Perspectives on 2016: A world full of crisis.

In spite of Obama’s rosy State of the Union message, from my perspective 2016 will be a year of crisis for the United States and the world in a world full of crisis. Instead of Obama ending his term gloating about his accomplishments, he may end his term with dung on his face when everything falls apart before he leaves office. The fall of Obama might be much like the fall of George Bush on steroids…or laxatives.

Economic crisis in a world full of crisis:

One world crisis that is looking increasing likely in 2016 is an economic downturn. There are indicators that already point to a recession in the United States.… continue reading

Are Americans scared to death of terrorists?

During the December 2016 Republican presidential debates Chris Christie said, “people across the country are scared to death of terrorists” and Mike Huckabee said “Americas are just plain scared”.  Both of them implying that Americans are quaking in their boots because of San Bernardino terrorist attack. WRONG!

We sing in our national anthem that America is the home of the free and the land of the BRAVE.  I guess Christie and Huckabee think differently. They say we Americans are “plain scared” and “scared to death”??

America has 22 million military veterans? Are these warriors scared to death of terrorists?? There are many millions more Americans that know how to hunt and shoot guns.… continue reading

2016 Marxist choice assures Christian persecution until Rapture

The 2016 presidential election is upon us. Some candidates running for President are basically moral people with Christian values but a couple of the candidates running are evil Marxists that hate Christian morality. You will find them on the wrong side of every moral issue. Bible believing Christian should be evil to discern the difference between good from evil.

If Americans elect a Marxist choice for President again, they will just about guarantee Christian persecution in America until the Rapture. Another Marxist choice would also make it more than likely that America would cease to be a great country before the Rapture.… continue reading

2016 Presidential Candidates: Trump and Carson

I find from experience that long articles are not fully read. Therefore, On this new Discerning and Documenting end of the Age Depravity blog it is my intention to limit articles to fewer than 2000 words. Therefore, I will have to write more than one article on the 2016 Presidential candidates.

I only will give my perspectives on those candidates that I feel still have any chance at all. And I will not be doing perspectives on any Democratic Party candidates. That is because at the national level the Democratic Party has been taken over by Marxists, Fascists, and Communitarianians (all statist socialist kissing cousins).… continue reading