Christian haters and satanic predators are gaining control

The American government is no longer controlled by the people and that is not likely to change. The government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not existed for quite some time. We claim to have a constitutional republic but our government finds ways not to abide by our Constitution anymore. Just about all the rights in the original Bill of Rights are now being subverted by authoritarian government and only some libertarians seem to take notice.

By the way, the Bill of Rights did not give us those rights. God gave inalienable rights to humans He created with free will. The Bill of rights just confirmed obvious rights so that the government could not ever legally try to take them away. The “progressive” government that has evolved in America now thinks they need not abide by the Constitution.

Government runs roughshod over the people and truth and justice for all is now just a slogan. There is little truth taught in our schools anymore and justice does not apply to those that cannot afford good lawyers. When the FBI can deliver a 97 percent conviction rate, you can bet that justice is not their top priority. When government can spy on everyone and confiscate property without due process, it should be obvious that they don’t care about people’s rights.

The world now reflects what is written in 2 Tim 3 1-9 and Romans one. Those believing that humans are evolving to make the world a better place are believing a lie. The world is full of evil and those that love their evil attack people trying to be good. Satanic predators rise to power and find ways to bring people and whole nations under their tyranny.

Christians that tell the truth are now being shut down over much of the world. They are no longer being allowed to voice a biblical worldview. Christian haters have become the thought police and they are brainwashing general populations. With educational institutions, MSM, social networking media, judges and governments turning against Christians, I do not see how biblical Christians will turn this around.

Even those claiming to be Christians are turning against Christians that literally believe what the Bible teaches. Many in Christendom gave up the true gospel for the false gospel of works salvation or prosperity now. They do not want to hear about sin, depravity or biblical doctrine. They combine superficial Christian teachings with self-contemplation, spiritualism or Marxism and act no different from anyone else with a made up religion. Some of their leaders even condemn Christians that actually believe the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

I do not see Christians stopping the downward spiral. Many Christian leaders today show little discernment. When hotels shut down Christian seminars because godless people protest, but still host seminars that instruct deviant men about sticking appendages in the crap holes of other men, you have to wonder why Christian leaders take no reciprocal action to get these hotels to shut down the debauchery. (I was going to call those obsessed with butt holes and feces animals, but that would not be fair to animals.)

With the light of the gospel hardly found in our country anymore, our nation is choosing demonic paths to destruction. There is one war after another and all of them began with some lie pushed by our government. Whenever mainstream media is all for attacking someone, you can be sure that the globalist controlled CIA is writing the script for the talking heads. The cruse missile attack on Syria is the latest case in point. Assad did not order a gas attack on his people. He is not going to do that when victory was already assured and Trump was announcing a pull out.

President Trump knee jerked because of some pictures that he saw when he immediately said he would punish Assad. No real proof was found that Assad was behind any gas attack but Trump could not back down. They then hit a couple of meaningless targets with 30-year-old Tomahawks and said mission accomplished. Are you kidding me? Nothing was accomplished other than to give Russia and Iran a message. The deep state neocons just used whatever happened there to strike Syria so any next “gas attack” can justify whatever else the deep state has in mind.

This is the second time that Trump was suckered by claims of a gas attack in Syria. What do they say about fool me twice? The UN claims that there were over 50 prior chlorine gas attacks carried out by enemies of Assad. We did nothing about any of those. Now the deep state controlled media found something they can sell as being an Assad gas attack. However, I think that this “gas attack” may have been staged. Who really know what actually happened at this point? Why the big rush to judgment by the Trump administration?

There was stability in Syria before Obama’s CIA started revolutions in Libya, Egypt and Syria. The Saudi loving Obama administration wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to control these nations. Do rational people think that Islamic Republics would be an improvement over rule by secular strong men? Russia is really on the right side by supporting Assad, but America is unknowingly turning Russia into an enemy that will fulfill the Gog invasion prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

I think some pulling the strings in high places actually want a nuclear war between America and Russia. What better way to get America out of the globalist picture. Don’t get me wrong, a case may be made for keeping America involved in Syria but that case should be made to our representatives in Congress. We don’t need our CIA to be running false flag operations to bring about emotional responses in order to change public opinion.

I don’t think President Trump will turn around the rule by the deep state predators. They are entrenched everywhere. He may slow their agenda down some, but as soon as they get one of their people back in power, the lawless politicians will be given a pass and it will be full steam ahead again with the Marxist globalist agenda. The war on Christians and conservatives looks certain to intensify.

Christian haters and satanic predators are rising in the world. The astute know what happens after Christians are no longer able to deliver the gospel. To bad all these Christian haters do not know or believe what God says will happen on earth after the Church departs.

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Author: Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.

15 thoughts on “Christian haters and satanic predators are gaining control”

  1. It’s amazing how blind people are if u mention any of this stuff you just get a confused look then you know their still asleep … fast asleep.

    Take the chem trails for instance a majority of the people think it’s normal to have streaks of chemical’s from air planes spew behind them criss crossing.

    Most of the world lives in a Truman Show.

    Anyone see this yet?

    This free screening is only up for a week, u could increase speed to watch it to get to the chase. I do that w/ most video’s.

  2. Christians dont seem to have the same fight in them that the godless marxists do. We are constantly being walked all over by all sorts of evil groups. Mr House needs to sue the hotel at least to send a message.

  3. You are certainly correct that we live in troubling times. I have been a believer for about 50 years, though have wandered on occasion. But I have learned that through all we, as followers of Christ, must keep our focus on him and not on the events. He is our shepherd, we his sheep. Yes, the USA may go down in civil war, which I expect, if the effort to remove our president is successful. EMP is very possible either from Iran or NK, or even from a solar flare. But the key is to keep focused upon Christ and his word. In hard times, as we may see until the Rapture, remember Psalms 37:25
    “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

  4. Don this was a really great post. I do not think it is questionable anymore that there is a fascist deep state controlling our country. They have made us a warring nation, and they will stop at nothing to continue down this path. If they have it their way, we will be fighting a unified China and Russia. I think Trump has come to the realization that he cannot oppose their agenda. I am truly sickened by what we have become.

  5. You’re absolutely right about our “progressive” government. They have rules for themselves or those they deem worthy and then there’s everybody else. How could Comey and Co. not indict Hillary with the massive evidence against her? Yet with Trump there has been no proof of any wrong doing and still the witch hunt continues. The day Comey gave his little speech giving her the “get out of jail card” was the day the rule of law pretty much ended for the American people. The federal judges constantly thwarting Trump in his attempt to stop illegal immigration is another example. I believe there is Satanic control in all levels of our government and a good portion of the coountry is under satanic control as well. What parent would do such a despicable thing as to let their young daughter dress up as a reproductive organ and allow her to march in those women’s marches which are nothing but anti-Trump marches. Planned Parenthood is trying to force some weird kind of sex education that teaches very young kids how to do all sorts of perverted things to themselves. If that’s not being under Satanic control I don’t know what is. We are destroying ourselves from within. People are in such a delusional state they’re literally dancing toward Armageddon. We are as in the days of Noah.

  6. The Satanic agenda is in full flower. It has been for years. Your watching the culmination of an agenda that’s been moving forward for millennia. Anyone who has oil in their lamp can see this. God is giving people what they want. God has been rejected by most, either directly or indirectly by making their own version of God to fit their own moral view.

    The world deserves what is coming. Yes we will suffer and some of us will be killed. So what they can kill me and take everything I have. They can’t take my faith nor my soul. So gird your loins our fellow Christians are already being murdered in Iraq and Iran. What makes you think persecution will not come to the west? No one knows the time of the rapture, Christ says this himself.

    Make sure you have oil in your lamp. In the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, all were believers. Yet the foolish were left out. The wise had oil. How do you get oil? Oil is the holy spirit.

    Here is how you get it.

    Acts 5:32
    Act_5:32 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

  7. Don, I haven’t written to you in a while, but I gotta say that I honestly believe the war, if you want to call it that, is over. If the Rapture dosent happen soon, nuclear anniliation actually sounds good. This world is gone, we WILL NOT win while we are here, and its time to go home. The sooner the better. I have a 16 year old daughter here. How in the world can I tell her honestly that the best years of her life on this planet are coming? THEY ARE NOT COMING. Time to go home. Now, its just a matter of how much more we have to deal with until then.

  8. Don and readers. You have given a sobering account of the present situation, to be sure. I never thought I’d live to witness the insanity going on in the States. Of course, my homeland of Canada has a Prime Minister who’s doing his best to imitate a clown, in Ottawa! Probably almost everyone on this blog would agree that Christ’s return for His Church is imminent. But what if God chooses for us to remain for some years? I suppose the question is, what would God have His people do? I’m personally limited- living in a coastal town, on C.R.’s pacific side. If I were in the States, I know I would be politically active (for Trump) in some capacity. I know the President can’t completely ‘drain the swamp’, but he is getting part of it drained! It seems that God has chosen to expose all or some of the criminal activity by the Left. I think the group of GOP congressmen who have and are working to get the truth out deserve a medal! They should be honoured for their bravery. All that’s missing is the Attorney General (hi there, Jeff!).Don, some of your countrymen are ‘fighting back’. Especially encouraging are the black Americans who are refusing to follow the Dem’s ‘party line’. Let’s not forget to pray for the President and (our brother in Christ) the Vice President, Mike Pence. I’m just one Canadian, but I know many of my conservative and Christian countrymen are cheering for you! God bless, Kevin.

  9. Team,

    So I’m confused because it appears that Trump and team are doing very positive things here in the US and abroad that seem to at least for the moment be stalling or delaying the overall agenda of the enemy.

    Unless God is using him to do this because God is still drawing in more saved ones. Also if He uses Trump to set up a peace treaty in Isreal that is later used by the AntiChrist to confirm.

    Any case it appears team in place is the peace before the storm hits.

  10. Hi Jeremy,

    The Trump reprieve cannot last if people do not stand up against obvious evil. The satanic brainwashing agenda continues just about everywhere. Hatred toward Bible believers is still growing in America and young people in America already believe that godless socialism is the answer. God could remove Trump tomorrow and that would be the end of any positive reformation.

  11. Our human nature keeps hoping things will change, yet in our spirit we KNOW things will only get worse (After all, it is written). It’s a strange dichotomy of the mind. I pray each day that the evil going on, particular in America will be dramatically and irrefutably exposed and the perpetrators will be brought to justice, but then I pray for God’s will to be done, which may or may not include justice this side of glory. Many times each day, I call out, “even so, come Lord Jesus”. That, we KNOW will happen . . .

  12. Last night was the White House Correspondence dinner. I was watching Trumps rally, which is always entertaining. I wouldn’t have watched the dinner anyway, but I did read about it and what the satanically inspired host said about Sarah Huckabee Sanders, KellyAnne Conway, Mike Pence and of course President Trump was beyond the pale. These evil people are now taking things to new levels. The fact that people laughed at her vile diatribe and thought this cretin was funny spoke volumes about them as well. They said some people did get up and leave, but not enough. I’ve been reading 1 proverb daily and reflecting on each 1 as I read them. I found Proverbs 9 to be especially fitting for the world today.

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