The Lawless One appeals to lawless people

Speaking about the last days Paul said, “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2Ti 3:13). In other words, there will be progressive insanity displayed on earth. Since that is a biblical truth, we cannot be so naive as to believe that we can get these evil people to do what is right.

Evil people are waxing worse and worse and there is nothing Christians can do about that other than to take a stand against their evils. Those trying to reason with people given over to a reprobate mind are for the most part casting their pearls before swine.

The world we see today demonstrates what the Bible says would happen in the last days. These evils are the very reason God’s judgments fall on the world. Jesus told us that just before His coming the world will be evil like it was in the days of Noah and Lot just before God’s judgment suddenly fell on them. From what I observe taking place, we seem to have arrived. If we did not see all the evil rising, the prophetic end of the age judgments would not be imminent.

The world is growing increasingly sinful, depraved, irrational and antichrist. Truth is being stood on its head. The world is turning against any truth given through divine and general revelation. And no wonder, those that reject God follow the father of lies. You do not see many conversions to Christ of the rich and powerful running the world because they are of the Devil. Most of the people who are running this satanic world system were put their by Satan to carry out his antichrist agenda.

Many Christians have been duped into believing that we can Christianize the world. The Bible does not teach any such concept. The Bible teaches those elected to be saved will be saved out of this demonic world system. At the end of the age, the judgments of God will purge evil from the earth and then Jesus will return with His elect to set up His kingdom on earth.

Just before the end of the age, God will send His two prophets to tell the world the Kingdom of God is at hand. They will tell the world they need to repent of their evil and put their trust in Jesus. They will be laying down the law that people in the Kingdom will be required to follow. The Church had already been taken in the Rapture and the age of grace to the Gentiles will be over at that point.

The world will totally reject the message of the two prophets because they loved their lawlessness. That is why the world throws a great party when the Lawless One ascends out of the abyss and kills the prophets (Rev 11:10).

The judgement of God will then fall on the God rejecting world because no flagrant sinner will be allowed to inherit the Kingdom of God.

What we are seeing in these last days is the rise of lawless people who will embrace the Lawless One. They oppose all biblical truth. They are against every one of God’s Ten Commandments. If God said it was evil, they will claim they know better.

The world has always had evil people but modern communications along with mass indoctrination is allowing doctrines of error and doctrines of demons to spread like a plague over the entire world. The evils that use to be local and isolated are now worldwide in scope and they are flagrant.

Parents have been misled by the modern world. God instructed parents to raise up a child in the way they should go but parents foolishly gave up that responsibility to the state. The state schools are not bringing up children in the knowledge of the Lord. The state-run schools have become antichrist. They are teaching children the evil ways of the demented demonic world system.

Christians give over their children to the state but then they wonder why their children embrace the world and reject Christ. If Christians actually believed the Bible, they would not be turning over their children to godless people to teach them in the way they should not go.

And if the schools are not effective enough at programing young minds, the smart phones that children are given and have their heads stuck in all the time, complete the worldly antichrist indoctrination. Unless parents take back control over their children there frankly is no way to turn this around. That is one reason society is now raising the terminal generation.

The Antichrist is called the Lawless One because he rejects God’s commands. He believes that he is a law unto himself. Those that follow him also reject God’s law. They demonstrate that through their sinful ways.

The end of the age is upon this generation. Even so, before the wrath of God is poured out all people will be told the truth. All that reject God’s message because they love their lawlessness will be cut off.

All that attained to the Millennial Kingdom will keep the spirit of the law because God will pour out His spirit on all flesh. No one will have to teach anyone about the knowledge of the Lord anymore. All people will live by the spirit of the law in the Millennial Kingdom because the law will be written in people’s hearts. Until then, those in this terminal generation who continue to love their lawlessness more than Jesus Christ will receive the same eternal fate as the Lawless One.

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The Lawless One appeals to lawless people — 16 Comments

  1. hey don,

    powerful article… every sentence is true to the core, i see it myself all day long. I believe the next 20 years will be extremely sinful which will bring jesus back to save this planet. Every day i see murder all over the world and evil people spitting in gods face constantly. Im waiting for israel to stand up and try to build the 3rd temple because that would mean that we are really close to the end.

  2. I don’t know about anyone else, but it seems to be raining hammers around my house. I run into more & more difficulty trying to get simple things done, while being tripped up at every turn. Road blocks and detours everywhere. Sometimes it even seems people can’t understand basic English, & I don’t mean illegals either. People are losing their minds, saying the most outrageous, or ridiculous things. And it’s all getting worse by the day seems like. SSH.

  3. i agree david, for example i just read a new story about a man that cut his grandmothers throat because he didn’t feel like taking care of her anymore. These are the days of noah i have no doubt

  4. Hi,

    Just two weeks ago I told my daughter I was through trying to reason with irrational minds because it was casting pearls before swine and all they would do is turn and attack us.

    Two nights ago a 17 year old friend of the family shot himself in the head. His dad was an atheist and socialist. Who knows what all that 17 year old boy had been indoctrinated with all his life but clearly it lead to his eternal loss.

  5. Spot on Don! David L, I totally agree with you. Every single day we deal with incompetence in every profession, promises made that aren’t kept, and having to double check everything from purchases to make sure they are the correct price & what was promised. Family, friends, coworkers & neighbors who are cold as ice & look like zombies. Common courtesies are almost non existent anywhere. I noticed the world subtlety changing when Reagan was elected. Rather than be content with ordinary items, people now had to have designer fashions. Then we had the dot-com bust and 9/11 which I felt accelerated our decline from a weekly basis of abominations, to daily to our present situation which is 24/7 lawlessness. Life is no longer enjoyable as it once was & I no longer look forward to the future, be it a week or years from now as everything is corrupted. I look forward only to the Rapture. One of your best writings Don.

  6. You sure nailed it with this blog Don. I have noted time and again the almost frenzy people these days reveling in evil. The people you may have read about thanking God for abortion, the transgender fanatics, the gay pride marchers are just some examples. They revel in lawlessness and evil. Sadly, it is only getting worse. My Christian teaching, from childhood, often conflicts with my redneck, Scots-Irish, Cherokee upbringing. The temptation is always there to dismiss each and every one of these people as hopeless. But I am reminded that I too was once a sinner as bad as anyone, somehow, someone got through with Gods word and we cannot just dismiss them. I do think that even prior to the Rapture, God may be making some people choose to either join with the bad bunch or to seek him. Ultimately that is the only options for anyone. I also blame much on people choosing, they do choose, to believe the fable called evolution because it allows them to do as they please.

  7. So what is the top 10 things that are Demonic Doctrines? I am not sure I know what some of these doctrines are. (human can attain eternal thru science, we are all one, etc.)

    Second, demonic doctrines are we talking about the teaching from Angels or from the children of the angels and women who where born and are half angle/half human and when killed became demons?

    Third if it is the demons is there differences between doctrine of demons and doctrine of angels? Example Demons doctrines teach they can come back from the dead by having host body verse Angels doctrine they can just take on human form. Both demons and angel goal is to enslave the human race to there wimps so they both would agree on that but I think Satan would say demons reports to him and demons can have rule over humans. Etc.

    Also would demons doctrine teach they they could even overthrown their parents (ie angels) and rule them?

    Some things to chew on.

  8. Hi Jeremy,

    I have no top ten list and I am not about to study the issue to dream one up.

    I would say doctrines of demons are doctrines that did not originate from God or from human reason. They were introduced by those doing what the Bible forbids like communicating with dark spirits of the underworld. If you study the life of those that came up with some modern philosophies like Communism and Islam, you will see that they received these concepts by communicating with entities in the underworld. That makes them doctrines of demons.

    There is nothing new under the sun. The doctrines originate from the pre-flood world. Demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim who corrupted the world and thus brought about the flood judgment.

    Satan is the father of all satanic beings and they all have the same fate. Knowing the deep things of Satan is not something Christians need to strive to learn about. All the conjectures found in some books and on some websites about such things builds nothing worth anything on the house of God but they can lead people astray.

  9. I think Sarah Sanders is constantly casting pearls before swine in the press briefings. Those jackals who call themselves reporters//journalists truly have been given over to a reprobate mind. They should just cancel the press briefings or revoke a good portion of their credentials. Sarah did herself proud today but it matters not to those who are blinded, so why continue to engage with them. Time to end the farce.

  10. Well said Don. 21 years in law enforcement has given me a front row seat to the depravity of the lost man. Robbery, homicide, rape, child abuse and sex abuse, embezzlement, drug addiction, violence and on and on. The rapid proliferation is startling, undeniable and a sign(to the redeemed in Christ) of the time we live in. The fact that the daily depravity and sin that is seen ACROSS the nation, has also become rooted in our own communities is proof of your observations. It seemed so far away just a few years ago.
    Six months ago, my wife and I became intentional in taking necessary steps to home school our daughter starting 8/7. With her starting 6th grade, I could no longer shake he conviction that I had felt for years- for US to train her first in God’s word as a daily part of her education. The state pushes children at the limits of comprehension and exhaustively belabors children to be test takers in schools that despise and exclude God. For all of the 12 hour days, it lacked cultivation of the individual God created, and trades it for an arbitrary state sponsored checklist. At that age, I’ve seen the worldly baggage that a Christ loving child deals with in a relentless environment of smartphone wielding, blaspheming, sports worshiping, worldly youth as my son grew and completed public High School. That journey was non-typical to my experiences I’d say, due mainly to the sociology of his peers. His desire to live for Christ had a cost. He’s now starting college and seeking an officer’s commission through the USAF ROTC. .
    If Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus don’t prick your conscience, if John’s letters don’t stir your convictions to be the Christian apologist in your children’s lives, what force can pierce a hardened or indecisive heart? Likewise Don, I urge other parents to be intentional as a rudder in their child’s life, always steering them to run in such a way to win the race of life for Jesus Christ. It has never been more important to raise a child that can stand on its own two feet through knowledge of the word; inoculated against the ‘herd mentality’ so prevalent today. Come Lord Jesus!

  11. David, that was a very good/powerful comment. 48 years ago, on my first day of college, and I went a very conservative school (Ok state), that some instructor stood in front and tried to get us to challenge them (it was my 18th birthday and I had to find the local draft board to register that day too). They made the statement from Greek philosophy that “man is the measure of all things”. I knew then and know now that it was a humiliation trap because to accept it denies the Bible. Today, I could step on the idiot just as I would openly accept the challenge of evolution, but at 18 I lacked the ability and knowledge. There is a lot of that going on and is made worse with easy sex and drugs. You are right, his desire to live for Christ will have a cost and for everyone who does so, will continue to exact a cost, in this world.

  12. Hi James,

    I don’t think that means there are less lawless people. Most people do not even report crimes for one reason or another and some of the lawlessness taking place today is not prosecuted as a crime by the state. Some crimes that were being prosecuted in the mid twentieth century are no longer being prosecuted today. Also keep in mind that 2.2 million people known to commit crimes are currently being held in prison.

    Violent crime has generally fallen with the percent of youths. Young people commit these crimes at a much higher rate.

  13. We make many sacrifices to do so, but I praise God and consider it both a blessing and a high calling to homeschool my three girls for the past 8 years. They are now 10, 11, and 13. They are precious, and God commands us as parents to train our children up in the way they should go. This should not just mean dropping them off in a children’s church class once a week. Fruitless! We must walk in the Way as we teach our children The Way, day by day. This world waxes colder and colder, and we must put the full armor of Christ on EVERY DAY to make it through. Some of these comments brought me to tears. May the Lord bless you and keep you until He comes!!!!

  14. I recently attempted to defend the Bible as God’s inspired word only to be subjected to a feminist rant about it just being a bunch of stuff written by men to control women. When I asked her where she read or got that information she claimed “I don’t have to read it, I just KNOW what’s true”. I was very sad as this person is my sibling. I have attempted many times before, but was reminded about casting pearls before swine by a close Christian sister. After reading this, I have a better understanding of discipleship. I’m not responsible for her rejection and perhaps it’s time I shake that dust off and move on.