Government technocrats cure will be far worse than the virus

What a change less than two months has wrought on our nation and on the world. In late February I was warning that the coronavirus hitting Wuhan China could cause an economic downturn that could impact Trump’s election chances. Just a month later governments all over the world began shutting down everything to stop the virus spread. Because of all the shutdowns, the world is about to be hit with the worst global economic crises it has ever encountered. This may take a couple of years to fully play out, but it will turn out to have a far greater negative impact on nations than anything the virus would have caused without the government intervention.

Governments all over the world ignored the virus and only acknowledged the threat after the virus became too widespread to stop. Slowing the spread or flattening the curve is just an exercise in pushing off the majority of infections until a latter date. Shutting everything down and locking people in their houses slows the spread but the economic impact could prove fatal to many national economies.

The virus appears to rapidly spread though an area and then burn itself out in a couple of months. That is probably because a good percentage of people in that location became exposed to the virus no matter if they got ill from the virus or not. Sick people are mostly the ones now being tested. Counting only the sick people says little about the virus spread. A good percentage of those in hot spots may never get sick from the virus at all for one reason or another. I think that has been proven on the ships and in the cities and towns where the virus was everywhere but only a minority got sick from it.

If many more people were exposed to the virus than the confirmed cases suggest, the death rates from the virus are way overblown. Many times the number of confirmed cases may already have been exposed to the virus and are not prone to catch it.

Governments should not have become the enforcement arm of narrow focused bureaucratic technocrats who are always gazing into their crystal ball models to predict the future. Models fed incorrect or incomplete data always give wrong predictions. These bureaucratic technocrats have become the secular false prophets of our time.

A blanket shutting down of the means to earn a living and ordering people to stay in their homes is tyrannical, abusive and it may prove to be more deadly than the virus. President Trump knew better, but he let the deep state bureaucratic technocrats prognosticators and their subversive press roll him.

Government stay at home decrees can only delay the spread. Most people will eventually catch this virus just like most people catch a cold when they are exposed to the virus and their immune system is not up to par. If the virus turns out to be seasonal, the spread will slow down by summer and pick up again this fall and in fall seasons thereafter. Do governments think they can keep shutting down everything until they come up with a vaccine?

The confirmed case count of those having the virus is still far less than one percent of the people on the globe. The scientists also tell us that most of the world will catch the disease within a couple of years. That means over five billion people will become infected at some point. They say 100,000 have already died from the virus. If what they are telling us is correct, do the math, tens of millions would die in the next year or two. So how can the shutdowns end anytime soon for more than a few months? Will nations have additional shutdowns for months on end to try to prevent a resurgence of something about as deadly as the Flu? You would soon be living in a totally managed world on about a third of the income you had. I think globalists actually want that to happen in wealthy nations.

Like it or not, if the virus does not die out, it is going to continue to play out. Whichever turns out to be the case, this virus is probably not nearly as deadly as we are being led to believe. The most vulnerable seem to be those who are already in poor health. Most of them can recover with the help of antivirals (not the over flaunted ventilators).

Most in the world will not get noticeably sick from the virus and antivirals will greatly reduce the impact for the small percentage that are at risk. We need to keep this in proper perspective. Sixty million people die each year in the world because of their last disease. Many of the sickly catching COVID-19 would have died shortly from some other disease anyway. In fact, the death figures you see daily on the news for COVID-19 are somewhat overblown. That is because those carrying the virus who die are reported as having died of COVID-19. That is not always true. Germany only reports the actual deaths caused by COVID-19 and that probably is why their death percentage is so much lower than other nations (less than one percent) .

Should governments be putting the world into a massive depression thinking that slowing the virus spread is the only factor that matters? When you throw many millions of people into poverty to try to save some of the sickest people will there really be less death on earth? I thought we were trying to raise living standards in the world because doing so improves quality of life and increases lifespans?

Medical experts are just leaders in their health field. They should not be making the big decisions about shutting down nations. Slowing a disease is not necessarily the best course of action to take if slowing the disease is going to bring mass poverty and the negatives that poverty brings upon nations.

Wise people should be leading nations. Can we assume the actions of governments taken against this plague will nullify why the plague was allowed by God? Governmental actions will slow the plague, but governmental actions also could bring about something worse. A self-induced world economic collapse and depression may turn out to be far worse. It will destabilize the whole world and that could bring much misery, disease and death. I know governments like to think they control everything, but they really don’t.

The governments of the world forced their economies to shut down, but then create unlimited debt to appease the people they impoverished by their shutdowns. It sounds insane because it is insane. To keep this insanity going all nations on earth are taking on huge debts they will never be able to repay. That either brings hyperinflation and the devaluing of currencies or defaults. It all brings us to the same place. A huge world depression.

The globalist progressives will attempted to use this crisis for the biggest wealth transfer in the history of the world, but it will actually turn out to be the biggest asset destruction in the history of the world.

I have no inside information, but all this might be part of a plan by powerful people or the unseen realm to bring down the existing world order and bring about a new world order that will kick start global governance. Could someone in a lab in Wuhan have been paid to start this virus spread at this precise time? Many powerful people in the world did not like the ways things were going since President Trump took office. If it were not this virus, it may have been something else. The “progressive” globalist elite are quite aware that crisis management gets their progressive fascist world agenda implemented much faster than through usual politics. They even say never let a crisis go to waste.

The coming economic collapse caused by debt is something elitist bankers knew was coming, it was inevitable. They already have the solution. After the dollar is rejected as the world reserve currency by a sufficient number of nations the world bankers will create a global currency. National currencies will all be pegged to it. The value of the national currencies will be determined by the consensus of the world bankers. When debts are reset, those that hold the debt lose most of their assets. The Bible warns us not to be a borrower or a lender. The borrower becomes a servant of the lender and the lender often never gets their money back.

By the way, the coming global currency will be all digital. (Everyone now knows that paper money helps spread disease.) As national currencies become fully converted to the global currency, local paper money will die out. So putting your wealth in paper currency and stashing it under your bed is likely to just become your future toilet paper reserve.

I used to think that Americans would revolt if our government ever became obviously authoritarian and unconstitutional. I think this shutdown gives a different perspective. People all over the nation are now in virtual house arrest because government says it is for our own good. The churches are all but shut down and are just one internet algorithm from being effectively vanquished. Just trust government! I do not think such things will happen in this crisis, but what is occurring now sets the precedence for future crises.

People obeying orders to stay home could be one additional order from the government going house-to-house to round up the guns. The only thing stopping anything like a gun round-up from occurring during this crisis is Trump and some Republicans. Put a fascist progressive in office during the next election, and such a means to disarm the population appears feasible.

The authoritarianism being displayed is not all federal either. I live in a rural area of Missouri where there is no real coronavirus problem, but we have to abide by Missouri stay at home orders because a few big cities in the state think the shut-down is necessary. Even before the state order, the counties and towns around here had already shutdown most everything because that was suggested by the CDC. Every level of  government is trying to outdo the other no matter if it is actually warranted at that location or not. Should I expect such local knee-jerking officials and the citizens electing them to ever question future unconstitutional federal decrees said to be for the greater good? If you even brought up the view that such government actions are unconstitutional, the media brainwashed local citizens would shout you down. This is how communism and fascism take over nations.

I already knew that freedom in our so-called democracies was just an illusion being sold to the people. The governments of the world have always forced their citizens to comply with whatever they want. Governments in the past proved this during wars and now they prove this on a projected virus threat. Inalienable rights in this fallen world actually only exists in your own mind or when or where government occasionally allows such rights to exist. In this satanic world, trying to prove that you have inalienable rights from God when government says otherwise could prove more fatal than a virus.

The government forced shutdowns set a very bad precedence for America. Giving up our constitutional liberties and our economy for a technocratic snake oil cure could turn out be the worst transaction America ever made. If that is not enough to wake people up, think of the precedence this sets for the subversive America hating Democrats should they gain power next  year.

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Government technocrats cure will be far worse than the virus — 46 Comments

  1. I think the advent of 5g and low orbit satellites works nicely with a global digital currency. An implanted chip makes it just that much easier too! Wow! I don’t think it will be bitcoin though…

    That said, you should see what grocery stores are doing in NYS. They herd you along predetermined paths in the store and make you stop at “checkpoints” to tell you what register you are allowed to go to. I won’t shop there until these draconian measures are stopped.

    The democrats appear to want this to continue until election day as they really want mail in ballots for obvious reasons. Apparently it’s ok to wait in line at a store but not in a voting center?? Nobody said leftists were logical.

    The virus appears to cause acute respiratory failure in some people but all the celebs that caught it appear to be doing just fine. The one person I know who caught it only had loss of smell and fatigue? Where are all the thousands on vents? You do know VAP ventilator associated pneumonia is a relatively common complication and should not be attributed to Covid. We have to watch these stats they put out here.

  2. I agree with your statements. It is sickening and scary. But how do we prevent/avoid the global governance?

  3. Hi Tricia,

    We can only attempt to delay it. We are not going to stop it before Jesus returns. The Beast Antichrist along with the ten kings rule over the world for a short period of time.

    The best way to delay global governance is through true Christian leadership, education and conversion. Christians ought to know and teach that the world system is the dominion of Satan and the regenerate people bound in it are blinded by lies. One prime example is evolution and all the lies that come out of that nonsense.

  4. The models they put this mess on are falling apart the world over. Just like climate change models.
    Part of the reason Europe has the death rate they do is because of their socialized healthcare. Everyone has access to the same very limited pool, but you get to wait in line for your turn for a very long time and if your score is too low you get to wait longer. When there is an emergency out comes triage.

    I am in Texas…we have an assortment of attitudes here the Dallas county judge about 2 hours from here got repremended for threatening to send the national guard door to door. Most of the area of the state follows the national pattern, our big cities lean liberal but most of the land area is conservative.
    I do think that if these restrictions dont start getting backed off soon there are going to be big problems, people dont take well to being forced to be broke and hungry through no fault of their own. Thay may be in the plan as well, I hope not though.

    As a question, what do you think someone like me or another similarly thinking person should do, like as in resisting something like these measures? At first I wasnt sure because we had very limited information about the virus, but now that its obviously far less deadly I am opposed to the broad measures. For what little good it does I contacted both my sennatora and my governors office and expresses my thoughts. Prayer goes in there too.

    I still hope many turn towards Christ through all of this and look forward to His return now.

  5. Hi Dawson,

    It seems you’re doing about everything you can do right now. Pray that good judgment prevails in your area. They know they can’t shut down people past April without very good reason.

    The real damage is going to be the debt burden and there is little you can do about that now that the helicopters are already dropping free money. Down the line you need to get your representatives to come up with a plan to deal with the national debt.

  6. I have to laugh about the grocery stores. All these red arrows and stop signs and people enforcing the new rules. No one smiles anymore, everyone averts their eyes. If you don’t have a mask on, I think people think you’re evil. And what’s kind of silly is that I watch the grocery clerks constantly adjusting their masks and pulling them down to talk to their colleagues. Probably defeats the purpose. I’m in California and have wondered why the homeless population wasn’t really hit hard by this. Of any population that it should have really affected it was them, since they’re not a very healthy part of the population. I’m amazed how easily everyone has fallen into line as well. The beaches in San Diego were closed. No surfing! Can you believe that? There was 1 surfer standing in the street with a sign calling out the commies that shut down the ocean. He was surprised none of his fellow surfers would stand up with him. Ammon Bundy in Idaho is vowing to hold an Easter service tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what happens. He’s had run ins with the govt. several times. There’s so much about this whole thing that has been questionable from the start. Unfortunately, there is 1 thing that is guaranteed and that’s the financial catastrophe down the road. That, you can take to the bank. No pun intended.

  7. Hi Don.

    I live in Canada and the province I live in (Manitoba) just announced that there will be fines handed out and a possible sentence for up to 6 months for not social distancing in public. Stores, outdoors etc. They have even given a number for others to report us to the authorities. I couldn’t believe it. Sounds to much like the Authoritarian government you were mentioning. What’s next? Can’t have a passenger in my car? Wow. Anyway, I agree with everything you said in this article, with the so called cure being worse than the virus, our economies are doomed.

  8. Kansas has a democrat Governor, Laura Kelly. I don’t know alot about her. When she was voted in I was still in the greatest state of Texas voting for Abbott and Cruz.
    However, Kansas has a strong Republican legislature and they just overturned Kelly’s order to shut down churches, citing the Constitution as the reason.

    I went grocery shopping Wednesday and the majority of shoppers were not wearing masks and neither were the cashiers.

    The apt. building I live in is designed like a hotel. You can’t get to my door without entering the building through the main doors. We got a notice the other day that management is initiating a lockdown. No guests allowed! With the notice came not a mandate but very strong suggestions that if we have to go out for “essentials” we must wear a mask and gloves. When we return we should leave our shoes in the hall by our door. Wear a light weight jacket and hang it by our front door. (It was 84 degrees.) I was so mad I thought I was going to have to call the fire department to report a self-combustion. Don’t touch the elevator buttons without gloves, don’t stand in the lobby to wait for the mail, don’t come to the office, and so on.
    I’m non compliant.

    I also agree with what Don wrote.There are so many unanswered questions about where this virus came from. Considering everything I’ve read I’m leaning toward the lab and an intentional global economic wreak.

  9. Hi Don,
    Glad to see you’re on top of this situation, I’ve been thinking and commenting many of the same things. Since you commented on the issue of inflating the death toll I wanted to provide an element of proof. The DHS put out a document titled “Vital Statistics Reporting Guidance” (report #3 April 2020). This guide has several examples for filling out death certificates. One is of interest and starts “An 86-year old female…” and says this in comments on the example “Although no testing was done, the coroner determined that the likely UCOD was COVID–19 given the patient’s symptoms and exposure to an infected individual.” So, any death that is ‘likely’ covidvirus is counted as a COVID-19 death.

    I’ve always thought that people don’t realize how fragile their economy really is and this crisis is exposing that.

  10. Commenting on your reply to Trisha. In the spirit of Amos 5:18, I pray that I’m part of the final revival and not a part of the end.

  11. “You would soon be living in a totally managed world on about a third of the income you had. I think globalists actually want that to happen in wealthy nations”.


    This makes sense. The systemic and forced collapse of the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen, through wealth transfer and unlimited bailouts.Where is all of the money going? I suspect half or less is going towards its announced purpose.

  12. hey don,

    great article as always and yes you are right on point the cure will be far worse than the virus mainly because we are about to be forced to get the digital id 2020 vaccine to control our lives for good, i honestly believe that this is the start of the sorrows and many people will be happy to have this id because free money might be offered in their accounts and so on,it’s a trick to get the new world order started and erase all debts, create a cashless society and create a police state of course.

    But jesus did say that things will be as usual when the rapture happens with people marrying,living as always so it makes me think where does this lockdown fit it. This tells me that this is only the beginning and this virus will be in the past soon enough while bill gates and the elites create their agenda.

  13. It might not be a coincidence that UN agenda 2030 potentially lines up to the time we may be in the last 7 years.

  14. Yes, there is clear indication that we are in the last 7 years before the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period..the next 7 years leading to the 7 year tribulation would get really worse..when the Lord Jesus comes to take his church, there would not be much faith left…

  15. According to all calculations, the coronavirus is going to easily surpass the costs of the : Iraqui War ( 2 Trillion ) and the 10+ years Afgahn War ( 2.1+ trillion USD ) as well as September 11 costs in NYC at over 100+ billion USD, I don’t know how much more US Dollars can continue to be printed, but i think we are headed for Great depression 2.0

  16. Good morning Don and all:
    “Every level of government is trying to outdo the other no matter if it is actually warranted at that location or not. Should I expect such local knee-jerking officials and the citizens electing them to ever question future unconstitutional federal decrees said to be for the greater good? If you even brought up the view that such government actions are unconstitutional, the media brainwashed local citizens would shout you down.”

    In addition to following Don’s blog, I also loosely follow the “The Treepers – on the Last Refuge”. Below are a couple of the more alarming, but not surprising, links if you are interested in reading the latest confirmation of Don’s timely article.

    Big Tech and State Governors Begin Initiating COVID-19 Tracking App…

    George III Would Have Been Proud of North Carolina…

    Blessings and Prayers … Bev

  17. I believe in NYS Cuomo mentioned that he wants every public employee to wear masks and encouraged people to call the authorities if they see anyone disobeying.

  18. Hi Jim,

    Last I saw Cuomo was disobeying.

    Cuomo, all the control freaks and all the snitches need to be locked up because they are a much greater danger to this Republic than the virus.

    The Justice Department should do a sting on state and local law enforcement control freaks who want to sting people who are abiding within their alienable rights.

    Guess what? On top of all this the taxpayers get to pay for all the lawsuits that charged people will be bringing against the state and local government unconstitutional actions. Electing Democrats has economic and social consequences.

  19. Bro. Don, CNN is just reporting that the President of France is calling for a ‘Global Truce’ because of the global pandemic. Participating would be : UN, EU, Russia, China, USA, UK, probably no big deal right ?

  20. I wouldnt think toO much of it, but then again his name is emmanuel. If you wanted someone to be an antichrist using that name mite just be the way of it.

  21. Sure everyone is just going to sign a truce and live happily ever after. Beware of short Frenchmen who believe they are latest incarnation of Jupiter/Zeus.

  22. I was somewhat pleased to see that some people are starting to peacefully protest up in Michigan today, although they did not get what they wanted at least not everyone is taking this lying down. Their nutjob governor is not allowing greenhouse sales or garden supplies but you can still buy pot and alcohol. I have friends there heavily affected by this. I may be disappointed but I hope to see others across the country use their rights as they can and protest especially as the disease shows to be less severe than predicted. Thanks again for the insight and perspective.

  23. The virus is nowhere near the extent the experts predicted and infections are trending down, yet these leftist politicians are tightening the restrictions.

  24. Well I was hoping for more but our governor here in Texas backed off slightly. State parks opened back up next week and retail stores of most types may do curbside sales with a re-evaluation in 10 days. Also some elective medical procedures now allowed, more to follow. Looks like the whole world is p’o’d at china, i hope they do not lash out at us.

  25. IT took Trump over 3 years to get the US stock market and the low unemployment numbers this low even with all the tarriff fights with China, i got to give him credit for standing up to the CCP unlike : Clinton, Bush and Obama, now we are close to a great depression 2.0 and some of the highest unemployment numbers in US History, will Trump be re-elected ?

  26. “will Trump be re-elected?”
    God willing, YES” I remember Don writing about the possibility of a “reset” – the pandemic MIGHT provide a “short-term” reset to the rapture? Since my grown children are presently “prodigal” I pray for time, for God to put them back on the path to redemption.
    God bless you all… Bev

  27. Well folks its getting rough. Crazy stuff in the oil markets today and further talk of another bail out…any suggestions for what to do besides keep praying and trying to prepare for hardship?

  28. Hi Dawson,

    We are in uncharted territory. The reserve banks will attempt to bail everyone out but printing money does not create wealth. It just destroys currencies backed by nothing but IOU’s. Prep for the worst as best you can and hope for the best. The best security you can have in times like this is a needed skill.

    If you ask me, it looks like the whole world economic system is going to come down. What comes after all the destruction of wealth and the resulting turmoil will likely be a new world order with a global currency.

  29. Does vegetable gardening count as a needed skill? Some mechanical ability? Im just throwing it out there. You reckon we hit the rapsure somewhere in the midst of this or figure we still got a few years. I know its eminent, cant set dates etc. Seems if America gets broke down like its looking like it will then spreading the gospel/missions will be greatly curtailed the world over, certainly most benevolence from the U.S. By most of your timeline stuff looks it could still be 4 to 6 years off…I dunno. Rough times ahead.

  30. Growing food is a basic needed skill as is repairing things. Wherever the fascist left runs things, they are sure to persecute Christians. The Rapture looks likely before the end of this decade.

  31. Never let a crisis go to waste is the leftist motto. I expect a global depression and war in the near future. This is their best chance to form a NWO. Maybe we can see that M.U. form out of the EU.

  32. Went to the farm supply store yesterday evening after work, got to talking to the guy waiting on me. Hard times and prayer mentioned good so far etc. I got to the point of mentioning that its a good idea to contact our elected officials and use that voice when when we can…his response: I dont vote the whole thing is rigged…I didnt know what else to say after that. Hurts to see this is the attitude of many professing Christ. It may well not make any difference but I believe we must try while we can. I guess I am off topic here a little. Don I appreciate you and your ministry. It definitely helped point me back the right direction and I hope Im not the only one. The way this has all gone down so fast I just cant help but believe the unseen realm is involved in bringing this on the left is steadily pushing people to stay home and fanning the flames of fear which is sure to hurt these folks far worse than this virus would have.Im not sure if it was accurate but I saw somewhere the other day that only 750 people under the age of 50 have died from this mess nationwide. Regardless the more info that we learn on the virus the less deadly we see it to be. What insanity. God bless all of you, thanks again Don.

  33. Great article Don.
    I agree – I feel it is going to get much worse before better. The bankruptcies I feel have barely begun, and as the burden is placed on central banks and governments to provide economic relief it will likely crack the global economy big time. I don’t know how most central banks (outside the Federal Reserve) will handle the debtload as there are inflationary concerns if the bailouts start getting too high. The Fed can handle more than any other simply bc the USD is the reserve currency and petrodollar – but with OPEC selling much less and for less globally that has eye-opening implications. In the end though, I am wondering if the Fed itself may fold – bailing out Main st and Wall st to the hum of tens or even hundreds of trillions once the dust settles? is that even possible? Jim Rickards (gold writer) has long felt that the Fed would one day not be able to handle the next crisis and that the IMF would step in to bail out central banks – through use of the Special Drawing Rights (SDR’s). I have been saying for months that this is not going to end well.

    Thanks Don, Mike.

  34. WOW – that was interesting (scary) – I went to the IMF site and looked up SDR’s. If I understood what I was reading (questionable) it would appear that the USA could be on the hook “in providing liquidity to the global economic system and supplementing member countries’ official reserves”.
    I cannot imagine how I would be remaining sane right now without my faith that the Lord God is in control of all.

  35. Hi Bev, it is complicated I agree lol. The SDR is a basket of currencies – 5 – in total. I don’t think as you mentioned, the USA would be on the hook, it would be the IMF’s balance sheet which is literally nothing compared to the trillions of the debt the Fed Reserve has. The SDR wouldn’t replace our American or Euro currencies – they would remain, but worth much less. I would imagine gold would have to be a factor in backing the future SDR’s (as the overall basket of currencies would be worth less than they are now) and that it would definitely be digital/crypto in nature. Central banks, governments and big corporations would use the SDRs in trade settlements and financial reporting (e.g. Fortune 500 companies) – at least that is what some financial wizards have imagined. Again, with the pace and unravelling of things out there – anyone outside of elite circles is guessing. We may be back to using tulip bulbs (e.g. Tulipmania 🙂 ) for a while before the systems gets back on their feet.

  36. Hi Mike,

    If Gold becomes the backing for the future global reserve currency, everyone will have to turn in their gold for whatever value the government says.

  37. Hi Don, I hope not, but it did happen in the USA in 1933.

    Again, it is tricky to say. Prior to the Beast system (likely in the years before the Tribulation or right after with the 3rd Black Horsemen) we have hyperinflation occurring. To me it means everything onward likely will be fiat based and prone to future shocks of inflation/devaluation etc. I think it likely that when the next global reset occurs more members will be added to the IMF SDR basket – and based on each members’ central bank holding’s of gold or perhaps currency valuation (maybe regional currencies convert to a gold backed system) their respective ratio of the SDR would be greater. In essence the SDR may not directly be backed by gold, but more indirectly. Central banks have been hoarding gold for the last decade like never before, and both Russia and China standout for the dramatic increase. I think gold plays a part – just not sure to what degree. It is mentioned during the post Rapture period for its great value in both the Gog invasion, and also when the King of the North invades the south.

    The financial people I read about don’t ever talk about what’s really after the next reset. None really think in terms of the Rapture or Tribulation economics. In preparation for the Beast system I would assume a more advanced digital/crypto type system will form and probably the beginning of it will be rolled out very soon.

    Thanks Don, Mike

  38. China already has a lot of that in the works. You can not live and function in China without a smart phone and they track everything. I feel like I need to go plant another 200′ of potatoes, but its too late in the planting season here for that. Maybe squash? I dunno it gets old.

  39. Hi,

    At this juncture (April 2020), I am more concerning myself with the affairs of true body believer / Saint work.

    My current endeavors (e.g., reading His word, activities related to reaching lost souls) are such that I am furthering skill sets that have nothing to do with survival, which is somewhat long since removed from my immediate thought life.

    If nothing else, in eternity, regardless of rewards, if I can reach two [specific] lost souls (not two hundred, or two thousand, or two million), I am declaring success.

    I don’t know when the rapture will occur and I’m not concerning myself with praying for it to be delayed to wait on souls that were never elected in the first place, although I do contend the rapture would/could explain a lot of things (including the removal of America from world relevance in relatively short order). That said, I don’t know how much longer the Saints can hold out (myself included).

    Regarding gardening – you have to start with seeds. At this juncture, I would balance — if not imbalance — that endeavor with food stockpile (and it’s a little late to be waking up now). This covid pandemic is the tip of the tip of the iceberg. Those that have been walking with Jesus should be more than ready by this juncture (and “ready” means the lamp should be trimmed and burning — and if you’re not in His word, you’re not burning).

    To wit: Joshua 8:34 (just after the defeat / destruction of Ai):
    >> Then afterward he read all the words of the Law, the blessings and cursings, according to all that is written in the book of the Law.

    I am pretty sure that “all” means “all” (at least, up to that point in time). That sorely had to be a blessing on the state of Israel. And it went downhill from there (long progression through David and Solomon).

    Back to the post at hand: I see that Trump eventually managed to take over and, now, the press is being manipulated by Trump (i.e., shoe is on the other foot). I think Trump is probably fairing a lot better than anyone would care to admit. How that carries, I can’t prognosticate.

    Blessings, Craig

  40. In the first week of January i was watching and hearing numerous ‘Prophets’ on TBN / Sid Roth show and they all ‘Prophesied’ coming economic prosperity, GOD’s going to give you a new house one said, another said this is it; the year that GOD transfers wealth from the wicked etc…NOT one of those false prophets mentioned the coronavirus nor the economic devastation that was coming !

  41. Hi Joe,

    Even so, there is no accountability in Charismania. The itching ears will continue to believe that God speaks to false prophets. Half of Africa believes this false prosperity gospel and look at the state of affairs there.

  42. Craig, dont get me wrong. I am admittedly behind the curb spiritually but trying to get better and grow as possible. I freely confess I have messed up a lot and been pretty worldly minded. Do I understand you to say that as Christians we really shouldn’t be worried about trying to make efforts to provide for our families at this point? I understand much of that depends on the Lord, but I do not think it means I should do nothing? I am under the impression we still may have a number of years before the rapture although less than 10 I imagine. As far as gardening is concerned I grow a big one every year, save seed etc. Its not like that is a new endeavor for me. I may have misunderstood you, you may have been saying you already took care of that material preperation stuff and are devoting yourself to spiritual growth/preparation. I just want to do right by the Lord, serve Him in this hard time and whatever lies ahead and do right by Him for my family as well. Ive got young kids, trying to nuture and teach them in this also and keep them from being scared, even as I am struggling myself. God bless all of you, Dawson

  43. Dawson,

    I would not know where to begin. I think I will let Don also field your questions. That said, some thoughts I have to reply with:

    The job of a parent is to confront their children with the truth.

    The meaning of life is to know the dominion and majesty of Jesus.

    The number one threat to America is an EMP attack. I’ve/we’ve crunched this for well over a decade and it is terrifying.


    I highly encourage you to read Don’s free commentary on Revelation available for download on this site (and I recommend reading it several times). You should be reading THE WORD continuously (have several translations on hand, including text that predates King James).

    Sorry to any others if I offend them with this last statement: Do not attend/join a [liberal/harlot] church (and I’m not sure if there any out there that are not). Time is VERY short (I’m thinking a couple fingers, if that, give or take a couple fingers). Meaning, your number one priority is to confront your children with truth. At this point, I would contend that almost nothing else matters.

    // Blessings, Craig

  44. No offense taken on the church stuff, I definitely agree. There may not be a lot but there are some still trying to do whats right. Ive made it to chapter 18 in Don’s commentary. Since this mess started Ive endeavored although not everyday to make sure I read the bible to both kids, I doubt the younger is really picking up much at 4.5 but the older at 6.5 claims to believe. I talk to this one often, trying to make sure its not just parroting. Its ultimately between this one and God, but I hope to be assured of this ones standing with Him as well. I would agree that ultimately Christ is central and all else pales, but while we still live in these fleshly bodies we still have to attend to their needs.