Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.

We don’t know what God plans for His Church on earth in these last days, but we do know that Jesus promised to come back to take His Church off the earth before the wrath of God falls on this satanic world system. With mobs and Sodom and Gomorrah playing out in the streets, the Church should be aware that the Rapture grows ever closer.

Because Israel rejected her Messiah everything has been on hold until God takes out a risen bride for His Son to rule and reign with Him. After this fullness of the Gentiles comes in, God will again deal with Israel to fulfill the remaining week of years foretold in Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy (Dan 9:24-27).

The four horsemen first ride, bringing in global governance and the setting up of conditions on the earth for the final week of years to play out. That week of years starts with the signing of the covenant with the northern leader that scripture identifies as the Beast/Antichrist. During all of the first half of the last seven years God sends two witnesses given supernatural powers. Israel and the world will have no choice but to hear about God’s plan to set up His Kingdom from Jerusalem with Jesus returning and sitting on David’s throne.

The whole world will be given this truth so there will be no excuse to reject it other than they love their sins, hate God and hate the Jews. These satanic reprobates love making up lies to convince themselves and others that they are not accountable to the Creator of the universe but nevertheless everyone is.

We see the lies happening today across the world. The satanic lies are being taught everywhere in the disguise of evolution, humanism, science, social justice and being woke with more lies. If this insane woke movement continues and gains a strong leader in Europe, I would not totally rule it out as being the start of the riding of the white horse. More likely the riding of the white horse will be more like a second coming of Hitler who rises during the world depression caused by Covid-19. It likely will be an European authoritarian response to the red/green axis working to destroy Western civilization.

In the first half of the seven years two prophets give their testimony in Jerusalem for 1260 days. The northern leader suffers a fatal head wound, rises, and is given power by Satan to kill God’s witnesses in Jerusalem. The Day of the Lord containing the wrath of the Lamb and the Wrath of God then plays out because the world rejects a kingdom led by Jesus. The ten kings ruling the world at that time give their power to what we know as the Antichrist. He enters the Temple of God claiming to be greater than anything called God (2Th 2:4). In other words, the world believes that this satanically empowered leader has the power to prevent Jesus from returning to lead the promised kingdom of the Jews.

The Antichrist will try to destroy all Jews but many of them will flee to the mountains where they will be protected from the Antichrist. God will then destroy all enemies opposed to Jesus. That is what the Day of the Lord is all about.

Most reading here are aware of these things, but it still seems that some are looking for tribulation events to start to play out before the two prophets arrive on the scene. That won’t happen. When God is dealing with Israel, He always sends His prophets before judgement. The Kingdom once again will be offered to the modern leaders of Israel through the testimony of the two prophets. However, those leaders will once again fear what Caesar will do to them and reject God’s truth for the world’s lies. The nation of Israel will make a covenant with death (Isa 28:15).

Those today that think God is directing the leaders of Israel in their unbelief are not seeing things clearly. The leaders of Israel do not believe in Jehovah. If they believe in anything, they believe in the God of this world. Satan using the blind leaders of Israel are setting up Israel for its total annihilation. Of course God is not going to allow that to happen.

The Ezekiel 38, 39 war is not going to take place before the two prophets arrive as some continue to teach. Israel is not going to see the light because of God’s intervention for Israel before the 70 weeks of years of indignation are completed (Da 9:24). After that they are given grace and the scales are removed from their eyes. Two-thirds in the land of Israel will not even survive the tribulation of those days (Zec 13:9).

Christians make a tragic mistake when acting like unbelievers in Israel are one and the same as believers in Israel. Jesus is the Messiah of Israel. Jews must believe in the Messiah that God sent to Israel to be saved. In the Church age, all people are only saved by hearing and believing the Gospel of Christ. After the Church age of grace to the Gentiles is over, only a third of Israel will be refined through the fires of the great tribulation and go into the Kingdom. No unbeliever (Jew or Gentile), will ever enter the Kingdom.

Those thinking that God is going to fulfill Ezekiel 38 and 39 before the tribulation cannot from scripture build a reasonable case as to why that is. They put the Gog war before the tribulation because they do not know where to fit it in the tribulation.

Some are saying that Jehovah becomes known in Israel through the Gog war but then years later Israel somehow still signs a covenant with the Antichrist. That is not logical. The Ezekiel war has to be late in the great tribulation. Ezekiel 39:22 says “the house of Israel shall know that I am Jehovah their God, from that day and forward”. How can Israel come to know Jehovah from that day forward but not also come to know Jesus as some with this view claim? The God of Israel became born into the world as the man named Jesus. The risen Jesus is the only visible image of Jehovah. The Gog war takes place before Armageddon but claiming it occurs before the tribulation makes little sense.

Here is the way I now think it goes down: God destroys Gog’s army. At that point Satan and his demons gathers all nations to come against the coming of Jesus at Jerusalem. One hint of this timing is that Israel does not even search for bodies until after 7 months (Ez 39:14). That is because the armies gathered by Satan, the False Prophet and Beast will be added to Gog’s army for the Great Supper in Israel that God prepared for the birds. The prophets do not talk anywhere about two suppers for the birds. It is known as the great day of God Almighty.

Gog’s army will be an initial gathering of northern nations against Israel. However, the last battle when all nations come against Jerusalem will occur less than 7 months later where they will be annihilated in the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3). There will not be much left of this army to bury (Zec 14:12) but the action against Israel by Satan bringing all nations against Jerusalem will prevent Israel from burying Gog’s army until after all the forces of the Beast are all destroyed.

Some might now be wondering why Bible prophecy “experts” cannot come to agreement on the sequence of end time events. Most of the latest theories seem full of holes to others that study the passages. That could be because God sees no need for the Church to know the fine details of this period. After all, the Church will play no role in the tribulation even if some teach differently.

I think God intends to keep Satan in the dark about how and when the end time events play out until after He removes His Church. Until then, Satan does not know the times or the sequence of events. That is why Satan has had Antichrist figures in the wings since the Roman Empire. Those thinking they uniquely know about the sequence of end time events and write books about their conjectures will likely continue to be proved wrong.

In spite of what some Bible prophecy watchmen are continually saying on the media, Gog with his allies are nowhere near ready to come against Israel as described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. It would still take years to build this army and Israel is not even living in security as the text says. Israel probably does not get that security until they sign a covenant with the Antichrist. That covenant sets Israel up for the arrival of the two prophets who will hinder any military action against Israel until their testamentary is complete.

The Bible Prophecy watchmen on the media who are continually claiming that the Ezekiel war is the next thing to play out keep recycling a view that ignores a lot of details in scripture. Thus, they see Gog coming down every time Israel or Russia sneezes. This ranting by the watchmen borders on religious fervor rather than anything the Bible actually teaches. They might first be looking for the riding of the four horsemen, the ten kings, global governance and of course the Rapture. The Gog war occurs late in the tribulation after the horsemen ride and after the two prophets give their testimony. Many OT prophets spoke of the end time judgement of nations that come against Israel and any contextual reading that was not already fulfilled in the past puts them all in the Day of the Lord.

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Author: Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.

45 thoughts on “Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.”

  1. There is also a big push for digital currency and big banks are getting on board for some form of cryptocurrency. Coin shortages across the states will undoubtedly push this idea further along. The local Wal-Mart was not even accepting cash the other day.

    Lots of recent Amazon commercials I see showing a nice smiling lady operating smart cameras scanning people on arrival to work. Undoubtedly the techno-fascists are planning on rolling this out nationwide if they could.

    I agree that if the situation worsens around the globe we could see the first rider appear in Europe shortly.

  2. Hey Don,

    What do you think of recent events in Turkey? Erdogan wants to reestablish the Caliphate I.E the true Islamic state as it was for centuries and he does not hide the fact he wants Israel gone eventually. What do you think about an Islamic / Middle Eastern Antichrist rather than a western one as many seem to think he will be. Also I think Turkey with a confederacy of other nations will be a big player in the huge army brought to Jerusalem to try to destroy it.

  3. Great blog Don. I think you clarified some of my wonderings about timelines and such for the Ezekiel War. I think you base yours on some sound reading of the Bible. I like your line “These satanic reprobates love making up lies to convince themselves and others that they are not accountable to the Creator of the universe but nevertheless everyone is.” Watching the news recently it is amazing to see the willful self destruction done by the “peaceful protestors”. It is like a frenzy. Without using terms like inspired by Satan, it is hard to explain how someone acts as they do. “Satanic reprobates” I think, is a good description. They cannot think they will be accountable for their actions of destruction.

    We are living in the final days before the return of Christ. My opinion is that nothing major will happen that is not under the control of God to prepare the world for the return of Christ. I pray that it will be soon.

  4. Hi Daniel,

    Turkey would have to defeat Egypt, Iran and others to establish the Caliphate. I do not think that is even possible.

    The people that destroyed the Temple were under the control of the Roman Empire. So I do not believe in an Islamic Antichrist but nobody knows for sure where he will be born. The little horn of Daniel grows exceeding great from West to East and toward the South and Holy Land so someone in Europe is likely to fulfill that role. As I said the little horn will be just a more efficient Hitler. People have been trying to revive the Roman Empire since it fell. You might think Satan was using such people to set up his world empire but God brought about their defeat because the timing was not right to allow for Satan’s Antichrist.

    For many reasons like where the mentioned tribes in Ezekiel settled and are located I think Russia is where Gog comes from in the Ezekiel 38 war. Real historians have always believed this.

    The Islamic theory never made much sense to me and I wrote about them years ago in a number of articles. This view is mainly pushed by former Moslems that think the Antichrist will be the same as the Mahdi and that he will not gain control over the whole earth. Revelation says he will. I believe the war against the Red/Green terrorist nations will be a deception that will set things up for the real Antichrist.


  5. There is something going on that has many astute Christians all agreeing together that time is short. The world has seen many perilous times yet this is different. Perhaps it’s the work of the Holy Spirit.

  6. Hi Don, WOW, this article has some serious firepower – love it!

    Placing the Gog war so late is unusual amongst modern Bible experts, but your points make sense on why this would happen – especially around Israel and their relationship with God.

    A few questions if that’s ok – (1) is there anything mentioned that would counter something like the burning of the Magog weapons in the Millennial kingdom?
    (2) the Kings of the East invasion – where exactly in the Tribulation period would you place this? Eg. the post-Rapture Gap, first 3 1/2 yr portion of the Tribulation or the other latter portion of the 3 1/2 yr part of the Tribulation?
    (3) and just to confirm – but you feel the Seal Judgements (4 Horsemen) happen in the Gap period prior to the 7 year Tribulation?

    It is so interesting to read your very countering thoughts to the mainstream Biblical take on the Magog war. It is unusual to think that Russia would last deep into the Tribulation when most feel they are taken out of the picture probably after the Rapture – and as Bill Salus feels after the Psalm 83 wars with the surrounding Arab countries (in the Gap period).

    Thanks Don – great article and really makes me rethink things!

  7. Hi Mike

    Other than Ezekiel, there is no other passage in scripture that talks about burning the northern armies weapons for seven Years. perhaps after the Kingdom is set up in Israel. The kingdom will not need to concern themselves with buying fuel from others.

    Exactly? who really knows exactly.

    The Kings of the East also come late in the Great tribulation. The sequence is given in Revelation. They likely are a different kind of Battle because these forces kill a third of all men on the earth.

    I think the four horsemen begin to ride a couple of years before the tribulation. I could be wrong, but I just can’t fit this in the time of the two prophets. Even so, the riding of the horsemen may have nothing to do with Israel or Israel’s tribulation. It might set up the ten kings and revived Roman Empire. The Red Horse might be a revolution in Europe The Pale Horse could be a war with Islamic states. The week for Israel only starts with the signing of the covenant with the northern leader.

  8. I agree with you Bro. i personally have always believed that the Gog-Magog War happens before the ‘Abomination of Desolation’ only because by then in those final 42 months at least one third of the Jews leave Israel for the Wilderness ( Petra ? ) under GOD’s protection, Mr.666 is at war with Israel right after he commits ‘Abomination’ i could be wrong but i can’t see Russia being a problem by then, what we all agree is that wars are coming and the outcome of them, the timing of them is still debateable.

  9. No new stimulus bill passed and Senate on recess for awhile. Many senators saying they won’t vote for another one. Lots of evictions and student loans are coming due soon. If many states shut down again and the Fed doesn’t artifically prop up the economy like they did last time we are going to crash and we are going to crash hard. It would be wise to prepare now. We will see.

  10. Regarding this article and your “When is the war of Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39 and the war of Psalm 83?” you are contradicting yourself. There are several paragraphs that do not agree with this article.

  11. Hi Lucky,

    I know that.

    I have written articles on this website for over 20 years. If I never changed my views over those years on anything I would never have learned anything new in my studies. Then I would be qualified to write Bible prophecy books that never change like many have. Of course most of those books had views that were silly in hindsight and are now totally worthless.

    Christians should do their own Bible study. Nobody is an expert on end time Bible prophecy. In fact the Church can get obsessed with issues that mean nothing in their walk with the Lord. Some think we have to get every point of Bible prophecy correct. I say what difference does it really make? The Lord’s coming for His Church is the only prophetic event the Church really need to know.

    The need to know where to put all of Israel’s Bible prophecy pegs in the end time pegboard can be a fruitless diversion for those this obsessed (now I am sounding a bit like Rick Warren).

    I once also thought the Psalm 83 war was before the tribulation. I now think it may just be a prayer that will be answered before the restoration when nations come in various factions against Israel.

    I am finding it increasingly short sighted to try to put end time events before the tribulation. Bible prophecy is about Israel and nations interacting with Israel. As I said, all of these things were mentioned by the OT prophets and what has not already been fulfilled in context is fulfilled in the Days of the Lord. The destruction of the nations are in response to their harsh action against Israel during the time of Jacob’s trouble (the last 7 years).

    ***For those it may concern: Recently I have not allowed a number of posts to be posted because they either make no sense, promote Armstrongism or push some view that conflicts with the premillennial Rapture view of this website. I am not interested in your timelines. If you think other people are, start your own website.

  12. Don,

    Well said. I also listen / study along with Doctor McGee of “Through The Bible” and pray for and support that ministry (as well as thepropheticyears), yet I disagree with Dr. McGee on the “gap theory” (Gen 1:1 to Gen 1:2, based solely on the conjunction word “and”), but the ministry is spot-on in intent, just as “thepropheticyears”.

    Note – On your past half dozen blogs, I did not chime in. Those blogs are exactly the kinds of posts that a watchman should do. However, I might be too far gone (well, numb) at this point.

    I believe the seals, being pre-wrath (well, God’s wrath, which is announced after the horsemen ride), are not necessarily aimed at Israel/tribulation.

    As for timing of Ezekial 38/39 (I do get this and Psalm 83 inter-changed, off-the-cuff), I’m on board with the “from that day forward” logic.

    // Blessings

  13. Totally agree Don.

    I have been reading about and trying to understand the sequential mechanics of Bible Prophecy since I was 11….3 decades ago lol – and there are so many pieces that can be moved or interchanged. I am more and more coming to the conclusion that we (Christians) really are not meant to fully understand the post-Rapture period in any type of fullness.

    This article is incredible bc it is a very solid breakdown for people on the general endtimes events.

    Don – (sorry for the many questions) – but I would imagine early in the Millennial Kingdom there would be global efforts to rebuild and clean up the old world….which would make sense from a perspective of the 7 years of the Magog weapons burning and being done away with. My point being, the Millennial kingdom wont be 1000 yrs of exact complete perfection, but rather the beginning would likely be a clean up (including the burning of the Magog weapons), and then the 9+ centuries(?) of peace and Eden-like living, followed by the Satanic war-like ending.(not to get off topic w the Millennial Kingdom).

    Thanks Don,

  14. Zechariah 11 starts with the destruction of Lebanon and Bashan (Syria / Jordan) which seems to align with Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17. It ends with a reference to the anti-christ. The association of the anti-christ with this war makes me think that the Psalm 83 war is tied to the second seal and that after this war, the anti-christ would confirm the covenant as mentioned in Daniel 9:27 and divide the plunder (Dan 11:24). Any thoughts on this?

  15. Hi Wells,

    Interesting. I do not know how you get all that from Zechariah 11. It just proves to me that conjectures about the sequence of end time events will continue until we are gone.

    I personally will not give what you said any deep thought because I see no need for the Church to even try to connect conjecture with conjecture.

    If we even get this all figured out, so what? What does the Church do with the knowledge of fine details of tribulation events? Who but a few would even believe that you figured it out? And what would they do with it?

    In other words, unless someone publishes a unified theory of how all prophetic passages fit together and play out in specific sequence. And the theory is peer reviewed and agreed upon by most leaders in the body of Christ. These selected speculations probably will build nothing worth anything in the Church or in the eternal picture.

  16. Don,

    I thought somewhere you may have mentioned that the 2 prophets of Israel come 3 1/2 years before the beginning of the tribulation. Is there any timing on when the 2 start there ministry?

  17. Hi Jeremy,

    We know the two prophets are killed just before the Antichrist defiles the Temple in the midst of the last 7 years. We also know they are given power to preach for 1260 days. That puts the start of their ministry at about the same time as the start of the 7 year covenant with the Antichrist. In other words, they preach the entire first half of those seven years. We commonly call the whole 7 years the tribulation but only the last 3.5 years is the time of great tribulation or time of Jacob’s trouble that Jesus was talking about.

  18. So we are to give up trying to understand the plan and solve the puzzle? :-). Never!

    Just kidding. You make a good point, Don.

  19. Just listened to an interview with Bill Salus. He mentioned his view is the last horseman, the pale horse, is the same entity described in Isaiah 28:15-18. I think that gives some more weight to the gog war being during the great tribulation.

  20. Hi Jim,

    It may be, but Salus previously has said he believes the overflowing scourge Of Isa 28 is the Roman Church. That is possible, but exactly how does this church ride the Pale Horse and bring death, pestilence and disease over a quarter of the earth?

  21. Isaiah 59 backs up your theory that the prophets will come on the scene prior to the Ezekiel 38 war:

    v1-8: prophets convicting Israel of their sins
    v9-15: Israel confessing and repenting of their sins
    v16-19: the Lord responds by fighting their battles for them. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.

    This aligns with Ezekiel 38:16 – You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land.
    And Ezekiel 38:23. – Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord.

  22. Don,

    I could be wrong but he may have added to his position. It sounded like he thinks this covenant with death is with a powerful coalition of nations after some regional war Israel wins.

    We know the apostate religious harlot works with the antichrist in the beginning. Maybe a revised EU/MU led by the beast and the Vatican? Death and famine and disease is the result of the wars they wage on the world.

  23. Hi Jim,

    That seems to be about the same as my position that the Little Horn mentioned by Daniel becomes exceeding great toward the east, south and toward the Holy Land. In other words, the wars that bring about a revival of a “Holy” Roman Empire.

  24. Don,

    Yea that sounds about right. If this were the case you could postulate that this pale horse probably rides after the rapture. In fact all four horseman may ride after the rapture. Revelation chapter 6:1 may be referring to this very thing. Something grabs the world’s attention right before the first rider. He also needs a reason to start his campaign. This is as good an explaination as any.

  25. Hi,

    >> Something grabs the world’s attention right before the first rider.

    I have been contemplating this for some time.

    I once also pondered who hears the trumpet voice, but I am settled that only the true genuine church hears this. There is also debate as to whether all believers are raptured or if those that are inter-twined with the world are left behind (but, the latter could be part of the non-believing posers / harlot assembly). In any case…

    Over the past decade, I pondered if it was an EMP on America, or other such quick judgement of America (by God, not by man) would be the world attention-getter.

    And then there’s Isaiah 18, which may or may not refer to America, but could also be the world attention-getter just before the rapture?

  26. Craig,

    Since the harlot rides the beast as he gains power and authority I think something religious in nature probably kickstarts that whole relationship. I don’t know if just another world war would cause such a union. The rapture certainly would be a perfect catalyst. Maybe Don has a better answer.

  27. Hi Jim & Craig,

    I think the four riders are post Rapture. Couple the seal wars with a Queen of Heaven apparition claiming the Lord is calling for a universal religion led by Rome and you get a very violent revolution in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East that might appropriately be called the overflowing scourge (28:15-18). Shortly later Rome signs a covenant with Israel and the last seven years begin.

  28. Hi Don

    I was remembering an article you wrote quite a while back about a marian deception like what happened at Fatima might be a religious deception…that would unify many Catholics around the world.

  29. The name of your article is The Coming Purge of the Roman Whore of Revelation 17… dated Nov. 28, 2017

  30. Hi Don,

    I believe much of the strife we see in the world today is Satan raging in the hearts of men. Satan probably realizes his time is limited so he is expanding his power and using his minions to drag as many as he can with him down to hell.

    The persecution of Christians in China is only a precursor of things to come. Who the 10 kings are is a mystery, but I have to wonder if Xi Jinping is one of them. I believe that China is part of Satan’s kingdom.

    The Communists are most definitely anti-Christs (in my opinion).

  31. Don, another great one.

    I think it’s entirely possible that we get raptured out, and some of the remaining prophecies, pre Revelation, occur during the gap period i.e. Ezekiel 38/39 and or Psalm 83. Like you’ve stated in the past, the gap could be several years. Perhaps even over a decade? However, I think it’s entirely possible that we see the Psalm 83 war take place before the rapture. Maybe Gog/Magog, but i see that as much less likely.

    A raptured church decimates America. The vacuum creates a power struggle among many nations, Russia, China, Europe, M.E. Bloc, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. All a recipe for world war. Then out of the ashes a renewed Israel and an empowered Europe. These global power rebalances all seem to happen after major wars throughout history. WWI and the League of Nations, WWII and the UN, WWIII Ten nation European led world government. Just brainstorming.

    Then again….once things start falling into place, as we’ve seen, there will likely be a rapid advance to the falling dominoes so to speak, so it is hard to say on the timeframe. Like you said, this is basically all conjecture that doesn’t really concern the church for the most part. At least to the minute details that we all end up attempting to figure out. In the end, God reveals at his time.

  32. Steve,

    The point of the article was to show that the magog war doesn’t make much sense before the tribulation. The argument Don brought up was that many verses in Ezekiel 38-39 are not compatible with a Israel that puts their trust in death rather than the God that just saved them.

  33. Actually, the point of the article was that the Church should stop looking for any wars to fulfill prophecy given to Israel about Israel’s fulfillment of the last 7 years of indignation. The fulfillment’s all occur because God is dealing with Israel again for their last seven years of indignation. The first thing Israel does is make a covenant with a false Messiah.

    Nothing happening before the The signing of the covenant is likely to fulfill prophecy given to Israel by the prophets of Israel. The last seven years to fulfill the indignation brings the last two prophets to get Israel to repent and that is followed by the Day of the Lord. The time of Jacob’s trouble occurs because even after God sends His prophets the leadership of Israel rejects their message. The judgment on the nations occur because the world rejects God’s Messiah and a Jewish Kingdom from Jerusalem and they attempt to wipe out all Jews so Jesus cannot rule.

    The Church needs to be looking for the Rapture not some war in the Middle East to tell us when the Rapture is near. All of this could have happened 2000 years ago. The whole alignment there is likely to change right after the Church is removed and the Antichrist rises. And even if the Church knew the exact details and timings of end time events that the prophets foretold, what would she do with that knowledge other than to continue to scratch endlessly itching ears?

  34. Don,

    Do you believe the Holy Spirit is working within the astute church by impressing upon them time is short?

    Many of what I consider biblically sound pastors and fellow astute Christians seem to have this sense that we may not have much time.

    Is this something God given or just from by discerning the times we live?

  35. Thanks Don. I don’t know if you saw but the people of Lebanon just welcomed Macron and are calling for a new government led by him? Very unusual if that’s the case.

  36. Craig,

    I always wondered if the church would hear the trumpet call a few seconds before we are taken up.

  37. Jim,

    I’ve heard a common theme of “Brace Yourself” among many people who’ve claimed to have visions and dreams. Also to stock extra food if you haven’t already.

  38. I also heard ‘Brace Yourself’ but that is “NOT” Prophetic, truth be told i ‘Brace Myself’ everyday and everytime i leave the front door of my home because of all the dangers in the highways and now even in the workplace, i do not believe in ‘DIVINATION’ most people with ‘Dreams’ mean well but its getting overwhelming, i’m sticking to the written WORD. The one’s who should be ‘Bracing Themselves’ are those who are falsely prophesying in the name of our LORD.

  39. I guess you could also postulate that the US is either unwilling (radical leftists in power) or unable (destroyed/collapsed) to defend Israel during this time of overflowing scourge. A strong supportive US would make the need for this covenant irrelevant imo.

    Since we are looking at a post rapture timeframe I think it’s both. The U.S. will still be the most heavily affected country from the rapture. Godless leftists who remain will certainly hate Israel. Probably a major war in that mix too.

  40. Don,

    One thing I am so tired of is the baseless conspiracy theories and fear mongering from the right. We get enough of it from the leftists. It kinda goes along with what you were saying in regards to Christians claiming every new event in the middle east is something prophetic. I can’t go anywhere online without running into some nonsensical explanations of what’s going on in the world. 5g mind control, nanobots in vaccines, Mark of the beast, weather control, aliens, etc. No wonder some centrists think those on the right are crazy. Your just being lied to constantly from every direction.

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