Trump peace plan is not dividing Israel and won’t happen anyway

Everyone in Bible prophecy is talking about President’s Trump’s two state solution in the Middle East. I do not believe this peace proposal is dividing Israel as some are saying; nor is it the covenant that will be confirmed by the Antichrist. This proposal just goes to show you that the most pragmatic thinking still falls far short of any real peace solution for the Middle East.

The map below is the geographical proposal for a Palestinian State. All areas in green would become the future state of Palestine. There are many Jewish settlements within those green areas that would become part of the state of Israel. Under the peace proposal the state of Palestine (green areas) would only have limited sovereignty. Jews would have enclaves in Judea and Samaria and Israel would retain military control over Palestine and the Jordan Valley.

Some are saying Trump’s plan is dividing Israel. In reality the modern state of Israel never attempted to incorporate the land God promised Israel or even the land the modern state of Israel took in war. If anyone is actually now giving up land, it is the unbelieving Jews of Israel who seem to think a future Palestinian State within their promised land could be the solution for peace with the Arabs. The Jews took Judea and Samaria from the Arabs when the Arabs warred against Israel, but now the unbelieving Jews living in Israel appear to be willing to give much of Israel’s ancient lands away for a false hope of peace with the Arabs. Trump is not the blame for this. Let’s put the blame where it really belongs.

Some Bible prophecy proponents are warning that Trump is dividing Israel. However, Trump is actually helping Israel to take possession of their ancient land. Many claiming this proposal divides Israel are ignoring reality. The political situation in Israel is what is really dividing Israel. Political left and the right divides Israel as much as the left and right divide America. The cultural Marxist leftists living in Israel are people given over to reprobate minds as much as the leftists are here.

The people in Israel today are mostly atheists. The UN voted for a state of Israel because Satan wants to destroy the natural descendants of Israel all in one place. The people living in Israel do not even practice the covenant given to Israel because there is no sacrifice. I think God only deals with natural Israel again after the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. Those Jews that came back to the covenant lands mostly trust in self-efforts and worldly protectorates. That is their God. This will only lead to the covenant with the Antichrist. The two witnesses will soon be sent to set the record straight and announce the promised kingdom, but the majority unbelievers in Israel will still choose to reject their message. That is why two-thirds in the land are killed and only one-third refined through the tribulation fires (Zec 13:9).

The godless leftists living in Israel want to remove all Jews from Judea and Samaria. The forced removal of Jews would bring about a civil war in Israel. The Israeli right on the other hand wants to annex the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria. Trump’s peace proposal allows them to do that. If Prime Minster Netanyahu does not annex these lands before the next election, the left will win the next election and that will lead to civil war. The reprobate left would not only divide Israel, they are attempting to destroy it.

Israel should be putting their hope in God for peace, but the unbelievers in Israel are blinded and think they know the way to achieve it. They do not believe their own prophets. They already gave up the Gaza Strip for the hope of peace and that got them nothing in return but more terrorist attacks. There are even greater troubles ahead for the Jews in Israel. Few Christian Zionists will tell the Jews the truth, but the Bible says the unbelievers in Israel are heading for the time named Jacob’s trouble. They will fulfill the 70th week of Daniel where the Jewish State makes a covenant with the Antichrist bringing about their own destruction. Nobody would even survive if Jesus did not come back to save a remnant.

Most Jews in Israel are blinded spiritually, but on a human measure the Jews are gifted with intelligence. Leaders like Netanyahu are actually being quite clever. He knows the so called “Palestinians” (the bulk of them are Arab Jordanians) are not going to accept this deal. The proposed deal is just calling the “Palestinian” leaders bluff. It allows Israel to annex parts of Judea and Samaria under the guise of someday giving the “Palestinians” limited self-rule within Israel’s covenant lands. Once Israel lets the world know that the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria are part of Israel, they will not be giving them up no matter if the “Palestinians” abide by the conditions of the plan or not.

This plan is more of a pragmatic solution to appease the Saudis and a few other “moderate” Arab nations than it is any belief that the plan could actually bring about peace. If the refugees actually wanted their own state in Israel, and actually wanted peace, this is the only way it could happen down the line. This proposal is the golden opportunity and is probably the last opportunity for the “Palestinians” to get limited autonomy on Israel’s covenant lands. Nevertheless, it will not happen, because the “Palestinians” cannot tolerate the existence of Israel. The “Palestinians” are being indoctrinated 24/7 to hate Israel. Nothing is going to change as long as the hate continues.

The major reasons why this two-state peace proposal is not going to happen.

(The plan would be implemented over at least four years. In that time all the following would have to change or take place.)

  • The “Palestinian” Arabs would have to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.
  • The PLO and Hamas would have to disarm.
  • They would have to stop funding the families of terrorists.
  • The “Palestinians” would have to accept a state with limited self-rule where Israel retains total control of borders and airspace.
  • The “Palestinians” would have to agree to a divided Palestine State having more Jewish holes than a golf course  (The Jewish settlements in Judea and Sumeria would be part of Israel).
  • Jerusalem would remain the undivided capital of Israel. The “Palestinians” would not get East Jerusalem.
  • There is no right of return for Arabs that left Israel because of the wars.
  • The “Palestinians” would have to demonstrate that they can govern themselves.
  • The Palestinian state would have to be democratic and be based on western Judaeo-Christian law not Sharia law.
  • The Palestinians would have to stop teaching hate against Israel in their schools.
  • The UN is against this peace plan.
  • The Organization of Islamic Countries is against this peace plan.
  • The Arab league is against this peace plan.
  • Jordan is against the peace plan because Israel has sovereignty over the Jordan Valley.
  • Iran is against this peace plan.
  • Turkey is against this peace plan.

I don’t think it is possible that all this would change anytime soon. I do not believe there can be any peace before a major war changes many things in the Middle East. This peace deal also does not change anything on the Temple Mount or allow Israel to build a Temple at that location. This obviously is not the covenant that will be confirmed by the Antichrist.

President Trump is not dividing Israel. Those saying this deal will bring a curse on America are not seeing things clearly. Trump is not forcing Israel to do this deal. They can do what they want. In fact, Trump is supporting the annexing of the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria. It is very likely that this peace proposal is just the cover to allow Israel to do that. Trump is actually supporting the expansion of Israel into their ancient land and he should be blessed in the minds of those who believe the law of blessing and curses applies to a nation of unbelievers. In other words, those claiming this do not understand that only believers are God’s people, and they have it backwards to boot because President Trump is actually blessing Israel.

America has enough of her own sins to receive judgment at any time. I would even argue that judgment is already happening in America with the reprobate leftists debasing everything the nation ever stood for. This attempt at peace is not what brings judgment on America. Besides, this peace plan is not going anywhere. The enemies of Israel will not accept it.

What is much more likely to happen in the very near future, is that Israel will expand even more as a result of future wars with its enemies. Then post Rapture, the covenant with the Antichrist happens, and the two witnesses come and give the Gospel of the Kingdom to Israel and the world. After the world rejects God’s plan, the reprobates get what they are asking for. They get the Beast/Antichrist who brings the world to destruction in the 42 months allotted to them.

Many broadcasting on media are not being helpful with their constant alarmism about prophetic fulfillment’s that are not actual prophetic fulfillment’s of anything said in the Bible when read in proper context. The coming against Jerusalem and the dividing of Jerusalem in scripture is referring to an event at the very end of the great tribulation. There is no fulfillment or foreshadow now taking place.

This peace plan is not the covenant with the Antichrist and is not likely to even be anything like what the Antichrist will confirm. If the Rapture actually happens this year, I could then be proven wrong.

I do not think we can even be sure what the seven-year covenant with the many is (Da 9:27). There are other explanations than it just being a peace deal with “Palestinian” Arabs. In any case, the Temple has to be standing by the mid-point of those seven-years for the Antichrist to defile it. So, the Temple has to be built prior to the seven-year covenant or be part of that covenant.

More wars are likely to happen before we get there. The end is obviously getting closer, but Trump’s peace proposal falls far short of anything that will actually establish even a temporary peace with most of Israel’s enemies. Don’t blame President Trump for dividing Israel. Put the blame for Israel giving up covenant lands where it really belongs. The unbelieving Jews in modern Israel are not believing God and are not occupying all the land that God promised to a believing Israel.

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Trump peace plan is not dividing Israel and won’t happen anyway — 18 Comments

  1. Excelent explanation and in proper biblical and geopolitical context. May the Lord bless you and continue to use you to help the ekklesia with proper biblical truth. Maranatha!

  2. Regarding “If the rapture happens this year”…

    [I preface the next statement, saying I put my trust in the work of Jesus at the Cross as I/we can only be reconciled to God that way] In any case,

    It could be that Trump (and Pence) may be coming with myself/us at the Ratpure. Even so, the Trump proposal is ultimately meaningless – I think the covenant is more about the future one world leader, which is definitely not Trump (no matter what the godless left says).

    In the mean time, continue the race and the fight to Love the Lord while we are here. Rewards coming [soon]. Blessings.

  3. Hi Don,

    In depth article very good, indeed.

    I have a question about the blessing & cursing.

    The law of blessing and curses in it’s proper context for today is it talking about the believing Jews or all believers? Gentiles alike, sense we are all made up of the body of Christ, Jew first then the Gentile.

    Thanks for responding to my comment from last time I haven’t gotten around to thanking you. (The figuring out the % of the remnant)

  4. Hi Bill B,

    The original promise of blessing those that bless you and cursing those who curse you, was said to Abraham and they would also apply to his descendants. It applies to the elect descendants of Abraham that are counted righteous because they believe God. It also applies to the Gentiles grafted in to the promises given to Abraham, Issac and Israel because they believe God and received Jesus.

    The question is does it apply to the natural nation that descended from Israel? The answer is yes as long as they have not put themselves under the curse. God cursed Israel and kicked them out of His land for their unbelief. He again cursed the nation when they rejected Jesus and they were again kicked out of His land. The Jews are coming back to God’s land today but Jesus will not reverse this curse until this nation of unbelievers says blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.

    The history of the Jews bares out that they are still under the curse. The Jews have been persecuted by the nations since 70 AD. Nothing has changed. The greatest persecution for the Jews is yet future. Obviously God has not been cursing nations that harm unbelieving Jews. The believers of Israel saw the Light and became Christians but the unbelievers remain in darkness and reap their fate. God is allowing these things to happen to Jews because He wants the Jews to repent and be saved.

    After the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, God will deal with unbelieving Israel again for the last week of years allotted to them. At that time God will again offer the Kingdom to Israel. That occurs with the message of the two witnesses. The Israeli nation in general will reject the message and receive the Antichrist. Some in Israel will get the message when the Temple is defiled and they will flee to the mountains. During the fires of the great tribulation God gives the remnant of Israel unmerited grace just as He did the Gentiles. The blinders will be taken off. Then all receiving God’s grace (Jesus) will be saved. At that point Israel is once again God’s covenant nation and the blessings and curses applies to nations dealing with Israel.

  5. Thanks Don,

    Gods plan for redemption is amazing it’s equally amazing how He brings it all together knitting weaving it starting way back in the council of the Godhead.

    The THAT that’s behind all that, the Logos. God’s so amazing! How He wills things in & thru people even when they don’t believe. Just wow.

    God Bless You, indeed.

  6. Obviously, there will be one final Temple in Jerusalem most likely after another Middle East war like : 1948 and 1967; because Jesus Christ Himself guarantees it in Matthew 24 : 15 ! I’m always in awe of those who bring their own weird interpretation of Bible Prophecy and when proven false they don’t apologize like those who were predicting that ISIS would sweep the entire Arab world and begin an Islamic Caliphate, i heard no apologies from those who were proven wrong. And i agree with Bro. Don’s assessment, Israel as it presently is is already divided physically and spiritually ( i hope i’m wording this correctly*) Trump and Kushner are lucky that their plans will NOT ultimately work out in the long run.

  7. Hi Joe,

    There actually will be two more Temples in Israel. There is the Temple the Antichrist defiles and the much larger millennial Temple spoken about in Ezekiel 40 – 48.

    Rob’s comment is only worth deleting, but Ernie commented on it so it remains.

  8. Hi Don.
    If you want to delete Robs comment by all means do so and you can delete mine too and I wont be offended as I think his comment deserves removal. Thanks Don and have a good day.

  9. JUDAISM believes in the Third Temple, they did not accept Jesus. Where does he write about the third temple that it will be built ?? The third temple is not God’s will YHWH. The temple is in heaven “spiritual Jerusalem” “spiritual Israel”

  10. Matthew 24 : 15 says nothing about reconstruction. “abomination of desolation” was already there. They were Roman troops. During the creation of the Lord Israel, no one mentioned the God of the Grandfather YHWH (please look for a speech on the net) and this is the chosen people ?? who sheds the blood of the innocent

  11. Hi Rob,

    We take Bible prophecy literally here not allegorically. Believers are spiritually the Temple of God but prophecies given to Israel still have to be literally fulfilled and that requires a Temple in Jerusalem. The third Temple is also spoken about in Revelation 11.

    The spiritual Church was not even revealed until the Jews rejected their Messiah and Jesus died for all sin and rose from the dead. Matthew 24 and 25 is not directed at the Church. It is talking to Jews. Matthew 24 25 is talking about events before the restored Jewish Kingdom on earth can literally take place.

    The Beast/Antichrist cannot defile a literal Temple if it is not there and the Antichrist does not allegorically defile the Church of God because God would not allow such a thing. Even if you believe there will not be a literal third Temple that the Antichrist will defile, details of even another future Temple is given in Ezekiel 40-48. The detail given makes spiritual allegorisation of what is said just plain silly.

    Read my commenting policy and abide by it or your future commenting will be ended. This website teaches a dispensation futurist interpretation of prophetic scriptures. I am not about to argue covenant verses dispensational theology in the comment section of my Blog.

  12. Hey don, A top israeli rabbi has just announced that he is in direct contact with the messiah!! lol hmm

  13. Do not delete my posts. Try to answer. I’m curious about the end times. I apologize for my poor English. I know the science of the Bible Students.

  14. In actuality, the Roman Legions under the orders of Rome destroyed ( desecrated ) TWO Jewish Temples, one was the Living Temple of GOD : Jesus Christ, pierced and trespassed with : Roman Spears and Roman swords and shortly thereafter in 70 A.D under Roman General Titus they would destroy the other Jewish Temple made of stone in Jerusalem too and their descendants are prophesied to do such an unholy feat one more time not too many years from now.

  15. Hi Joe,

    Good observation. And in the near future the Temple in all remaining Christian believers on earth and the third rock Temple of the Jews will be defiled or destroyed by the descendants of those that destroyed the body of Jesus and the second Temple.