Fantasy replaced science because academia refuse to believe God

Mankind thinks it is becoming enlightened but over the last couple of centuries the human race has replaced real science with fanciful notions that they cannot prove. When academia finds out they were wrong, as they continually do, they just add on more fantasy to their delusion. The fantasy that academia believes spans from cosmology to astrophysics, from evolution to geology, from anthropology to religion.

I have news for Academia. There is no macro evolution. Uniformitarianism is a myth. Scientists cannot determine the age of rocks. The universe is not billions of years old. There was no big bang. There are no black holes, worm holes or dark matter. Outer space is not mostly an empty vacuum, it is full of plasma/ether/inertia. Atomism with its particle physics is false. Stars and planets do not form over millions of years through gravitational forces. If they are being formed now at all, they are being formed much faster by electrical and magnetic forces. There are only three dimensions in the material universe. Einstein’s theory of relativity makes no sense. It is false. There is no speed of light. The so called speed of light is really the measurement of a propagation through a medium. Time is not a dimension, it is the sequence of events.

Theories of fantasy are invented by theoretical mystics that dream up mathematical equations to try prove an old universe but they can prove nothing that they say. And why do scientists come up with fanciful theories that oppose what God said? Because the academic mafia that pays them and that awards them PhD’s insists that they perpetuate their myths. You don’t get a PhD or an employment position by departing from the fantasy that everything in the universe was created by time and chance.

Scientists did not want to believe what God said in Genesis, so a couple of centuries ago they started dreaming things up. After the theory of evolution was dreamed up scientists needed more time to make the fairy tale of evolution sound plausible. So they created billions of years by coming up with the junk science of Uniformitarianism and gravity driven cosmology.

Geology now uses uniformitarianism to falsely date things on earth. The problem is that the earth has not changed gradually. The geological and archaeological record indicates that there were cataclysmic changes only a few thousand years age. The Bible and other ancient writings record a cataclysmic history. The universe was not created by a big bang and gravity over billions of years. Gravity is far too weak a force to ever make cosmic dust to combine into anything.

In the 1950’s Immanuel Velikovsky tried to set science back on a path that could agree with the earth’s actual record. In Worlds in Collision, he claimed that the planets interacted with the earth and brought about catastrophic changes on earth that gave us the present geological and archeological record. The believers in the godless time and chance nonsense tried to get his book banned, but it got published anyway. Then they banned his theories in academia. Velikovsky was not right about everything, but he did not get cataclysm on the earth all wrong. The truth is that the surface of the earth that we can access today, only exists since the time of the biblical flood. The great flood makes all dating based on uniformitarianism wrong.

Velikovsky with his cataclysmic changes and electric universe was not correct about everything, but he was on the right track about some things. Some scientists on the fringes of academia have been refining the electric universe model. As probes are sent into space the theories of mainstream science continue to fail while theories coming from the electric universe proponents that actually use scientific experimentation and observation are found to be correct. For example, there are electrical currents everywhere in space and comets are not dirty ice balls coming from some theoretical ort cloud. Comets are rocky out gassing asteroids. They probably were created by electrical discharges between planets not very long ago.

The electric universe model allows for a young earth and it only takes common sense to believe it. Yet, I do not buy into everything in the electric universe model either. Although I believe this model is closer to the truth most involved in the electric universe project are also trying to explain the universe without acknowledging a supernatural creation and Creator.

Velikovsky also made the mistake of denying the supernatural. For example, he claimed the plagues on Egypt recorded in Exodus were the result of a great comet. That might naturally explain how God chose to deliver some of the plagues on Egypt but some of the details of Exodus can only be explained by direct supernatural intervention. The problem Velikovsky and these electrical universe scientists have is that think the Bible is just another mythology based on what happen globally instead of the absolute truth about the exodus of Israel.

There is plenty of evidence for the electrical universe model. The surface of all rocky planets, comets and asteroids show that they were almost totally shaped by electrical discharges. Electrical discharges do not need billions of years to shape a surface. The cratering, sculpting, ridges etc, seen on surface of the Moon, Mars and all other rocky bodies in space have been duplicated at small-scale in laboratories using nothing but electrical discharges.

Ancient people identified the planets as gods for good reason. It certainly was not because they looked like distant stars. Ancient mythology from all areas of the world mentions the interaction of these so-called gods (planets). The electric universe model explains what the ancients were seeing in the heavens. In early days after creation, the planets had interactions with each other and they also had interactions with the earth. These interactions brought about catastrophic changes on earth so people tried to placate the gods. The planets have since settled down into stable orbits but there probably is a surprise or two still lurking in our future (Nibiru?).

The moon and the planets had huge roles in ancient mythology and the thunderbolt was the weapon claimed in mythology as being the weapon of war used between the gods (between the planets). Imagine electrical discharges between planets much nearer to the earth and what that would have looked like to those living on the earth. The electrical interaction between the planets is why we have the so-called mythology.

Bible prophecy tells us that cataclysm will happen again at the end of the age. Revelation says people will craw in holes in the ground to protect themselves from what they see coming from the heavens. The book of Revelation specifically mentions Wormwood interacting with the Earth. Revelation also says there will be earthquakes greater than ever happened on earth before. It tells us that all islands will be moved out of their place and the earth will stagger and reel like a drunkard. Some Exodus like plagues that could have been caused by interaction with a large body will happen again. However, at the end of this age it will impact first a third of the world in the Trumpet Judgments and then the whole world in the Bowl Judgments.

Scientists are going to look awful foolish with all their fantastical theories that added nothing to technology or human knowledge. Mankind has wasted 100 years by going down the rabbit trail of theoretical fantasy just to prove the universe was created by time and chance. Had academia built on the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, Nikola Tesla and other experimental geniuses that used the scientific method and actual experimentation rather than mathematical theories trying to prove lies, we might have anti gravity machines and limitless energy by now. Had so-called science believed the Bible, they would not still be spinning the truth in the name of science.

One direction all this suppression of truth might take in the near future is that right after some so-called alien disclosure the scientists will claim to have received new knowledge from the “aliens” about the nature of the universe. It could be that secret black government programs knew about the electric universe for a long time and have developed technology that will aid in this great deception. The truths revealed will help make their message seem believable to the world. Nonetheless, had mainstream academia not gone down the rabbit trail to wonderland in the first place, the mad hatters coming out of the abyss might not have seemed so sane.

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Fantasy replaced science because academia refuse to believe God — 42 Comments

  1. This is a terrific article about mankind’s rejection of God, His Son Jesus and His Bible (the Word of God) and what a reprobate mind leads to, i.e. the Big Bang Theory, Earth being millions/billions of years old, there’s no Creator, Earth is not unique, etc.

    Yet sadly, many popular online Christian authors and speakers (Mike Hoggard, Doug Hamp, Kent Hovind, to name just a few) and the majority of born again Christians who reject evolution, instead, they turn around and “allegorize/spiritualize” the Genesis account of the creation of the flat stationary Earth and believe science’s invention that Earth revolves around the sun, that the moon orbits Earth, and that the so called planets are 3-dimensional spheres that revolve around the sun instead of being “wandering stars” as the Bible says.

    These Christians believe in Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity holding the trillions of cubic metres of water from falling into outer space and that people in Antartica, Australia and New Zealand don’t fall off Earth. They diss the Bible’s geocentric cosmology in favor of NASA’s false heliocentric nonsense, that the moon can be landed upon, that the moon’s light derives from the sun instead of God saying the moon is self-illuminating and experiments showing moonlight as being cold.

    The Flat Earth truth, which is proven by over 200 Old and New Testament verses, should not be allegorized, but is to be taken literally. There is no outer space! The overhead firmament is solid with a column of water above it and God’s throne is not millions of miles in outer space but is seated above the highest point of the firmament. Yes, God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ live in water. Shocking truth, isn’t it?

  2. Good article Don. I am a retired nuclear engineer, and have tried to apply the logic used in an engineering document to the quality of the so called scientists who spout evolution and some of the other sciences. Any engineering and scientific study must start with assumptions. These are then applied through a logic or calculation process to reach a conclusion. This conclusion then is compared to real world facts, if the facts do not support the results, then the input of the assumptions must be changed. It is a repetitive process called the scientific method. First, to my knowledge, put forth by Sir Francis Bacon.

    Modern science has become based on the old Greek philosophy of Epicureanism, which denied that the gods interfered with human lives or the universe in any way. The so called scientist will dismiss any information which does not fit their philosophy.

    To make the conclusions that you list, I will concentrate of evolution, but it will apply to others like global warming, they start with the assumption that “there is no supernatural or if it exists it does not affect the natural”. Therefore, when data showing that evolution cannot have happened or did not happen, it is dismissed by so called scientists. In the global warming group they just seem to change data to fit the desired result. Similarly, the gradualist assumptions of everything slowly occurring and ignoring the catastrophe, ignores significant events that can be documented.

    Partially, I believe it is the hubris of the scientist who wants to feel superior to common man, but more so, I think that their funding and support is from our sinful nature, which wants to deny that there is a just God that we will answer to and hold us accountable for our actions. Belief in the pseudo sciences, which do not follow the scientific method, is just another way of people attempting to avoid facing personal responsibility.

  3. Hi Leo,

    Replacing delusions from science with your own delusions about what the Bible actually teaches about the earth and creation is not helpful.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Don. Appreciate the work you do. Stay away from the moonshine this holiday.

  5. I think this Leo character may be trolling us….anyways I watched a video on how plasma could create craters in dirt and rock and found it very interesting.

  6. Flat earthers have been disrupting many christian groups.they load up a group with,not just their post, but all the negative responses to their posts,stopping any meaningful conversation.sorry you got hit with this.your blog has much meat in it..much to think.about.let’s get back to discussing that.

  7. Hi Don,

    I wouldn’t be so quick to discount Leo’s comments. An educated mind can consider an idea without accepting it. From what I’ve been observing, the FE movement is growing exponentially, and it’s bringing people to Christ. What is that quote from the Bible about knowing someone by the “fruits they bear”? It may be worth researching. Be careful, however, to avoid The Flat Earth Society, which is claimed by those in the movement to be controlled opposition.

  8. Thank you, Doug, for not discounting what I posted about the flat immovable/stationary earth truth as described mainly in the Old Testament. I am not a member of the Flat Earth Society which is controlled opposition.

    I have witnessed via personal experience and through YouTube videos and Christian forums the many former atheists who came to accept God’s Bible as true and NASA as a liar. They then accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

    I only had my eyes opened to see the flat stationary earth truth in March 2016 through Rob Skiba who also performed experiments, one being that through a telescope, one shouldn’t be able to see Chicago’s skyline some 60 miles across from a spot on a Michigan shore.

    The two things that got me convinced through scriptures were (1) God created the earth and afterwards the sun and the moon so why would He make the earth revolve around the sun? (2) When Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, the sun indeed stood still. Why didn’t Joshua command the earth to stand still if the earth was revolving around the sun as Copernicus theorized and NASA propagated?

    How come we can see stars through portions of the moon if the moon is a spherical ball? How can two observers see the moon at the same time when the observers are in two cities situated 180 degrees from each other?

    How could Satan show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world at the same unless the earth is flat? Lastly, when Christ returns to earth, how will every eye see Him unless the earth is flat?

    Thank you for allowing me to post all this.

  9. To whom it does apply:

    The earth is a sphere. All you have to do is look at the earth shadow on the moon to prove that truth among a thousand other proofs. You might also look at all the other planets and moons. They all rotate, none of them are flat. I know some of you may think they are just cutout pasties that God stuck on the firmament but let’s get real.

    Yeah, flat earth people can come up with some strange things but nothing that cannot be answered by doing a little research for yourself. You might try that instead of just buying into whatever the loons of YouTube feed you. People claim to have been saved through visions seen in their tea leaves. It means nothing unless they actually believed in the Jesus that all scripture talks about.

    Enough said about the claim of a flat earth! I am trying to get people to believe God instead of scientific theories that say creation and humans came about by time and chance. Flat earthers are making Bible believers look like uneducated idiots. Anything more promoting a flat earth will just be deleted, so save your breath.

  10. Alright am I missing something .I hate to even give this credabilty but am I to believe that all the scientists and researchers and astrologers are in a massive cover up that the earth is flat and for what purpose?And btw you premise that the earth has to be flat for Satan to show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world excuse the pun just doesn’t hold water. Lol and as far as everyone being able to see Christ at once are you forgetting he is God if he wants you to see him you will. I could go on but I think I have made my point

  11. ALLCON

    I believe most of you already know this but as a reminder, one of the enemy’s tactics is to create confusion and distraction through unnecessary discussions. Discernment of such discussions is achieved by daily meditating on the Word with prayer and application. With the Holy Spirit as our teacher, we can be assured the earth is a sphere. The point is, we need to understand the enemy so we can recognize his MO. I agree with Don. Delete the nonsense.

  12. Wow Don, this is an excellent article, and an awesome polemic against the religion of “scientism”, and a clear clarion call for a return to true empirical science based on testable observation. Well done sir!
    With regard to the exact shape of the earth I am unsure, but what is very interesting is how the ancient Hebrew cosmology as laid out in Genesis illustrates a simple vertical linear model with the heaven above, the earth below, with a firmament expanse in between containing the sun, moon, and stars, and the abode of the dead or Sheol under the earth. This model begins with the original divine waters of Genesis 1:2 being separated on creation day two by the firmament into waters above and waters below.
    The rest of the Scriptures with regard to the earth and heavenly luminaries are faithful to support this original model, as demonstrated by the earth being fixed and unmovable with pillars and foundations, with the sun running his race across the sky following his circuit, and culminating with all the stars falling to the earth in Revelation.
    What a stark contrast there is between the biblical model and the current “scientism” model of our textbooks!
    Love your work Don, God bless you!
    Nathan Elledge
    Tyler, TX

  13. Hi Nathen,


    As for Bible cosmology, that is your interpretation of the Biblical cosmology written to people in an era that could not accept anything else. Even so, others do not read what is said the way you suggest and would argue alternatives. One example is the firmament being a layer of water that orbited the earth but collapsed causing the flood. In any case, the reality we can now observe and prove about the earth suggests that those that interpret these passages woodenly missed God’s point.

    Revelation is also a passage that you are taking woodenly. It is not saying the trillions of trillions of stars of the universe will fall to the earth. It suggests that from the point of view of people on earth it will appear that the stars are falling. That happens to a limited degree today in meteor storms. Can you imagine what it will look like when the dust from something like Wormwood hits the earths atmosphere?

    If Christians would just use a little more common sense when interpreting scripture, they would not sound so much like wooded headed morons to the world.

  14. Hi Jim,

    A couple might be the turning of the water into blood and the boils perhaps caused by alkaline red dust in the atmosphere. The great hail plague would be obvious and some other plagues could be the results of a resultant abnormal chemistry causing certain life forms to explode. All such explanations would of course be debatable.

    You can acquire and read Velikovsky’s books for yourself if you want to know how he naturally explained the Exodus plagues. I just remember he attempted to do that within the books written by him that I have read. I have not read his books since the 70’s.

  15. Geesh, talk about memes!
    for what its worth, in the 1978 remake of Invasion of The Body Snatchers, the guy sitting in the San Francisco mudbath spa was reading “Worlds in Collision” about halfway through the movie. Talk about sublimininal suggestion…if you didn’t know about that book, it would have just passed you by.

  16. Hi Michael,

    Back in the days that I read the book I remember hearing a rumor that Albert Einstein was reading Worlds in Collision when he died. What might have changed if he believed what was said and lived awhile longer?

  17. Don, this article comes at the right time. Having a Degree, a Masters, and even a Ph.D. seems meaningless these days. It is a shame to see the scientific community supporting secular ideas in the name of science. I think the reason why science has not thrived this Century is mainly due to secular thinking by most scientists. The sad thing is that unsuspecting people are following them in the thousands, even born-again believers have bought their naturalistic way of thinking like, for instance, billions of years universe, etc., It is certainly clear that these guys are given over to reprobate minds because of their incessant doubt of truth. Some guys have got both intelligence and wisdom, others have only intelligence, while others have only wisdom. It’s important to note that wisdom only comes from God. I have always wondered what will happen to the left behind, but it’s now clear to me that they have been given over to reprobate minds. When the rapture occurs, the beast will just come and tell them that the believers have gone to another planet. It is easy to fool people these days. What amazes me is that a scientist who has a Ph.D. thinks that the big bang created him but ask any high school student about gravity and he will tell you that gravity is a weak force, we defy it all the time. Also, the universe vastness cannot allow gas and dust to collapse (gas pressure), and yet these so-called scientists say they are doing science. Science will never thrive in this century but the good news is that those trust in the Lord will forever remain unshaken.

  18. Hi,

    Since there is an “electro-magnetic” aspect to the conversation, my thoughts changed to unintended or unimagined consequences of an EMP.

    I know that there is speculation of the [uhumm] coincidental occurrences of earthquakes and CERN collider activities (I refuse to use the term “experiments” in reference to CERN).

    I have not read anything out there with regard to EMP (although I am no longer looking as intently as, say, a decade ago) relating to earthquakes and the like.

    On an aside, since we’re about to head into 2019, I am no longer concerned (or mildly obsessed) with the future actions of mankind (i.e., first four seals and the lead up/into thereof), for a couple reasons — mostly, time is short and what occurs to America is now compressed (there is another blog that Don penned about how we could be [now] less than even a decade off from the rapture).


  19. A year ago or so we had a discussion on the Gap Theory which was almost unanimously discounted. Shortly after I was watching a Chuck Missler video and he said he believed there was a “time delay” between Gen: 1:1 and 1:2. He said he didn’t believe in the Gap Theory as it’s presented. I waited for more explanation but Chuck didn’t give any. I can’t provide a link because I don’t remember which subject he was preaching on but I thought it was fascinating.

    Creationists and Scientists, for the majority, agree that once creation began it was continuous, without interruption. They disagree on how.

    Y’all are going to get me for this but I don’t see how a time delay takes away from the Genesis account of creation.

  20. Hi Caitlin,

    I am not going to get into speculation about a gap between Gen 1:1 and 1:2 because that is human conjecture and is not something that God said. It also would become a rabbit trail

    More in line with the subject of the post, some proponent of the electric universe model claim a gap may have happened. They claim the earth was in the solar system of a brown star that became Saturn and the fall by Saturn caused the extinction. If you do a search on the “thunderbolts project”, you will find hundreds of YouTube video discussing everything under the sun.

    I personally think they are replacing bad science with new theories that might better explain how the Earth and Universe came to be, but with their limited knowledge it also is mostly a lot of human conjecture.

  21. The reason why a gap would be unbiblical and injurious to the Gospel is allowing for death and decay before sin entered. Death and decay were specifically results of Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden. If you have destruction/chaos/ruination/loss of perfection BEFORE sin then this violates the Gospel which specifically states that sin brought forth death. Remove the consequence of sin and you’ve agreed with Satan’s claim of “what’s the big deal?” Answers in Genesis has wonderful apologetics on this if you are interested.

  22. This idea of electric universe has a lot of problems than the big bang, no wonder the scientific community has remained silent about this new model. As a physicist my self, the electric universe assumes the universe is eternal, a complete violation of the 2nd law of conservation of energy and mass. Since space has tiny charged particles, it means usable energy in these particles is not running down. As someone has said, it is very easy to fall into the science of naturalism. The universe was created 6000 years ago, and the flood made the earth look old, period! Leo Wong, the earth is a sphere, if you want to know it is a sphere, just look at the moon’s shadow, and that is it. You asked how will people see Jesus during his return? Hey, there is YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, TV, and even this website…

  23. Hi Frank,

    The electric universe people I have listen to claim the age of the universe is unknown and is much smaller than the big bang and gravity model. They say red shift is an indicator of youth and not an indicator of distance. The speed of light also could be instantaneous. Observing the illumination that the radiation causes adds the time. If that is true, no need for light years for starlight to be seen.

    I may be wrong but I think they would claim that Plasma and Ions are being regenerated by the spinning stars that they claim are electromagnet generators. Nothing has to run down in God’s universe. I think the laws now observed would only exist since the fall.

  24. Hi Don.

    I’m only on chapter one of The Electric Universe and I’m already stumped. You wrote, “There is no speed of light, it is instantaneous. The so called speed of light is the measurement of the time for light to bounce off by energetically interacting with matter.”

    They refer to light years when measuring distances in space. I can understand a constant like 186,000 miles per second but what is the time it takes for light to bounce off by energetically interacting with matter if it is instantaneous?

    I think the series will be very interesting so I’ll keep going but I’m certain I’m going to spend a lot of time lost.

  25. Hi Caitlin,

    The speed of light, whatever light is, is not constant. They only tested the speed of photons in a vacuum measured round trip. They have never measured the one way speed of light.

    What is light anyway? They claim it is photons that either move as a particle or as a wave but they also claim photons have no mass. Then why must something with no mass have to obey laws of the speed of mass? Does a proton know it is limited by a mass formula? What is a proton anyway? Maybe it can be broken down into smaller particles and what is their speed? What is the speed of the smallest sub particles that God created through space plasma and why is their speed limited to that of a proton traveling through a vacuum? Space is not an empty vacuum anyway. What is the speed of water horizontally after an earthquake causes a wave? The water molecules do not move move horizontally. So why would you measure the speed of the wave and then call that the speed of water?

    They might solve some of this by learning about the speed of gravity in the electrical universe but that also appears to be instantaneous. The electrical universe people claim everything in the universe is connected to everything else so information is exchanged in real time. If that is true, then why can’t electromagnetic radiation generated somewhere in the universe appear instantaneously as electromagnetic radiation (light) to everything else in the universe.

    What is the speed of Gravity? Tell me that and we might have a better handle on light.

    The source for what I surmised in my previous comment is the following article. I might not have understood it all correctly but I do not think our scientists have much figured out either.

    By the way, the Electric Universe is just one book by one person. There are other books like the Plasma Universe out there and there are many variations to these theories on the Internet. The Thunderbolt project on YouTube is the best source for this stuff. Have fun learning what we are not going to figure out before the second coming. I mention this stuff because the stuff they are now teaching as science to make creation the result of time and chance are nothing more than fairy tales.

  26. Don, I agree that light is instantaneous for two reasons. First, nobody has actually measured starlight outside the influence of our sun’s gravity. Secondly, for starlight to travel billions of light years using the constant speed of 299000m/s, there is no doubt that it will fade while in transit and not seen at all. Since there are charged particles in space, it is obvious that light waves or photons produced from these charged particles will be connected electronically with starlight. Think of it this way, imagine lighting a candle here on earth and watching it on planet Pluto, there is a big probability that you’ll never see that light but if you electronically connect it, it will a different story.

  27. I have read very knowledgeable rebuttals of Darwin’s theory only for the author to say he still denies a creator at the end. It astounds me really. People will admit evolution is incompatible with science and yet still say it must be true somehow.

  28. I never read the Velikovsky book about the collective amnesia but my God, that makes so much sense. If the collective unconscience cant remember what happened so many years ago, how easy would it be for satan to inject a false memory to woo away people from Scripture?

  29. Hi MichaelMerola,

    The false memories are taught by our public educational and corporate media (indoctrination systems). Most people cannot learn such things for themselves. They just trust that the system will teach them the truth. Science, politics and religions usually just teach the sheeple what they want them to believe.

  30. I usually explain to people that the scientific fields are run by doctrines. Doctrines up here, and science down here. Everything has to agree with the doctrine or else it is thrown out. The fact that thousands of rock layers could form in minutes and trees running through multiple layers does not agree with the doctrine makes logical conclusions of those facts “anti-science”.

    Don. I would like to give my input on the first comment about the earth being flat and your response to it. It is important to debunk something with facts. Something can be wrong but your debunking of it could also be wrong. There are historical testimony about “Horizontal Eclipses” where the sun and moon are both in sky and the moon becomes eclipsed. This led to a theory that there is a non luminous body which eclipses the moon and not the shadow of the earth. Also flat earthers actually have fairly logical replies to the most asked questions (I have looked into it). For instance we observe a boat disappearing over the horizon (behind curvature). However when you take out your binoculars the boat comes into focus again. Then when it sinks under the horizon again you can bring it into view again with a telescope. This of cause is easily verifiable. So the argument (or conclusion) obviously is that the boat is not obscured by the curvature of the earth.

    Reading your article I became very interested in the electrical universe. Where can I learn more?

  31. Hi Joseph,

    The answer to strange observances in the sky may have been due to cataclysmic events like I suggested in the article. A flat earth is total check your brain at the door stuff. I did give one fact. The earth’s shadow on the moon is that of a sphere. I am not debating the flat earth nonsense here you can find websites that exist to play that game. By the way, there is nothing flat in a universe shaped by electrical forces. I give a link to more information on the electrical universe in the article. Just search the thunderbolt project.

  32. Hi Don. Thanks for reply.

    “By the way, there is nothing flat in a universe shaped by electrical forces.”

    I believe in a spherical earth. Never argued for a flat earth. I simply mentioned the fact that there are testimony about “Horizontal Eclipses” where sun and moon is in the sky at same time and the moon became eclipsed. These testimonies go back for centuries. NASA does not predict eclipses based on modern astronomy but based on the method used by the Chaldeans thousands of years ago. Newton and Claudius’ astronomers used this method to make accurate predictions of eclipses. Though we know how to predict them, the reason for lunar eclipses are not settled apart from the conventional shadow of the earth theory.

    I don’t think its a “check your brain at the door” thing. At first I did. But my position is you can say anything as long as you give me hard empirical evidence. The reason for this partly is that the scientific community also dismisses us Christians as a “check your brain at the door” group.

    So when you say x, I say, okay what’s your evidence. But yes, enough of that.

  33. It is a check your brain at the door thing. To believe what flat earther’s suggest means that all Christian scientists and all Christian political figures have to be complicit in some grand Satanic conspiracy to deceive everyone on earth.

  34. Hi Don,

    What would you say about skeptics who criticize others who say there is no afterlife or those who’ve had near death experiences or out or body experiences? I find it impossible that we are just here and there isn’t a creator. The universe is perfectly put together and the human body is fascinating how it works, also DNA, that can’t be an accident.

  35. Hi Donovan,

    If they cannot see the truth revealed in creation, the Word of God, and in the grace of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, they are not going to be convinced by any arguments that I bring up. In other words, they are without excuse because God was revealed to them and they rejected Him.

    We were told to preach the gospel so those with ears to hear, believe and be saved. Those that reject the God given truth are condemned already. Those that deny God do do so because they are of their father the devil.

  36. Don, you really can’t say that the age of the universe is unknown when, in fact, the Genesis account has given us the correct age to be around 6000 years? Science involves real observation, and NO one has ever observed the cosmos except our creator God. So, the idea of electric universe for me is not science. In fact, scientists still do not know exactly how the universe operates. They do not know what gravity is. There is no scientific theory (electric, big bang) that can explain the origin of the universe. The universe was simply spoken into existence. To say that a star can be formed by magnetic and electric forces is false. A star is powered by thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen and helium in its core. The core must have a temperature of about 24 million degrees to initiate a nuclear chain reaction. The star must also collapse. Gas and dust have weak magnetic property and temperature to form a star. But I agree with you that electric charges can cause cratering on the moon and planets but anything rather than that I do not agree. Forget what you have heard on the mainstream media, NASA or electric universe enthusiasts. Stars never form naturally. That said, it will not be a very long time before scientists finally accept the creation account as it is the most viable model but sadly it will be too late.

  37. Hi Frank,

    You claim it says in Genesis that the universe is about 6000 years old. I am sure you know it really does not say that. I am also sure you can tell us why you believe the Bible teaches the universe is about 6000 years old but others would disagree with that dating for a number of reasons.

    I agree that creation was spoken into existence, but that does not prove one way or the other if the gravity fusion model or the electric model is the model that God spoke into existence.

    You dogmatically claim that a star is powered by thermonuclear fusion. The electric universe theory refutes the gravity fusion concept and gives many reasons why they believe even our own sun is not powered by fusion.

    The electric universe proponents claim stars can be formed swiftly in as little as a few decades. I do not think we can assume that God did not make it possible for new stars to form in space.

    Many Christian scientists already accept the creation account. After Jesus returns, I bet they all will.