Deep state coup attempt on Trump could bring their own demise

The deep state shadow government ongoing coup attempt to take down Donald Trump is part of a much larger coup to establish socialist (fascist) governance over the world. They are using government, corporatists, educators, foundations, media, surveillance, migrants, drugs, violence, crime, race division, sex confusion and religion as means to achieve their fascist authoritarian end.

The deep state coup did not start during the 2016 presidential election and it is not limited to the United States. Deep state Marxist globalists are now ruling over the nations of Europe. These progressive regressive fascists import migrants that they know will bring in violence. Then they respond to the violence by taking away the rights of native Europeans. The people of Europe prove those willing to give up freedom for security will have neither.

The EU has become a socialist authoritarian central federal government dominated once again by fascist Germans. The people of Europe have little say about leftist EU policy. People in Western Europe that oppose the leftist agenda are being shut down and arrested for hate speech. Some people in Europe are calling the EU the ESSR. Leftists that call themselves progressives are also now controlling the once democratic commonwealth countries of the world.

Leftists just like to redefine words so common people are deceived. Progressives are nothing but leftists who progress global Marxism. The humanist Marxist globalist agenda has existed for a long time but these so-called progressives now control most of the world.

The shadow government secretive plots against world leaders running for office and those elected to office first happened in America with the Kennedy assassinations. George Herbert Walker Bush was the deep state’s first elected President. Much like in Catholicism Pope Francis was the first elected Pope of deep state Jesuits. Bush headed the deep state infiltrated CIA before he was Vice President.

After Bush became President the deep state gained control of top levels of government throughout the western world. After the American voters rejected Bush they unknowingly put the deep state Arkansas mafia into the White House. Corruption, treason and perversion prevailed under the two terms of President Clinton. The American people had high hopes for President Bush Jr. but the deep state soon led him by the nose into false flags, foreign wars and economic disaster.

Obama was the first President that was totally created by the deep state. Obama’s life was a work of fiction. Anyone believing that there are no conspiracy theories have never investigated the life of Obama. He was created by the CIA and the truth about his past was covered up by the deep state.

Obama was a Marxist and a good salesman. Obama was sold to Americans to weaken the nation and to advance globalist objectives. He sold division between races, economic classes, sexes, and religions. The leftist globalists believed that division in America would bring upheaval and riots that would bring martial law and the suspension of constitutional rights. They did not quite achieve that end during the Obama administration because the Internet allowed alternative narratives to the lies being told by government and deep state media. So, the progressive deep state conspired together to put Hillary Clinton in office to regulate and censor the Internet, stack the Supreme Court and shut down all opposition to the progressive agenda coming from Conservatives and the Christian right.

Then along came Donald Trump. He was not supposed to even run for President. Then he was not supposed to even stay in the race. The deep state Obama administration surveiled the Trump team and probably did likewise on other candidates not favorable to the progressive deep state agenda. After it looked like Trump could get the nomination, the deep state officials running the CIA, FBI, Justice Department, DNC, media and others conspired together to take Trump out. After Trump was elected and put in office they continued to conspire to get Trump removed from office. The deep state is still trying to remove Trump, but thanks to patriots the conspiracy is slowly being exposed.

The conspiracy to take out Trump went to the top of the Obama administration. Obama certainly knew about the plan. CIA director John Brennan probably hatched the illegal plan and coordinated it with the others. CIA director Brennan was a Marxist and a Muslim just like Obama.

One needs to wonder why the Senate confirmed a communist and Muslim to be director of the CIA? The answer is that many of the Senators of the United States have also been compromised over the years through deep state surveillance. That includes some Republicans.

The deep state believed they had sufficient control to get one of their own into the presidency.  None of the deep state crimes would have come out if Hillary were elected. They not only were counting on Hillary winning, they were stacking the deck to make it happen. The deep state knew if one of their own was not elected all the crimes committed under the Obama administration could be exposed. Trump was not a member of the progressive globalist club and not controllable so they conspired to take him out.

Remember that the Obama administration committed crimes and treason long before any spying on Trump took place. For example, the Department of Justice and State Department was illegally running guns into Mexico and the Middle East. They also used the IRS against conservatives. Attorney General Eric Holder got charged with contempt of Congress because he covered up Obama administration crimes. He could not be expected to prosecute himself for his crimes and Obama was complicit.

Hillary Clinton compromised top-secret information, destroyed government documents and carried out pay to play schemes. Hillary was not prosecuted for any of her many crimes because the fix was in and a real investigation was never done. Some even claim that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was promised a Supreme Court nomination in the Hillary Administration for playing ball.

Under the Obama administration there were many other illegal and treasonous activities taking place. Government agencies led by Obama appointees became weapons to use against all opposition. I think if a proper investigation is ever carried out, more than half the top leaders in the Obama administration will be doing prison time. Can you imagine the ongoing corruption that would be taking place if Hillary were in charge?

Even with President Trump, deep state people in his administration refuse to cooperate with Congress or do a proper investigation of what happened. They classify everything secret so they can keep the truth from getting out. If those covering up and obstructing justice win, America loses. We will never get another chance to overthrow the shadow government that has controlled America for decades.

The only way Americans are going to get its Republic back is to insist that a full investigation be carried out. Those breaking federal laws need to be held accountable. The appointment of a special counsel is necessary to do this investigation. Attorney General Sessions refuses to appoint a special counsel and he does little if anything to stop the obstruction. Apparently Sessions is compromised and needs to be fired by Trump. We can’t expect the deep state to properly investigate itself.

Across the world authoritarian leftists are trampling down people who were once living in free nations. People in these nations only have three options. Remove the deep state by empowering nationalist leaders like Trump. Prepare to live on the leftist ant farms, or join those willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice so that others can have freedom.

On this Memorial Day we need to honor those who gave their life so others can live  and live more abundantly. Just as we honor Jesus who gave His life so all people can be saved from their sins. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). After all that is known, if the leftist deep state remains in power in America, someone as evil and godless as Obama and the Clinton’s will once again take power. Then Christian conservatives in America might hope for the Rapture but make plans to escape to the Ozarks.

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Deep state coup attempt on Trump could bring their own demise — 11 Comments

  1. Good article Don. I would have added that the enemy has not changed from the time that Paul wrote to the Ephesians (in Chapter 6) “12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Paul exposed the powers behind the “deep state”. Our response is given in the verses following concerning putting on the whole armor of God. Personally, I frequently pray for President Trump. I pray not only that God bless him, protect him, and give him strength and wisdom, but also that the God fully expose the lies of his enemies. The lies seem to be growing more visible. As they become more visible, an attempt on his life is more likely. I am sort of surprised that he made it this far given the trail of bodies that seem to be behind the Clinton’s path. Anyway thank you for the ideas. I grew up in the Oklahoma southern Ozarks, and could probably do ok in isolation there but need too many congestive heart failure meds to make it too long there anymore. Maybe the Rapture will come very soon and we can watch what happens in the world, if we choose, on the large screen TV in our mansions? (joke)


  2. I’ll add to the list: “eco” confusion.

    There’s also “identity theft” that I suspect the deep state is complicit in.

  3. Don,

    Great article. If Donald Trump has done anything, he has lifted the veil from the Fascist/Marxist cabal that has been running and ruining our country. It truly is amazing how far we have fallen. It’s not entirely surprising though. If you take God out of our schools, the rest is history.

    The cards have been so stacked against Trump I just hope he can survive. He is clearly a strong willed man. Anyone else in his shoes would have stepped down or snapped in line I believe. He sees what we have become and seems to have made it his life’s mission to reverse the damage as much as is possible.

    Can it be done? I guess that all depends on God. The problem I see for us is the numbers. We Christians in the US are a dwindling people. Immigrants are reproducing at a much higher rate than natives, risking a complete overthrow of our system and values. Granted, some immigrants truly are good Christians I’m sure, but how many?

    Again, I believe it comes down to God and what his plan for America is at this point. Also, will we as a people accept this plan or continue down the road to communism, fascism and the like? The nation is so utterly divided, I really do not see how we stay united. Thanks Don.

  4. Early in the presidential primaries I read Trump’s “Crippled America.” What he said in his book he still says now. I read recently somewhere that Trump was surprised at the amount of resistance toward him and his polices. So am I.

    I posted this article to my face book page. I think it’s critical for our future to understand the political climate. Unfortunately there are those who hate politics so won’t hear anything they need to know and the Trump haters who won’t hear anything that supports him. They even laugh and attack us over our ‘conspiracy theories.’

    I was the target of a personal attack last week for attempting to have a discussion about the unfair biased journalists and the propaganda the MSM is cranking out. I knew I would be attacked but I got involved anyway. It’s a small price to pay for the cause of truth.

  5. Unless some people at the top of the Obama administration end up in jail, I’m afraid all the investigation that’s going on will be for naught. I highly doubt Obama will be made accountable to anyone. They might throw someone like McCabe under the bus just to make it look like they’re doing something. I can see them making a Comey-like statement saying “while there were mistakes made, no prosecutor would take the case.” One great thing that President Trump is doing is that he’s literally erasing everything Obama did. The left is becoming more vile by the minute. Look what that disgusting woman Samantha Bee said about Ivanka. They actually might be getting close to over playing their hand. Since the mainstream media barely covers the corruption that went on during the Obama years, there’s a whole bunch of people who are clueless as to what went on, plus they don’t care. Those of us who see through all the lies and obsfucation feel like we’re swimming upstream against an incredibly strong tide. Good for you Caitlin for standing up and being counted. We all need to stand up for the truth or the death knell for this country will only get louder until it drowns us out completely.

  6. Adriana, Well said!

    Don, I haven’t posted since Jack Kelly passed, but I have tried to put this cognitive dissonance into a workable frame of reference for a couple of years now with scattered results. I just wanted to say thank you for wording this in a nut shell. I do not believe it can be explained in less words.
    I have lots of popcorn to see how this fleshes out. Most people are not capable of digesting what is really going on unless they have biblical world view and are keeping pace with the fast pace events daily. Your post is my “go to” for those who might want to know. Just wanted to say thank you! I don’t post much, but I read every day. Maranatha

  7. Don, I’ve been following your blog for years and, to me, this is one of your best posts yet. Thank you for putting this into words, it reads like a voice of sanity. I am not from the U.S.A. but am praying for your government, as well as my own. God bless you and all the blog followers.

  8. As another said, great summary of the present situation, Don. 1st, 3 cheers for the Christian Baker from Colorado! I was thinking,’if they rule against him, the States is REALLY in trouble’! Events happening (even this week) confirm your point about the need for all conservatives to go on the offensive. I’m actually surprised that no protest has been organized in front of the CNN office bldg. Perhaps demand that they start telling the truth. President Trump seems to have made some of CNN’s reporters ‘nuttier than a fruit cake’! How much damage (to Trump) would there be if he fired Jeff Sessions and/or Rod Rosenstein? My understanding is that a President can have an ‘interim’ A.G., to be re-confirmed every 3 months. Is this correct? Also, who is responsable for the laying of criminal charges and why has this not happened? As you note, there is a window of opportunity right now – so somebody really needs to ‘move it’! I know the ‘wheels of justice’ roll slowly in any country – but it’s frustrating that the bad actors aren’t being called out.
    May I finish with a touch of levity, Don? I got a bit nervous today when Mr. Trump mistakenly thought that Canadians were involved in the burning of your White House. As something of an ‘amateur’ historian on the War of 1812, I can assure my American friends that no Canuck was involved in this action. The ‘fire bugs’ were all in the British Navy! Many thanks, Kevin

  9. Hi Kevin,

    The Justice Department does the prosecution. Sessions says his department has a prosecutor working on this. And firing Sessions at this point will just slow things down even more. The problem is that the Justice Department was complicit and it will not do a proper investigation. The only way justice will be done is through a independent prosecutor who investigates and prosecutes people involved in these matters.

    Other than the narrowly focused and highly redacted IG report the deep state intends to delay all this until after the mid terms. If the democrats get control of the House, all the investigations will be shut down and the focus will change to Trump impeachment. Therefore the elections could determine if justice is done or not.

  10. Thanks for your response, Don. I’m sure the summer brings many things for you to do – so I appreciate that you took the time! You point out that what is really needed is an independent prosecutor. The true conservatives have been screaming at Jeff Sessions for such an action – but to no avail. This must make many people suspitious of Sessions’ loyalties.It makes me wonder if he has been threatend or compromised by the Deep State. The idea of the Dems taking back the House (in Nov.) sounds like a nightmare prospect! May God forbid this! Hopefully, this possibility will inspire conservatives to be sure to vote in Nov. With the way the economy is humming along – it’s hard to see the average guy and gal not voting for the GOP. I’m not an economist, but I am astounded at the amazing pace of the U.S. economy’s growth! Wow, more Jobs open than there are people to fill them – a blessing from God! Many thanks, Kevin

  11. It took a political outsider like D.J. Trump actually winning the Oval Office for the depth of the Deep State’s claws into America to become fully exposed. All three branches of our federal government were co-opted into the Deep State’s agenda. Even the DoD was purged deeply of flag officers by Obama beginning right after Benghazi.