The truth about Charlottesville in defense of President Trump

I can’t believe what I have been hearing over the last week. Has everyone lost their collective mind? Even many conservative Republicans and people like Sean Hannity do not know the facts about Charlottesville or else they are afraid to oppose the hysteria. They act as if President Donald Trump said something wrong about what happened. In defense of President Trump, someone needs to set the record straight.

As the violence was happening in Charlottesville. Trump said the blame for the violence could be attributed to hating people on all sides. That set the media in a frenzy because they wanted Trump to condemn just the neo-Nazis and white supremacists as if all supporting the Robert E.… continue reading

Churches are becoming corporate institutions of feminized men

Real men in America that actually contend for the faith have become a rare commodity in most of the feminized government corporations now called churches. Our Christian forefathers are now rolling in their graves wondering why Christians gave up biblical truth for humanistic social engineering lies.

Church has become big business in America. Most churches in America are now state licensed corporations. These churches feel they must become a corporation and abide by the business laws of the State. Sit in any congregational business meeting and you will see that church business is conducted according to state corporate law and not any biblical model.

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Fantasyland has expanded to the borders of California

Fantasyland was once confined to part of Disneyland in California but it has now expanded to the state borders. People in California continually vote for more fantasy. So, you have to believe that most of the people living there are loony-toons.

California in many ways has become a schizophrenic “Hotel California”. Can the air and water be blamed for the insanity displayed in California or do drugs also play a role? The increasing insanity might have something to do with the drinking water that now contains MTBE poison. That is due to the fact that California legislators mandated that this poison be put in their gasoline after thinking that it was lead that was making Californians crazy.

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The Utopian Age of Aquarius went missing

The Age of Aquarius song became the mantra and utopian dream of hippies of the 1960s’ and 70’s. These undisciplined Dr. Spock babies thought that they could end war on earth by saying peace and love, wearing flowers in their hair, and rebelling against authority. They thought that they would bring in the Utopian Age of Aquarius of New Age pagan lore. Most actually were Marxist Maoist and New Age dupes. This was their song.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

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America’s goose is about cooked

Fifty reasons why America’s goose is about cooked:

  1. The Bible directs parents to train up their children in the way they should go. Parents in America did not, they allowed secular humanist Marxists in schools and media to train up their children in the way they shouldn’t go.
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Making America sane again in a terminally insane world

The American people for most of their history have been living in a bubble of sanity in a terminally insane world. Even today, the sane people still remaining in America tend to think the world should want the Christian ethics and morality that our nation was founded on. That is not the reality. Most of the world wants secular humanism and cultural Marxism.

The foundational truths of Christianity made America the most sane and prosperous nation on earth. Even so, it appears that most people in America have started thinking like the terminally insane world. That is what happens when people stop fearing God.

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Collective Insanity on Planet Earth Peaks in “New England”

The reason the world needs saving is because mankind is clearly insane in his fallen state. Without God humans will collectively make destruction choices. A study of world history and the collective actions of present world leaders makes collective insanity on earth an undeniable fact.

Mankind without God will make the wrong choices over and over again. Like a very wise man once said, “there is nothing new under the sun”.

The elite of the world have the collectively insane idea that they are more highly evolved and can help the rest of humanity to evolve to become more like them.

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Telling and believing Lies becomes top American Pastime

Not too long ago the top American pastime was baseball and football but it seems to me that the top American pastime of today has become telling and believing lies. Lying has become a national movement.

Telling and believing lies is the infallible rule for living in national politics, the scientific community, our educational system, national media, business, and even in religion. It appears to me that most everyone either wants to believe lies or they are being deceptive themselves. There seems to be a codependency between liars and their enablers in America.

Our government representatives peddle lies one after another.

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Globalist socialist coup against Donald Trump and America

A coup is underway in America and the outcome of it will decide whether or not the Marxists get to dictate their world agenda to everyone in America. When I point out that there is a globalist socialist coup against Donald Trump and America, I am talking about a conspired effort by the whole Marxist family. This includes Communists, Progressives, Fabian Socialists, Fascists and Islamists.

The ranting against President Donald Trump on most mainstream news is an all out effort to get public support to remove Trump from office and get their globalist socialist agenda back on track. It also is an effort to keep the focus away from all the criminal activity of the Obama administration.… continue reading

When socialists get their way the laws of human depravity follow

When communist styled socialism does not work as planned, their leaders turn toward fascism as the answer. A perfect example of that is China. Media still calls China, “Communist China”, but it actually is a crony capitalist fascist system. Islam also is a fascist system. The world is not becoming more communist. The world is rapidly becoming more fascist.

The large demonstrations in Europe and America are demonstrations in favor of communist globalism. However, if these dupes get their way, they will not get world communism at all. They will get Chinese styled fascism. The Chinese model is what the power elite intends for the whole world.… continue reading

Imagine a world without Leninist and Lennonist progressives.

Progressives like to think of themselves as those progressing humankind toward a better world. However, most progressives are members of a mind control cult that is progressing the world toward Orwellian tyranny and Marxist collectivism.

Marxist subversives gained control of western educational systems and western media and are continually indoctrinating suggestible minds. The leaders of the progressive left are actually God hating Marxist revolutionaries.

Vladimir Lenin called such indoctrinated people in the West useful idiots and that is what they prove to be. These programmed cult members do everything they can to bring about division. The dead head losers of the left think the solution to everything including their own unpopularity and misery is revolution.… continue reading

Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years

If the trends continue, it is obvious to me that persecution of Bible believing Christians will be widespread in America in just five years. Just look how much the truths in God’s word have been denied, twisted and disrespected over the previous five years.

I am not saying that most of those calling themselves Christians will be persecuted in five years. What I am saying is that Christians that believe the Bible and quote it and live by it will be persecuted in America in less than 5 years. I also am saying that even many calling themselves Christians will be the ones doing the persecuting thinking that they will be doing God a favor.… continue reading

Globalist left intends to launch all out war on Trump and America.

The globalist left intends to launch an all out war on Trump and the American people supporting him. The power elite and their corporate cronies know that socialist globalism will be set back for at least a decade if Trump gets his nationalistic agenda implemented in America. They also fear that Europe would be next. The globalist left will continue to ramp up the attacks on American nationalists.

For example, websites considered pro Trump or against the globalist leftist agenda are already starting to be censored by the corporatist Internet media fascists. Some alternative news sites have recently reported a coordinated effort to stop them from presenting their viewpoints.… continue reading

America’s second civil war is underway choose sides or be conscripted

The second civil war might not appear to be very bloody yet unless you count the sixty million dead babies. The division in this country is greater than in the first civil war. In those days people were mostly divided on the issues of state rights and slavery. Today people in the nation are divided over many issues reflecting good and evil.

For the most part there are two main divisions in America:

  • People who love their sins, and people who hate their sins
  • People who want a strong nation, and people who want a socialistic world
  • People who believe in statism and collectivism, and people who believe in liberty and individualism
  • People who like rebellion, and people who just want to live in peace
  • People who believe women have a right to do what they want with their bodies, and people who believe life conceived in women’s bodies have the right to live
  • People who worship God, and people who worship themselves
  • People brought up by believing parents, and people brought up by the state
  • People who believe the Bible, and people who speak for God
  • People who love Jesus, and people who hate Jesus without cause
  • People who work for a living, and people who want others to work for them
  • People who want mob rule, and people who want a nation of laws
  • People who believe in free speech, and people who believe only their speech should be allowed
  • People who believe in equal rights, and people who believe in special rights
  • People who believe that self-defense is an inalienable right, and people who want others to submit
  • People who lead through good example, and people who blindly follow their peers
  • People who believe the gospel of salvation, and people who think they can earn their own salvation
  • Pastors who are shepherds, and pastors who are hirelings
  • Pastors who lead their flock, and pastors who mislead or fleece their flock
  • Leaders who serve others, and leaders who are served by others
  • Judges who rule justly, and judges who are politically correct

It goes on and on.… continue reading

Sanity and progressive depravity now on display in the United States

Since the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, we have seen both sanity and progressive depravity on display. Sanity is being displayed through the executive orders of Trump and the people that he is choosing to lead the nation with him. I expect to see much more sanity displayed by the Trump administration over the coming weeks and months. I also expect to continue to see progressive depravity coming from the Left. This insanity will be promoted and displayed through the socialist globalist controlled main-stream media.

From day one of the Trump administration, we saw demonstrations by mindless snowflakes who chant lying slogans fed to them by their fascist socialist and Islamic programmers.… continue reading