WWJD about LifeWay dominating SBC Sunday School Bible studies?

LifeWay now teaches almost all group studies within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and many other churches as well. Sunday School “teachers” in most SBC churches are actually facilitator’s for LifeWay publishing house materials. Most Sunday School leaders do not know the Bible well enough to teach it and most church boards would not allow them to depart from using LifeWay materials even if they did. LifeWay studies seemed to be designed to not rock anyone’s theological boat. Pastors and church leaders trust LifeWay to not offend anyone with their inoffensive Gospel that avoids controversial passages and Bible prophecy.

I have taken a position against replacing real Bible studies with LifeWay magazine studies for more than a decade and I express why in this article that I wrote over ten years ago.

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