Escape Beast World Order in Ozarks

If you believe that the pretribulation Rapture will take you out of here before the great trial takes place on earth (Rev 3:10), because you know you are in the body of Christ, then you already should know that you will not need to escape the Beast world order in the Ozarks.

However, if you are one of those that believe that the Rapture is a fairy tale and Christians will go through the tribulation like everyone else, you might want to try to escape some of what the Beast world order has to offer you in the Ozarks.

This also applies to non believers because the great trial on earth is designed to get people to change their mind and believe in the God of the Bible.… continue reading

First the Rapture or the demise of America?

Those expecting anyone to make America great again simply have no concept of the prophetic years that we live in. First the Rapture before 2030, after that, the end time prophetic events take place over at least 7 years. 10.5 years is my best guess but it could be more or less. Therefore, there simply is not enough time left to make America great again even if the people of America were to suddenly change directions and seek God and obey Him.

Nevertheless, look around….Most Americans are not accepting the true gospel and are not repenting of their sins.

Good is quite often said to be evil in America and evil is now quite often said to be good.… continue reading

American depraved lacks motivation

First let me say that my relocation is still taking most of my time. I and the dogs are now physically located at my new place on the river (nice) but I don’t have the old place ready to sell yet. I had to fire my handyman because it turned out that he was not handy at all. I had to fix everything that he fixed. I have two bad shoulders a bad elbow and a bad wrist so if I have to do physical labor I pay for it in pain. He was not getting the wood striping and staining done on the house siding so I had to let him go.… continue reading

America’s final decade as world superpower ends 2025?

Is this America’s final decade as a world superpower? A decade ago I started writing an Imminent dangers to America series. I wrote the first five articles in that series in 2006. I added another article in 2008, and the last article was written in 2012. All of the seven articles give a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 about the likelihood of the danger to America playing out before 2025.

The likelihood of at least one of those dangers playing out by 2025 was extremely high in my estimation. Since I started that series, one decade has now passed.… continue reading

Are Americans scared to death of terrorists?

During the December 2016 Republican presidential debates Chris Christie said, “people across the country are scared to death of terrorists” and Mike Huckabee said “Americas are just plain scared”.  Both of them implying that Americans are quaking in their boots because of San Bernardino terrorist attack. WRONG!

We sing in our national anthem that America is the home of the free and the land of the BRAVE.  I guess Christie and Huckabee think differently. They say we Americans are “plain scared” and “scared to death”??

America has 22 million military veterans? Are these warriors scared to death of terrorists?? There are many millions more Americans that know how to hunt and shoot guns.… continue reading