Forget about global warming natural cycles indicate global cooling

2021 update: Forget about global warming, it is not happening. After the mid February 2021 wake up call, you may want to prepare for the global cooling that could have major impacts on all of our lives within a couple of years. By the way, much of the northern hemisphere had recorded breaking cold temperatures in 2021.

As I indicated in my previous article, most modern science is no longer based on empirical science. Climate science is no exception. The climate always changes on earth but human activity is not the cause for climate change. What I am about to write about does not come from the scientific consensus. They do not have a good track record. The wisest man who ever lived told us that what happened in the past will happen again. This article is based on reoccurring natural climate cycles on earth.

Forget what the so-called scientific consensus tells you about climate change. Increases in carbon are not driving climate change. Empirical science shows that any increase in carbon follows global warming, it does not precede it. The truth is that the earth’s climate since the great flood has been cyclical. The climate on earth changes due to natural cycles. The sun, moon, position of planets, volcanoes, ocean currents, distance from the sun, cloud cover and ice cover are the major controllers of those climate cycles.

The recent warming on earth and in our solar system is the result of natural cycles. The same natural cycles now indicate that the earth is now about to get colder not warmer. The sun is the primary driver of climate change and the proof is found in the historical records and in the solar system. All planets in our solar system have warmed recently, obviously humans have nothing to do with the warming observed on them.

The U.S. government just released a report warning about global warming. This report came from those whose jobs and funding depends on selling global warming. They cherry pick the data. They just ignore anything that does not agree with the politically motivated warming agenda. Some of these people even adjust and falsify readings to convert more people to their warming religion. Those writing such reports mostly continue to base their human caused warming myth on prejudiced and unverifiable mathematical models, not on empirical science.

These mathematical models have been proven to be wrong for the last 20 years but their models are all they have to keep the pseudo science carbon warming agenda going. They do not even use the best climate models to forecast the future. Instead they just combine the results of their better models with their poorer models, average it all out, and report this average to you as if it were scientific truth. If you remember, their model consensus said the arctic would be ice-free by 2013. It is now almost 2019 and the ice pack at both poles are above average and growing.

Contrary to faulty computer models, empirical science indicates that climate changes occur in cycles and some of those cycles have a direct relationship to what is happening on the sun. The earth in modern times was warming due to a natural 200+ year cycle. Just a decade or two ago we were at a peak solar maximum in this cycle. We now have entered the cooling phase of this natural cycle. We are rapidly heading toward what is known as a grand solar minimum.

The last grand solar minimum happened in the early 1800’s. The grand solar minimum before that was the so-called mini ice age of the 1600’s. The historical cyclical climate data can be determined by tree rings, ice cores and historical accounts. There are those using empirical science that have figured some things out about recurring cycles and how that affects climate on earth.

For information on the 200+ year solar cycle you might research information from John Casey. He wrote Dark Winter, Cold Sun and Upheaval. There is also a recent sun phase theory developed by physicist Valentina Zharkova. By studying solar phases she has also come to the conclusion that there will be a grand solar minimum around 2030. There also are Russian scientists that say the earth is heading toward a grand solar minimum. If Putin believes them, it very well could be the reason for the recent moves toward securing the Black Sea and perhaps soon the Ukrainian bread basket.

There are many natural cycles that point to global cooling peaking sometime around 2030. There is a website that keeps up with the latest on all this. The name of the website is fittingly called The Grand Solar Minimum.

The number of sunspots are a clear indication of solar maximums and minimums. The sun has a number of cycles but the most commonly known cycle is the eleven year cycle. The sun changes magnetic polarity about every eleven years. Each cycle has a peak of sunspots about halfway through the cycle. When there are many sunspots the top portion of earth’s atmosphere called the thermosphere is much hotter than when there are few sunspots. We are now very near the end of solar cycle 24 and the sun is almost sunspot free. The thermosphere of earth is close to being a modern record cold.

The sunspot activity should be picking up again sometime in 2019 or 2020 until it reaches the solar maximum of solar cycle 25. A grand solar minimum occurs when there are several cycles in a row that have declining sunspot numbers. That grand solar minimum seems to occur in cycles of about 200 years. What people like John Casey are saying is that the last grand minimum occurred in the early 1800’s and that there is a great deal of evidence that the next will occur around 2030.

The recent eleven year solar cycles records seems to support the claim that we are entering a solar grand minimum. Solar cycle 24 had fewer sunspots than cycle 23 and cycle 23 had less spots than cycle 22. Solar sunspot activity has fallen around 50 percent since the peak of the global warming trend that occurred near the turn of the century. The earth has not warmed any further in the last twenty years and for the last two years temperatures are falling rapidly.

We will know by 2023 or 2024 if this declining sunspot trend continues into cycle 25. If the peak of cycle 25 has less than 50 to 60 sunspots, than a 2030 grand solar minimum will be realized. Cycle 26 then would have even fewer sunspots or even almost no sunspots at all. By 2024 we should know just how cold it will get. There is some dispute on what will happen in cycle 25. I have seen reports that give explanations why the sunspots for cycle 25 will be about the same as it was for cycle 24. If that actually turns out to be the case, the grand minimum could be pushed into the future for another cycle or so. We shall soon see. Even so, the climate of the earth will still trend cooler not warmer.

Another measure for future global temperatures is the temperature of the thermosphere. If it stays cold like it is now, the temperatures at the poles in the winter will trend colder. There is always a lag. Any global cooling caused by a cold thermosphere is not going to show up on most of the planet for a long time. The first thing you will see is more ice cover at the poles and more severe arctic outbreaks during the winter. There are signs that may be happening.

The last two times a grand solar minimum happened there was less than 1 billion people on the earth and famine caused by crop failures and disease reduced earth’s population. Now there will be about 8 billion people to feed. The deepest cooling is projected to be over a 20 to 40 year period starting around 2020. It will not be cold every year but there would be a general cooling trend. In some years it will be cold enough for crops in northern latitudes to fail. If a major volcano explodes during this cooling period like happened during past grand minimums, the earth would cool further. The result of that would be major crop failures and world famine.

There also seems to be some relationship to these solar cycles and the position of gas giant planets around the sun. People using computers to study past positions of the gas giants and then correlating them to earth’s climate records also forecast a period of cooling starting around 2020. It is only logical to me that the large gas planets would have some impact on the sun. The gas giants have gravitational effects on the sun as well as electromagnet effects.

Another climate factor we need to keep in mind is that declines of electromagnetic radiation from the sun allows for more deep space cosmic radiation to hit the earth. There has been measurable increases in cosmic radiation since the last solar peak. More cosmic rays hitting the earth atmosphere results in more cloud formation (I am not going to get into the theory why that happens here). More clouds mean more cooling of the earth because clouds reflect back solar radiation.

There are other dangers besides global cooling that occur during times of grand solar minimums. The magnetic shield around the earth also weakens during minimums. That means even a moderate solar event could produce Carrington like electrical surges on earth. In other words, the electrical grids and the satellites can be in more danger.

Further, for reasons that I cannot get into here, the most powerful earthquakes and the most powerful volcanoes occur during solar grand minimums. According to John Casey, at the peak of the cooling around 2031 or even as soon as 2023, we should expect a large volcano to go off that will result in at least one year without a summer. That happened in 1816 when Mount Tambora went off. Casey and others are monitoring three major volcanoes because they say any one of them might fulfill that prediction. If that happens, there will be worldwide crop failures and famine. Likewise, massive earthquakes like the one that occurred on the New Madrid in 1811 and 1812 could cut off fuel and transportation lines for much of America for a couple of years.

Ocean currents are also cyclical. Some studying ocean currents are also saying that weakening ocean currents will soon bring global cooling. The ocean currents apparently are cyclical and some studying this are saying the currents are related to cyclical positions of the moon around the earth. That makes sense to me because the gravitation effect of the moon obviously moves water around.

This all sounds fitting to fulfill some things said in Revelation. When the rider of the Black Horse rides there is famine on earth. Crop failures also could be the motivation for Gog (Russia) to come down against Israel to take a spoil. Taking cattle and goods are specifically mentioned as motivations in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy. If a year or two without a summer occurs at northern latitudes, livestock and crops would be wiped out there. World food shortages could be so great that nobody would be exporting food to north land nations.

Global cooling would bring a huge rise in food prices and plagues would sweep the earth like they did in the other global cooling eras of the past. It would bring about a worldwide collapse of the economic system. Most of what people earn would be needed to just purchase enough food. Manufacturing would come to a screeching halt. Those holding the debts of others will never be paid.

I can see global cooling fitting right into the end of the age prophetic timeline. Global government will become necessary to manage the crisis. The Roman Catholic Church and other religions that join with her (The Harlot of Revelation 17) under the direction of global government will likely get the task of carrying out the food rationing. Notice that meat is not mentioned in the Black Horse famine of Revelation. The ration mentioned is grain. During the period when the Pale Horse rides they could forbid the eating of meat because animals eat a lot of grain. Not so long ago the Roman Catholic Church use to say it was a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays, so decrees forbidding the eating of meat have precedence under the Roman Harlot. The famine could be the same reason that the daily sacrifices are stopped on the Temple Mount.

I can see the possibility of a solar grand minimum setting up things for the tribulation. I am not saying this is the way it will actually happen. Even so, I am sure that globalists will use famine and the Harlot to install their global government. The Death and Hades that follows the Revelation Pale Horse just might be directly related to the Harlot of Revelation 17 as Bible Prophecy teacher Bill Salus teaches. It is now difficult to see how the Woman rides the Beast into power, but Revelation tells us that the Black Horse with world famine precedes the Pale Horse. World famine obviously would result in religious based food distribution, rationing and related social justice programs.

Those that study Bible prophecy often wonder how the Roman Empire and Rome could ever rapidly rise again to fulfill end time prophecy in our generation. One answer could be that if it got really cold in northern Europe the headquarters of the EU probably would be moved south from Brussels to Rome. Northern European nations would lose influence as their populations move south. Remember, most of Europe has no real borders anymore. Those in the EU can migrate anywhere in the EU. Great wars, migrations and reductions in population always accompany periods of global cooling.

Think of this possible scenario. The earth cools, crops fail and great wars begin. This brings unprecedented famine because of the earth’s recent population explosion and because nations are no longer stockpiling food like they have in the past. Then along comes a message from an apparition called the Queen of Heaven, Isis, Mary, Gaia, the divine mother or ilk, giving specific directions to people on earth to save the world. People are told they need to form a one world religious and global system for mankind to survive. The headquarters of both systems become located in Rome. The world religious system is given the task of enforcing local rationing programs throughout the world. There are too many people to feed in the world so the Harlot comes up with her own ways to eliminate people who will not conform. Death and Hades is the result, as is the persecution of true believers in the Lord as spoken about at the fifth seal.

The complete grand minimum cooling cycle will be cut short because God and His angels will change things in the tribulation. Wormwood mention in Revelation or something else will change the course of our planet around the sun and move us into a more favorable orbit and tilt for the thousand-year reign of Jesus. At the very least the crust of the earth will slip and the bulk of the land masses will exist in more favorable climate zones.

I have always figured that the great end of the age harvest would come when the population peaks on earth. The warming of the last 200 years allowed for that great end of the age population explosion. On our present course the world population would be peaking around 2050. However, insert sudden global cooling and the population of the earth will start declining right after the crops begin to fail. A 2030 peak cooling and peak population on earth would be right on schedule for my other tribulation projections.

The top satanic elite must be aware of the soon coming global cooling. So why are the elite pushing global warming? We did have warming recently so the nonsense that humans and carbon caused the warming was an easy sell. The warming agenda is really about control and raising taxes for globalization. It also could be a misdirection so nations would not prepare for the coming cooling. Then when the cooling starts global government becomes essential for central management of the earth’s resources. Perhaps the real reason for the push for no borders and migration in the EU is that the Luciferian elite know when the cooling starts the Roman Empire will rise again as the focus pushes toward southern states, North Africa and the Middle East. Not to mention that certain Luciferian elite have said they want a culling of the population.

The good news is that during this end of the age grand solar minimum that results in the great harvest, there would be no reason for true believers to be part of the significant population reductions on earth. Therefore, I think the Rapture would occur before the famine. First fruits are picked before the general harvest.

Natural trends indicate that noticeable global cooling could begin as soon as this year or next year. That will mean rising food prices. So you might want to stock up on food and make other wise preparations. Of course, this cooling might not happen at all because God is ultimately in control of climate and if He wants further warming to support more people on earth then the harvest would be delayed.

I think you can figure out for yourself if cooling starts happening or not. One good indicator will be low sunspot numbers during upcoming solar cycle 25. Another is a growing amount of ice at the poles with more severe arctic outbreaks. Whatever turns out to be the case, in this era of just-in-time-inventory with total dependence on electricity, it is always wise to have a stock of food on hand. We are the only generation that ever lived on earth that seems to think differently. Believing that God would not allow anything like this to happen is not faith, it is unfounded presumption. It has happened several times since the birth of Jesus and when it did happen the cold and population reductions also impacted Christians.

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Forget about global warming natural cycles indicate global cooling — 40 Comments

  1. This may or may not be related to the cyclical solar changes mentioned in your article – but what do you think about 2 Peter 3:10 (where it is written that at the day of the Lord, the very elements will melt with fervent heat.. both the earth and the works in it will be burned up)? Is that a literal reference to the global climate at that time, or could it be the hand of God that somehow changes the course of things during the grand solar minimum? I know this might sound silly but I was taught that as the Bible says the Earth will be judged by fire, so that ties in with the fact that the earth also is warming up to ‘unprecedented degrees’.

    Great article by the way! Have really enjoyed reading your posts.

  2. Don,

    As always, I (we) appreciate your blogs and keeping at this important ministry (if I may call it that).

    Favor to ask, since I am not necessarily keeping track of the solar weather watch: if you can post back at some point in the future (presuming we’re still here) if solar cycle 25 goes as you think it will?

    I am wondering, as I get older, if the cold will also impact my (our) health. Hmmm.


  3. Hi Natalie,

    I believe Peter is talking about what happens after the thousand year reign of Christ just following the last rebellion. At that time the earth will be destroyed by fire. After this there will be a new heaven and earth. It could happen naturally by a nova on the sun or supernaturally. Climate will have nothing to do with it. Read my last article it addresses the cataclysmic changes on the earth. These cataclysmic changes will happen again in the tribulation but the destruction of the fallen creation will happen 7000 years from the fall. Then God creates all things new.

  4. Hi Craig,

    I think those with a brain will know by 2024 if it’s getting colder. For the rest on earth there would be no point in even bringing it up.

  5. It seems that no matter what happens the globalists use any change in weather to justify a NWO. If it’s too cold its humans fault. Too warm its humans fault too. They say we must ration. I guess it’s ok for them to fly around on fossil fuel burning private jets cause they are enlightened lol.

    It’s been very cold in upstate NY the last few winters. Colder than I remember it being 20 years ago. We get lots of freezing Arctic blasts lately. If family wasn’t here I’d move south.
    I still question why Gog comes specifically to invade Israel. Does no other country around have goods to plunder? Gog comes with a great host of allies. Does none of them have supplies? Why not invade southern Europe? Will it be a similar situation ti Joseph in Egypt where the Israelites are the smart ones stockpiling food beforehand? It doesn’t seem like a sneak attack considering the prep time needed for such a force. Maybe it’s not for us to know. There is a chance it happens after the rapture.

  6. Hi Don, I have a question concerning an EMP scenerio or other event that could totally take out the electric grid or send humanity back to the 18th century. How could such events happen while keeping the technology needed to operate the beast one-world system in place. It seems like the infrastructure for surveillance and control of buying and selling must be operational until well into the tribulation. I would love to hear your views.

  7. Hi Jim,

    I have previously suggested that there will be an ongoing war in Eastern Europe before the Gog invasion. That is the reason for the assembly of a great army. I am not saying the crop failures would be the only reason Gog comes down. The crop failures could however put the idea in Gog’s mind to get supplies. The other nations that come with Gog might just want to jump on the invasion wagon for their own hated of Israel reasons. Southern Europe is not an easy target for anyone especially if NATO is in a conventional or proxy war with Russia over control of Eastern Europe.

    The other countries around Israel look like desert because they are deserts. In the Middle East Only Israel figured out how to grow crops in a desert. Much of the produce in Europe during the winter comes from Israel.

  8. israel is soon going to be supplying gas to greece italy and cyprus and all of europe eventually and russia will not like that at all… it could be a reason why russia comes down to take a spoil and eliminate israel

  9. Hi Jennifer,

    Humanity is not going to be set back to the 18th century at least not before the judgements on the Beast. Nuclear EMP’s are limited to line of sight. If there was one high above the U.S., it would not impact nations in other areas of the world. Even a solar EMP would mostly be limited to land areas facing the sun when the major part of the pulse hit. It takes a solar pulse a couple of days to get to earth and they know how to shut down satellites if they see one coming. So, most of them probably would survive anything the sun will spit at the earth.

    For more information I have written a number of articles on EMP’s you can find them from the search box near the bottom of my homepage.

  10. This article is right on time. Btw Don just like it says in the bible all of creation is groaning because of sin did you happen to see Alaska had a bunch of earthquakes 7.0 not that it’s related to what you’re article is about. just my opinion but I think something must take place to bring about the end times .When the bible talks about Gog (Russia) coming to take cattle I take the word literally and believe they’re will be a food shortage also if my memory is correct didn’t it say they would be on horses?

  11. Hi Greg,

    It does mention horses and horsemen. Some think Ezekiel could just be describing a mechanized cavalry. Having said that, the nations northeast of Israel do have a lot of horses. If this occurs toward the end of the tribulation, there could be few manufactured weapons remaining to fight this war with. I also would not rule out an atmosphere that is corrosive and abrasive to metal.

  12. I’ve read about “The Year Without Summer,” 1816 Mt. Tambora volcano. I think I even said something about it on an earlier blog here. That was in present day Indonesia and effected parts of North America, Europe and Asia. I’m writing this from memory but I think it was in the Bengal area the year without summer actually lasted about three years. The famine was so severe parents were selling their children or killing them because they couldn’t feed them.

    Also a few weeks ago Life, Liberty and Levin had a guest climatologist on the show. Patrick Michaels. (This from memory too.) He said that of all the government models that are running only one is working correctly and that is the Russia model. It’s running alot lower than the warming/hot models which have been manipulated.

  13. Hi Don,

    This idea of a cooling/mini ice age is being talked about a lot on the Internet. It just makes sense that the sun is involved in the temperature here on earth. How the Global Warming crowd can deny this is a head-scratcher. Global warming is a lot like evolutionism. No matter what the evidence, it can always be twisted to support the theory. I just read what I thought was a good an article over on Lew Rockwell’s site; it dovetails nicely with what you wrote:

  14. Don, the article is right on. In Rev 16:8 we are told that power was given to the sun to scorch men, which makes me think that the sun was somewhat “dormant.” What’s the angel’s point of pouring the bowl on the sun? May be people were freezing cold, and probably wanted the sun to warm them up

  15. Hi Doug,

    Interesting article. I am not predicting a mini ice age like they suggest and neither is John Casey. If a little ice age happened, over half the world would starve and widespread famines would continue to go on for generations. I am just suggesting a grand solar minimum like occurred in the early 1800’s. Even with that I am saying the cooling will be cut short by the tribulation events.

    I see they mentioned pollution and carbon dioxide as a cause for the cooling. That is nonsense, 95 percent of this stuff is not man caused, it comes from nature. It Looks to me like some are already setting the stage to blame mankind for the coming global cooling. Remember back in the 70’s man made aerosols were going to cause an ice age.

    It already is beginning to sound like when this global warming agenda flips to global cooling they will also blame mankind for that climate change. They then will make ice age claims even crazier than the warming hysteria. Then they will say global government with total management of the earth’s resources is needed for mankind to survive the climate change.

  16. Hi Frank,

    I don’t think the great heat of Rev 16:8 will be for any counteraction to people being cold. That would be a blessing, this heat is a judgment. The great heat from the sun gives people a taste of the Lake of Fire so they will choose Christ and not go there.

  17. I find it rather interesting that Monsieur Macron is about to be “hoisted on his own petard.” His rabid adherence to his global warming/climate change religion may be his undoing. I have to give it to the French. They have woken up and smelled ze cafe. They are finally saying enough to being told what to do “and you better like it.” I wish the American people would have done the same when Obamacare was implemented and all the other regulations that have been foisted on us. Here in Kalifornia we really feel the boot on our neck with all the climate change taxes and regulations. Once, not so very long ago we had the guts to say enough with the immortal words “when in the course of human events……”

  18. Hi all,

    This site is one of the best to aggregate information debunking
    “The Church of Climatology”

    And Don mentioned the global flood. This guy, Dr. Grady McMurtry has one of the best presentations I’ve ever seen. Part one linked below, but other 4 parts on same channel well worth the total of less than an hour to watch. He goes into climate changes after the flood too.

    When I saw his presentation, afterwards, I obtained his sylibus on Jewish feasts and Festivals, a resource I made very good use of over the years.

    He is a former non-believer, and always a scientist. PhD in Geology I think it was. Giving presentations at churches all over the country. There are video’s where he gives more on his background.

  19. Yes Don, with the wicked takover of America fully underway, climate change one of their biggest lies, and the recent north pole weather moving down to south Texas, I expect anything now. Will summers be cooler? Seems if they say the earth is warming, then we may get the opposite. Summer here is typically over 100 quite often, so I would be happy with cooler. But this past polar vortex of February 2021 is something I am sure none of us enjoyed.

  20. According to Revelation, GOD controls ‘Human Weather’ and HE is going to increase the temperature in the Tribulation period, He is neither going to kill everyone with Heat nor Freeze everyone with Ice , but He is going to make it very uncomfortable for all who don’t repent then ( Revelation 16 : 9 )

  21. Hi Joe,

    Yeah, but keep in mind that the great heat is a sudden event unique to late in the great tribulation. My point is that global cooling and crop failures could lead us to food rationing and world government.

  22. I have recently been thinking about this article you wrote a couple years ago and wondered if you were going to repost it in light of the extreme weather across the country this past month. I bought the book you referenced, Dark Winter, and gave it to friends and family last year for Christmas. Very interesting. Thank you for reposting this article so more people can read it!

  23. Don. please forgive my drifting here, because I understand this is a serious blog talking about serious topics and commentated on by a serious man, you. That being said, I beg to challenge one area you spoke of: Solomon being the wisest man who ever lived. The man had 700 wives and 300 concumbines or was it visa versa? Either way…..seriously? He was SO smart that he had the above collections of wives and dollies in his life? ONE is a handful!!!! He might have been the wisest man who ever lived but he was a little short in the common sense area!!! I just thought a little chuckle would be good.

  24. I believe that GOD gave him the wisdom to govern Israel and he did so bringing incredible wealth, law, justice etc. But the wisdom to govern his sexual life was not of GOD, he was very spiritually unwise, he let the lust of his eyes get the better of him in the end

  25. Like Solomon came to realize and wrote about, it’s all vanity for humans living according to the flesh. On topic, this king of Israel was wise enough not to try to stop people from burning things to stay warm and eating meat. Our modern kings show they have no wisdom about even worldly things. They have reprobate minds, but foolish humans still follow them to their destruction.

  26. Our so called “elected leaders” in America now do not even know there are only 2 genders, so wisdom in our government for the most part is non existent. I would even say that if they think the globe is warming, that God may give us the opposite, extreme cold to show them how foolish their wisdom is. What will people do if we have extreme cold weather and then lose power for an extended time period. Just this brief last spell was damaging to our farmers and ranchers.

  27. you speculate a lot. NASA satellite images show lakes and rivers drying up. This shows that the greenhouse effect is a fact. Whether it is a cooling or a warming, Jesus’ words about food shortages will be fulfilled. I found out that nations are just hoarding food. It hasn’t been like that since World War II. Why ?? It is possible that the war with Ezekiel is approaching

  28. Lakes and Rivers have been drying up somewhere on earth since there was weather. Satellite images showing droughts on earth do not prove that carbon is causing these droughts. Climate is always changing since it is based mostly on natural cycles not the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. If increasing carbon in the atmosphere is warming the plant, then why did the warming stop over 20 years ago? Climate control freaks like to cherry pick the data that they use and then present the data as being overwhelming evidence.

  29. I read what causes emigration in the world, what we are seeing recently. Emigration is flooding Europe. The cause is crop failure, drought, record drought in India is a fact, glacier mass is declining rapidly, says NASA

  30. Rob,

    I am not going to keep arguing with you. It seems that is all you want to do, and that is why I often do not allow your comments.

    People go to where they think they will have a better life. They generally are not relocating just because of drought. China has had a very wet year in contrast to a dry year in India. The earth always has had areas that do not get enough rain, and areas that get too much. That happens because of natural cycles, not increasing carbon. Likewise, glaciers are declining in some areas of the world and increasing in other areas.

    Unless you can show us pier viewed scientific studies showing that general warming on earth is still ongoing, citing local climate variations means nothing. Thinking that unusual weather in certain areas is global climate change, just shows me that your mind has already been programed to believe what the globalists want you to believe.

    By the way, you like to cite NASA to try to prove your beliefs, but there is not total agreement even at NASA. Some at NASA think we are going into a solar minimum and the global climate will be cooling for the next 20 to 40 years.

  31. It occurred to me today per our conversation about Solomon and his wisdom that there really is nothing new under the sun as he wrote. For thousands of years man has tried to influence weather by religion i.e. human sacrifice, sexual perversion, idols etc, and praying to the one true God. The current batch of crazy leaders is no different than most who came before just different faces and idols. God said in Genesis 8:22 that there would be a cycle as long as earth endures, and this earth still got over 1000 years to go. We arent going to change or stop that by growing food, keeping warm, or burning oil products.

  32. Man made climate change is one of the biggest hoaxes of the last few hundred years. Only evolution surpasses it. Don’t be surprised if this green movement comes back with a vengeance under Biden. Pete Buttigieg wants to track and tax your driving in the name of saving the planet. Bill Gates wants to get rid of many large farms. The UN wants carbon taxes. They are all simply control freaks.

  33. Hello Mr. Koenig,

    You said this to Greg “Some think Ezekiel could just be describing a mechanized cavalry.” You already addressed this earlier with me, but I found the scriptures in Joel 2:1-11 interesting.

    When they fall upon a sword they cannot be wounded; they shall run upon the wall and climb through the windows; when they come they sound like chariots.

    As you told me, you said that the main body would be men (the 200 million), but that does not mean they cannot use mechanical men as well. We shall see.

  34. Hi Mr. Koenig

    I appreciate your articles that explain about prophecy and future events. I believe the prophecy will be fulfilled very soon. Praise The Lord.


  35. The longer the Lord tarries the more I believe most of the end time geo political events will occur after the rapture. Either that or we are not quite as close to the end as we think. Only time will tell.

  36. Hi Jim,

    The prophetic events happen after the Rapture because they are events relative to Israel, not the Church. After the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, God deals with Israel again for their remaining allotted time. The prophets of Israel speak of those events. The time of the Church on earth was foretold in the Revelation letter to the seven churches.

  37. I live in the tropics. Winter doesn’t exist here. At least compared to the rest of the world. During the last 6 years though, we’ve had temperatures as low as 8°C. This has never happened before. I have talked to people as old as 95 years old. When I turn my weather app on it shows me a warm 22°C day. When I look at the thermometer on my balcony, it is 8°C.

    World leaders and “scientists” today are sure that low temperatures are caused by global warming, exactly as they are sure that there are more than 80 genders. These people are absolute idiots. None of them can compare to Solomon. Just tell me one, ONE, 1 prominent scientist today, or ONE politician who can understand what Solomon is talking about. They are all brainless useful idiots. Some of them can’t even speak fluently their own language. They can’t write without errors, so they use other people to tweet for them. Solomon was a genius, not only compared to them, but to all world leaders ever since.

  38. I dont think you have to make a comparison to Solomon. These people are mostly liars and control freaks who just love money and power. Cli ate change is just a tool for wealth redistribution and globalism.