Jihad rage brings world war upon the earth in the 2020’s

The following is partly inspired and some of it copied from of an article I wrote nearly a decade ago. I believe Jihad rage in Islam will bring major wars upon the world in the 2020’s. I also believe the West is in for a major shock fairly soon because our leadership continues to be in denial about the Islamic threat to the West. On the other hand, Muslims need to be warned about what will happen to them if militants of Islam carry out the massive deadly attacks against the West that I believe some are now planning.

Militant Islamic radicals will always find some way to incite people who seem to have nothing better to do with their lives than to spew hatred against anyone that does not respect their false prophet and his made up god. Before Militant Islamic leaders get permission by their people to incite world war with the West, the Muslim people need to be given the facts of life. If there is a war of a group of Muslim nations against the West including Israel, the Muslim nations taking part in it will soon thereafter lie in ashes and many millions of Muslims would be killed. Those that survive will be eating their camels and licking the dust for lack of food.

The combined Islamic bloc outside of limited manufacturing capabilities in Iran and Pakistan and Indonesia cannot manufacture heavy weapons to sustain a major war. Any such weapons they have now were bought from the West, Russia or China. The weapons and the manufacturing capabilities of Iran and Pakistan can be neutralized in weeks. Indonesia can be isolated if she even chose to side with the Muslim militant nations.

All advanced weapons held by Muslim nations can be totally destroyed in short order by the forces of the West and replacements will be hard to acquire. Muslim nations cannot win wars against the West using the aging weapons that the more advanced nations sold them. For example, Iraq’s armies in both wars with the West were destroyed in days, although nation building afterward did not go well. A war with the West will not bring economic collapse in the West as some believe because the West would quickly take over middle-east oil fields and the war would give the western governments full control over all internal matters. A prime example is World War II.

Muslim nations of the middle-east cannot even grow sufficient food to feed their people. They have to import food from the West. In most of these nations, a good number of men do not work, they have no skills to produce anything. Oil is a curse to them because it allows them to sit on their butts, learn nothing, develop nothing and manufacture nothing. With this force, the Muslim militants think they can successfully carry out Jihad against the West?

The only hope of world control Islam really has is based on a myth. The imams tell Muslims fairy tales about a Mahdi coming to fight for them. It won’t happen. No such being exists, even if some in the West like to confuse this false Islamic hero with the Antichrist. The actual reality of what will happen in a world war with the West is told in Revelation Chapter 6: 4-8. The upcoming Antichrist will ride with the West to conjure Islam. Nations will lie in ruins and many millions of Muslims will be dead. Is that what you imams really want for your followers just because people in the West choose not to believe in your false prophet and his Allah? Can’t Muhammad’s Allah defend himself without all of his followers dying for him?

The Bible and Ancient history tells us what the Jewish God did to Egypt and others to prove that He exists. Jesus, came and performed many miracles and even raised the dead, proving that He was the promised Messiah. Those believing in this risen Jesus claim to be born of His spirit as their own proof that Jesus rose Himself from the dead and is who He claims to be. What has Muhammad or his Allah ever done to prove anything to Muslim followers?

The truth is that Islamic followers try to prove that Allah is God and Muhammad is his prophet through forced submission, tyranny, wars, murders, mutilations and spewing hatred toward all people who do not keep their law. In other words, Islam enslaves people to a self-righteous religious hell on earth. That is why the more free-minded people of the West have no intentions of ever allowing Jihad rage to rule over them.

Islam has a Rodney Dangerfield complex. They feel their religion gets no respect from infidels. Therefore, to get respect, the imams use their platform to enrage the people to defend Allah and his mystical prophet from all harm. They must think that Allah cannot defend himself. The history of what Muhammad reportedly said and did should leave no doubt that he had no link with the real God of creation. The imams of this false religion actually are much like the priests of Baal.

In ancient days, Jezebel and the priests of Baal were promoting a false god. Jezebel was killing the prophets of the true God of Israel. The prophet Elijah stood up before the people and challenged all the priests of Baal to a little demonstration, so the people being deceived could see that Baal was a false God and Jehovah was the real God of heaven. An altar was made to see which God would respond to their request. You can read the account in 1 Kings 18: 21-40.

Apparently, Baal could do nothing to prove that he even existed. Elijah held this so-called God up to contempt, ridicule, and scorn when he claimed that maybe the priests of Baal should try ranting a little harder to get Baal’s attention.

He mocked the priests suggesting that maybe their god did not answer because he was sleeping or on the toilet. Of course, this just incensed the priests of Baal even more, and the record shows that the followers of Baal acted like a raging mob of lunatics even cutting themselves so that blood ran out (that sounds familiar to some Muslims that rage and hit themselves over the head until blood gushes out), but in spite of all their rituals to get Baal to respond, no response ever came from Baal.

Then it was Elijah’s turn, and with just one simple prayer the God of Israel sent fire from heaven and consumed the whole altar in the sight of all the people. The people then turned on and killed all the priests of Baal. Jezebel was thrown from a tower and killed and the dogs ate her bones.

There is nothing new under the sun. Muslims worship a false god with similarities to Baal, so why should Christians not be acting like Elijah and ridiculing this false god of Islam to free the people being deceived by Jezebel imams? Instead, it seems, even most “Christian” leaders are attempting to appease a religion that promotes a god that does not even exist.

Islam has a god that was made up by a man who was apparently mentally ill or demon possessed. The man may never have actually existed at all as is reported. Muhammad might just have been a Gnostic myth. It was at least a hundred years after he reportedly lived that anything was even written about Muhammad. With such flimsy evidence about what Muhammad ever said or did not say 1.5 billion people are now being held in bondage under the dictates of man-made laws and the control freaks enforcing those laws.

Should Christians take part in appeasing those that are keeping so many from hearing the only true gospel of salvation? I think not! What would Elijah do (WWED)? If Islam can still stand as a religion after getting the academic scrutiny that Judaism and Christianity have gone through, then let it begin. It cannot, and that is why nobody is allowed to criticize the false prophet of Islam. If the prophet fails, the whole religion fails. The control over the people ends. The threat of death is how the imams keep Muslim people bound in perpetual lies.

Some very foolish “Christian” leaders (even the Pope) says that we should not proselytize Muslims because they worship the same God. Not if you have the real God! The Qur’an says Allah has no Son. Jesus said, nobody has access to Father God except through Him (Joh 14:6)! Allah is not the God of the Bible or creation. If you think he is, Jezebel and the priests of Baal are deceiving you.

If Muhammad is true, let’s see his Allah even do one thing on earth to prove that he has any power of his own. His power is all in the hate of the people pretending that such a hateful God could even exist. The more that people of the world disrespect this oppressive religion, the more the control freaks hype up the Jihad rage to threaten the West. This is almost sure to lead to war in the 2020’s.

They make up stories like the coming Mahdi because the people have to believe someone is coming to make their life better than the hell on earth that their imams created. It seems to me that the Islamic problem will not be going away before a world war. In Islam, imam control freaks use Jihad rage to keep the people under submission. You can see on the daily news where attempts at the appeasement of Islam has brought us.

The majority in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Iraq and others would go to war with the West in a minute if someone could just unite Islam in hate. By the way, that is also true of most of the Muslims brought into western nations. The main restrainer to all out Jihad insanity for a century has been the authoritarian secular dictators, but they are now losing control to the Islamists.

Let’s be clear, The Qur’an teaches an agenda of world conquest, and any person that does not submit to Islam will be killed or enslaved.  Sure, the world could avoid this fate by converting to Islam but any true Christian or Jew will not do that. Neither will those in other religions or people who want no religion at all. That means Jihad’s will have to kill most of the people in the world to get to the place that Islam teaches. Then they would even fight among themselves for which sect of Islam should rule the world. These Jihad’s are as delusional as leaders in the West believing that we can appease such insanity.

The delusional in the West will soon find out that there won’t be any appeasing of militant Muslims. Fighting the militants carrying out Jahad rage is like playing whack-a-mole. Wack one militant group down and two more radical groups spring up. Conversely, the delusional in Islam also will soon find out that they are not as strong as they like to think. Uniting against the West with words is not going to get the Jihad job done. Not only will the West quickly destroy Muslim military forces, most Islamic countries are tribal, so the tribes in these nations will be fighting each other for dominance. We see that happen in Muslim nations now where the secular dictators lost control.

Muslims that are allowing people to rage in the streets, burn flags, and kill people from the West better get a grip on reality before the radical lunatics among them take them to a place that they will truly regret going. Right now their militants only get away with this crap because liberal leftist appeasers have been controlling governments and the military forces of the West for decades. Muslims will be in for a deadly rude awakening if the full force of western military power is ever allowed to be unleashed.

The West is far more capable militarily than Muslims are being led to believe. Muslims should not get the delusion that they are more powerful than what they really are, just because the West has chosen to limit its war actions for politically correct or appeasement reasons. What America and the West has or has not done militarily, and what they are capable of doing are two different things.

Frankly, jihad loving Muslims better hope that right-wing freedom loving people never regain power in the West. Because if they were running the show, Jihads would not be running in the streets, burning our flags and attacking our citizens. Jihads would be spending most of their time hunting for their next wild locust to eat. Jihad’s can help get the right in power in the West by continuing their violent actions.

There really is a better way than violence and hate that those in Islam would be wise to consider. Abandon your Jihad rage and your desire for world conquest. It is never going to happen anyway so why put yourself and your family through this? The real God of Creation has made known far different plans and they will be coming about shortly.

Muslims can know the real God through His risen Son. The Creator of everything became a man to rescue what was lost as a result of Adam’s fall. He even died as a man to save humans from the sin and death cycle that the Devil had humans trapped in. He rose from the grave to prove that He defeated death. The Christian Bible speaks of this. Muslims do not have to die for a false god that forces everyone to submit to him. The real God took on flesh and died for you, so that those trusting in His own righteousness to save mankind can live on as imagers of Him for eternally.

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Jihad rage brings world war upon the earth in the 2020’s — 18 Comments

  1. With Israel now supplying Egypt with natural gas, and soon sending a pipeline to Europe, and Trump having stopped Russia from completing it’s second line into Germany, it’s not hard to imagine, Russia might lead an Islamic fight against Israel. If Iran tries to nuke Israel, well, they might just unleash on the entire Muslim world and Russia first. That would lead to the EU going against Israel to insure they can’t do it against anyone else. Only 1/6 of the Muslims & Russians will be left after that battle.

  2. Hi Dave,

    I don’t see Israel doing that. More likely the EU becomes an ally of Israel. Keep in mind that Israel signs a covenant with the Northern Antichrist guaranteeing Israel’s security for 7 years.

  3. Reviewing some of your previous articles and updating is a good idea Don. This one is very timely, thanks. Post 9/11 I tried to puzzle our the Allah issue and came to believe that the Allah of Arabia is just the reform of Baal worship in the OT. Ba’al means the god or the lord, of an area or city. Allah is just an Arabic contraction meaning the same. Hubal, a Baal captured from north of Arabia, was the chief god of the Kabah in Mecca. Mohammed seems to me have just reformed the pagan worship and made Allah the greatest of the Kabah gods. Allah Ecbar actually means Allah is the greatest. Of course no one can know when the Rapture happens or and in what order some of the events are, but one Bible teacher/TV preacher type that I used to watch, to see what he had to say, whose name I do not recall. Went on and on about the pale horse of Chapter 6 of Revelation actually is from the Greek word Chloros or green. A number of translations of that chapter do call it a pale green. Anyway his position was that this is a description of the deaths that Islam would cause, since green seems to be the color adopted by Islamic countries. He did not believe in the Rapture and said some harsh words about those that do, so I tended to not give him much credence. But he could have a point about green, I suppose.

    I also get a weekly newsletter from the Debkafile, which is Israeli. They have on occasion had such good information that I suspected they had Mossad connections. But this weeks letter tells that Iran will have enough highly enriched uranium for a bomb the winter of 2020. Time seems to be quickly moving to the time of our Lord’s calling. Thanks Don.


  4. Hi Phil,

    Thanks for your input on Baal.

    I think I ran into the teachings of the same guy on Youtube awhile back. With Muslim love of green and green in most of their flags it does not take a lot of brains to come up with such a conjecture. It may even turn out that way, but I also thought his Eschatology was way off the mark.

    I think even Israel is saying Iran will have enough enriched uranium for a bomb by this Spring. Something is going to have to happen in weeks if they are going to prevent that.

  5. Don, Stunning article! I have been reading your blog every morning for ten years and I just want to thank you for being a watchman. May all the riches of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your work.


  6. I had arrived at the same conclusion, both the rider of Revelation 6 and the 4 fallen angels bound in the Euphrates go nuclear against Islamic countries ( because it sure isn’t against South Africans ) they seem to be ‘regional’ nuclear events. To wipe out 33% of the world’s population its either nuclear weapons or a new and improved strain of the Super Spanish Flu Part II.

  7. Hi Joe,

    When the horsemen of Revelation 6 ride there is war, great famines and great pestilences over 1/4 of the earth. The war that kills a third of men on earth is a couple of years after that during the trumpet judgments. The wording suggests they will be killed by modern weapons.

  8. Hi Don, Phil,

    I think it was Irvin Baxter who first started talking about the 4th horse as being related to Green. And he’s not rapture proponent either. Although he does make some interesting points, his eschatology is way off from what most of us here believe. He thinks the seals were opened long ago, and we are now facing the 4th horseman. I was going to include a link, but decided not to, since I would have asked Don to decide if it should stay anyways.

  9. I knew that from several yrs ago. But,after looking it up, seems like many others are putting their own spin on it. I’m not a Baxter fan either, because he’s wrong on so much.

    Thanks for the assistance with a link to help others to know better.

  10. Thanks Dave, It was Baxter that I used to watch some, but quit when I could not reconcile his opinions with what I read in the Bible. But just because I think someone is wrong in places does not mean he is always wrong.

    Don, I have a question for you, it is off topic, slightly for this article, but not for your blog. I was rereading Ezekiel 38 about the Ezekiel War and noticed how much the earthquake described in V. 19-20 read like the Revelation 6: 12-17. I use the KJV, pretty much exclusively but the words in Ezekiel,19 like “wrath” caught my attention. Though in Verse 19, it says the shaking is in Israel, in verse 20 it is clear that the effects are felt world wide. They sound very similar to me and, just speculating, if they are descriptions of the same event, it would place the Ezekiel War after the Rapture (which is my “opinion” anyway).

  11. Hi Phil,

    Others have noted the similarities and partly because of it some Bible prophecy teachers think the Gog invasion will take place near the mid-trib point. However, the accompanying descriptions like the burying of the dead and the burning of weapons for 7 years etc, does not make it a perfect fit. Frankly, the timing is conjecture, nobody really knows for sure when the Gog war happens. There also will be numerous great earthquakes or shakings during the tribulation, so we cannot base the timing just on that.

  12. Hi Don,
    I have a question too. With Iran getting the nuclear bomb soon is there a chance they might “accidentally” send it our way using the same excuse they used when they “accidentally” shot down the passenger plane?

  13. Hi Caitlin,

    I don’t think they would be admitting to sending a nuke our way. If that occurs, they will do it using Islamic terrorist proxies.

  14. I quite agree… I wonder though if we are so close to the Lord’s return such violence will be that which is prophesied for the age of Israel… its final years.

    Or will it be just more of the same violence as has been perpetrated throughout the Church age.

    I think Bill Salus’ Psalm 83 prognostications are a very real possibility (even probability), and Arnold Fruchtembaum’s lectures on ‘Arabs in Prophecy’ are very much on the same theme, the destruction of the Arabs.

    But will the Church be here to see it? I don’t believe it will.

  15. I agree, things are about to get really ‘Biblical’ eventually the EU are going to be pulled in to the Middle East like the ancient Romans Legions were in the past and EU leaders are going to do away with their ‘political correctness’ and militarily address the Trojan Horse in their midst.

  16. Yes, I anticipate, at this juncture (2020), that the Rapture is next.

    But life is one of service, a la shoe leather, as Doctor McGee would say, and so, I encourage all to continue the race.
