Has a civil war already begun in America?

Mike Adams, Alex Jones and some others are now saying a civil war has already begun in America. According to the polls about a third of the people in America believe we are near a civil war. I understand why they say that, but I do not think a real civil war can happen as long as American patriots control the White House.

There has been a cultural civil war against moral values in this nation for a long time but few have found need for any call to violence. Leftists thus far had little reason to use violence because when good men do nothing they win the cultural battles by default.

A civil war will only take place in America when the left runs the show and they weaponize government to try to take out those they hate. We were closer to civil war under Clinton and Obama. If Hillary were elected, a real civil war probably would have become a reality.

Radicals have taken over the leadership of the Democratic Party and the news media but any calls for violence will backfire on them. It will just show how out of touch these leftist subversives really are. As things stand now, government would crush any civil insurrection coming from radical leftists.

“Liberals” in America are far to soft, selfish and dependent on the government to make the sacrifice that is required to carry out a civil war. There are people on the left calling for violence and even carrying out violence but I am sure government informers also are among them. If they resort to violence, at some point those breaking the laws will be rounded up and the organization’s funding the subversion will be shut down.

Riots and insurrection could only take place in blue cities where leftist mayors order the police to stand down. Even so, if things get out of hand, martial law will be declared. Then a police state becomes a far greater danger than any civil war between the left and the right. Having said that, if the electrical grid goes down, there certainly will be civil war but leftist ideology will have little to do with the reason for the war. It will be a fight for survival.

The belligerent protests in this nation are being orchestrated by radicals and their useful idiots who think global communism will provide for their material and spiritual needs. This also happen in the 1960’s and 70’s. Nevertheless, the vast majority of people in America are aware of the dangers of communism and they certainly do not want the bloodshed that would accompany a Marxist revolution in America.

There are a lot of young people who have been indoctrinated to believe socialism is a better system than the free enterprise system but they are just spouting what their mentors tell them. They have never given the negative side of socialism any real thought. Socialists always think they can do it better than the previous socialist failures, but they never can. Socialism only works in dreamland where people imagine that government and other people are going to want to provide for their own needs. That does not happen in the real world. Socialism by nature is tyrannical and when it runs out of taking other people’s money the whole collective spirals into poverty.

Communists today like to identify those on the right as fascists. However, if people on the right were actually fascists they would be leftists just like them. They do not realize that fascists are kissing cousins of communists. The main difference between Hitler and Mao was their race. Both were all-powerful central government socialists.

A lot of powerful elitists are pushing for Chinese style global Communism. They have been subverting our constitutional republic for a long time. Using money and power they took over mainstream media, the universities, the Democratic Party and the minds of the Clinton’s and Obama’s. These socialist globalists recently put a fellow traveler named Obama in office to bring America to its knees. Hillary Clinton was to finish the job. She failed, and they failed to subvert the nation through any semblance of a democratic process, so now communist radicals want to incite a violent revolution. They find plenty of useful idiots out there. but most leftist Americans are not going to put their lives on the line for the socialist cause.

Much of the resistance we see taking place in America against President Trump is orchestrated to take the focus off those that were committing crimes under Obama. They know they need to get rid of Trump or they risk getting thrown in prison. They use secrecy laws to cover their illegal unconstitutional doings. That is why Congress does not get the documents that they ask for. And if they do get them, they are so redacted that they are useless. Congress can really blame themselves because secrecy laws were passed by them. The only way to now control these rogue agencies is for Congress to pass laws to reign in the secrecy.

Black secret agendas have existed since before World War II but it really grew into a monster during the Cold War and especially after 9/11. What did people expect to happen when they gave government such controls over everyone?  How do we know that the shadow government did not even orchestrate the events that would get people to give up their freedoms for security?

The whole Russian collusion accusation was created to divert attention from the treasonous felonies committed under the Obama administration and to protect Hillary Clinton. Muller and Comey go back to the days when the Clinton’s governed Arkansas. The Clinton crime syndicate put people that they can control at top levels of the deep state. That is why Hillary has been untouchable.

The constant demonizing of President Trump by the shadow government directed media is the only hope they have of removing Trump before all the treason is exposed. As that fails, and as the sins of their deep state agents are revealed, Clinton and Obama cronies are resorting to calls of violence. I am sure they will influence some gullible people but the power that really counts is controlled by Donald Trump. If the leftist radicals continue to cross the line into violence, the Trump controlled government will come down on them like a ton of bricks.

Having said that, if the left gets control of government again, there could be a real civil war in America. People in the rural conservative Christian areas of America are not going to put up with socialist tyranny. It would not take much to cut the power to the liberal cities and when the light go out the infrastructure dependent city people would soon destroy themselves. Leftists living in blue cities better hope that there is never a real civil war because they are in no position to win it. And no, Americans in fly over country are not going to suddenly want to join with any communist revolution. Attack American patriots and they will just turn the lights off and then watch all the fireworks.

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Has a civil war already begun in America? — 23 Comments

  1. Have you really looked around at people lately? Most folks couldn’t even do one dip or one pull up. General Michael Aquino was the head of the Psy op division of the US army. he wrote a paper about winning the battle without firing a single shot. He was also a student of Anton Lavey and branched off to form The Temple of Set. He is retired now from the army but still heads the temple of set.

    What you see on the News is nothing more than a dog and pony show for the masses. Alex Jones is a shill who even sells vitamins now. The tares run the show. You haven’t seen nothing yet. You have to understand their ideology. They view us as useless eaters and those that do there bidding as useful idiots. Judgement is coming on the earth. It will test the faith of men and truly show who belongs to the King of Kings and who does not. Mankind’s faith will be tested like never before. A civil war with a video game maybe not in the real world.

  2. I would normally agree with you on this Don, but for this time. I think these people could very well start a civil war with President Trump in office simply because they are not rational and capable of doing a solid cost/benefit analysis of a war.

    I’ve heard and talked to more than a few of them over the years and they truly believe that they are the vast majority of the American people. There was a show on the other day with Bill Maher, Michael Moore and some other leftist and they were talking about how they were 78% of the population. That level of willful self deception means they could very easily overestimate their chances of winning a civil war.

  3. Hi Ben,

    Yeah, but when it comes down to enlisting and doing the shooting most of the big mouths will claim an exemption. Most of the people you see acting out a rebellion on TV are paid actors. The leftist elite are not stupid enough to think they can win a civil war while Trump is still in office. All this is to get Trump to misstep so they can get him out of office. Then along with the flood of migrants from Mexico and Central America they could actually have a new election and take over. Once they did then they would militarize government against the right.

    That is what would bring the civil war because conservatives in fly over country are not going to give up their guns so they all can be rounded up and reeducated or killed.

  4. I don’t know where Alex Jones is getting this idea that we are in a civil war. He says true things then he gets all crazy and talks nonsense. Not sure why he does this.
    The radical left has gone too far with the calling for all borders to be torn down. 90% of people disagree with that. I think a red wave is coming in November. The bigger problem is that congress cant do anything to Rosenstein, Mueller, Hillary, and the rest of the traitors. They never say anything when testifying and nobody will ever force them to do give up the documents.

  5. I read a book by Kevin Phillips once called “the Cousin’s Wars”. He did a study on the various groups of people in England during their civil war of the 1600’s, and analyzed their future settlements in North America. With some exceptions, the same groups aligned the same way for the American Revolution and for the American Civil War. Interesting to me, was that the settlement patterns are reflected in the red and blue areas of our country. Even without the end times and flood of evil, we would probably go to a fourth Cousin’s War. That said, what we are currently seeing really seems demonically inspired. I cannot begin to fathom someone wanting to fight for abortion, homosexual privileges, and open borders. I suspect the same inspiration and probably Soros money is behind the recent election in Mexico. Maybe you should write about that. I would be interested to see your take. Their new president may want to turn Mexico into another failure like Venezuela. To have a failed state on our border, with people really hungry, as in Venezuela, will bring hordes to the border. That sounds like a set up to force the US to act or split. Anyway, thank you for your work. I do not want to see the shooting start, I hope the next civil war starts after the Rapture. But, as you have written elsewhere, the USA is not a dominant power going into the final days so something happens. I hope it is the Rapture, but a CW could cause our diminishing too, along with EMP, disease, and the Yellowstone super volcano erupting.

  6. Don,

    Your link decribes Jones fairly well. I thought he did it to gain views and keep plausible deniability in the case he was brought to court. I think he likes being able to be written off as crazy. It makes people take him less seriously.

    Im suprised the democrats are openly embracing open borders so vehemently. They dont seem to realize how much damage they are doing to themselves. I cant believe how silent most of the GOP is in the face of this blatant communist revolution the left is going for. Its amazing.

  7. Don,

    “conservatives in fly over country are not going to give up their guns so they all can be rounded up and reeducated or killed.”

    I still have my camouflaged ambush/fighting positions on my farm from when it looked like Jezebel was going to be President.

    Just can’t see myself as a defenseless martyr…but then again during my miss spent youth I use to make fun of Born Again Christians…until I became one!

    Excellent post…being one who has prepped for Civil War 2, convinced it was coming since about 2013…I will read and re-read it.

  8. Hello Don

    I enjoyed your article. What appears to me is that in the US we have had a serious values problem emerge that began to pick up speed thanks to Obama. Anyone speaking of healthy Godly values is quickly disregarded as judgmental and out of touch. The cultural values degradation is clearly dividing people to the point of people not even being able to have a reasonable conversation. The leftists become enraged when the idea that their values are unhealthy is implied. This no accountability for my behavior attitude most likely really began with Bill Clinton.

    I think you are right, at least with the Trump administration, the left most likely knows that pushing things to a point of civil war would end badly for them. We have a President in office that would respond quite swiftly and take the threat seriously.

    I believe you have written before that Trump may have slowed the spiral downward of America a little.. At least until another Leftist takes the Oval office.

    Rod in Oregon 🙂
    Happy 4th of July everyone!

  9. Don I have tried to reply to this but have been unable to do so has your website changed it’s format

  10. Hi Greg,

    Nothing has changed. Obviously you can post some comments or your post would not appear. Perhaps you were blocked by my spam software for some reason. I just whitelisted you so that should no longer be a problem. By the way, if anyone has problems posting they should email me and not try to use comments for informing me of commenting problems.

  11. I believe that we are in a soft civil war, or maybe the beginnings of a left wing attempt at revolution. While there have been some attacks by the left, namely the congressional baseball game shooting, violence hasn’t really broken out on a larger more coordinated scale. My main fear is an assassination attempt on the president.

    If the left did go full out and actually gain support from the mainstream in the process, I believe you could see intervention by the UN or European nations. Maybe not directly, but who knows?

  12. *UN or European intervention on the side of the left* I’m not sure if they would actually send troops or not. Maybe in a support role if it got that far.

  13. Hi

    UN intervention would only be possible in blue cities where people lose total confidence in the local police. I really don’t see the point of liberal controlled police asking for outside intervention, not to mention that the UN is only good for separation of warring factions that already agreed to the cease fire terms.

    A civil war becomes a real danger when government is weaponized against a large segment of the people. I don’t see that happening with patriots in control. Now, when radical leftists are in control, you know they are going to go after their enemies. That is what would start a real civil war.

  14. It’s actually much much deeper than a mere civil war. It’s psychological warfare being conducted, via the mass media on the populace.

    The time has arrived to put your total trust in Christ Jesus. Anything short of this is a sure road to destruction. There is no stopping anything. The United States is under judgment from a Holy and just God. Trumps purpose is being fulfilled. His purpose is to cause division and further the hate that will only get much much worse and time continues.

    The 2nd Horseman of the Apocalypse rides in the United States. The orders for his ride come right from the throne room of God himself. Judgement is come. Look for it to get much much worse. Peace is being removed. Watch the hate multiply exponentially from now on. Total and absolute trust in Christ Jesus is paramount or you will be sucked in the hate vortex and their will be nothing you can do about.

    The Creator, Christ Jesus, runs this show, always has and always will. Everything here is his. We are mere stewards while some of us are also children of God while others, children of wrath. Mankind will reap what they have sown. Judgement approaches a Godless world system and Godless America.

    There is no neutrality either. It’s either your a child of the living God or you belong to Lucifer, its that simple.

  15. Klaus,

    There is division being orchestrated by the godless left but Trump has little to do with it. You need to stop talking for God because when it comes to American politics it is clear that you do not know what you are talking about. You certainly can not speak for God. If Trump was not in office, the godless left would be going at their enemies all the more.

    You forget that God has a Bride on earth and many members of that Bride live in America. I don’t think Christians should be so fatalistic as long as we occupy.

    The 2nd horse of Revelation is not about the United States and it is not imminent at this point. When it does start riding what you said will happen but the restraining influence of the Bride will also not be here at that point.

    Also keep in mind that the great tribulation is a trial. Before Jesus comes in Glory all people on earth will be told the truth and they will have to make a choice. Not everyone will serve Lucifer after they know the truth. In fact there will be so many saved in the great tribulation that they are seen in heaven as an uncountable number.

  16. Don,

    I guess I was thinking the UN or EU might offer support militarily if the left could unify somehow against Trump. Perhaps a secession of California would spark the movement. Some cities are already in outright rebellion against Federal laws. If anything is to come about, I believe it will be by successful assassination attempts on Trump or other members of congress.

  17. Hi Steve,

    Foreign nations would not be getting militarily involved in any civil war that we might have. The EU will need all its military to keep things under control in Europe.

    If there are successful assassinations, and the government does not bring the perpetrators to justice any civil war will be coming from the right not the left. My point is that there will be no civil war while patriots rule this nation. When the left controls federal power a civil war becomes much more likely because the first thing they will do is take away our constitutional rights.

  18. I just read a short article that says about the same thing as what Don has said. It was written in response to the New York Times call for violence because of Trumps Supreme Court pick.

    “The poodles of war” by Ben Crystal

  19. Don,

    My speculation is just as good as yours. You need to stop speaking for God with your false time frames for the rapture. Scripture says no one knows. Can you process that? You seem to only be respectful when people agree with you tell you how great you are. Well for me the only thing you do is further the drama machine. You are wrong on multiple levels and do the body of Christ no good with your false teachings. Take me off your email list. I have better things to do than waste time with a false teacher.

  20. Klaus,

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. You were not abiding by this blog’s commenting policy anyway and your comments were very close to being moderated before posting.

    Uneducated speculation is not as good as mine. If you actually could discern the scriptures correctly, your views would not always be coming out of left field. Besides, you are commenting on my Blog. Start your own Blog if you think your views can find a following and teach people something.

    By the way, this site is about the end times so it should not be a big shock to you that I talk about the signs of the end times that the scriptures tell us to look for.

    As for the the timing of the Rapture, I have never set a date. I only say based on the signs of the times that the second coming is probably in the 2030’s and the Rapture will occur 7 to 10 or more years before then. Educated speculations are not false teaching. Jesus told us to watch. He also said people that are watching would not be caught unaware of that approaching day like the rest of the world. Having said that, you might learn what the Bible say about false accusers.

    Nobody made you come here to this website to read or to comment. If you are thinking you were wasting time to do so, you need to figure out why you like to foolishly waste your own time.

    You signed up for my email list and each email sent also includes a link to remove yourself from the email list. I suggest that you do that on the next email this blog sends to you.

  21. Wildcard. 600 million firearms and 25 trillion rounds of ammo in the hands of legal citizens.

    They don’t have Veterans or the military. Our Oath is to defend the U.S.Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.

    The revolution is coming and the Marxist don’t win.

    Just found this excellent blog. Thanks for the time you put into it.