Men need to keep America great by taking back cities from reprobates

One thing most rural Americans can agree on is that urban America has lost its moral foundations. America can only stay great if the big cities are taken back from the reprobates. That is not going to happen if Christian men in the cities do not man up and take action to stop the subversion of our nation coming from the Marxists and Islamists. Christian men are supposed to protect their families, not roll over so that their children can be brainwashed by the heathen and lost.

God created only two sexes, male and female (not 58). Throughout the Bible God make it clear that males are supposed to lead. When societies are no longer rational and people do things that are perverse, God holds men living in those societies accountable. Men allowed homosexuals to come out of closet and they predictably perverted our society. Men became cowed by women speaking unseemly things and allowed feminists to destroy the family. Women abort their children because men allow it and even encourage it. Our schools became indoctrination centers for godless perversion because Christian men in the West did nothing to protect their children from the lies. Politicians appease the reprobates of society because “Christian” men take no action and are not a threat to their office.

As the West is now finding out, unrestrained permissiveness is not a virtue. There has to be standards for any orderly society. Unchecked permissiveness is always followed by a swing toward totalitarianism. Leftists and elitists have not been pushing liberalism in the West because they believe everyone should be free to do whatever they want. These control freaks push liberalism because they believe order will come out of the chaos it brings. Simply put, they believe the permissiveness of the classical liberal West is to be followed by global totalitarianism.

Western Europe, Canada, Britain and Commonwealth nations are now moving toward totalitarianism. Their governments are telling people what they can say and even how they can think. This is also coming to the United States through the Equality Act working its way through Congress. The totalitarian reprobate control freaks intend to shape reprobate minds from preschool to death.

God said He created male and female but those living in delusion and loving their perversions say that you that are a hater if you believe God or believe biological truth. God ordained marriage so males and females can raise children but the reprobates live to pervert it. The reprobates are even telling women that it is to their advantage to abort their babies. The Bible tells parents to raise up children in the way they should go but the Marxists say teach them our perversions or government will come and take them.

America claims to have a large Christian majority but ironically elects mostly reprobates to high office. You might think that Christians would vote for politicians upholding biblical values. Obviously in urban areas that is proven wrong. America would change for the better overnight if Christians voted Christian values. Instead inner city “Christians” vote their Marxist programing and their skin shade. Even pale skinned urban “Christians” are now saying they are woke. Apparently they woke up spiritually dead and were taught how to become self hating racists.

Did Jesus say one word about anyone’s skin shade? Why do inner city Christians overwhelmingly vote along the lines of leftist race baiters rather than the teaching of Christ? Those claiming that everyone is a victim of whites in this world have never been set free in Christ. Do inner city “Christian” men really think Christ wants men to leave their wife and wants women to abort their babies? Christian men of all shades in urban areas need to man up and be obedient to biblical teachings. Don’t expect outsiders or the government to do that for you. Christians do not grow in Christ by claiming to be victims. Can there ever be social justice in the inner cities while Christians living there permit the destructive drug cultural and vote for reprobates subverting our nation? I think not.

Christian men can change things in the cities. They can help raise kids growing up without a father. They can take the streets back from drug pushers and gangs. Christians can organize and deal with the school boards. They can run campaigns against board members promoting cultural Marxist indoctrination and sexual perversion. It does not take many votes to change school board members. Christians can read the teaching materials and let the school boards know what should and should not be taught in school.

Can you imagine the change that would take place if Christian men in America spoke with a common biblical voice on social issues? That almost happened with the Promise Keeper’s men’s movement until Satan got in at the national level. Even so, there is no reason Christian men cannot start taking back one neighborhood at a time. If small groups of Christians can start churches all over America, why can’t they organize small groups to take America back from the reprobate subversives? How about Christians getting their church leaders to meet with other church leaders to get this done?

The Marxists and sexual perverts are still the minority in America. The majority in American just want to be left alone. Half do not even vote. Even so, the radical left will take over federal government shortly if Christian people do not step up to prevent that from happening. The radical left has taken over the Democratic Party so if the Democrats are voted back in power, the radicals will try to force their godless agenda on all Americans.

Most Americans understandably do not want to deal with the push back if they take a position contrary to the radical left. The radicals target and try to destroy people for taking Christian positions, so it is little wonder that people are cowed. Nevertheless, if Christians do nothing they will soon be living under leftist totalitarianism. How did that work out for Christians living in Russia and China after the Marxists took over?

The leftist reprobates are ascending because they are well funded and organized. Christians in America really have no excuse for not countering the reprobate effort. Pastors need to protect their flock or get out of leadership. Christians should help with the legal aid of other Christians being targeted by the reprobates. The left has all but won the cultural war because indoctrinated leftist lawyers and judges control the legal system. Educated informed Christians can do something about that, for example, Christians can be taught how to use jury nullification where there is an obvious injustice taking place against another Christian.

If the leftist big cities are not changed, the big cities will continue to try to push progressive insanity on the more rational rural people. That is not going to go over well. It will end in civil warfare. Most in the infrastructure dependent cities could not survive that. So if you “Christian men” in the cities do not want to take a stand against leftist totalitarianism on biblical or constitutional grounds you might want to do it on the grounds of self-preservation.

Most rural people are not going to give up their constitutional rights. They will only be pushed so far and then there will be a push back. States with large rural populations are now beginning to do that. For example, Missouri recently passed constitutional carry and a bill is expected to pass that will ban any federal gun control in the state at all. All of our constitutional rights need state and local protection if the federal government will not abide by them.

If the majority in America who are calling themselves Christians take local action to save our Republic, we just might retain it until the Rapture. Christians can keep America great by taking its cities back from the reprobates attempting to bring our constitutional republic down. Our founders envision a nation under God’s moral laws, not a nation of unrestrained permissiveness. Those calling themselves Christians need to make some changes to reverse the lawlessness and the irrationality that is coming from reprobate minds. We know the difference between good and evil. I think it is high time for all good Christian men to come to the aid of their country. Unfortunately, that now seems unlikely to happen before a great chastisement.

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Men need to keep America great by taking back cities from reprobates — 27 Comments

  1. You are so right.
    The Christians have gone in the Closet!!
    I don’t see things coming back.
    The Lord said it would be like this and we are Living it!!
    Many Blessings

  2. The main problem is Christians and people who consider themselves conservative DO NOT FIGHT BACK! They apologize. The minute they’re “shamed” by the left they go into overdrive to apologize so everyone will like them again. People have to start saying “that’s enough, no more!” Jesus was hated. Why are Christians so afraid to take some heat? At the very least don’t back down if 1 of these minions of Satan tries to go after you for what you say. Shout them down! If we could actually get some real leaders in our communities I think it would have a spillover effect and more people would get together to stop this insanity. President Trump has issued the clarion call. I think he really does love this country and sees the writing on the wall, but his hands are tied most of the time. Is he a true Christian? I have no idea, but God is using him for his purpose and you’d have to be blind not to see that. Most people will not on their own take the mantle of a leader, but if there are people out there who can show the rest of us what do and how to do it there might be some hope left. I’m afraid the only thing that will get people motivated is when things get really bad and Christians are on the verge of losing everything. Sorry, but the days of turning the other cheek are over. The demonized left will hate you no matter how nice you are to them. Time to start fighting for the very life that God blessed you with.

  3. I think many Christians have been brainwashed into turning the other cheek, among other worthless advice. Pastors are too afraid to speak about what’s really happening in this country, instead they’d rather tell you that drinking alcohol is a sin.

  4. Psalm 11 has a line that has stuck with me:

    “If the foundations are destroyed, what shall the righteous do?”–Psalm 11:3

    Some commentaries suggested this arrangement:

    “Because they have overthrown that which you have prepared, but what is the righteous doing?”

    Either way it’s seems as fresh today as a few thousand years ago! What CAN we do when there is a WORLWIDE conflagration of error and those in high positions are pushing demonic illogic in even simple things like biology (XY & XX)?

    Or what–as Don’s thoughts seem more along the lines of the second translation–ARE we doing in the midst of this collapse?

    It’s striking that we keep repeating the Eden formula of Woman conferring with Satan and Man just going along with it. You look at Sweden and their pride in having “the first feminist government”, and you wonder where are the MEN in all this? No sane male Western brain would entertain allowing a “prison population” of virile, fighting age young Muslim males to simply flow en masse into their country.

    The feminists want to tout COMPASSION and INCLUSION, while denying the clear connection from their self-righteousness to a steep rise in rapes, murders and general crimes of migrants.

    Demonic illogic! And the men just go along with it. Where are the MEN?

  5. This is an addition to my earlier comment. At a church that I attended on a fairly regular basis I had a one on one meeting with the pastor because it drove me crazy that every Sunday he refused to talk about the rot that was happening in the world and in particular here in America. I mentioned the virulent homosexual agenda. He told me he couldn’t say anything because his church would lose their tax exemption and the members would lose their tax deduction. And there you have it. And lo these many years later we now have a homosexual/transgender agenda that we’re being forced to kowtow to and an evil child born of this movement: infanticide. You have people now who will not even refer to a child born alive from a botched abortion as a child. They call it a fetus even though the baby is a living, breathing human being. I believe most of the churches out there are the same as the church that I eventually left. They have sold themselves for their 30 pieces of silver.

  6. Hi Adriana,

    Actually he used the loss of their tax exemption as a convenient excuse for not taking a stand on social issues.

    Established churches have not been losing tax exemptions because of what they preach. I do not think there is one case in all of the United States where that has ever happened. The truth is that they do not speak of these issues because they do not want to upset someone occupying their pews.

  7. Hopefully not too off track here, but…

    I do not believe there will be many Christian men taking back their cities from the reprobates. When fully 90+ percent of so-called evangelical churches are now under demonic NAR apostate leadership and/or influence, looking only for the next “move” of holy spirit, as they call it (and let’s be clear, this is not the Holy Spirit), or looking for a stray bird feather falling from the rafters of their entertainment videoramas that they will say is from an angel (how utterly stupid, yet millions believe angels now have bird feathers), how can they combat the reprobates, when they are of the same reprobate thinking? Most of these same “churches” (we used to call them cults), teach a humanistic philosophy, teach a “truth is relative” scripture, preach a Marxist social justice “gospel” where everything is permitted, and believe the original lie that we can be like God, or even become one with the god. Most so-called Christians have long ago traded in their belief of God’s sovereignty for their own self-rule. And these cults do not teach from true Scripture at all, but instead teach from damning twisted translations or their own self-rule books. The many hundreds of thousands or even millions in these cults are lost and deceived and have no idea how to rightly divide the Word, let alone even read it, and yet they call themselves Christians (I know all too well this as I was sucked into the Wimber vineyard cult in the early ’90’s, married there, but we escaped in ’94 due to God’s grace and very sound early true Christian upbringing – and my wife and I were always suspect of the charismata mumbo-jumbo).

    All this is by demonic design. The leaders of these cults are demonically possessed and have zero intention of allowing their followers even a passing glimpse of the Truth, for that would expose their lie. No, they will continue to entertain them with a good show three or four times a week and cater only to their own reprobate teachings. It is no wonder at all that a reprobate society is not even recognized as such by those in these reprobate “churches”.

    We can pray that more see the Truth of God’s Word and leave these lying false christian cults.

  8. Hi Barry,

    The New Apostolic Reformation is a big problem but saying 90+% of Evangelicals are under their influence is way to high. In the small and mid sized churches it is a minority. That does not mean that the majority of evangelicals are not under some other bad influence but many of those still fall short of it qualifying as being a damnable heresy.

  9. I pray it is not too late and have put it on my prayer list. With drag queens reading to our preschoolers in there classrooms things are getting like the days of Noah.
    Thankfully some parents are starting to protest extreme situations that are happening in the schools.

  10. I would like to see a Christian Men’s Movement. Remembering some women in a local church who started trouble and the men did nothing I wondered how they could take back a Nation when they couldn’t take back a tiny 25 member local church.

    What has happened to men? Have they just thrown in the towel and given up?
    I was comparing the decline of our society with past generations. Since we’ve been placed into Cultural Generations I looked up the characteristics of “The Greatest Generation.” (1910-1924; dates vary.) It applies to American society in general.

    1. Personal Responsibility
    2. Humility (dignity and modesty)
    3. Work Ethic
    4. Prudent Saving
    5. Faithful Commitment

    Apparently this generation wasn’t “woke.”

    I’ll pray for a Christian Men’s Movement.

  11. 1 answer to your question Caitlin about where are the men, is that a lot of men today, as of course you obviously know (I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here), have been feminized. I think there are quite a few men who hate Trump because he is an actual alpha male and so many young men today have never encountered that and see him and hate him for what they think they can never be. One hates what you can’t have, or so they think, because they’ve never been exposed to it. And please, everyone, I get he’s not the greatest role model so don’t go after me for what I’m saying in that respect. Those pontificators in the MSM hate him so much because they see their weakness in his strength. It’s glaring, and so they vilify him to try to drag him back down to their weak, gelatinous, spineless world. They only want to glorify themselves, so if someone is out there who challenges their lack of manhood or their perception, they’ll do anything to bring that person down. They don’t want to expose themselves. The 5 characteristics of the Greatest Generation that Caitlin pointed out are so wonderfully true, and if only those could be embraced again, and they could be, if men could once again step up and provide that leadership. We as women support you, but you are the leaders.

  12. Hi Ladies,

    Obviously that is not as true in rural areas, inner city gangs, and prisons. Men brought up by single women and our Marxist indoctrination system generally lack a proper male role model. The latest response by younger males seems to be related to the kicked puppy syndrome. Even so, at some point grown dogs bite those kicking them. The push back by men could be severe. The future may look like what is found in Islam today. Indoctrination does not trump basic biology.

  13. Don,

    Thanks. I stand corrected and I do say 90+ percent more as hyperbole, but when just about all of the churches I have visited use some form of the “praise and worship” concert-show pep rally for a half hour or more on any Sunday morning using “worship” songs from Maranatha, Vineyard, Hillsong and Jesus Culture, and the sermons are more akin to a self realization TED Talk, any discerning Christian should pause. The fact that these churches are filled to capacity indicates to me very little, if any, discernment. Oh, but aren’t they entertained!

    To try to tie this back to your original intent of your article “Men need to keep America great by taking back cities from reprobates”, if the men in these churches (and the women for that matter) have almost zero discernment, then they are in effect neutered. It will take only those very few men outside of this new mainstream to attempt the take back. Alas, and maybe I’m too pessimistic, but I feel it is a lost cause on the grand scale (ref. your article “Only two hundred million will depart in the Rapture?”), and we can only work to gain the ones and the twos for Christ as we hurtle fast toward the Rapture.

    Thanks again Don, and I look forward to your twice monthly articles!

  14. Hi Barry,

    Taking back the cities and converting people within to true Christianity are not one and the same. Because of the problems that permissiveness causes I can see a movement back toward moral law and constitutional government. On the other hand, I think converting people to true Christianity is always going to be a small minority until the Day of the Lord.

  15. Hi Don,

    Tracking… and I hope you are right, but I just can’t see a movement back toward moral law (especially) and constitutional government in the main and over the long haul… even with the minor worldwide governing trend of President Trump, Bolsonaro, Pinera, some European leaders, western Canadian provincial governors becoming more conservative etcetera. It won’t be enough to last. We know this.

    I have to agree though (as I think I infer correctly from your other articles), that we may be in a “calm before the storm” with this current administration here in the States, and by extension maybe even worldwide. But I don’t think there are enough of us who are affected by the problems of permissiveness to make the pendulum swing back. I truly think there are fewer and fewer Christians who are so affected and your article intimates that. And there are many multitudes more than us who see absolutely no problem with permissiveness, and only demand more of it. This is by no means an excuse for surrender. We should fight to the last breath of the last man, especially given this opportunity of this “calm”.

    However, the last sentences in your article are ominous; “We know the difference between good and evil. I think it is high time for all good Christian men to come to the aid of their country. Unfortunately, that now seems unlikely to happen before a great chastisement.”

    But you do encourage me and I for one will try to work harder to make a difference – to stand in the gap – to man the last gun as it were. And… we are confident in the ultimate outcome of this battle and the ultimate victor in this war! Only then will we see moral law established again – only then.

    Looking forward to your next article.

  16. Hi Barry,

    You might be correct but I would not underestimate the human desire for keeping order. The woman rides the Beast into power. The woman is a world religious system. I think the “right” is already rapidly rising in Eastern Europe. However keep in mind that the right in Europe is not a liberty movement it is a pseudo Christian movement that will more likely bring about a type of Holy Roman Empire. I am not so sure that this is not what the power brokers wanted all along. They may be bringing in the immigrants to help speed along the push-back by the natives to authoritarianism.

    Let’s suppose the leftists bring America to economic ruin. The response in America will be a real counter revolution against the leftists leaders. Where would the leftist politicians and media talking heads hide from angry men with guns? Support by the military and police would quickly vanish after they stop getting paid or their families become targets themselves.

    We also need to keep in mind that the fastest growing religious movement in the world today is the New Apostolic Reformation signs and wonders movement. They believe in establishing a religious theocracy on earth before the Messiah returns. If real signs and wonders happen others will join them and you have the makings of a world-wide religious movement.

    There also will be an authoritarian moral law movement under the time of the two witnesses. That is why the world rejoices when the Lawless One kills them.

  17. Neil, I agree. I follow some other great men of faith like Pete Garcia, Bill Salus, Ken Johnson, Hal Lindsay, LA Marzulli, the late Chuck Missler and Grant Jeffrey etc. but Don and his site are my favorite place of recharge and learning.

    I live in Toronto – the most left-wing place in Canada where even our right wing folks are more left than the Democratic party. The last hope here are the good rural people as Don mentioned – but I am not optimistic for Canada. With the leadership we have pushing unending inclusion & diversity it gets beyond oppressive. I usually look south for hope – and that’s it.

  18. A vision that sustains a nation is one of righteousness and its subsequent goal, a harvest of righteousness.

    Without such a vision a nation will perish under the onslaught of evil.

    Such a vision is had from knowledge of and application of Godly principles and they are found within Bible doctrines. They are established only by daily study and meditation of God’s word the Bible.

    If “Christian” men neglect God’s word are they led by the Holy Spirit… are they even born of God’s Spirit… are they Christian?

    Will Jesus find faith on this earth at his return. What percentage of “Christian” men will be part of the rapture generation?

  19. Hi Don,

    Ah yes, but that worldwide religious movement – if we see a amalgamation of the NAR with people seeing the real signs and wonders, but confused for lack of true discernment, and the harlot religion system – already partially established – ruling in the mix, will not be a religious movement bringing about true moral law, notwithstanding what the NAR believes about establishing a religious theocracy on earth before the Messiah returns (in and of itself a false teaching). It will be a religious system that permits any and all sort of moral abominations. It will firmly establish immoral law under a guise of established moral order in support of world governance. That will be true with whatever worldwide religious system prevails and from whatever base religious system it springs. But I see the NAR as a potential key player especially in light of how worldwide rampant it is, how heretical it is, and in light of the 2030 or so year timeline. NAR is waxing and not waning.

    And you are right that the two witnesses in Jerusalem will be preaching Truth and that there will be many hundreds of thousands (millions maybe?) who will repent and follow Jesus during that time, and that these will be in the forefront of an authoritarian moral law movement. But the world rejoices and gives gifts at their demise because the sinful world wants immorality, not morality. The sinful actually believe that true morality is immoral. We see this even now when for example, and one of many cases-in-point, the New York legislature applauds infanticide. They think it is good and moral. And let’s not forget that the government at that time will hold all the power and will kill all those who are caught without the mark.

    Ok so in the short term, maybe there will be a return to conservative governance before the rapture; and we certainly see this trend in many places in the world, but I believe it will be extremely short lived – if it happens. And I can see your take on it (in Europe) as possibly a pseudo Christian movement that will more likely bring about a type of Holy Roman Empire. But even totalitarian rule in response to imposed immigration in Europe, or here in the Americas will not be what we consider constitutional governance but more like – or exactly like – Stalinist governance.

    Any hint on subject of your next article?

    An aside: an interesting moniker; the Lawless One. I looked up some synonyms for the word lawless:
    anarchic, anarchical, disorderly, ungovernable, unruly, without law and order, disruptive, insurrectionary, insurgent, revolutionary, rebellious, insubordinate, riotous, mutinous, mutinying, seditious, revolting, terrorist, illegal, unlawful, lawbreaking, illicit, illegitimate, criminal, felonious, indictable, delinquent, culpable, villainous, transgressing, violating, crooked, shady, bent

  20. Hi Barry,

    I don’t give hints because I often do not know what my next article will be about much before you do.

    There certainly will not be true morality until Jesus deals with evil people at His second coming. Religious morality often is no better than humanism. Israel proved that. It seems that satanic tyrants soon rises to the top of any system.

  21. Since the Easter terrorists bombings in Sri Lanka every conservative headline and article I saw (dozens) called the victims “Christians.” Even Franklin Graham called them Christians. It really drives home Don’s point about identifying with Christianity vs. true Christians (Believers.) Some referred to them as Christian Martyrs. (Attending a Catholic Easter Mass?)

    Victims they were but Christians only God knows if there were any.

  22. Hi all,

    As usual, Don hits the nail squarely on the head! Don mentions a remnant of 10%, which I tend to agree with. So, how to get the CINO (christians in name only) to fight back? Well, as I see it, they don’t, and won’t, as they are a huge part of the problems. Some perhaps are fighting against the tide, but, their audience is immune to any arguments.

    So fight onward we must, but, in the back of my mind, is always the thought that, I’m fighting against God’s ultimate plan.
    Fortunately for me, most of the immediate family are true believer’s, as far as I can decern. So, I’m fighting politically, because, if we loose the next national election, that might lead to our ultimate ending.

    But, as the saying goes, “everything is local” and so, those with children still at home, need to lead the fight against school boards, local city issues. They have the greater opportunities to come in contact with more people affected by these issues. Do parents even look at the books their kids bring home, are they even aware of what’s right & wrong when it comes to history? Do they even ask the kids what’s happening at school? Not many I suspect. SSH