other date? What do you care? Clinging to the gap theory in 2020 is just a useless exercise to try to hang on to aspects of evolution/global-warming (I guess that is now the “old normal”?)

    The covid vaccine has ZERO/ZILCH/NOTHING to do with the mark of the beast. Do you see a rider on a white horse? How about a pale horse? black one? red one? Peace treaty with Israel (land and sea)? Temple at the site of the dome of the rock?

    As for the building of the city of Babylon, I ask: “Who cares?” I’m won’t be here. Doesn’t impact me one iota.

    Re: physical prepping… Depends on your exact situation. When the EMP attack happens, will you be at home or will you be at work? How far a walk do you have to get from work to home? You might not make it home. That discussion aside…

    A food stockpile and electrical backup are all good things to prep for (useful for a variety of scenarios, including, in my case, hurricanes). Ready store dot com is a good place (of course, with covid, it’s a little late to be waking up now and trying to order stuff).

    Where I am at, my skill set is fishing. But, that will only work out if/before the cooling rods don’t melt down. I’m not going out for bambi’s as I am quite sure I would not be coming back. If you have livestock, it no longer belongs to you. Hope you are in a conservative community or else it’s pretty much over. I see, now, people want to leave the cities. But they don’t have plans to “go and sin no more”.

    As for 5g – pretty much the same thing. Are we gonna stop it? I don’t think so. Might help out in the ozarks right about now.

    The rapture occurs before the wrath of God. The wrath of God is announced at the breaking of the 6th seal (pretty sure it’s the 6th). So, it would be nice if it happened before the rider on the white horse, or, better, before the judgment of America, but remember one thing: Jesus said to the one thief on the cross: “Today, you will be with me in paradise”. Only those that believe in the work of Christ at the cross has a place prepared for them for all of eternity by the father. Of faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. Well, we saints have faith and hope (in that order), but love really doesn’t come until later. In paradise.

    Blessings, Craig

  66. Hello craig,

    A fellow fisherman. Before covid
    I got to do a little guiding.

    About 26 miles to walk home assuming the work dont burn down with me in it. Im in decent enough shape that the walk is doable if I make it away from work.

    I agree evolution is bs. I was talking about a gap between rapture and 7 year trib, ive seen that referred to as gap theory on here.

    We agree on covid vaccine, unless we get raptured out in the next 6 months(wouldnt that be nice)

    I mentioned earlier its my hope that the rapture is what causes the downfall of America although there is no gaurentee something doesnt happen here first. The removal of salt and light and subsequent loss of population here will be catastrophic, even if its only 5% to 10%.

    Livestock, eh just some barnyard chickens. Conservative community, some hope there. Been watching church on tv with the neighbors last few weeks.

    I dont care about 5g, like i do not enjoy watching the world go down but we aren’t going to stop it either.

    Got the generator, ok for most prep stuff but i dont think im going to try to store 6 months to a year of fuel for the generator, the noise would draw “flies” anyway. The plan for no refrigerator/freezer is to can the frozen stuff over a wood fire early on. Really in the emp situation I think nobody is an island, and without a pretty good network setup outside town its a low survivalbility situation anyway. We live outside town already. Ive got two younger kids so taking off cross country in a mad max land isnt going to happen, so we will have to hope for the best with the neighbors building some sort of community. Ultimate prepping is faith in the Son, but we do still have to give mind to these fleshly bodies while we occupy them. Ive had a lot of anxiety the last few months because I didnt do much and didnt give God his propper place, still some fear but its getting better. I am greatful that Gods faithfulness isnt changed by my failures. If there is one thing I have some twinge of a hope of a delayed rapture its so I can have a chance to be used by Him again, His will be done in that. Regardless Ill be going with Him, and even if my reward up there is small seeing Him face to face and these present struggles wont compare to the glory there.

    Hopefully Don gets his lights back on soon.

  67. Welcome back! This article has produced a large amount of comments and I look forward to them and your responses.

  68. Its interesting how Trump said today this was the worst attack on our country in history. He then said we are very good fighting enemies we can actually see, and that this never should of happened. He also didn’t look like his usual self. I don’t know if he let something slip or if he was just making veiled threats to China.

  69. What we do know is that NEITHER the USA nor China ‘Dominate’ Daniel’s 70th Week as a global superpower, that means somethings going to happen to both : USA and China to allow Daniel’s 4th Beast to dominate most of the 70th week, Yikes !

  70. Welcome back Don:
    I hope all is well – I would be interested in what happened and what you learned that you can share with us. We are thrilled to have you back on-line; you were greatly missed … Bev

  71. Hi Joe,

    China very well could head the 200 million man army from the East that results in the death of a third of all men on earth (Rev 9:16).

  72. Hi Bev,

    We had a series of thunderstorms with a lot of trees and wires down. I learned that the electric coop we have here is not adequately staffed to handle widespread outages. They also either do not ask for or receive additional linesmen help from other electric companies like other electric companies do in similar situations. Is any of that labor shortage due to the virus or the rules? Who knows? I hate to think of what it would be like here after a major ice storm.

    We had access to a generator located two hours away but the one that got here yesterday evening would not start. I lost a lot of refrigerated food and some of our frozen food was temporarily moved to freezers elsewhere last night.

    What I confirmed is if you are going to live in rural areas around here, you are going to experience long outages sooner or later. A good whole house generator is almost a must have. Otherwise do not freeze much and expect to live without running water as well. You also need a backup plan for not having access to the Internet for days on end.

  73. Don, a several day power outage is miserable. Especially since it was storm induced. Too often rural power loss is either the result of severe thunderstorms, which leave hot and humid weather in the wake or worse is winter ice storms. Most residential heat systems need electricity. To have several days of subfreezing weather, with no heat, and with a bad ice storm, dangerous travel to go somewhere else is tough too. Hint:for the ice storms you can keep stuff from freezing by moving it to a cold area where there is no sunshine. I grew up in the southern Ozarks in rural Oklahoma and currently live in rural East Texas. Our rural electric cooperatives were and are pretty good about getting power back. If there is downed trees and such it gets much harder due to the debris. Worse when a tornado destroys a big part of infrastructure, I have had that too. I gave up in the whole house generator because, except when I had propane in rural Virginia, it requires a long term fuel supply. Gasoline, for example, requires some kind of stabilizer, to keep for much time but if you have natural gas, without some kind of electrical requirement to operate, it may work OK. I do keep a small generator which will run a window AC, charge cell phones and a little emergency battery powered TV, and such. I make a point of operating it for an hour or so once every 3 months. Usually, some gasoline station has gasoline available due to their generator.

    Weather discussion aside, there is a lot of conjecture and interest about events currently happening in the world. In my misspent youth, I was an officer on a Polaris submarine and heard stories which the public would never know about. For example, during the Yom Kippur war we came extremely close to a shootout with the USSR. I think it was DEFCON 2 supposedly, because the USSR was planning to fly an airborne division to aid Egypt and President Nixon told the USSR to stay away and we would shoot down the transports. A friend that was in the USAF in a Minuteman silo told me they took their keys off and put them in the fire control to make a launch instantly, if needed. Navy officers told me they were to shoot anything with a red star flying their way. I mention this because there is so much of this Chinese virus thing that is not being reported. I gave up on Drudge some time ago as it turned hard left. I periodically read the articles on They link to a lot of articles the MSM will ignore. I see stories (I cannot verify or endorse as accurate) where the Chinese are telling their military war with the US is imminent. I saw one, where the US has replaced the B-52’s in Guam with the much more lethal B-1B’s. I see stories where the Chinese are telling their public that the US Army released the virus on China (alleging both a war crime by using biological weapons and WMD) which would almost require them to respond by attacking the US because they are claiming we attacked them. There are a lot of hints that the US and China may be getting ready to tangle. The stories they are telling their public are very similar to what Hitler told his public prior to invading Poland.

  74. Phil,

    See my comment above. Trump is also using some language that suggests a confrontation may be near.

  75. Fellow etex here phil.

    We had some bad storms in my younger years, once a tree fell near our lines and jerked the electric meeter off our house, no power for 10 days.

    The stuff about China is unnerving for sure. I have seen numerous reports of them probing our research facilities working on the virus as well as hospital systems. Also, the executive order the other day regarding the power supply.

    Ive seen many of the reports about them telling their people we did this. Communist regimes, particularly the one in China never accept responsibility for anything because they believe they are god. I dont know how true it is but ive seen several reports that they started hoarding medical supplies as early as December. There is so much going on the world over right now behind the scenes it makes it impossible to figure out. Perhaps the power brokers want the US and China to fight and turned the pathogen loose to instigate that. They dont like either one of our governments because the united states used to stand for freedom and made it look good, and the ccp wants to be king of the world. I do not believe for 2 secconds that China has no cases as they are reporting, and likely their people do not believe it either seeing as how they are still dying from it, but who knowes what they are being told.

    Both our countries are in trouble anyway, so hopefully full out war can be avoided, or an emp situation.

    We are trying to get back to some sort of fellowship and community here since restrictions are lifting some. Church going to limited services. Our house group is starting to meet again. Anyone else getting any kind of in person fellowship?

  76. Hi Don, I hope you remember me. Im a retired Chicago Police Officer who found your site @15 years ago. Ive been in and out of following you, including the downtime you took several years ago, but am happy to see you are still back up. Ive been trough hell the past couple of years but true to His word God has brought me through. Now we are in the middle of what appears to be the preview of what is to come. Im glad you are still here along with Pete Garcia and surely some of the other folks who used to be a part of The Omega Letter with Jack Kinsella. Im back in the fight and I hope you will all accept me back in support, agreement and prayer in order to weather what will surely be dark days that appear to want to grow darker. I am amazed at your accuracy Don. at least ten years ago I remember thinking “this guy is really pushing the Rapture and the Tribulation out into the future” Boy, was I wrong! You and Hal Lindsey are two of the voices I feel I can count on the most. Thank you and count me as back in the fight.

  77. Hi Michael,

    I do remember a police officer from Chicago commenting on my Blog. Welcome back.

    Sorry to hear about the private hell that you have been living through.

  78. Hi Caitlin,

    My family also has limited finances, so I share your concern for making preparations. Obviously, trusting in the Lord to care for us is first and foremost, and I know that He WILL care for us no matter how bad it gets between now and the Rapture. That being said, I would like to pass along some “shoestring budget” tips for you and others:

    White rice has a long shelf life, and grocery stores sell 20 lb. bags for well under $20. You can easily fit 2 of these, with room to spare, in a 25-lb. Vittles Vault that costs around $22 online or $30 retail. A cheaper option would be to simply bag it in 1-gallon plastic freezer bags and store it in the freezer.

    Dried beans also have a long shelf life, are inexpensive and nutritious, and form a complete protein when combined with rice. They can also be stored in a Vittles Vault (though they take up considerably more room than rice) or 1-gallon plastic bags in the freezer.

    Jars of peanut butter have a respectable shelf life, are loaded with life-sustaining fat and protein, and give a lot of nutritional “bang for the buck.”

    Emergency water storage kits that come with a 55-gallon barrel, water preservation chemicals, a siphon, etc. can be found online.

    As far as power outages go, I don’t own a generator, and for various reasons, I do not intend to buy one. I guess I just figure it’s better to learn to live without electricity if the grid goes down. For that reason, I got a camp stove online for under $60. It burns biofuel (leaves, sticks, twigs, branches, pine cones, etc.) and has a big enough frame to accommodate a canner. Inexpensive solar cookers are also worth considering.

    I sincerely hope these tips are an encouragement to you as well as anyone else who isn’t “made of money.”

    God bless,


  79. Hi Tara,
    Thanks for your thoughtfulness. I’m on the 6th floor of a low rise. If the grid goes down I can get downstairs but there are a few here who can’t negotiate stairs. Here’s hoping the grid doesn’t go down.

    Thanks for the tips.

  80. You’re welcome, Caitlin. I tried to tailor my ideas to your specific situation. It’s encouraging to know that healthy, inexpensive options are available to those of us who can’t afford all those fancy emergency food buckets. Let’s hope and pray we’re raptured out of here SOON before an EMP (or worse) happens. I look forward to meeting you in the clouds!

  81. I was reading on firsthand accounts of the Tunguska event in 1908 and was suprised on the similar language the witnesses used compared to revelation. People said when the meteor arrived it appeared the heavens were opened and the sky split apart. I can’t picture exactly how that would look but apparently that’s actually what appears to happens with a larger meteor strike.

  82. Don,

    I have a hypothesis that the events in revelation may not be caused by a comet but perhaps of a rogue planet ( or a planet sized asteroid I suppose).

    It would be impossible for something with such little mass as a comet to cause worldwide earthquakes on it’s pass by.

    However, if a rogue planet came close it would definitely cause massive gravitational disturbances and probably pelt the earth with debris caught up in its gravity as it wandered through the cosmos. It would also appear massive in the sky and be incredibly terrifying.

    What are you thoughts on this?

  83. Hi Jim,

    There are theories that Venus was a comet that came from Jupiter or Saturn and caused some of the plagues of Exodus when it interacted with mars and the earth before it settled into the orbit that it is now in.

    The labeling really has little to do with the size. A comet is a body that somehow appears in our solar system and has enough atmosphere to produce a tail. Comet Shoemaker-Levy9 was discovered in 1993 and hit Jupiter in 1994 in 21 large fragments. The original comet probably first interacted with Jupiter in 1929. It broke up into 21 pieces when it got too close in 1992. The original comet was huge probably about a mile in diameter. I have little doubt that something like that comet could cause the destruction recorded in Revelation.

    It is also possible that the Holy City itself will cause the earthquakes and the crust shift. It will be 1300 miles in Diameter.

  84. Don, I think at some point we should just stop looking for natural events causing the miracles of the Bible. God just did them. How did the Earth’s rotation stop in Joshua 10, for example. How was Christ raised from the dead? People scratch to find natural causes, as some blame the Thera volcano for the plagues of Egypt too. The sun standing still in Joshua is a big one. I suspect God stopped time and not the Earth rotation due to the effects of a stop in rotation would cause all sorts of problems with the momentum of things like water in the oceans. No, at some point I just have to say God created everything in creation and can and will do as he pleases. The same will occur in the trials of Revelation. Where it states a comet of something that is what will happen, otherwise you and I can watch it from above.

  85. Hi Phil,

    I think God uses what He created to fulfill what He created it for. God uses natural forces so disbelievers can continue to believe that God does not exist. Even so, God set in motion everything in creation.

    The Venus, Mars Earth interaction theory can explain most such OT events. In fact the book “Worlds in Collision” did just that. Crust shifts on the earth can explain the shadow on the sundial moving backward and the long day of Joshua.

  86. Hi Don,

    I hope you don’t mind being on a first name basis. For the purpose of our discussion, please just call me Allen.

    I read your editorial on the timeline of Christ’s return, and your estimate of when that will occur. What intrigued me most was that we came up with the same date of 2034 for Christ’s return from completely different reasoning. I frequently read your editorial because it just makes me feel good to know that Christ may return at that time.

    OK…straight to the point now! No doubt the Army mentioned in Revelation of the 200 million man army is enormous.

    Question: could some of those “men” be robots?

    I will quote Joel 2:3-11 (3) A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth; the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. (4) The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. (5) Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. (6) Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. (7) They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks. (8) Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded. (9) They shall run to and fro in the city: they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter the window like a thief. (10) The earth shall quake before them; and the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the starts shall withdraw their shining: (11) And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for his is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?

    The scriptures were for a bit of background to my comments. I read articles in the news that armies of robots are extant. The ability to use them in place of “real” humans is there. The robots can climb vertical walls and enter windows. They are also made to withstand blows from the enemy and if they fell upon a sword, it would not hurt them. They would most likely march in order and not break ranks. Finally, they might indeed sound like an army of chariots when they arrive.

    Just some things to think about…I enjoy your blog.

  87. ce,

    Twice in revelation there are worldwide earthquakes followed by hail and large meteors. That could only likely happen by gravitational disturbances brought on by a truly massive celestial body or the Holy city itself like Don just mentioned.

  88. I suppose a large celestial object could catch us by surprise coming from outside the solar system. The same object could return in around 7 years from orbit around the sun causing the similar events towards the end of the tribulation. Just a thought.

  89. Hi Allen,

    I think men are men but I would not rule out robots coming along with the men. The army spoken about by Joel very well could be robotic but it is not necessarily the 200 million army spoken about in Revelation. Some even think the 200 million are a demonic army.

  90. I wonder if Iraq would become a member of a revised EU/MU. The Roman Empire extended slightly into modern Iraq to around the northern Euphrates. It could help explain how it could modernize quickly as it would have EU protections and money flowing into it. Im sure this revised EU would love to control the oil and port in the gulf. It could also be easy for the antichrist to move his capital to Babylon (as it’s a member state).

    in regards to some of my previous posts…

    Both times these massive earthquakes and meteors occur in Rev ch 6 and 16 we see it in relation to the throne in heaven appearing. Maybe ch 6 vs 16 is literal as in God actually visibly appearing to the inhabitants of the earth in the sky. Perhaps this gives more weight to these events being caused supernaturally.

  91. Hi Jim,

    I think the whole area of the old Roman Empire will be in the revived Roman Empire that becomes the Beast. I also think everyone will see and know what is going on just as Revelation says. People will deliberately make a choice whom to follow. They will either follow the God of heaven or they will follow the counterfeit god on earth.

    All events in this universe are supernatural in their origins.

  92. Im suprised how little people are expecting the soon return of Christ. I’ve only found half a dozen or so good websites over the years that really understand what’s going on. I mean we are a very very small percentage of christians. I have never even met anyone that believes in the millenium day theory. I can’t even talk to anyone about this stuff cause they think im crazy. Why are the vast majority of even true Christians not paying attention? You would think all of them would want to know the times we live in.

  93. Hi Jim,

    90 percent of those identifying as Christian are taught amillennial theology. They do not believe Jesus is coming back to rule and reign on earth. Many so called Christians are ignorant because they do not read the scriptures for themselves and few are teaching them the truth.

  94. Hi Don,

    I thought I read the Bible, but to put out the work you do requires deep contemplation. In my last question, you entertained the idea that some manmade devices could be used by the army of Satan in the latter days, but said that most of the army would be made of flesh and blood. I agree with your assessment because Ezekiel, or John, indicated real blood to a certain depth.

    Also, I read that Israel would be burying the bodies for 7 months, and even thereafter. That would involve and enormous body count of real bodies.

    OK…you may already have an answer for this question, or have at least contemplated it: Who is the little horn to arise from the 10 horns that subdues 3 other horns as mentioned in Daniel?

    Here are my thoughts and you can give me your thoughts on the matter:

    Could the little horn be a Jew? The Book of Thessalonians says: 2 Thes. 2:3-4

    3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, Shewing himself that he is God.

    My thoughts will be in parenthesis.

    Here is what Daniel said:

    Daniel 8: 8-12 Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones towards the four winds of heaven. (I am assuming the he goat was Alexander the Great.)

    9. And out of one of them came froth a little horn, which waxed exceedingly great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.
    (By pleasant land, I think he is referring to Israel, but I don’t know. The little horn could indicate a small kingdom. Geographically Israel is very small, but is indeed very strong militarily.)

    10. And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.
    (OK…this is conjecture on my part: could the stars be symbolic of the two prophets who shall testify in the latter days in Jerusalem for 3.5 years? By “it” I am assuming it was the little horn (the leader or country). The people will reject the message of the prophets just as they did Christ 2000 years before in Jerusalem, but it will happen again.)

    11. Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.

    12. And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.

    (We know that the 2 prophets will be killed and lie in the streets for 3.5 days and be resurrected by Christ. Whoever kills the prophets shall prosper for 3.5 days. They will celebrate and send gifts that the prophets are dead.
    However, since the horn is called a little horn, and since the person will be worshipped as God in the Temple of God, could the prince be a Jew, and the country in question be Israel?)

    If you have any thoughts on this I would appreciate it! You have probably already thought about this many times, but your site is so encyclopedic you would be doing me a favor by just giving your opinion.

    I will look back again later!


  95. HI Allen,

    I do not think the little horn Antichrist is a Gentile. He waxes great toward the East, South and toward Israel. Therefore he certainly is not rising from Israel. He is rising from somewhere northwest of Israel. Antiochus IV Epiphanes out of the Greek Empire was the Antichrist prototype.

    What the stars and host are is conjecture. Heavenly host and stars could mean they are of the unseen realm generally called angels.

  96. Don, Chuch Missler used to speak of “The Assyrian” as a possible reference to the antichrist. What are your thoughts on that?

  97. I think the 2520 year cycle makes some sense (from 445bc). Either it ends in 2039 if you use 360 day years or 2075 if you use solar years. Not sure if that influenced Ken Johnson’s dating. Both dates make sense for different reasons.

  98. Hi Jim,

    Actually the 2520 cycle makes more sense from 536 BC with the dedication of the second temple. It was completed in 1948 when Israel was reborn. Now we may be waiting for the unbelieving generation to die off who would not take back their land and build the Temple.

  99. Hi Don,

    The “asteroid Apophis” might well be wormwood spoken in Revelation. It might poison the waters as per things happening in the Seventh Seal. I agree with you and your readership that these things may not be too far away.

  100. Ugh, the deeper I dive into what could physically cause the events of the 6th seal the more confusing it is. What could,

    Cause a blood moon
    Cause a solar eclipse
    Cause a meteor shower
    Cause a very large earthquake
    Cause the sky to appear to part

    All at the same time…..

    Thee ONLY natural event that fits is a rogue planet passing close by the earth as I said. It gives the earth a close shave causing gravitational and atmospheric disturbances and raining meteorites. It passes and heads towards the sun blocking the light for a few minutes causing an eclipse and blood moon concurrently.

    Why do I care about this? Because these are extremely rare and so massive that it should be easily spotted many years in advance. If the tribulation is to begin in a decade or so we should have seen this long ago.

  101. Hi Jim,

    Read Worlds in Collision and you might get the picture. The coming huge comet does not have to come from out of our solar system. In any case, I do not think God’s angels have a problem shaking up things in the heavens.

  102. Revelation ch 6 13-14 could have a dual meaning if the 6th seal was indeed at the midpoint of the 7 years. A great comet yes, but also referring to Satan and his angels bring cast from heaven down to earth at the same time.

  103. I think the final countdown started with the advent of COVID-19 this year. I believe we’re in a continuum that will culminate with the Lord’s return at the end of the Tribulation Week (perhaps 2032). The most convincing evidence of the year of Christ’s birth points to 28 September 2BC. That puts His death at 33 1/2 years of age on 10 April 32AD. In light of Hosea 6:2,3 2,000 SOLAR years later is 2032 AD. I still have two questions that I need answered: 1) how can we know for sure the start date of the two days referenced in Hosea 6:2 and 2) my research shows exactly 4,000 LUNAR years from the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ. IF this is correct, the year 2000AD should have been the end of the sixth day. I use SOLAR years for the fifth and sixth millennia because the Julian/Gregorian system was adopted in 45BC. Would love to get answers for these two questions.

    p.s. an asteroid passed within 240 miles of earth on November 13 last month. Closest NEO in recorded history.

  104. Hi Greg.

    Scholars are all over the board on the dating since creation. Trust me you can’t figure it out. That is because even the calendar the Jews use has become corrupted. I would think the 4000 years ends with the death of Christ not the birth, but it also may end with the destruction of the Temple. Obviously 2000 years from His birth has come and gone.

    One needs to study ancient writings such as the dead sea scrolls to find out what happen to the calendars. Dr Greg Johnson did that and he figures that the end of the 6000 years from creation is not until 2075. You might look him up and study his work. I personally don’t think we can be dogmatic about any of the dating schemes out there.

    Hosea is talking to believing Jews not Christians. So do you want to date any fulfillment of the prophecy from the Crucifixion of their Messiah or the destruction of the Temple? I like the former, but who really knows?

    Asteroids that miss the earth mean nothing about the timing of anything.