Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020

In the Eastern Ozarks of Missouri we have had only a few cases of the laboratory created coronavirus. Even so, everything in the state was shut down by order of the knee-jerking governor. It would have been wiser to just deal with hot spots like St Louis and Kansas City and leave the rural areas of the state alone. The government control freaks prove good at shutting down everything, but they do not have a clue how businesses and those they put out of work will ever recover from the unconstitutional shut-downs that they directed. People will now have to live with the consequences of the mass hysteria that the government and media created.

The federal government is spending money they do not have to try to appease the people they put out of work. That will just add inflation to the unemployment problem shortly down the road. Printing money that you do not have when a nation is turning socialist and probably has no future is just Venezuela dreaming. It is like pouring gasoline unto a tinderbox and then encouraging leftist government morons to play with matches. The way things are going with the unemployment, the drugs, the race baiting, and the police state—will we even get through this summer without civil upheaval?

What will the country be like if the Democrats totally take over next year? I don’t think true Christians or any sane traditional Americans would even want to be dwelling in it. Instead of living in a leftist crazy land, maybe it will be time to form our own nation called Heartland America (HA)?

The stupid leaders are now acting like the virus is about to go away. That is not going to happen. It might take a summer break but it will come back this fall and for many falls thereafter like colds and the flu. Mankind is doomed to reap the consequences of its own laboratory creations. Playing God has consequences and it has nothing to do with God. We have yet to see the true consequences of this mass hysteria. Nations all over the globe will be in dire straits when the people they locked down cannot afford to buy enough food this winter.

Whatever the future brings, people might want to know about your own experiences with the shutdowns, the hysteria, or the virus. Have any of you readers tested positive for the coronavirus yet? I would think not many have, since only a tiny percentage of Americans have caught it thus far. And that fact just proves that the spread of the virus is far from over. Keep in mind, that the ordered shutdowns were just to flatten the curve. They knew they could not stop the virus although some of them now pretend they can.

Want to lessen the effects when catching the virus? If your not getting enough sun or have dark skin, start taking 5000 IU’s of vitamin D3 each day. There is a direct correlation to skin shade and severe complications from this virus. It takes a lot more sun for very dark skinned people to produce enough vitamin D. Very dark skinned people catching this virus have four times the severe complication rate of fair skinned people. There is also a known correlation between low blood levels of vitamin D and dying from the complications of this virus. People in care homes do not get out in the sun much and it is one reason why this coronavirus wipes out whole populations living there. Low vitamin D levels is one of reasons that all such viruses have a greater impact in the winter.

Some of you must have lost your job because of the shutdowns. How do you think that will play out for you in the longer term? Unemployment insurance is not going to last very long. Do you think you will be able to find jobs in your area? I am sure oil shale towns will soon be totally wiped out. One solution to ease the depression coming to America may be to manufacture products that we need here but had been importing from China. Anyone have any plans to try to start something up?

Would you comply with future shut down orders or have you learned your lesson from the mass hysteria of 2020? For example, some governors may want to shut down businesses and churches again if cases start to increase again in the fall. Are you going to allow that to happen in the midst of a depression when there will be no more bail out money available?

This is your chance to sound off on anything about the virus, the government forced shutdowns or the mass hysteria. The comments here will remain open, so if anything new comes up this year or next you can come back here and tell readers about your experiences.

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020 — 88 Comments

  1. A little over a handful of countries 10+ possess biological weapons and i would not be surprised if one of those countries who was greatly affected by the CCP-Virus returned Beijing the favor in due time with their very own ‘Biological Weapon’ short of war of course and obviously anonymously, especially if after all this is over China rejects any $ Monetary reparations. Jesus did warn us that Nation shall rise against nation and if this CCP-Virus that has almost caused a global $Depression is allowed to go unpunished i can only imagine what Beijing may do next

  2. I think the world has forever changed and the chaos is just beginning. I think this really kickstarted the NWO that will only worsen as the tribulation draws near. I think this fall has the potential to get really bad.

  3. The only difference between this virus and previous pandemics in 1918 and 1968 (yes, there was one then, it can be Googled) is the reaction to it. Our culture with 24 hour news and snowflake, bleeding heart liberalism is the reason this has gone the way it has. No coincidence that the destruction of the economy is coming in an election year when the the sitting president is reviled by the media and many of those in high places. I personally only know of two people that I went to high school with in Michigan that got the virus. I currently live in the Knoxville, TN area and do not personally know anyone in the area that has it.

  4. Hi,

    I’ll chime in regarding the various invented catch phrases.

    The one I took notice of is: “new normal” – Overt conditioning.

    Just think what a disaster things would be had Hillary the witch been the head American monster (Joe is total puppet, always has been).

    Things are too far gone to concern myself with things like economy, business, freedom. I do think America is a tad more resilient than given credit, as a civil war would prove (probably to surprise of various prognosticators) — Recall the north thought the war against the south would be over after a skirmish or two. It lasted far long after Gettysburg, which was a confrontation in which the south was far past the notion of just defending the homeland. However, this time around, America does not survive (that should also be a warning shot across the brow of the Democrats and establishment Republicans / deep state — they don’t win and they don’t realize the entire continent loses).

    As for the manufactured pandemic, it does play into the hands of the globalist elite, of course, who could care less about America and would like to see it gone. Isiah 18? Sort of catch us by surprise. Hmmm.

    On other fronts, it might behoove us to also watch Iran / Syria.

    // Craig

  5. I do not personally know anyone who has the plague. I live in east texas. I had 2 jobs, one is dead, the other is ok for now. Honestly, before this mess started I had already felt a tug in my heart towards walking away from the part time job to give myself more time with my wife and kids. While I do not at all appreciate the manor my side business has gone away due to plague, it needed to happen some way as it was one excuse I used for not having time for God or leading my family as I should have been. I am truly thankful for that. Because of where I was not walking with God, basically living a life support Christian life with a 911 prayer life(church on sundays sometimes and praying in trouble times) it was like waking up in a nightmare. Having had access to the tools to be grounded and secure, taking for granted the way of things, etc. Im saying all this to say the middle of the storm is a rough time to turn back. Honestly I must thank God though. Within the last 2 months I have gotten to share the gospel with both of kids through situations that were not forced(as in me not forcing it on them), now I look forward to reading to them and teaching them. They are really young and I cant be certain what level of understanding they have or how exactly God deals with them on a theological basis but I know at least a seed is planted. My wife and I lamented people from our church not reaching out to us before, feeling isolated even though we were meeting now we are reaching out to others. I am still trying to work out and pray over where I fall in as far as what my spiritual gifts are and apply those. I have been trying not to cry as I write this out. I have felt so much guilt, fear, shame etc about my unfaithfulness, yet now in just a few short weeks typing this out there is a small look at what God has done with my life. I have openly talked about this on here a lot with some hope that others may stumble by and identify. I appreciate everyone that has been here and helped me through this.

    I am still mad and scared about what is being done to our country and our people. I still want to do my duty as a citizen as well, so thay means despite things going down the tubes we dont throw our hands up and stop trying. Ive written government offices numerous times lately, will continue to do so.

    So locally we have had like 30 caeses in my county since late march, and about 150 in the next county over where most everyone works. The county with 150 is a major hospital hub for the surrounding area and they have all of 50 people hospitalized across three big hospitals for the surrounding 10 or so counties. They are laying off and cutting hours due to a lack of use.

    Ive seen some rumblings in the news of moving manufacturing back this direction. It needs to happen, it would be something to campaign on later in the summer.

    There will be all kinds of back door killings, murder suicides, flying russian doctors etc this spring and summer as different elites, companies etc fight over control of the plague vaccine and good antivirals. Mr. GatesofHades seems to just plan to buy them all. They will be backstabbing, killing, wheel and deeling etc as they try to decide who will come out on top. They dont all play for the same team, satan doesnt care which of them die he hates them all anyway, hes just looking for one espeacially useful idiot among them. The conspiracy theorists will have a field day this summer trying to trace it all out.

    I ramble. Sorry.

    If they shut our churches again we will meet in a home group, and if our church wont sanction it we are going to do it anyway, we dont need anyones permission and Hebrews tells us not to forsake fellowship.

    Don- I received 100 sweet potato slips in the mail yesterday. I ordered them online, unknowingly they came from Missouri of all places. We discussed crops a few posts back.

  6. I live in a small Mexican city. A friend’s friend and his mom got the virus. The mother died, my friend’s friend is still alive. 3 or 4 doctors, a nurse and a receptionist in one of the public hospitals died in less than a week. All of them were under 30. If the quarantine continues until the end of, say, June, Mexican economy will be totally dead. Everybody is losing their job. My city is in a complete lockdown. Even if they cancel the quarantine it will take until mid 2021 for the economy to semi recover. If Trump loses the elections, which he probably won’t, expect millions of Mexicans in your country in the beginning of 2021.

  7. Shelley Luther, 1 lone woman in Texas, stood up against a despicable despot of a judge. Went to jail for it. The churches can’t even summon up the courage to open their doors. Be a Daniel, be a David, be a Shelley Luther. That took real courage to do what she did. If they try to lock us down again come fall, how many people will stand up and say no? I do wonder. I put a sign out on my front lawn that said “free the people”. I had hoped other neighbors would follow suit. Nobody did. They just put on their masks.

  8. We live in Texas in a suburban area. We border the rural area in our town. I have to say that here it has not been so bad. I find it interesting that the rural areas are treating it like no big deal. Just be cautious and give people thier space if they want it. I am a big believer in heard immunity, so I have taken my kids our here and there to get them slowly exposed to the virus. I know that as for myself and for a few people I am close to, we will not do stay at home again. We are however trying to move out to the country now. And buying a storage freezer to put away a bit of extra meat. At least 2 months worth. I grow some of my own veggies. And hope to move to a place where I can grow more on my own. I want to be reliant on my self just in case supply chain issues happen in the future. I am glad we are meeting at church again with the new guidelines being followed for spacing and cleaning. I hope we don’t shut down church again. We had a you g man get saved 2 weeks before the shut down and even though our pastor has kept in touch with him, it is not the same as meeting. I also know of some that need to be at church to stay on the strait and narrow. It was something that was addressed in church before the closure and I feel for those who are alone with no family. What are they to do? I think it was a mistake from the beginning to close the whole state down.

  9. Another thing I forgot to add was that the ruling elite must see how easy it was to have us in lock down. Look how compliant We were. I wonder if this will embolden for future “crisis”

  10. I’ve expressed my opinion from the beginning. I live in the city but I don’t know anyone who has the virus. I don’t go out much because I can’t see to drive but when I do get out I don’t wear a mask or gloves.

    My son still works on a fishing boat in Alaska. He said some new crew were coming in and the old crew had to be quarantined with the incoming crew. Brilliant, huh!
    A couple of guys had been sick but as far as he knew it wasn’t Covid.

    I talked to my brother in Texas this morning. He sees this disaster as groundwork for the tribulation. I agree.

    My sister in Wisconsin is a home health worker. She knows of three people who had the virus but it didn’t turn into anything serious. They tested positive but never went to the hospital or received special treatment.

    Thanks for the tip on vitamin D3. The weather isn’t warm enough to be outside much plus I’m on the 6th floor without a balcony.

  11. This actually is something to think about, Don. If millions of American Christians move down to Mexico (they won’t) there won’t be any need of war or EMP, or nothing at all in order for you to cease to exist in the next 4 years. Deamoncrats are like muslims – if left on their own they will quickly extinguish themselves and America.

  12. Don, my younger brother and his wife think they had it. It was before the virus was supposed to be in the US. It was right after Christmas. They had all of the symptoms including lungs full of fluid (worse, he said, than the congestive heart failure he once had). Hospital did all known testing for flu and such and could not determine a cause. That was in Eastern OK. My personal opinion, for what little it matters, is that this may well have been an asymmetric warfare attack by the Chinese, who thought they had a vaccine. They reported few, if any deaths, in Bejing for example.

    I think your advice to take D3 is justified. Here is a link to an article by a doctor, whose daily newsletter I get on email. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/05/08/vitamin-d-level-correlated-to-covid19-outcomes.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200508Z1&et_cid=DM527863&et_rid=867425332

    He has had a number of articles about the Chinese virus, including how HCQ and zinc work to stop the virus. I have been taking D3, for long before corona, 5000 IUs of D3, an old person multivitamin with about half of the zinc he recommended and usually have a cup of tea, which aids zinc absorbtion. Others have different approaches.

    I think there was a lot of hysteria concerning the virus. But in the last three months there have been major adjustments. People are more cautious when out and about concerning wearing masks, hand washing, and sanitizing. Deaths during this period from influenza will certainly go down too. But we have learned how to treat and in many case avoid the disease. It is time to restart our nation. The stated reason for the shutdown was to avoid hospital overload. We have succeeded. The reason is done and gone. Time to go back to living. I, like other believers, know my life is in Christ’s hands anyway. He protects me from the occasional tornado, from auto accidents, and will from the virus. When he decides my time is up, it is. However, I have absolutely no fear of what happens afterward, so although I do take precautions to avoid the virus, I do not fear it.

  13. Nothing seems to make any sense and people are running around without any either. Our nation is full of sheep. Next comes the shearing.

  14. I’m in MA and don’t know anyone who has it. I’m attending Adams Square Baptist Church who is open against Governor’s orders. Pastor Casey has gone above and beyond with sterilization, requiring gloves, masks, and 6ft apart inside. Yet he has received 2 fines, criminal charges, and has been threatened arrest. I’m glad I found this church. We are praying for him. He’s hired an attorney to respond to the Governor using the laws in place to fight for the right to assemble. Sad times indeed but I trust God is using this all for his Glory.

  15. I would like to see the ones mandating the shutdowns to give up their paycheck, I might think they actually care when that happens. Is it just me or does it seem like the people who suffer no economic hardship are the ones most likely to be for the shutdown?

  16. Hey there are y’all I thought I’d chime in. I live in a very low population county in the middle of Texas, around a lot of ranches, with the other main economic engine being tourism, people that want to get out of the city and get away from it all. About 20 years ago I started looking for a place after my dad died, I kept getting further and further out from the city, because of my budget. Anyway I found this place which of the time was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It has a great well, i’m on a river, it’s quiet and all the neighbors here know each other- basically get along pretty well. I’ve got some real good friends who are Mormons that live out here that raise their own meat, and I now have a garden which I accidentally started last year.
    I’m a musician, I have a very small campground out here as well. My music jobs quit on March 15 and the following Monday the state of Texas shut down all the venues. A lot of musicians went online and started doing concerts online, I haven’t tried that yet. By some miracle, I was able to receive unemployment, here in Texas they decided that the gig workers should get unemployment! I kind of see it as God‘s miracle, because I had no idea what I was going to do. I just got my first check. The other good thing is my local bank has worked with me now for 23 years, and they’re working with me still as far as keeping up with my house payments. So in many ways I’ve been so blessed. I actually have Campers out here the last couple of weekends because people want to get the heck out of Dodge. Most people out here are not wearing masks or anything like that, I did the first month, when I went into town to shop because I had no idea which way this thing was going to go. At this point however I’m only wearing masks if I go in to places like Home Depot or somewhere where they expect you to have one to keep people calm. This whole thing just seems very strange to me, almost like an alien insurgency. I just can’t figure out how in the world they got everybody to just bend over, fall over, and be so scared that they are now making masks a fashion statement!

    I’m pretty sure this is the beginning of the end, I just don’t see how in the world most of the rest of the country is going to turn around? Texas is doing pretty good they opened everything back up, it’ll be interesting to see the next month or two how that plays out. My next confirmed gig is in September, and I’m thinking if I can sit it out that long that might be a good thing?

    The chaos and confusion, the absolute lies, me and the rest of my friends really have no idea what’s true anymore, what we should believe regarding the medical data, the financial future, the statistics, or the leader ship that is completely failed us at this point as far as I can tell. Which is really awful. I had High Hopes when we didn’t have Hillary, that maybe we were going to have a little more time. I’m a single woman with no family and I’m actually pretty grateful for that some days now. I see people with family and kids and grandparents. They’re really having a hard time because they have to think about their family members, being in danger, dying, etc.
    I’m just really grateful I’m not in the city anymore, I’m probably as good as you can be in for what’s going on. But there’s definitely a twilight zone aspect to all of this, and I just can’t see which way it’s going to go at this point in the near future. I’ll be watching the Texas numbers I’m hoping that this particular strain of SARS vanishes. The other versions basically vanished, melted away were gone. However if this has been bio-engineer there’s no telling. I pray for everybody every day, and I try to keep my spirits up. I’ve been outside a lot of even got a tan LOL. God bless y’all. And thanks for this great blog. 🙌🏼🎶☄️

  17. So it comes out on nbc news today that there was suspicious activity at the Wuhan lab in October. Of course it closed with unnamed experts say it didnt come from there…yeah I believe that. Wasnt there some meeting with “experts” in October?

    Glad to see General Flyn got charges dropped. Unrelated, but still. Wouldnt it be a fun summer if they started handing out indictments.

    I mentioned doctors having hours cut here, I do know one that did.

    Can anyone recommend a good “safe” bible commentary in print form?

  18. Don, I have truly been blessed by finding this Pastor. You can see he loves the Lord and takes his role of tending the sheep seriously. He speaks out against sin which so many around us are silent on. There is an organ that plays when people are sitting down but nothing like the music concerts we see in bigger congregations. The focus is truly on hearing the word of God and not on being entertained. Many have been saved this week and there will be a baptism tomorrow. I’m praying the Lord softens the Governor’s heart so that we can continue to meet in peace.

  19. I live in rural Northwest Ohio and don’t know anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19; however, a 60-year-old neighbor of my friend’s parents contracted the virus and died about a month ago. Also, a couple in their 80s that lives one road over from my mom contracted it and survived.

    Early on, we asked our parents to stay home and let us do their shopping, so from the very start of the pandemic, I was going from store-to-store an average of 2 or 3 days per week. Plus, my husband works in an essential business and has been working 6 days per week during the shutdown, travelling between multiple plants and buildings. If we haven’t been exposed to the virus by now, I would be truly shocked.

    To boost our immune systems, we started taking 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 and a once-daily multivitamin shortly before the virus “officially” arrived on US soil (more on that in a moment). Soon after, we added 1,000 mg. of vitamin C in the form of Emergen-C drink mix, 50 mg. of zinc gluconate, 10,000 IUs of vitamin A palmitate, and 3-6 drops of Lugol’s 2% potassium iodide/iodine solution (mixed with Emergen-C to mask the rubber-tire taste). We also have an unopened bottle of quinine extract on hand.

    I realize that what I am about to say is purely anecdotal and not proof of anything, but regarding the “official” arrival date of COVID-19, I tend to question the narrative. Last year around Thanksgiving, my father-in-law and many from his large church came down with a mysterious illness that caused fever and a prolonged cough. Likewise, in December, a co-worker friend of my husband had a fever and dry cough that lasted 2 weeks. I’ve read comments online from other Ohioans who talked about experiencing COVID-19-type symptoms in November and December of 2019. Interesting…

    Concerning the government-mandated shutdowns, masks, social distancing, etc., almost everyone we talk to has seen through the façade and is DONE with it. Regarding the upcoming Bill Gates mandatory COVID-19 vaccine/quantum-dot tattoo/digital ID, none of us are having that, either.

  20. Anyone looking for an online church , I recommend New Spring Church in Wichita ,Kansas . The weekly service is online 4:00 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday , 9:30 and 11:15 A.M. Sunday . Past messages on the website also. The times I gave are Central Time Zone . The website is http://www.newspring.org . You can also find excellent teaching at http://www.changedlives.org Stay Safe and Well Everyone .

  21. My husband and I live in the suburbs of one of the six San Francisco Bay Area counties that are still on lockdown “at least through the end of May.” Who knows what will happen after that. Most people I see out and about are not wearing masks, only those going to Costco or the grocery store. Social distancing is hit or miss everywhere else, depending on age. We are semi-retired, not employed but also not on SSI yet. I will be full retirement age next April, but my husband has about 3 years to go. I’m on unemployment after losing my job near the end of last year. We had listed our house 2 days before the SIP took effect, and took it off the market that day. This past Monday we reactivated the listing when real estate restrictions were (somewhat) lifted. Three couples have come through our house as of this afternoon. No open houses are allowed, people aren’t to touch anything, and they must wear masks, gloves and booties. We know that the sale and us finding a house in Nevada where we are hoping to move is all in God’s perfect timing, so we’re at peace about that. In March, we met our nephew and his girlfriend for lunch at a local restaurant the Saturday before the SIP was ordered. That same day we had lunch, they started getting sick that evening. They had all the symptoms – fever, nausea, aches and shortness of breath. They are both avid runners, so they especially noticed the breathing difficulty. Because of their ages (29/31) and the lack of available test kits at the time, they were never tested, but it took them a good month to get over being sick. They were never hospitalized, but we’re terrified they had infected us because there was a lot of hugging, sharing of food, and cheek kissing that day. However, my husband and I never came down with so much as a sniffle, for which I thank God. No one else we know has had the virus. We do have a friend who lost her elderly father and his death was attributed to Covid-19. We have been so grateful that our home group has been able to video chat, and our church services have been live streamed each Sunday. Our worship team does a live stream every afternoon that is so spirit-filled and focused on worshipping the Lord, as well as a Thursday evening prayer time. We are all looking forward to being together in corporate worship again very soon. But if the lockdown occurs again this fall, I’m pretty sure we won’t abide by it. The Lord had already directed us to a church where we’re looking to move, and they are doing a lot of the same things our current church is doing, including reaching out to the community to provide food and supplies to any who need help. God has His purposes to accomplish in allowing this virus to continue, and we have seen so many people accepting Christ and others waking up from their Christian slumber during this time. Jesus is coming and His Bride is getting herself ready. That’s encouraging!

  22. Hi, Don and everyone. Please pray for my family. I live a half hour south of St Louis in Missouri. Yesterday my 21 year old daughter was diagnosed with pneumonia in one lung and we are waiting for her covid test result. She works front desk at the county jail (her boss made her stay at work Friday night when her fever started), and her fiance is a CO at a prison. They both came to my house on Wednesday evening and I was stupid and hugged my daughter. Now I’m just waiting for me and/or my 17 and 14 year old kids to get sick. This is truly scary.

    I used to be an avid reader of this blog, but 2.5 years ago my husband died of cancer and I’ve been so angry at God. I’m trying to get back to Him, and I just spent the last week reading and explaining Revelation to my 2 younger kids. We have to be close… keep looking up.

  23. susan remember how our own god died on the cross for us and the suffering he went through… when i’m in despair i always think if our god can suffer like that then we can do it too, everything will be fine in the end thats his promise.

    Hang in there a little longer because it seems to me we are very close to the rapture.

  24. To Susan, et al,

    Since I was in Romans and read through chapter 12, this chapter surely seems apropos, particularly verse 5:

    >> So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

    Please stay strong in faith and hope. Your family is looking to you and the body / bride (myself included) is/are praying for you.

    I am not so sure how close the rapture is and we must tarry and cling to that which is good.


    Regarding safe commentary in print form: I would visit biblehub, although I pick and choose from the various commentaries there, and use wisdom to discern. That said, I highly recommend using “ttb.org” (through the bible) and listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee in audio form, which is free for download (there is a solar bible available for purchase, which also has other nifty features such as flashlight and media player via micro-SD).

  25. Hi Don,
    I notice that you have taken it as a fact that this virus originated in the WuHan lab. It’s possible, but also plausible that it jumped the species barrier like SARS and spread at the wildlife wet market. We know the source of these respiratory coronaviruses was found to be a cave of bats somewhere in that country. So, this is still about China and its lies and bad practices, and it’s long overdue that something is done about them and their theft of IP, for example, forcing companies to bring their manufacturing back to the West, but I can’t see anything at present to indicate that this virus was deliberately created in the laboratory.

  26. Hi John,

    The horseshoe bat that the virus came from is not native to that area of China.

    The Wuhan lab on the other hand is known to be experimenting on horseshoe bats and this is not the first time a virus escaped from China labs. In fact, some people warned that the Wuhan lab was an accident waiting to happen.

    There are second hand reports that claim to know this virus was caused by someone getting infected at that lab and then spreading it to others.

    If China had nothing to cover up at that lab, they would allow investigations. I am not saying this virus was deliberately created in a laboratory to infect the world. However, many viruses in these labs are deliberately altered for one reason or another and they will infect the world if they get out. It is going to happen again if no corrective action is taken.

  27. as a matter of fact strains of the aids virus have been found in covid-19.. this is from a french nobel prize winner, i was watching it on youtube and they actually found that this virus has been made so carefully that its almost impossible to figure out how it was made, high level experts made this virus to achieve their total surveillance agenda by 2030.

  28. I can not speak for don, but I have read several articles suggesting the lab had an incident in October. It is nearly impossible for it to be a random coincidence that there is a level 4 virology lab in Wuhan that was studying the animals this virus supposedly came from as well as the event 201 going on at the exact same time. The simplest explanation is that 201 was a live rehearsal and someone in the lab turned it loose on purpose. Its probably not man made but it was likely that it was isolated there and got out. Viruses break out under normal circumstances from time to time, and have through history, but they dont do it randomly with those other two circumstances at the same time. You can also factor in that it conviently broke out bad just as impeachment fails and trump was cruising for re-election.
    Im not into some of the theories being floated around about the virus being in the flu shot for the last 5 years or masks causing reinfection. Also, unless it takes a long time to make it or we are raptured out very shortly the vaccine they are working on is not going to be the mark of the beast. That doesnt mean that it wont further the systems needed to eventually bring it on the scene. I dont give 100% trust to vaccines, but understand there are still Christians in all walks of life in this world, and working on cures for disease has always been something they work on. There will be Christians trying to help bring on a cure as well, not all modern medicine is evil.

    It is also possible the articles suggesting an event happened are fake. Globalist and satan inspired always take advantage of crisis, so even if this wasnt planned or on purpose they still would have had a plan waiting on a pandemic to happen. Regardless of their plans, until the propper time God will continue to frustate them.

  29. Thank you all for your prayers, my daughter’s test was negative! Praise God!

  30. Brother, can you spare $ 1 Trillion Dollars, asks Governor of California Newsom and other Western States to Federal Government, and that’s on top of ‘Stimulus Package / Cares Act. I remember Gov. Newsom bragging that CA was like 5th largest economy in the world almost tied with France and look at CA now major budget deficit and numerous budget cuts in future. Vegas was bragging about ‘What happens in Vegas’ now they are crying for $$$ help also, we have met the enemy and they are us ! We in trouble !

  31. I personally new and worked with some time ago one of the three Chicago Poice Officers who succumbed to the virus, Officer Ron Newmann. He was a good man and a steller Police Officer. He faced, accepted, and unfortunately died from the virus which is every bit as much of a threat as any danger a Police Oficer ANYWHERE ecounters and combats with. That being said, this country and this world is hanging on to a thread before its plunged into ruin if this quarantine and lockdown isn’t lifted soon. Life cannot go on living in a prison cell, subjectated to the whims of an Oligarchy who dictates terms of living but dosent abide by them. Lives are being ruined and destroyed under the auspices of a virus that has less of a lethality level than any strain of flu this world has seen. This whole scenario is a vivid preview of whats coming soon but isn’t here yet. Pandemic, earthquakes, murder hornets, disruption of supply lines, economic ruin,famine, …do I need to go on? The End Times/Tribulation hasn’t officially started yet but if this isn’t the perfect commercial for it, I don’t know what would be. The MOST important thing is, is everybody ready to go? Judging from the response of most of the world, I would say no. I think intrinsically even non-believers smell somethings up but don’t want to appear “religious”. Neither do I…I just want to be ready to go. Hopefully, departure wont be much longer. No death wish here…I just wanna go HOME.

  32. I live in New Jersey, and my wife’s aunt (62 yrs old), my next-door neighbor’s father (82), another neighor’s mother (77), one of my son’s classmate’s father (50s), a teacher in one of our schools (40s), one of our church members (40s), and several others I know of have all passed from the virus. It’s real here in NY/NJ, and of course, our communist governors have taken full advantage. The more that die from it (or that they report as having died from it), the more money they get from the CDC and WHO!! No one seems to be dying from anything else these days – the flu, heart attacks, cancer – nothing but the virus!!

  33. Hello Don and all, It has been quite a while since I have replied here. I still read the posts quite often. Thank you for allowing us to write about our experience with this virus. I live on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. The retirement community where I live has not reported any incidents of this virus. My husband is housebound since 12/2019 as his dementia has left him unable to walk and he requires home health care. I was diagnosed in 10/2016 with endometrial cancer. I have had 35 rounds of conventional radiation, 3 brachytherapy treatments, 16 chemo treatments and on 3/11/20 started 38 days of proton treatments in Knoxville TN which is 1 hr 15 min from home. On 3/15/20 much changed but my treatments were still available. So, when I arrived I was given a temperature check before entering the building with a mask. My drivers were various volunteers from my bible study class and church. Other volunteers stayed with my husband. Quite often my driver and I would stop at fast food restaurants and order carryout and ate in our car. A few times we stopped at stores to get supplies with mask and gloves. Quite often we were the only ones with mask and gloves. We have been so blessed with the help we have received that no one has been ill and with people coming and going everyday. 2 caregivers morning and evening and no problems, of course they all wear masks. So now I have chemo every 3 weeks for another 6 months. God has answered my prayer to keep me alive to help with my husband. We both expect the Lord Jesus to return anytime and I truly cannot see any return to life as it was. I just hate to see freedoms erode but have lived longing for His Kingdom for a long time. I was taught to look for eternity and it has given me great hope and ability to endure this brief life. I do pray for those who need jobs and the unsaved. I enjoy this blog as it keeps me focused on current events and the biblical implications. May God bless all of you and keep looking up! May we meet in the air soon!

  34. Israel is thee chief sign of the end of the age and in a few days it’s going to celebrate it’s 72nd Independence Day, i do not know exactly how long a biblical generation lasts but once we account for Daniel’s 70th Week i think we are all kind of living on borrowed time.

  35. Barbara,
    That’s an “impressive” catalogue of cancer treatments. God bless you, and keep going.
    I take a Biblical generation as 40 years. Putting 70-80 years for Israel from 1948 seems to match other indicators but personally, I don’t see the actual warrant for adapting the Psalm 90 verse, which describes the average human lifetime, to the national lifetime of Israel.

  36. when israel annexes judaea and sumaria on july 1st that will be history made once again.. we are almost there folks.

    “Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.” Luke 21:21,22 (KJB)

  37. A pawpaw fruit tested positive for the virus. At this point I have absolutely zero confidence in the government and mass media. The news is a 24-hour propaganda machine causing mass hysteria….If everyone turned off the television and returned to normal life, the virus wouldn’t exist.

  38. Hi Steve,

    Its only a borrowing arrangement. I do not think this arrangement qualifies as the ten kings that give their power to the Beast. I would be looking for ten nations or ten zones out of a revived Roman Empire area. The Little Horn that becomes exceeding great toward the east, south and Israel comes up among the ten kings.

  39. EDfree, you are absolutely correct!

    Here’s an example of hysteria. I run everyday and thankfully they never closed our parks except to automobiles. As I started my run today, a guy who was probably about 30 or so was running toward me on the sidewalk. I don’t wear a mask and he didn’t have one on either. I personally refuse to wear one and thankfully they don’t mandate it. As he got a little closer, he all of a sudden yanks the neck of his t-shirt over his nose and mouth like a mask. There was absolutely no reason for that as there was plenty of space on the sidewalk. Not only that, he could have jumped off the sidewalk onto the street. He probably thought he wouldn’t run into anyone because usually no one is around, so he didn’t wear his mask, but he obviously freaked out when he came upon someone else with no mask. I couldn’t believe that this young, healthy guy would even be worried given the fact we were out in the great outdoors. This is how bad it has gotten with the media induced hysteria. I honestly don’t think we’re going to recover from this insanity.

  40. Hi Adriana,

    There has not been any new cases in weeks within 50 miles of where I live, yet half the people around here are still among the mask faithful. I suppose most of the faithful never learned that the masks do not protect them from getting the virus. They mostly protect other people from getting the virus from them. Even so, the remaining sane people will still reap the consequences of a world population that knee-jerked to clueless leaders and destroyed half the world’s livelihood.

  41. Hi Don, this blog got a lot more comments. Lots of interest in the topic. Anyway, the Dr. Mercola health newsletter, that I get daily, had an article about the Rockerfeller Foundation and Bill Gates and how they see the way forward. The Dr. is concerned about unneeded vaccinations. But the chip or ID that both are proposing is to have your testing and vaccination status readily available and would be used to limit access to jobs and such and would not be short term events. These are powerful groups. This is not the Revelation mark of the beast, BUT, the technology being developed as a result of the “pandemic” to track people could easily be converted to such. It is a step in gradually getting people to accept such a chip. Here is a link to his article, I think it could be an insight on the gradual acceptance of such a system. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/05/13/digital-vaccination-certificate.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200513Z1&et_cid=DM534038&et_rid=870888705

    BTW, I do use a mask when I go to the supermarket and such principally to be polite. they serve some limited use if an infected person sneezes liquid droplets at you, but the virus is on order of .1 micron and no mask will filter that out. I am not going to use an SCBA or air fed hood, nope.

  42. Digital contact tracing being conducted by thousands of “tracers” seems to be the way they are pushing to track potential infected. There has been a lot of negative feedback regarding this idea so I doubt it will succeed. Not even many democrats like the idea of telling govt your daily movements. Where I live we have 0.001% total infections. Pushing contact tracing for such a small number, for a disease with <1% mortality rate is a bit fishy. Whatever happened to simply flattening the curve? That was obviously a lie. At keast in Democrat controlled states.

  43. Good morning Fellow Pilgrims:
    Here in Platte County Wyoming we have zero reported Covid-19 cases. However, I believe it is because the pandemic came through here in the middle of December 2019 and was not identified. My husband, who has not been sick in over fifteen years, got what started as a sinus infection and fever, eventually congested lungs, cough and difficulty breathing. He would not go to the doctor, I threatened to call an ambulance, we are more than an hour from a hospital; he got pretty irate at that idea. It took him a couple of weeks to fully recover. Other people at church were seriously sick at the same time and one of them was hospitalized twice, they ran all the tests and finally called it pneumonia, he almost died.

    Our governor basically turned over our civil liberties to an unelected health official, who shut us all down. The only ruling I agreed with was the last one, demanding that all people from other states had to quarantine in place for 14 days and it was late in coming and impossible to enforce. We are, however, making up some local funding by stopping and ticketing, all out of state vehicles going even 2 miles over the speed limit. 😊

    I maintain the church website so Pastor taped his sermons and I put it out on manvillecommunitychurch(dot)com and FB. Interestingly, many people in the community that do not attend church, watched/listened to the messages and thanked Pastor Steve for the blessings received.

    About four weeks into the lockdown, which REALLY infuriated my husband, he came home from work and called the pastor (no answer – left message) church members/attendees and told them we would be at church Sunday morning for a prayer and praise service; they were welcome to attend or not, as they saw fit. A large service at our church is under 25 people and 16 showed up, including the pastor and his wife. It was an amazing, needed blessing and lasted more than two hours.

    The governor opened up some businesses after six weeks but NOT churches, our county requested and received an exception with strict “social distancing” rules and we have been having “lawful” services every since. Many of the other counties in Wyoming have followed our lead.

    I also want to encourage any of you that have not read/studied Don’s Revelation Commentary to make it a priority to do so. I am just starting Chapter 11, it’s been about 40 years (yes, I am old) since I studied Revelation and the study is strengthening and blessing me in many unexpected ways.

    Blessings to all of you … Bev

  44. I was reading about the four phases to reopen Ks. Phase four states Ks. will not fully reopen until there is a vaccine.
    I’ve already talked about the flu and Gardasil vaccines so I won’t repeat myself. I’m not 100% anti-vaccer but I remembered the polio vaccine.
    I was in grade school and my class was lined up waiting for our turn to go behind the screen. I’d never had a shot before. I remember it as someone jamming a foot long needle into my skinny little arm. lol.
    Later the news was those vaccines were no good.
    “April 1955 more than 200,000 children in the USA received a polio vaccination in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination program against polio had to be abandoned.”

    I’m saying states could be creating an even bigger problem waiting for a new vaccine.

    As of Wednesday there were 157 total deaths in the entire state. I don’t even trust those numbers since they’ve been inflated to count as a Covid-19 death no matter what underlying health problem you already had.

    BTW if anyone calls me elderly I will hunt you down and hurt you.

  45. Hi Caitlin,

    Ask India about the vaccines developed by the Gates of Hell Foundation.

    If the virus comes back in force this fall, and they have a vaccine, I don’t think the government will be asking. If the virus comes back in force, and they don’t have a vaccine, they will attempt to put everyone back under house arrest until they get one.

  46. hey Caitlin,

    just today i was listening to trump speak with one of the reporters and he clearly said the army will be ready to give out the vaccines when they are ready… i was scratching my head at first and couldn’t believe what i was hearing. So what hes basically saying is this will be a forced vaccination attempt by the army, i hope i misunderstood him.

  47. Trump is in some ways the dumbest president we ever had. He apparently has no ability to discern someone’s true intentions hence him going through staff like crazy. Im guessing the army would distribute the vaccine to hospitals and clinics that’s it.
    One unusual characteristic of this virus is that it reportedly infected a number of different species in a very short time. That gives more weight to a lab altered virus.
    Despite some people being optimistic I still say this fall will be a tough time. On that note the latest whistleblower doctor says this fall will be the darkest in modern history. Now he does seem like a liberal hack but he’s prob correct.

  48. “Signs of the times”.

    As the article above illustrates, this episode (many more to come, the bulk of which after I’m / we’re gone) is, to me, a blatant demonstration that prophecy is truthful, real, factual, and looming to be completed (well, plus, the 1,000 years).

    The more I ponder, I am surprised the 144,000 (plus 2) will be effective. That said, I haven’t gotten my head around the word “torment” that the 2 witnesses will offend the world with.

    I am mostly disappointed with those that identify with Christ, yet vote for the likes of Obama (a precursor to the anti-christ) and Hillary (a Jezebel figure). Biblically illiterate, yet defiant of their own human knowledge.

  49. Hi Craig,

    Good observations.

    Before the Antichrist becomes supernatural everyone is going to hear the truth about the coming Kingdom of Jesus but most will reject the truth and throw a party when the two witnesses are killed. Then they will conspire together to work against His coming and fittingly reap the wrath of God.

  50. Thanks for the response Don. Alex I also heard about Trump mobilizing the army to distribute the vaccine using some kind of devices for mass inoculation. It definitely had me scratching my head.

    Don there are quite a few people in the church saying that this vaccine is tied to the Mark of the Beast. Or at least implying that it, along with the quantum dot tattoo system could be. They seem to miss alot of what must take place before the Mark is presented, by the False Prophet no less. Are they jumping the gun or do you think this thing really could be tied in somehow?

    Side note: I found this on YouTube by Carl Sanders on the RFID. It was quite surprising. Especially when he gets to talking about how the chip had to be implanted on the right hand or under the hairline on a person’s forehead, where the body’s temperature is greatest. This supposedly recharges the Chip’s lithium battery.


  51. Why do so many Christians worry about the mark? First we will not even be here. Second it will be very clear what this mark is and nobody will take it by accident. Of all the things in life to worry about this has to be the last thing on my mind.

  52. Replying to Steve, Trump is not a fan of vaccines and especially mandatory vaccines. However, he is a big fan of the HCQ treatment of the virus, and should he actually use the military to distribute a vaccine, it would be to make HCQ and Z-pack widely available to those who wish to use it. Pharmacists are not filling prescriptions that are being written by doctors who are prescribing HCQ. Fauci and Gates (CDC and WHO) are anti-HCQ for two reasons; it works, and they cannot make any money off of it!!

  53. Hi Steve,

    Jim is correct. Christians should not be worrying about taking the mark or even preventing the laying of the foundation for it to be set up. The Rapture occurs first and the angel from God warns the whole world before taking the mark dooms people to hell. What we should realized is that now that we are seeing the stage setting taking place, we can know that the day is approaching. Things are not in place yet for the mark of the Beast system. Half the world still does not even have the necessary communications for such a buy sell/system. I think it will take the better part of a decade to get anything like the buy/sell system implemented worldwide.

    My concern is that government tries to force us to take a vaccine that is not sufficiently tested and it just makes things worse. I also am concerned about what is being done to our civil liberties. What do you do when the vaccine you took turns out to be deadly or eventually makes men or women sterile? We know that this has happened in the past and we know that one of developers of such vaccines came from the Gates of Hell Foundation that wants population reduction. The first people that will be forced to get any vaccine will be the military and health care workers. We know they wont be given a choice. They will become the mass guinea pigs but what would we do without them?

    It is interesting about the chip needing to be in a certain place on the body so it can recharge. I never considered that. It could explain why only those locations on the body become mandatory.

  54. Hi Tim,

    Trump has to take responsibility for his directives. He clearly is going all out pushing for a vaccine by the end of the year that cannot possibly be adequately tested for long term effects. I think getting HCQ and Z-pack depends on the state. Doctors can prescribe HCQ and Z-pack here in Missouri and pharmacies here will fill it. They also should include a lot of zinc. It is the zinc that stops the virus replication. The HCQ opens the pathway into the cells for the zinc.

    I do agree that the drug establishment controlling WHO and the CDC is trying to downplay the effects of this low cost drug combination.

  55. I work in healthcare and I am not interested in taking some half baked vaccine. We will see what happens. Im in NY so im guessing they will try to mandate it.

  56. Yikes Don, – what a nightmare scenario – you wouldn’t need the Rapture or some other immense issue destroying America – simply a rushed/insufficiently tested vaccine to take down and sicken our main external and internal lines of defense – the Military, and the healthcare workforce.

  57. It would seem the whole world is a soup sandwich right now. I think they need to be working hard on a vaccine and that the red tape and pocket padding, lobbying etc. needs to be put aside to do it but who knowes how thats going to shake out. I trust nobody in this endeavor, but they have to try right? Makes my head hurt. That study done in the VA on hydroxy was junk. Agent orange and junk care had already done for most of those guys, I saw my dad and stepdad as well as many other vietnam vets deal with that.

    There are so many back door threads and such going on right now I cant begin to keep up and I spend a lot of time trying.The prophecy guys on YouTube are freaking out over the vaccine and hells gates, mark of the beast etc. Definitely laying some ground work there but I just dont think we are quiet there. And like yall said, for the saved we need not worry about the mark or who the ac is. I think its possible we may see the communication network for the system setup etc before the rapture. Why? Well because God is exceptionally mercyful, and a worldwide communication network may give almost everyone at least one chance to hear and repent BEFORE the rapture and tribulation. He doesnt need man or his devices to do that, but he has been using us and letting us do the missions work for the last 2000 years thats just my rambling thought. For all I know most groups may have been warned at least once already. Im not mixing this up with the supernatural witnesses after the rapture.

    I and my family have been blessed by this website, thanks Don keep it up till He comes if you can.

  58. Its interesting you mentioned the possibility of sterility caused by the vaccine. In 2005 the movie Children of Men came out with a similar premise that mankind, or at least women could not conceive. The world was thrown into bordered areas with Great Britain being the only nation who seemed to be able to relatively function because of the border shutdown. One female somehow was able to conceive and was basically the hope of mankind. I know its secular fiction but viruses, lockdowns, etc., played a huge part in the dissolution of mankind. It had a lot of similarities were seeing now.

  59. Hi Michael – I strongly agree ! The empty playgrounds are what struck me in the film and in the current daily life we find ourselves now. Of all the Dystopian movies I have found that one to be very close to society right now – or what could be on the way should things continue downward.

  60. …I kind of feel like we are in a ‘GAP’ period of time really close to the Harpazo, like the world went down on a broken elevator and somehow the elevator before hitting ‘bottom’ and crashing was stopped but only temporarily, US Gov’t pumping $ Trillions so that our economy doesn’t ‘Crash’ but this ‘Baby’ is eventually going to crash, our leaders are just buying us all time , just my 2 cents…

  61. Joe,

    I’m kinda just waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak. I feel like something else is going to happen in the next few months I just don’t know what. We will have to wait and see.

  62. I moved Alex’s comment first posted elsewhere to this more appropriate place.

    Alex say hey guys,

    I have officially lost my smell and taste… i’m gonna get my test results back soon but this is a nightmare i hope everybody here takes this seriously cuz i thought it couldnt happen to me but it did. Take extra caution everybody cuz its not fun having a fever and losing your smell and taste, i hope to god the rapture happens soon.

  63. Hi Alex,

    Let us know if you turn up positive for CV. If you do, you might look into taking Ivermectin. There are some very good reports on those taking it.

  64. hey i tested positive for cv i finally got my results… body aches, fever for 9 days, headaches, no sense of smell or taste, chest pain/difficulty breathing… it fells like someone sitting on my chest and the air just barely goes through it’s just horrible.

    but after 10 days now i’m feeling much better i can even smell some things if i put them really close to my nose so thats’s a good sign so far.

    everyone take care of yourselves and don’t touch yall noses i believe thats how i got it at work by touching my nose cuz it was itching.

  65. thnx don and dawson

    the only thing i got from a doctor was antibiotics to fight off any chest infection, i threw the cover away and can’t remember the name now and i had to talk over my phone with her.. virtual appointment. i myself took alka zeltzer and all kinds of vitamins i can think of. zinc, multivitamins.

    bottom line is this is not like a regular flu it’s much more. just terrible.

  66. Alex,

    Glad to know you survived and it sounds dreadful to experience.

    Since you have first hand experience, you are likely keen on this question I am to ask, namely: Could you get it again? Or have you (naturally) developed the proper anti-bodies to combat any future CV contact?

    // Craig

  67. Here in upstate NY in my city I did some number crunching. 97% of all Covid deaths were over the age of 60. Of those a huge percentage around 50% occurred in nursing homes. Im sure this number will increase as more data comes available.

    Now why would Cuomo and the health experts put infected residents back in these homes? If I can figure this out I know they likely already knew this was the case. Were they intentionally doing this?

    We have a long term care problem not a general population problem.

  68. craig,

    thank you, i’m honestly not sure if i can get it again i’m going to get tested again soon for antibodies but as for now i’m just glad i can breathe normally again and i’m a healhy 34 year old with no pre existing conditions.

  69. I am turning back to this post because you said we should if there was something new to say about the virus. I now personally know 3 people who have the virus. They are recovering and my guess is that they will live only because they weren’t sent to a public hospital but to a private one. Otherwise they would have been dead by now. I also changed my mind on Trump winning the elections. He won’t. It seems less likely than ever that you will actually have elections this year. The left might just take over.

  70. So apparently COVID19 was not a big deal? I mean I can’t seem to follow the logic of the left. Either it was never a big deal and the virus ran it’s course so the left needs a new “crisis”. Otherwise these riots are being partially used in hopes of spreading the virus further. If it was so serious then these insurrectionists would of been arrested and large gatherings dispersed.

  71. Since its not letting me edit my comment I will add that the nursing home my grandfather is in now has 75% of its residents infected. Only 1 died so far.
    Staying indoors with multiple people in close quarters was the absolute worst thing we could have done. This had to be done purposefully. Literally everything besides hand washing they recommended has been dead wrong. Now they will demand we receive the vaccine which im sure will either do nothing or cause harm.

  72. Cases on the rise after the riots and protests. Who would have thought it? Several counties in texas suspending elective surgeries again here. We are having one done today in one of the non affected counties. Business being open and trying to make a living is unsafe but rioting and protests are fine. I would appreciate prayers for a quick recovery and no issues down the line. We wouldnt want to pick up the plague while here.

  73. I got tested for the plague today. Wife’s surgery a few weeks back went ok. I have feel like I have a very minor cold. I would be at work normally but with the plague histeria I had to go get tested.

  74. So here we are a year later. My wife tested positive Friday, she has pneumonia but it was caught early and she is doing ok. I havent been tested but I am sick. Main symptoms for me are head congestion, mild body aches and mild chest pain. Taking zink, ivermectin, and tylonal/ibuprofen for me. Im able to function mostly normal, no shortness of breath or anything for now. I will have to be tested before returning to work. Hope the rest of you are ok. We are in good spirits here, both in our mid 30’s we should be ok. 

  75. Today I finally got scared. I’ve been exposed to the vaccinated.
    No I’m not kidding. I was researching the question, “Can the vaccinated shed spike proteins to the unvaccinated?” Of course there were the usual debates, yes they can, no they can’t. My research led me to Lifesite News and an article by America’s Frontline Doctors. They say Yes through inhalation or by touch. That’s when I got scared. I don’t know.

    You’ve probably all heard by now that Fauci funded the Wuhan lab experiments with U.S. taxpayer dollars.

    Prayed for you and your wife, Dawson.