False prophet Pope Francis tells nations submit to global government

Six years ago I wrote an article on my old Blog questioning if Pope Francis would turn out to be the False Prophet or the Antichrist. That article has had over 70,000 page views. It still gets hundreds of views most months so many are obviously interested in the topic. The Pope’s recent call for nations to submit to global government along with his other Marxist and pro Islamic positions even has many Catholics believing that this Pope is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Six years ago much of the interest in this Pope was due to the St. Malachy prophecy and Tom Horn’s book Petrus Romanus”.  I wrote about those conjectures in that link. I thought and still think that Pope Frances is too old to turn out to be either the False Prophet or the Antichrist. He is now 82. Pope Francis is probably just setting the stage for his replacement. I believe Revelation teaches that the Beast and False Prophet arise after a clash of civilizations occurs that threatens the whole world. The Antichrist will be a counterfeit Christ figure fulfilling end time expectations of major world religions.

The False Prophet that promotes this world leader will be believed because he will be given the power to perform Satanic signs and wonders. I have little doubt that the Holy See would play a significant role in that deception. After all, every day Catholic priests claim to call down Jesus and transform Him into a wafer. Over one-billion Catholics have no problem believing that their priests have these magical powers. Same as they believe a priest’s blessing makes plain tap water holy. They think their priests can even advance souls in the abode of the dead. Native pagan religions integrate so well with Catholicism because shamans and priests have much in common.

Catholics also believe and follow the directions of any supernatural apparition claiming to be Mary. I believe the Mary apparition will be key in the last days deception. The messages of the past attributed to this Queen of Heaven apparition gives a different gospel. Paul warned about this deception in Gal 1 : 6-9 – “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed”. This demonic counterfeit of Mary gives a false gospel of earned grace and obedience to its message.

Catholics are ripe for satanic deception as are all religious people because Satan is the author of world religions. The Creator uniquely revealed Himself to Abraham, Issac and Jacob (Israel) in preparation for the Messiah that He would send to redeem mankind from their sins. Nevertheless, even the descendants of Israel soon became blinded by Satan. True to form, religious leaders took over Israel, created doctrines of men, killed the prophets of God and crucified the Kinsman Redeemer sent to save mankind.

God came in the form of a man to save mankind from their sins. Those that believe in God’s Kinsman Redeemer will be saved. Mankind will never get to God through religion because human religion is a Satanic deception that leads to self-righteousness. Religious people still dead in their sins think they are righteous enough to merit salvation. God alone is righteous. We must trust in Him for salvation.

True Christianity is not a religion or a religious institution. True Christians are those that trust in the Redeemer that came according to the scriptures. Jesus proved He was sent by God by rising from the dead. This risen savior promises eternal life to all who place their trust in Him.

Early Christianity soon became infiltrated by Satanic tares and they made Christianity into an institution. Satan conspires to make sure his scum rises to the top of such institutions. These Satanic tares added doctrines and practices contrary to the word of God. Jesus warned about these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Paul also warned that wolves would come soon after his departure (Acts 20:29).

The wolves in sheep’s clothing created a religious clergy to lord over the sheep. They added doctrines and practices contrary to the gospel delivered by Paul. They then called the religious institution that they created the Universal (Catholic) Church. The wolves even introduced Babylonian paganism into the Church. Some believers became aware of the institution’s departure from the true faith and came out of her. Unfortunately, some of these soon built their own religious institutions that in turn became corrupted.

The leaders of these Christian institutions often fail to understand the gospel, therefore they do not teach the gospel of saving grace through faith in Jesus to their members. They always make salvation something to be earned. Invariably, the path to salvation also includes obedience to the dictates of their institutions and its overlords.

The plain truth is that the only way to become a Christian is to trust in the Savior that the scriptures proclaim. Those that trust in Him are gifted with a spiritual birth into the body of Christ. People do not become Christians by identifying with or by obedience to religious institutions. Those not born of the Holy Spirit are not Christians.

Those identifying as Roman Catholics are members of the biggest religious institution on earth. It is also the oldest institution identifying as Christianity. This institution often made up their doctrines and practices as they went along. Islam might grow bigger, but Islam is more than just a single religious institution. Islam itself may have originated from a Gnostic branch of institutional Christianity.

Pope Francis is now trying to get Islam and other world religious to unite with Rome in a common world religion. That seems unlikely to happen as things stand now, but a clash of civilizations could soon change perspectives. After the four horsemen of the Apocalypse ride, people will be looking for peace and safety in all the wrong places. They will believe and follow any entity delivering them a message that they want to hear. Jesus warned that this would occur in the last days (Mt 24:24). Since they did not want to believe the true gospel of salvation, God will allow false prophets and a strong delusion.

Pope Francis says Muslims worship the same God. He is correct. They both worship Satan. Islam says God has no son, and the Vatican denies that salvation comes from only trusting in God’s Son. They both make obedience to their religious institutions the path to salvation. Those trusting in these religions to save them are not in Christ. Without Christ, they cannot know God to worship Him.

People in these religious institutions that are not known by the Son of God do not know the Father either. The Father can only be known through the Son. The Son is the visible image of God. The gospel (good news) is that salvation comes by trusting in Jesus. All the religious stuff that institutions add to the gospel are stumbling blocks.

This Pope is antichrist because he distorts the gospel of Christ. However, he is not likely to be the Antichrist. He also is a false prophet because his wayward institution gives him the mantle of a prophet. However, Pope Francis is not likely to be the False Prophet. According to Revelation 13 the False Prophet probably will be an ethnic Jew or come from the land of Israel. He may now be among the Catholic Cardinals. The second Beast rises out of the land (Israel). The first Beast Antichrist is from the sea (Gentile nations). I think he will reform the Holy Roman Empire. The Catholics have prophecies about a great western monarch with great powers defeating the enemies of the Roman Church. They say he will then bring great peace and prosperity on earth.

The Pope has been saying that nations should submit to a new type of global rule in order to solve climate change and other such hoaxes which in reality advance globalism and totalitarianism. I do not think the Pope believes the corrupted UN in NY can govern the world. I think he has in mind a eurocentric world government (perhaps with an ethnic Jewish Pope telling all nations and religions to worship this counterfeit Christ). The first five seals of Revelation gives us some of the details about the rise of the Antichrist.

I think Bible prophecy teacher Bill Salus has the best handle on the Vatican’s role in end time prophecy. Many other teachers have rightly believed that signs and wonders would involve Marian apparitions and that the Pope would play some role in this end time deception. However, Salus has uniquely searched the Old Testament scriptures to come up with an original plausible theory about what takes place. He may not be correct on every point, but his theories are well thought-out. Salus does not think the confirmation by the Antichrist with Israel for seven years is a peace deal with the Arabs. He thinks it will be a deal with the Vatican. It has been no secret that the Vatican wants to administrate the religious sites in Jerusalem.The Temple mount is likely to be put under Vatican authority in exchange for allowing Israel to rebuild the Temple. That could be part of what the confirmation of the covenant is about.

Both Salus and I believe that the four horsemen will start riding before Daniel’s final seven-years. We also believe the Rapture will happen before they ride. I think things on earth will change very rapidly as these earth shaking events occur. People will be looking for someone with all the answers. They will be opened to someone with magic supernatural powers.

The stage is being set. Pope Francis is calling for world government and a world religion. The Vatican worships a false God as does Islam. They worship Satan/Lucifer. Pagan symbolism is apparent in the Sun and Saturn symbology of Roman Catholicism just as it is apparent in the Moon and Saturn symbology of Islam. The Pope’s call for world religion and for global governance are just two more signs that Jesus is coming soon for His Church.

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Author: Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.

15 thoughts on “False prophet Pope Francis tells nations submit to global government”

  1. Hi Don,
    I agree that the Catholics will be ripe for Satanic deception. Talking to devout Catholics today about anything that contradicts their unbiblical beliefs isn’t well received. The Mary apparition will seal their fate so to speak. They are very dogmatic in their belief. I was raised Catholic and my father was not too happy when I left his church. I am so thankful that I did. I was definitely blind, but was able to see once I discovered who Jesus was. Can only hope that others will see the light as well.

  2. Hi

    Same here. However I have family members who pray to Mary and other “saints”. I am fearful of my 91 year old devout Catholic mom and her standing but pray for her salvation.

  3. I wrote on another site…”Democracy will be dead when 1st Thessalonians 4:13-17 is fulfilled”.

    Great article Don… pretty much as I see it.

  4. Pope Francis has now become a false prophet but he is only one among many. The False Prophet will be a supernaturally endowed individual (calling down fire from heaven, etc.).

    My research does show the overall Roman Catholic church to be in trouble with God. The hierarchy of the RC church have long been presented as holy men but their range and depravity of their sexual crimes seem to far exceed that of the “average” man. Their financial crimes through their own banking system over the last decades has also shown to be more corrupt than the average bank. So, I if can’t trust you with sex or money, how I am supposed to listen to your not quite agreeing with the Bible teachings?

    That being said, they do have connections with the Bible (albeit they also have a slightly misaligned translation – the New American Bible, which I have read). Having lived among the RCs (in Louisiana for 20 years) there are a number of them that are truly born again Christians who have a saving faith in Jesus. It’s just that even many of them are mostly Jesus + (something else) which could get them into trouble as the anti-Christ arises. With all this considered, it is clear that the average Catholic is in more danger than the average evangelical Protestant of eternal hellfire.

    As to the real False Prophet, I see a case for it being the supernaturally empowered entity that has been posing as the Virgin Mary. Yes – Don has disagreed with me about this for years now… (Revelation is actually neuter, not masculine in its description of the FP.) Such an impersonation would most likely send more Roman Catholics to hell than any other player – including the current Pope. Why else has Satan been pushing the “Queen of Heaven” appearances for so many CENTURIES?

    All who call for submission to a global government – for any reason (global warming, the coming great earthquake recovery, uniting to fight the beasts shown in Revelation) – are ALL working the anti-Christ’s final agenda whether they know it or not. Beware of all such posers!


  5. Hey Don,
    do you believe that Catholics will be included with the great multitudes in Revelation 7:9? I hope our family and friends will not be included with those whose delusion will prevent them from accepting Christ after the rapture.

  6. I grew up Catholic and I have seen both devout God fearing people and those who see it as paint by numbers salvation. Jack Kelly compares the Catholic Church to the church of Thyatira. Some are saved and some aren’t. My personal experience with the church makes me feel that there is a lot of credence to that theory.

  7. Hi Phil

    I agree, but take note the warnings to those within that are practicing the jezebel paganism. Much space was given to repent but many continue to love the pagan practices the leadership added.

  8. Hi Don, long time no talk. I agree that a lot of Catholics will come around in time to accept the true Lordship of Jesus in time. Now, all most know is what the Catholic church dictates to them. It isn’t their fault, its just upbringing, and I really believe a lot of believers condemn them prematurely.

  9. Hi Don,

    I didn’t grow up with ties to Catholicism so rejecting it has never been an issue for me. It is interesting that the confirmation by the anti-Christ with Israel may be a deal with the Vatican. I hadn’t heard that before.

    There’s something else I hadn’t heard before either and I’m hoping you will give me an answer. You talked about the gospel of saving grace through faith.
    I was looking stuff up the other night and accidentally ran across something called “Lordship Salvation.” I did some research on it and have to say it scared the hell out of me. That’s why I’m asking for your opinion on it.

  10. Hi Caitlin,

    Lordship salvation is bad theology that is meant to scare the hell out of you. The Bible is very clear that salvation comes from believing in the Savior God promised. These people teach salvation is by grace through faith but then they want you to judge your salvation by subjective performance.

    By the way, over 90 percent of Christendom has theology that claims you have to persevere until the end to be saved, so while alive you can never have blessed assurance that you made it. The bottom line is that if you can save yourself by your obedience or perseverance you are your own savior.

    I wrote this article in response to bad theology that gives salvation in one sermon and takes it away with the next. The Bible teaches eternal security for the believer.


  11. Hi Don,

    Thank you for your answer and the provided link. I followed through and read your article on legalism too. There’s a lot of legalism in my protestant background. You were writing about me. Get saved, it didn’t take, get resaved,it didn’t take, make a commitment, fail, now what? I got past all of that and sure don’t want to get tripped up and tangled up in it again. Stumbling blocks.

  12. Not ALL Catholics are ripe for being deceived. A very large majority knows that Pope Frances is. The “ False Prophet” that we were warned about years ago. His Satanic mission is to bring down the Catholic Church. He is going against every doctrine the Church has held for centuries. Catholics around the world are denouncing him, and know that he is the Satan Infiltrator.

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