The transformation of America from honorable to perverse in just one lifespan

(I wrote some of the content of this article under a different title seven years ago. Hopefully it will be better indexed this time around by search engines. America now finds herself in a mess for good reason. In just one lifespan there was a transformation of America from what was honorable to the perverse.)

The 1950’s and early 60’s certainly were far from perfect, but most people in America led fairly honorable lives back then. The mid 60’s were the very last of the Happy Days of Richie Cunningham. That TV program and programs like the Andy Griffith Show or Ozzie and Harriet were not that far off the mark for small town America. There were a lot of children in those days, birth control was limited, abortion was not legal or acceptable, people worked for a living and people with any self-respect did not ask for government handouts. In those days there was little confusion about who raised the children, or the role of males and females. The Vietnam War, drugs, cultural Marxism with the destruction of the family would soon change everything.

In the 1950’s people generally stayed married. The man of the house worked for a living and the wife stayed home and raised the children. The family along with an extended family of relatives were living in the same vicinity and looking after each other. Most of the family values came from deep rooted Christian beliefs.

America transformed from almost all of our children being raised by two parents in the 1950’s to half of our children being raised by one parent today. That one parent is usually a woman that has to work. Children today are actually being brought up by public schools and by peers. The most influential people in many of the lives of American children are socialistic teachers, street smart punks and bad examples on media. Good examples of those brought up without fathers are those that become government dependents, gang bangers, and the present leadership of the Democratic Party.

The one thing that changed American culture the most is the destruction of the family. Leftists will label me a racist for just giving the history of the breakdown of the family in America but nothing could be further from the truth. The real racists are those that put any skin shade above or below the rest of the human race. With that said, the breakdown of the family structure in America first started mostly among blacks in the 50’s and 60’s.

After World War II many southern black men coming back from the war could only find jobs in the industrialized north. The separation from family and the frustration with not being able to get ahead in the mostly white owned north led to the downward spiral into the self-destructive behaviors that destroyed black men and their families. Some black fathers eventually abandoned their families with the rationalization and the reality that without them in the picture their wife and children would qualify for welfare benefits.

After the war rentals in the northern cities were scarce and they were expensive relative to the pay of blue collar workers. I know some of this firsthand because I lived the better part of a decade in a government housing project because my blue class father could not find an affordable rental for a wife with 5 kids. Black families moving north also ran into this reality. In the early 50’s, the housing project where I lived was all white and most had working fathers. However, by the early 60’s, it was almost all black and had mostly only mothers. The same can be said for all housing projects in northern big cities. That remains true today. Black mothers and their children never got out of the projects.

By the 60’s black absentee fathers and life in the projects became the major factors as to why black teens were becoming increasingly out of control in the inner big cities. The solution by the white liberals of America was the Great Society passed by President Lyndon Johnson. However, black frustration and anger still led to the riots of the late 60’s in most American big cities. Johnson’s Great Society should have been called the Great Socialist Society. These socialistic programs increasingly made people dependents of the state. The same white liberal social engineers would also encourage black women to abort their babies. Population control is still the top leftist solution for whatever ails the world.

The welfare society spread to the general population as godless humanistic social engineers took over media, education, and government. In the late 60’s there was also the antiwar counterculture movement that led much of the baby boomer generation into hate and disrespect for anyone in authority. All who did not agree with the godless Marxist counterrevolutionaries with its drug influenced paganism, sexual promiscuity, and humanistic idealism became the enemy. Police officers were called pigs, war veterans were called baby killers. women became whores, and marijuana was worshiped as if it were God.

The feminist movement that disrespected men and the hyper-environmentalism movement that disrespected the needs of the human race played out not long after that. All this rebellion contributed to the breakdown of the historical and honorable family unit.

By the early 90’s leaders of the counterculture had advanced into position of power within government, media, education and corporations. The Bill and Hillary White House and many of the people who were appointed by Clinton reflected the values of the counterculture movement more than traditional America. The Clinton’s pushed communistic socialism dressed in the garb of liberalism and progressivism and it continues to this day.

I thought the people of America would not elect and certainly not reelected the likes of Bill Clinton, yet they did. Many Americans with no honor remaining still want his tyrannical ruthless wife in the Oval Office. Bill Clinton gave away America’s jobs and its secrets to the Communist Chinese. That is why everything is now made in China and how they became a military power and a threat to our nation today.

Even after the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, I never thought that Americans would elect and reelect the likes of Obama, yet they did. He put America under the submission of dishonorable socialistic globalists, powerful world bankers, and Islamic ideologues. Other presidents like Carter and the Bushes were in bed with the globalist socialists but Obama was the first president ever created by them. For those still in the dark, Obama is a CIA creation. Most of his life is a deep state coverup.

I always thought it was possible to elect a black President in America because white America is not as racist as liberals and black race baiters want everyone to believe. Even so, I never thought a black Muslim leaning Marxist President was remotely possible in the America that I grew up in. Obama got elected because he was black and spoke well using a teleprompter. Many people also believed his message of hope and change.

Obama got reelected, not because he delivered any hope with his change in his first term. He actually acted dishonorably in office, but any negative coverage of the first black president was off-limits. Obama got reelected because Americans were deceived by the deep state and because the Republican establishment bucked their own conservative and libertarian base of support and put up progressive RINO candidates pretending to be conservatives. Some of the truth may come out about Obama’s weaponizing of government if Trump remains in office. That is why leftists are going all out to remove him from office. Obama is a traitor and a liar and he belongs in jail, but they will never dare prosecute the first “black” president.

It is rather ironic that the Democratic Party that once represented union waged blue-collar industrial workers, today mostly represents people working minimum waged service jobs, government employees, and unemployed people living on state or federal assistance. The irony of it all is that the super-rich now control the Democratic Party and the party now promotes the elitist led fascism that it claims to be against.

The corporate owned media became the mouthpiece of big socialist government. The media is now the enemy of traditional constitutional America. The socialistic (fascist) elite promote the redistributing of wealth from the middle-class to themselves. Under Clinton, Bush, Obama and now under Trump the gap between the super-rich and everyone else continues to grow exponentially. We do not live under a constitutional system anymore. We live under an oligarchy. The complicit corporate media tells people the top ten percent have most of the wealth and do not pay enough taxes, but they never mention that the super-rich of the top one hundredth of one percent pay little taxes and control everything the media says.

Cultural Marxist socialists control the American education system and the media, so most people in America get disinformation and socialist indoctrination instead of the truth. If it were not for talk radio and the Internet, you would only hear leftist disinformation. They are now working to censor all media including everything on the Internet. If a leftist becomes President in 2021, the left will determine everything that can be seen or heard anywhere. Just like already happens in China.

The government plantation poor do not even get educated enough anymore to even learn how to think for themselves. What is occurring can be equated back to the days of slavery when blacks were not allowed to learn to read. Once again the plantation workers have to get their information and their marching orders from the very plantation masters working to keep them enslaved.

In the 50 and 60’s who would have thought that the USSR would dismantle their own Communist union but the Democratic Party of the United States would then embrace their failed Leninist Stalinist system? Today Russia is run by a President that promotes Russian Orthodox Christianity and morality, opposes the Islamists, and opposes the destructive influence of homosexuality in society. However, the so called “Democratic” Party in “the land of the free” now embraces socialism and abortion. The Democratic Party is against free speech, free thought, self-defense, and stands against Christian morality. The party also appeases the Islamists, and it promotes all kinds of sexual perversion. Even so, it by far is the largest political party in America. Yes, America is that far gone.

  • After the second world war the honor of a man was sealed by a handshake. Today many Americans receive a signed contract but then get the finger.
  • After the second world war the Bible was the moral and spiritual guide to live by in America. Today the Bible is discredited and is not allowed in the public arena.
  • After the second world war pastors in America taught a moral biblical message to believers. Today many American pastors teach a prosperity message and how to find God within yourself so you can live a better immoral life now.
  • After the second world war homosexuals were kept in closets and their sex perversions were outlawed. Today they are being promoted in public schools and on media. Some are being married in “churches”. It only took a few decades from them coming out of the closets to acting out their perversions in public and their mockery of marriage. Now, some with a similar perverse mindset think they can be any gender they claim to be and the former closet dwellers are demanding that no one better say differently. Let the nose of the closet dwellers in the tent and they will soon demand to sleep under your covers.
  • After the second world war the governments in America had laws against gambling. The government claimed the poor were victims because it gave people false hope. Today the government is the bookie. They promote unrealistic hopes to the poor using endless TV commercials. The odds of winning are way worse than the days when Louie the Barber ran the numbers racket. Even if against all odds you should win, government will tax you to take away much of your winnings. That is a perfect example of “progressive” government at its finest.
  • After the second world war porn was something that perverts watched, today it is something that many pastors watch. In Richie’s days, porn was illegal and expensive; today porn is legal and can be free to those who search the Internet for it.
  • After the second world war abortion was illegal in America. The leftist baby boomer generation then made it legal. Sixty million dead babies later, the boomers are rightly wondering who will be supporting them in old age.
  • After the second world war the federal government started ramping up its war on drugs. If the government really cared about stopping drugs, it would first enforce its national borders through which most illegal drugs come. It would also outlaw the gangs in our cities that peddle them. The truth is that many of the politicians and their aids in Washington use illegal drugs. Today the government’s war is more about government control over everyone than it is about stopping the use of illegal drugs. The drug war was a great success for enabling gangs, filling prisons, killing people, and militarizing all the police forces. In other words, the drug war helped create modern America.

It is quite amazing to me that the transformation of America from mostly honorable people to the perverse generation that we see today happened in just one lifespan. Any wonder why our nation is now reaping judgment?

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The transformation of America from honorable to perverse in just one lifespan — 33 Comments

  1. This makes me want to cry thinking that the country I served in the military has fallen to this

  2. As a child of baby boomers this resonates pretty well with me. My wife and I have had the conversation several times over the years. We remember growing up in the church when our parents actually bothered to take us and always hearing how bad our generation was yet nobody wanted to discuss how it was our parents generation and their parents who took God out of schools, permitted abortion, launched the porn industry, and let holywood get almost openly pornographic. Then after taking us to our once a week dose of church we were turned back loose by our permissive parents and grandparents who told us we were good and knew whats best for ourselves. So when they ranted and raved about the terrible kids these days, just not theirs we were left to wonder what did they expect? They took away the good tools to shape us and replaced them with the bad, then took a hands off approach and wondered why things went wrong. We all had bibles at home but never saw our parents open them. Thanks be to God, that some people did listen to Him and shared with us. We are a couple kids from broken homes such as you describe but by the power and grace of God we have been delivered from it and we are raising our children to know who the Lord is. I do hope Trump gets re elected but I wont be surprised if he does not. God bless all of you, thanks for your page again Don.

  3. I say Obama did more damage in 8 years than the left did in the 50 years before him. The GOP showed their true colors by nominating the two biggest turncoat traitors in the entire party.

  4. Yes, Don, it is very sad what the country has become. It will not and cannot be fixed, short of the second coming of Christ. People today think it is bad, after the Rapture it will be terrible. I do pray for the reelection of President Trump, but in my heart believe his next term will be the last elected US president. I believe we are that close to the Rapture. After that the left will attempt to seize power and I think the remaining Americans that will not go along will be initially in a civil war. I am not a person that believes 1 Cor 15:52 “last trump” applies to DJT, but do think God is merciful and has given him to ease the persecution of Christians in the United States and perhaps much of the world prior to the Rapture. Just a thought.

  5. It seems like American Hegemony has run it’s course, we have OUTSPENT $$$ ourselves with $Trillions of dollars to prove it but that’s the way that Bible Prophecy foretold it, Israel would have NO salvation from Gentile armies but only from GOD, that’s where we are headed, hopefully i’m wrong.

  6. That was an accurate description of America’s transformation.
    I’m having a hard time divorcing America from the way it was to the way it is.
    Growing up social justice was making sure my brother and sister didn’t have more ice cream in their bowls than I did.
    Kids played outside all summer and our mothers never asked where we’d been or what we’d been doing. Be home for supper. It wasn’t permissiveness, it was just safer and they weren’t worried about being arrested for child neglect.

    My parents were both the youngest of six. Dad’s oldest brother was 21 when he was born and mom’s oldest sister was 21 when she was born. (I can’t imagine it.) My youngest grandparent was born in 1880. She died in 1980 so I have a living connection to a time most people today don’t have. I’m telling this because I know they didn’t pass down any progressive/liberal values.

    I wish we could go back to a lot of the former ways but I don’t believe it will happen.

  7. The beauty of a family is seen whenever both parents are actively raising their children. The father most of the time is the engine, providing discipline and the mother providing love. This two values are important for a devoloping child. Children raised up by a single lady or man are the most affected since most of them grow up with only one value. In France where I come from, things are very very bad. We see men being slapped whenever they are late from work. These men who were raised up by single moms. They cry like babies, they can’t make simple decisions just because they were brought up with only one value. Women who are brought up by a single lady are even the worst. They are taught how to divorce their husbands or how to frustrate them. I think this too applies to the USA. The UK is even worse. The west is now reaping what they sow. In Europe, I think Russia has been spared for now.

  8. To all,

    Off topic, but a friend of my aunt’s works in the Pentagon and told her that by August the meat supply will be dried up. She also said that Covid would shut the country down about two weeks before they decided to do so. Just passing the information.

  9. Steve,

    Thanks for the info. I doubt it will be anything but a temporary shortage. Of course China owns some big meat companies here in the US so who knows.

  10. To all,

    That is three off topic comments here in a row talking about the coronavirus. This comment section is not a chat room for the latest information you may want to share with me or my readers. Read my commenting policy on the top bar.

    My last post will remain open to talk about things related to the coronavirus.

  11. This is a timely post, as I’ve been thinking very hard about whether I want to marry and start a family in today’s insane world. In the past I wanted a “normal life,” but now I’m not sure. In times like this, I wonder if celibacy is the wiser choice.

  12. Don,
    Your commentary is so very true and there aren’t enough tears to be shed as to what’s happened to this country.

  13. Most Christian men did nothing to halt the degradation of our society. I blame the lack of leadership in the church as much as I do the godless left. I think the country is too far gone to salvage. Christian conservatives don’t have the killer instinct needed to go toe to toe with the wolves on the left. I barely attend the church that my family are members of for these reasons. They spend 45 minutes singing and and then just about 45 minutes of bland preaching. No mention of any controversial issues. No mention of the soon return of Christ. Pastors are more concerned about keeping their jobs than they are feeding their flock and preparing them for the reality we face outside the church walls. Everything I’ve learned has been by self study. Church has largely been a waste of time for me unfortunately.

  14. True, there’s enough blame to go around for the moral fall of America, in the church i attend the Pastor has been seduced by the Prosperity Gospel , around 80% of his sermons and teachings gravitate towards $$$ money, i have no problem tithing but he goes beyond that its never enough and if i bring a soul to Church they really don’t get to hear the Full Gospel of our LORD. Seriously, my own pastor stated this “If you want a big miracle from GOD then give a Big Offering” i almost stood up and slapped him, but the gifts of the Holy Spirit ( Patience, long suffering) kept me from doing so, whatever happened to Faith and Prayer.

  15. Of course it always has to be a big monetary offering for you to receive blessings. It can’t ever be large amount of your time that you donate toward church activities lol. Try saying that to your pastor and watch the look on his face.

  16. Hi Joe,

    Those are fruits not gifts. The best way you can biblically slap your prosperity pastor in the face is to depart from the heretic.

  17. This should be in the newspapers and taught in schools. It’s so true I am the last of the baby boomers. I remember the old days before everything became politically correct. You used to be able to say something is wrong. When you do that now you’re called a zenophobe?whatever that is a racist. Etc..we have a small group at work I affectionately call the remnant. We believe America has to fall to usher in the NWO I just didn’t imagine it would happen so fast. Very sad.

  18. My heart is broken for this country. I miss the days that I grew up in. Not for me but for my children and grandchildren. Sometimes a sense of dread comes over me. An overwhelming fear for America. We have lost control. I know God is in control but the road we are on is scary. I want my family to be with the Lord but many will not listen. Some of them tell me all roads (religions) lead to God. Some only care about their life here and have no time to know or believe in God. Others will live in eternity with me and I praise God for their (and my) salvation.

  19. Teresa your comment could have been written by so many of us. I to wonder what is going to become of my family. I have my concerns of the family members that have passed but realize that issue is in God’s hand already. I should have worried about them sooner, maybe I could have helped. But now very few listen so maybe same would have been as to those that have passed. I just strive to reach those that I can but it sure doesn’t seem there’s many. You so succinctly stated exactly the reactions of so many. We are now in times where it is so obvious that we are close to the end of the age. So I guess in that way we’re lucky now because it wasn’t so obvious before.

  20. Does anyone see the symbolism of the dirty cop with his knee pressed on the neck of George Floyd? The cop represents every tyrannical despot governor and mayor out there and George Floyd is America. The jackboot just pressed a little harder with the ruling by Roberts against the church. The transformation is almost complete. Welcome to the “New Amerika” comrades.

  21. Sometimes i can NOT grasp it all, but i do believe that every single prophecy of the Book of Revelation is going to play out exactly as is described there, so by the time our LORD appears on the Mount of Olives over 70% of the population of this world will have perished, right now it all appears like ‘Child’s Play’ we knew these days were coming so let us ‘Watch and Pray’ to be found worthy

  22. I know things are not looking good, and our country is surely in a bind. However, I thought it mite be of some encouragement to drop this note. Today was our churches first time back holding modified services. Like many, our church had to go to online services. Today we learned that during the course of the online services a 74 year old woman came to Christ and got to attend in person today. Its true that things look bad out there, arent likely to get better but let us not forget God is still at work, and we still need to pray for our nation, leaders, and that He is not done with us until He takes us out. God still loves us, He has not forgotten us, and He is still calling to the lost.

    I know this is slightly off topic, but I hope its ok. Blessings in Christ, Dawson

  23. So I guess this is the new normal. Anytime a person of color is killed in police custody, prepare to have your city burned to the ground. Nevermind that 1000s die every year from gang violence in all of democrat run cities. Nothing is as it seems. We live in a complete disinformation state, and I’m not sure it can be defeated by human hands.

  24. A few minutes ago I answered a knock on the door. A black lady I assume lives in the building said, “American terrorists are coming here tomorrow. I’ve already told President Trump but stay inside tomorrow, don’t go out.” I asked her how she found out about it and she said through her daughter. She also said some businesses are starting to close.
    I wanted to ask more questions but I was in the middle of something else at the time. I was also thinking I needed to take out the trash if I couldn’t go out tomorrow. Strange things go through people’s minds when they’ve just been surprised.
    I’m going to post this just in case there is something to it.

  25. What is going on in this world? People are looting and killing and stealing. This isn’t right God help us all

  26. Steve, I live in Wichita, Ks. I moved here from Texas last year.

    There were some businesses that closed early in anticipation of protests.
    Monday night there was trouble. Three officers had minor injuries and two protesters were arrested but nothing burned down.

  27. Hi Don and readers! Long time no chat. I could relate to your portrayal of life in the 50’s and 60’s – Canada was very similar. I was born in ’59, but I clearly remember the mid-sixties. I agree that that was about the end of the ‘honourableness’ of people, in general. The Happy Days reference made me laugh….. but all true, of course. When I was still young, my parents never locked the house doors when they went out. That all changed (of course) by about 1970! Canada didn’t have the “race issues” or Vietnam, but we got drugs and “Mr.Socialist” himself, in the person of Pierre Elliot Trudeau – as our Prime Minister ‘for life’! He took our country way to the Left and it’s never been the same since.
    Someone mentioned the riots, so it’s OK to comment? Very sad to see this – as if the virus lock-down wasn’t enough to deal with?!! Is it safe to say this too was ‘planned’? I pray this anarchy ends soon. Thanks Don.

  28. Talk about the transformation of America! I can’t believe im seeing police and national guard troops standing down and allowing antifa to loot and burn with no resistance. In fact im pretty sure they have orders to defend these rioters from law abiding citizens not the other way around. 2 people in my city were caught suspected of trying to cut gas lines to apartment complexes. Prob antifa.

  29. Anyone find it weird not only are blue states going back to lockdown there is literally NO outrage? Zero. None!! Zippo!

  30. My daughter lives in a compliant blue state. Both her and her husband have been incredibly uncomplaining about the lockdown, even though the stress of juggling their fulltime jobs, 2 grade-school grandbabies and she is in her last year of (now) online classes to obtain a double master’s degree. I have finally seen some cracks in her submissive attitude since there is talk about their keeping the schools closed. I am waiting to see if her attitude will ever reach “outrage”. She was a difficult, stubborn, determined little red-headed child. I have been shocked by her docile attitude to the lockdown. I am praying God will use this incredibly outrageous time in our country and in their state to GRAB their attention and turn them back to God.