Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation

Have you ever wondered how Lucifer/Satan/Devil plans to become like the most High?

Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

The stars of God here are the angels. Satan was created to be the highest being in God’s creation. Since Satan cannot create his own creation, I think he is attempting to evolve the fallen creation.… continue reading

False prophet Pope Francis tells nations submit to global government

Six years ago I wrote an article on my old Blog questioning if Pope Francis would turn out to be the False Prophet or the Antichrist. That article has had over 70,000 page views. It still gets hundreds of views most months so many are obviously interested in the topic. The Pope’s recent call for nations to submit to global government along with his other Marxist and pro Islamic positions even has many Catholics believing that this Pope is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Six years ago much of the interest in this Pope was due to the St. Malachy prophecy and Tom Horn’s book Petrus Romanus”.continue reading

Revelation Harlot spiritually fornicating with luciferian globalism

Most Bible believers who take Bible prophecy literally are aware that Revelation 17 talks about a woman riding a Beast. The Beast depicted is the end of the age luciferian world system existing just prior to the second coming of Jesus. The woman that rides the Beast is a religious system that claims to speak for God on earth but actually does the bidding of Satan. Fornication occurs as this religious system directs the kings of the earth to carry out the luciferian agenda.

The Revelation Harlot historically has been identified with Roman Catholicism. She was identified in the days when Roman Catholicism was directing the kings and killing people who would not submit to her authority.… continue reading

Who can make war with luciferian controlled AI and robots?

Governments on earth are now going authoritarian just as most governments of the past have been authoritarian. Historically, governments that became tyrannical were overthrown through revolution or foreign invasion. That becomes increasingly unlikely in the future because governments now uniquely have control of the most effective weapons. By the 2030’s there is likely to be an authoritarian government running the world which uses artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics to suppress all resistance.

A high ranking general in the U.S. military recently said that 20 percent of America’s military will be replaced with robots within a decade. I am sure that will also be the case in other countries having a modern military.… continue reading