American depraved lacks motivation

First let me say that my relocation is still taking most of my time. I and the dogs are now physically located at my new place on the river (nice) but I don’t have the old place ready to sell yet. I had to fire my handyman because it turned out that he was not handy at all. I had to fix everything that he fixed. I have two bad shoulders a bad elbow and a bad wrist so if I have to do physical labor I pay for it in pain. He was not getting the wood striping and staining done on the house siding so I had to let him go. He did not seem to have a clue how to do it or even the motivation to get there to do the work.

I am now using the services of a 80-year-old handyman that had done some work for me in the past, and I now have a guy working on the siding that actually does wood treatment and painting for a living.

In two weeks we have some movers coming from the big city to move our heavy stuff. They are coming from over two hours away. Seems you can’t get good help out here in the country anymore.  Most people out here are retired or mentally or physically disabled. The young men that stay in the area have few useful skills and little motivation to even work. They generally go from one short-term job to another. Their women have the steady jobs.

Meth making, drug dealing and reselling junk seems to be major occupations for some around here. All this makes me doubt that America can ever be great again because this reality has now even spread to America’s religious rural areas.


Few young people even showed up for the “Democracy Spring” civil disobedience in Washington D.C. in April. It seems that George Soros and all the Far Left American depraved organizations can’t even motivate brainwashed young people to physically show up for their radical causes. How do you even motivate spoiled American depraved potheads to do anything? That seems to be one of the great mysteries of our time. It seems that even planned civil disobedience and riots cannot be relied on to happen. That would take discipline that these young people do not have. They have to be spontaneous outbreaks.


It looks like it will be Hillary against Trump…or will it? Should we believe that one of the two most hated people in America will be elected to become the President? I am not betting on either of these two actually becoming President. At least not for long.

A lot can happen between now and 2017. Hillary might have to step down. There could be a third-party runs. There could be massive terrorist attacks and martial law. There could be an EMP attack. There could be an economic collapse. There could be an assassination. There could be riots all over the place, etc etc. I just do not have any confidence that it will be business like usual until the next President takes office. I think we have now entered the realm of Bizarro World. We are way beyond predictability.


The American depraved may be setting America up for its destruction

The nuclear EMP threat from N. Korea and Iran is now incredible, yet, the American depraved have done nothing to prevent the effects of such an attack. Will America even make it until the next decade before someone puts our lights out? Think of failed infrastructures and scores of nuclear power plant melt downs all happening at the same time.

Terrorist attacks are now inevitable, yet our government continues to allow in depraved religious radicals that want to destroy us. Fifteen years after 9/11/01 the “progressive” American depraved are bringing in new grave threats to our nation. And the Obama administration is releasing foreign criminal gangsters into our streets. This is all being done to bring about a police state “for our security”.

Russia and China are rapidly building up their military capabilities while Congress and Obama put all their hopes on open borders and their fascist globalism bringing about utopia upon the earth. Just to prove that they actually believe in utopian globalism the “progressive” American depraved purposely are weakening our military by shrinking it and feminizing it.

Europe seems to be bringing in all the elements necessary that will bring about a civil war in Europe and a world war in the Middle East within a few years. The answer to the wars will be the revived Roman Empire followed by the Beast Antichrist.

The Pope is a Liberation Theology progressive. His views are so inconsistent that one might think that he is out of his mind. He is no more a Christian then is Obama. Many conservative Roman Catholics would say he is an anti-Pope. In other words, they would say he does not even believe in Roman Catholic Theology. He is Satanic. The truth is that religious and secular leaders of the world are generally Satanic since we live in a Satanic world system. By the way, that is true of many protestant leaders as well, so be careful about whose teaching and instruction that you follow.

And so it goes in 2016, as America and the world progresses toward its total depravity and what the Bible predicted about the end of the age. I personally think this age has about 15 to 20 years left and as I look at major world events I have to admit that everything seems to  be right on schedule.

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


American depraved lacks motivation — 26 Comments

  1. Hi Don. Glad your back online. Sorry the old body is breaking down (I can relate), and that the help is unreliable. If we were out at our Ozark place I’d come over and give you a hand. Got a great, reliable, Christian handyman – nay shall I say a ‘craftsman’ – but he’s in Thornfield, which is what, a hundred miles from you?

    As far as: This is all being done to bring about a police state “for our security”.

    We’re already there. Just try to board an airplane, or get stopped along the highway for a “safety check”, or try to buy something with a $2.00 bill. Our country had become a nest of idiots. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

    The speculation I hear is that Hillary will either be indicted or step aside because of “health reasons” and Biden and Warren will pick up the Democratic mantel. If indicted, O’Bummer will likely pardon her. We live in a circus!

    Enjoy your place on the river. You still have you hilltop acreage?

  2. Hello Don, sounds like your slowly getting there, though.

    I seen where the marines had to march in pink high heels and there was a so called men’s race wearing high heels. My son in law & his boss ran in it all proud then his boss sprained his ankle real bad I heard. Serves him right, what the hell’s wrong with people??

    I saw the Fox News program about Obama gutting the military as the world gets more dangerous. Brilliant!

    I agree w/ you on we need to be careful who we listen to behind the pulpit, a lot of false prophets out there especially if their big & successful. They had some help in getting there.

    15 to 20 years sounds real good to me for the end of the age, I hope it’s sooner. Lets get raptured and up on outa here!

    Good article.

  3. I live in the country too, and I know what you mean. The only good workers are very overbooked!
    I like being out from all the brainwashed cities, but it’s got it’s own pile of challenges. I pray every day that we can at least find a bit of the Rock to stand on while the world shakes.

  4. Hi Doug,

    I really was not offline but I agree that Biden might step in and Clinton would be pardoned by Obama. I also know we are in a police state in some respects. They have traffic stops around here in the name of DWI check points that are nothing but fishing trips. 99 percent of the citations are for things like seat belt violations or insurance or drugs. They call it a DWI checkpoint because drinking and driving is politically incorrect but they do anything they want to volatile constitutional rights of everyone. Nobody says nothing. Because if they say something they might be a target. They always have a drug dog with them on these checkpoints so refusing is futile.

    Thornfield is about 2 hours from the old place and 3 from the new place. The old property is ridge top on 20 acres but you are probably talking about the 120 acres of raw land that I had. Someone out of the blue wanted to buy it at the right price so I sold it. They closed the clinic where my wife worked near there so there was no reason to build on it.

  5. It’s good to see you posting again Don, sorry to hear about the not so handyman. I’m quite curious to see where this “election” is headed myself. Quite the weird one on almost all fronts.

  6. Hi Don! I was going to comment and commisurate about the joys of aging until you mentioned the “random” roadsters. I had to do those when I was working the street in Chiraq, and always felt like a schmuck when ordered to do so. Shoot, one Fourth of July, we even had to sit on surveillance on the border of Indiana with binoculars and wait until cars would leave the fireworks stores, then pull them over after they entered the city, when said fireworks would be confiscated and either a ticket or arrest would issue. The only things missing were gray uniforms and German accents asking to see your papers. Yes sir, that sure kept the steeple safe. I don’t miss being a Police Officer at all, and am chomping at the bit to move out of this bunghole of a city. I wish I could go far into a country location but, like you, don’t quite have the physical chops for chores I could have done about 25 years or so ago. That being said, at least my aim and my trigger finger still work so I can at least still protect me and mine. Until the Trumpet sounds, keep your powder dry and stay frosty.

  7. I’m so glad you’re back, Don. I missed your “in your face”, “tell it like it is” style of writing. We live in a relatively rural area and know what you mean about there being no good help. The motto around our area is “we don’t care, so why should you!”. If you can’t fix it yourself, you’re up a creek. We try to be as self-reliant as possible. I’m in the process of getting my carry permit, except that my fingerprints have somehow disappeared (probably from working my fingers to the bone all my life), so I’m having trouble with that part of it. I’ve joined a ladies’ firearm safety group, so I get additional instruction and shooting time every month. This country is upside down, bass-ackwards, and the “sheeple” are being led by the nose. Our leaders are more concerned with our bathroom practices than they are an EMP attack. I’m still waiting to see if Mr. Obama goes to Japan to apologize to them for dropping the bomb on them. I am thinking that if Mr. Obama (it pains me to show him the respect of calling him “Mr.”) is successful in dividing Jerusalem and taking Israel back to ’67 borders, then that will surely be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for America. I have the sense that God is finished with America and has turned us over to our own depravity. I think this outrageous election year is an indication of that. Dear Lord Jesus, please come soon and take us away from this insanity. Maranatha!

  8. Don,

    Good to see you are back. I think Trump can and will beat Hillary, so I think the dems may be planning a contingency candidate. Biden/Warren sound likely and I bet they could win…
    As far as the 2nd coming is concerned I still disagree that Babylon could be a world class city in 20 years. I know we talked about this before but I just can’t see it happening. I think Babylon could supernaturally come down from the heavens like a counterfeit New Jerusalem at the midpoint of the tribulation 10.5 years after the rapture.
    Lastly, I was reading your old post when you were arguing with someone over the septuagint vs masoretic text. I recently found a very good article that destroys the septuagint arguments…just wish I saw that when you were having that debate.
    Good luck with your relocation efforts.

  9. Hi Jim,

    Its really all about a city that rules the world from the area of Babylon in the last few years of the Gentile age. And your suggestion could be possible. The Beast kingdom is a counterfit kingdom of God with a counterfit holy city.

    The Beast certainly will have supernatural help. I am thinking about writing on this topic when I find time.

    In my experence no single arguement destroys other theories there are most often good counter points in responce

  10. Hello Don,

    Welcome back.. I admit that I chuckled at your description of finding good help, while at the same time felt disgust and compassion for your plight. It might help if you allowed the less motivated help to watch reruns of the latest Kardashian shows while he worked? In any case, glad things are coming along.

    It is indeed a sad state of the nation the choices we have in this coming election. I have a couple questions. If Trump manages to get elected, what do you think the response will be? Also, what is with the extreme opposition to the Rapture from within the church? Is this the result of dominion teaching?

    Great to have you back posting. 🙂


  11. Hi Rod,

    If Trumps gets elected I think some will riot. In any case, Trump better be careful who he picks for Vice President. If he picks someone like Kasich they probably will find a reason to replace him if he actually attempts to do what he said. In other words, he needs to pick someone for Vice President that the establishment hates more than him.

    On the other hand, I do not think Trump will actually do what he said. He will find ways to weasel out of it (for example, we can’t do it now because I inherited Obama’s disaster). I learned a long time ago that politicians give the people the opposite of what they ran on. (Its the “read me lips” law.)

    Most of the institutional churches don’t teach the Bible anymore. They love the world too much to ever want to leave it. Dominion Theology is a large part of the problem, we had Post Millennial and Amillennial Theology since before the Roman Catholic Church. It really is a matter of Hermeneutics. Those that take Bible prophecy in a literal sense are premillennial. Those that spiritualize prophetic scriptures or make Bible prophecy allegory make Bible prophecy fit their theology.

  12. Don,
    With school finishing for the summer soon, you might check out a technical college with classes in mechanics, forestry, etc as the students would be STRONG, YOUNG, WILLING TO WORK!
    Contact Admin before school let’s out. The students might have older siblings who are more accomplished. Or check out the Firehouses in the area. Fireman have schedules that change and many firefighters are good workers.
    I’ll keep all of you in prayer.
    Just had my new bionic knee installed. Was up and walking without a limp in less than 2 months. Hope to check out the Appalachian Trail portion in CT soon! Shalom!

  13. No Technical Colleges around here and firefighters are all volunteers. They already have another job.

    I went over to the old place today. The two people I have working now are doing a good job. They are from the old school.

  14. Thanks Don,

    What are your thoughts on who Trump will pick as a running mate?


  15. I am a little curious on the rioting situation. It seems after the Gore/Bush incident our society
    has treated the political arena like a game. People are so fueled with anger when they are
    not getting their way. Is there any scenario where there might not be rioting?

  16. Don,

    I think this statement in your write-up needs clarification:

    “The nuclear EMP threat from N. Korea and Iran is now incredible, yet….”

    I believe you mean the wording to be as follows:

    “The nuclear EMP threat from N. Korea and Iran is not credible, yet….”

    Just checking.

  17. Craig,

    There are now two N. Korean satellites in orbit on a path that takes them over the United States. Both N. Korea and Iran are working on the late stages of developing ICBM’s. N. Korea is miniaturizing nuclear weapons and we do not have a clue what Iran may have.

    I would think the threat of an EMP coming from these two rogue nations against the US is now very credible. That is incredible because we should have never allowed them to get the capability to carry out asymmetrical warfare against the US that can do us in with just one EMP flash.

  18. Hello Don,

    I’m glad things are coming together for you personally…a happily moved and settled Don will likely mean good articles for us in the future, me hopes : )

    On the news front…

    An EMP or various other attacks scenarios seem more likely by the day from our Islamic & N. Korean “friends”.

    From Khomeini, ” US is main enemy, Zionist regime a close second”

    Khomeini: “The Future Is Missiles, Not Negotiations”

    Well, gee Don…didn’t we just give Iran directly $50 Billion to “appease” them ?

    Appease them ?…it seems like we are sponsoring and paying U.S. tax dollars for our own demise.

    And, I just read that Iran is suing the United States because we have requested that Iran pay U.S.A families for terrorist deaths…we asked them for a reported $2 Million and they sue us just for asking.

    Meanwhile, I keep reading in daily news how our military continues to be decimated.

    I think you are correct, are we even going to make it out of this current decade ?

  19. WHY doesn’t someone use a EMP on North Korea???
    Would that ruin their technology and stop their development and testing of nuclear devices???
    Would China be willing?
    Would it make Iran pause in all their insane gamesmanship??

  20. Hi ~David,

    Actually we are just freeing up Iran’s own money that was held in banks because of the sanctions. This has all been done to kick the can down the road with the hope that Iran will eventually join with the Globalist agenda. The globalist utopia by 2030 is really what drives the world elite that are controlling just about everything. They hate Trump because he wants to put America first and nationalism works against globalism. Globalism is unnatural and against human nature so nationalism is rising again all over the world. It will screw up the utopian dream and when world trade breaks down it will lead to depression and nationalistic wars. After that look for a Savior to arise.

  21. We could but N. Korea has little infrastructure to damage and I am sure their nuclear facilities are hardened against an EMP. As is our critical military capability. It is the civilian infrastructures that are in danger because they are not hardened against EMP’s. N. Korea really has nothing besides its nuclear program and low tech conventional weapons.