Looking back on The Prophetic Years

Bible prophecy has been of great interest to me since 1973 but until 1999 I only discussed it with friends. Back in the seventies and eighties I was hoping that the Lord’s coming would not be later than what Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe were projecting (before 1988). After that date came and went, I started thinking that the tribulation should start around 1993 or 2000. That was mostly based on Grant Jeffery’s timelines. I drove my friends nuts parroting his speculations.

By the mid 1990’s, I no longer had all my apples in the 2000 cart. As much as I did not want to believe it could be so long, I said if these events did not take place around 2000 they probably would not occur until around 2030. This was based on the biblical week model with a day being a thousand years..

I had acquired a lot of knowledge about the Bible and prophecy over the years but I was mostly talking to myself. Over twenty years ago I got the opportunity to take an early retirement from government. I came to the conclusion that the Lord arranged the early retirement so that I could do some kind of ministry. With my knowledge of Bible prophecy, and my awareness of the rapidly expanding Internet, a teaching ministry on Bible prophecy and current events seemed like a good fit.

I bought the domain name thepropheticyears.com in 1999 and then started writing and uploading information. My first articles were about signs of the times. The original articles on my website still can be found on this link from my homepage. When a correlation is done on these various signs it points toward the end of the age occurring between 2030 and 2040. Since I wrote those articles, I have been consistently projecting that 2030-2040 timeline.

My goal for the first year of my website was to get 1000 hits. I reach that goal but not by much. The goal in the second year was to double the hits. I handed out business cards to get people to go to my website. I was hoping that the hits would keep doubling each year for a while. Back then I knew nothing about search engine optimizing. It took almost two years to get the website listed in any Internet index. The website was not indexed by Google until 2002. In those days everyone did not get indexed by Google. You had to have your ducks lined up, submit your website to Google and have unique content to get indexed.

After Google indexed the website, I got more hits in a week than in the previous two or three years. I also soon learned that hits do not mean that anything was actually read. It is the number of page views that are important and the time spent on the website. Only about 20 percent of the page views stay on the site long enough for anyone to actually read an article.

For the last ten years page views have averaged about 7000 a day. After you consider the time factor and those who are returning just to look at new comments, I think less than ten percent of the page views are actually people reading one of the articles. That means only a few hundred articles are actually read each day. I guess I should not complain. Most pastors do not have that big of an audience.

I never joined the social media so that is a more recent limiting factor. I don’t regret that. Serious people search the Internet for content not the social networks. I think the top social networks may have already jumped the shark. Some people have had enough with all the surveillance, the leftist bias, the trolls and the narcissism. Also, Christian worldviews like mine are now being censored in the social media and it seems that it will only get worse in the future.

I started blogging on the website around 2006. The blogs are time-consuming but they do give visitors a way to interact other than through email. When I started my blogs I mostly just wrote a short blurb and linked to or quoted articles written by others. I thought blogging often would bring numbers to the website. The increase was only minor since such blog articles with little original content rarely get highly indexed. Blogging this way soon made little sense to me. So for about the last ten years I have written most of the content in my Blog articles. Blog posts before then are being deleted as the links to other people’s articles break and the topics become no longer relevant.

There are about 1000 original articles written by me on this website and there are many thousands of comments on the Blog articles. I figure that I wrote a couple of million words over the last two decades.

Some of the best articles on my blogs are found on the sidebar of both blogs. Other top downloaded articles written mostly before I started putting them on blog posts can be found from the website homepage. The Revelation commentary that I wrote in 2004 can also be found from the website homepage. The best way to find any article I wrote on a topic is from the search box near the bottom of the website homepage.

What would I do different in hindsight? I would have bought and learned a top-notch website development software like Dream Weaver instead of using freeware that soon went obsolete. I would also have included Bible prophecy in my domain name. It won’t rank under the Bible prophecy term without it.

What I am most proud about The Prophetic Years ministry is that I have never collected a nickel for doing the ministry. Nothing was ever sold and I never accepted donations. I also have never compromised my message for popularity. I have had other Christian websites take down their link to my site because I opposed something they taught or a false teacher that they promoted.

It appears to me that we are living in the prophetic years that concludes with the return of Jesus. Christians teaching about such things are going to be increasingly rejected even by mainstream Christianity.

Christianity is now compromising big time with the world to be acceptable to the increasingly depraved leftist culture. Although they may not admit to it, cultural Marxists with Liberation Theology are taking over the leadership of all denominations. You can identify them by their social gospel and worldly worldviews.

These religious social justice warriors have one thing in common. They do not tolerate fundamental Bible believing Christians. They also mock those that take Bible prophecy literally. The day is not far off and actually is already here when these humanistic “Christian” leaders beat down Christians not going along with their social gospel and their agenda of making their churches and organizations more worldly.

It will not be long before they report Christians saying certain biblical truth to civil authorities as being hate speech. They will think that their censoring of non culturally correct scriptures and their twisting of others is actually doing God a favor. That already is happening in some western nations.

I am not under the delusion that The Prophetic years website will be allowed to exist on the Internet much past 2020. It is not allowed in China and other Marxist countries. Europe and the British commonwealth countries are also rapidly outlawing the biblical Christian worldview.

Christian media organizations in America telling the truth are being labeled as hate organizations by the elitist well-funded Southern Poverty Law Center. The Internet giants are now using information from this cultural Marxist hate group to determine what is hate speech on the Internet. Only the treat of lawsuits are preventing wholesale take downs of Christian and conservative information on the Internet. Put one more leftist judge on the Supreme Court and the Christian worldview will be outlawed on the Internet and in American society.

When I started my website, the insanity that we see today was unthinkable. Back in 1999, who could believe that homosexuals, feminists, Marxists and Islamists would unite and become a mafia that would usurp the western Christian culture in less than 20 years? The West is now post Christian. Most of the rest of the would is also antichrist. Even the Jesus still claimed in parts of Africa and South and Central America is just the false Jesus of Rome or the Word Faith hucksters. This falling away from the true Christian faith to embrace lies and doctrine of demons is a sure sign of the times.

You are reading information on The Prophetic Years website as we live in the prophetic years foretold in the scriptures. I think the prophetic years will be fulfilled in a decade or two.

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Looking back on The Prophetic Years — 54 Comments

  1. I wrote this about the left’s behavior over the weekend. Specifically Maxine Waters calling on left to harass people in or at their homes. “The vitriol, duplicity, double standards. I no longer have ANY hope for this country. I could write a book off of this article alone. Why bother. As much as some are celebrating Trump today, mark my words, when the left takes control the retribution will be cruel, ruthless and bloody. The assaults to eradicate conservatives and anyone who opposes the “left think” will be non stop and viscous. Once they take control of the Supreme Court, game over.. and that is if and only if God tarries…The United States is over and most won’t or don’t see it coming.” Don you have been a true encouragement to me. I don’t think any of us will know the price you have paid for doing this but if it means anything…from one brother to another…THANK YOU!!!

  2. Don,

    Thank you for your ministry. I have enjoyed your articles and insight over the years. I never set out to write, but agree much with the insights on page hits vs. time spent on the page. I also agree that with the way things are going, pages like ours will not be around much longer. Prophecy sites may end up going on the dark net.

  3. This blog has been a huge blessing for me for many years now. Probably the most astute teaching anywhere on the internet.
    I found this blog as a teenager after I became interested in prophecy from the left behind series. I stumbled across this site accidently once but forget the name. It was over a year later when I finally found it again through a link from another site. Since then I have been an avid follower of the blog and a frequent commenter.

  4. Don,

    Good to hear about your internet history. I just “happened” to find your site in a search for some biblical topic and have enjoyed the goldmine of information. Thank you.

  5. The Marxists/Satanist control the media and most information flow along with all major institutions of banking, Academia, entertainment , social media, medicine and more. They have been in place for years. They have been busy little beavers working feverishly. I must admit it is a very well thought out plan and being enacted right under the very noses of the masses with impunity. Most Churches have disregarded Scripture and are building the world of men. Money,power and attendees are all that matters. When I really think about it I break out Laughing. Mankind has bitten off more than they can chew. One thing they forgot is that the Earth along with everything in it belongs to the creator God Christ Jesus. Everything here is for his pleasure and glory, we are temporary stewards and nothing more.

    The more I study scripture the more I see how truly perfect Gods plan is. God has been and always will be in control. God is allowing things to happen. You see we were never created to simply have a good time on earth and then die. We were created by God for God and that’s it. Now if you do not want God well now you serve satan by default. There is no neutrality in this.

    Things will get crappy and crappier. I am sure that many will complain that they had retirement plans and such. Well guess what? The Creator God is owner of everything and his plan supersedes what ever plan you had. All Glory and Praise to our God Christ Jesus. Come soon

  6. Don, your writings have been a God send in an increasingly violent storm that we’re living in. I’m so very thankful that you have continued writing throughout these years. You are very much appreciated. Our world is becoming smaller by the day. One day I expect to try to get on this website and it’ll be gone. For whatever time we all have together on this earth, your writings make things a little easier to understand and cope with the insanity.

  7. Hi Don,

    I’ve been reading your blog/site for quite some time, and yes your comment, “Even the Jesus still claimed in parts of Africa and South and Central America is just the false Jesus of Rome or the Word Faith hucksters. This falling away from the true Christian faith to embrace lies and doctrine of demons is a sure sign of the times.”, is so true. I have family members in Chile who have embraced hook, line, and sinker the necromancy Bethel Redding cult promoted by their Vineyard “church”. These family members will not talk to me anymore since I have tried to expose Bethel’s lies. And full disclosure; I was part of that very Vineyard “church” in Chile and was even married in that church. Their “pastors” have put at ease one of their followers (who was alarmed by my warning) and have ensured her that their church is healthy, and then pose for selfies with Bill Johnson! Sign of the times indeed. My wife and I cannot find any church of any denomination in the Central Florida area that has not been in some way infested by NAR, the “Purpose Driven” cult, “praise and worship”, Hillsong, seeker coffee house, you name it. Anyway, keep sounding the alarm for as long as you can. I am with you.

  8. Your assessment is so true and those who are awake and watching know it in the spirit. These days, worldwide, are like the days before Hilter’s total control of Germany. See Hiltler’s Cross by Erwin Lutzer. Deception is everywhere and so incredibly effective. America will never be great again and its fascinating to watch what will happen with this Middle East peace deal which is being made “with the many.”

  9. Don,

    I found your site while working a night watch security gig around 2009. An older gentleman also working for the security company suggested it to me. What a blessing. Thank you.

  10. You almost sounded like you were going away, I half expected you to say you were retiring, you scared me. Thank you for all your hard work I try to read everything you email me, it keeps me company I think of you as my friend.

  11. Hi Barry,

    IHOP (Bethel) is the worst of the worst. It is a demonic cult that abuses people, the name of Jesus and the message of Jesus.

    Sad thing is that Bill Johnson and ilk now appear with mainstream leaders as if he were a man of God.

    Trump’s chief religious advisor (Paula White) is part of the movement but even Evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham just go with the flow. It seems that most Christianity in the world is now either persecuted or it has become heretical.

  12. Hi Linda,

    I am not planning to go anywhere but I am getting to the age where I know my body is not immortal. The real question is what takes me down first? At this point it looks like it will be the leftist fascists on the Internet.

  13. I agree with Linda – I was waiting for a retirement-type statement, but thank Heavens you are still pressing onward.
    I always ask the Lord to lead me to the truth in whatever I do, and when it came to the endtimes the Lord led me here. I too was very into the Hal Lindsey/Jack Van Impe 1988 scenario, and then in the 90’s into Grant Jeffrey. The Big 3!. post 2000 its been Chuck Missler and a few others but the most influential has been Mr Koenig. I have sent your blogs to many folks up here in Toronto – family and friends. Very grateful for the work, effort, and continued dedication to Biblical truth and practicality.

  14. Hi Don,I’m not sure when I found your site.We came online in 98’ or 99’ and I found you and the Omega Letter ( Hi Pete,love your columns too).I don’t think it will be long before they take this all away.Glad I have lots of your articles and Omega Letter articles printed out in the hope that my kids and others will have them to read after we are caught up to be with Jesus.I know if He tarries that it will get rough and I believe that when the next Marxist is elected(and it will happen) they will come for us with a vengence.Thank you for your years of ministry.I don’t comment often,but I have read a lot of your articles and love your straight forward,honest and blunt approach.Just what we need!God’s blessing on you and your wife.

  15. Not that you need our confirmation but as those above me have stated you are much appreciated and your God given wisdom is edifying. I will let scripture speak to your article.
    Matthew 7:13-14
    The Narrow Gate
    13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.

  16. well don you can expect a big crown of gold when u do meet the lord because u have brought many souls to accept christ and its amazing that u acquired all this bible knowledge by yourself and decided to spread it.I have no doubt this was god’s calling to spread the gospel. Thank you for putting so much time into these articles.

  17. I appreciate you Don for shaping my understanding of where we are in the timeline of prophecy and all the in between issues too.

    There are various teachers I don’t give any time of day anymore bc I learned how to recognize error a little bit easier now because of your teaching.

    Matthew 7:21-23 is talking about the ‘Church’ and there’s going to be a lot of surprised so called Christian’s that will be turned away at the last judgement bc they ‘thought’ they were doing Gods work when in fact they never knew Him.

    The first real clue for these people should be the rapture when they become witnesses of the event and not participants.

    Look up.

  18. Don,

    I look forward to your articles every week or so. Thank you for sharing the wisdom and insight God has blessed you with. I hope we aren’t around for another 10-20 years, cant imagine this world can go on that long, but who knows except God!

  19. I don’t remember how I found this site but I’m glad I did. I always look forward to your insight and I know you put a lot of time into each article and not monetizing it. I also enjoy Pete’s writings on Omega Letter. I know he had doubts about writing but both of you are prolific & knowledgeable and right where God wants you. Rapture Ready is the only other site I visit. We all feel that everything is building up to a crescendo & things aren’t right. Thanks for your time, teachings and along with Pete being one of the Godly Government/Military members of this country.

  20. Hey Don great article and as always you are spot on I came across to you’re blog searching I’m not even sure what for maybe for somebody that thought the way I thought but things can’t keep going like they are I’m the truck driver that uses speech to text I’m sorry if this confuses people cuz I usually respond as I’m going down the road I agree with you we’re not far off we don’t know the time but we can definitely see that we are in season your articles have been very informative and a blessing to me please continue your work

  21. I also wanted to say klaus you are dead right. We are here for Gods glory most churches and people don’t think in a supernatural way the church is treated like a organization. The people of the world must make a decision there is no neutral ground

  22. Hi Don,

    Your articles have helped me to better understand and discern scripture. Also they have equipped me to explain scripture and the signs of the times to others. I think “Priceless” is the word that fits best.

    When I got my computer I asked God to show me a good Bible Prophecy site and this was the first one to come up.

    This is something else I want everyone to know I’m thanking God for. On the 16th I was a passenger in a truck roll over. I don’t know how many times we rolled but when the truck came to a stop I was hanging upside down with the seat belt holding me in the air. I probably hung there 30 or more minutes while the emergency crew busted out the shattered windshield to pull my friend out then they had to cut off the top of the truck to lift me out.

    Bottom line; neither of us had any broken bones. I lost some skin on my right arm and have a serious inflamation that causes a lot of pain to walk but I will recover. My friend has recovered and we’re thanking the Lord.

  23. Hi Caitlin,

    Sounds like the Lord’s angels protected you. I am sure one reason is because you still have a role to play in these last days. Thank God for first responders and seat belts and thank God that you are well. Also, thanks for your support over the years.

  24. Hello Don,

    I don’t comment much, but I am still a follower of your page. Over the years, it has been fascinating to see many of the trends you have written about come to pass. The shift in values, or perhaps just a revealing of how sick values have become in this country, is certainly consistent with us heading straight toward the rapture and return of Christ.

    Thank you for the continued service to the Lord that you do. 🙂

    Rod in Oregon

  25. Hi Don and others…..I, too, immediately quickly scanned the bottom of your post….fully expecting you to say “goodbye”……if/when they shut you down, would you consider posting via emails ?……that’s how important you and your wisdom are to all of us….we pray daily for you, your family and for your beloved dogs……thank you Don

  26. Hi Margery,

    Thanks for your support.

    That is a thought, but I suppose emails will also be censored. Not to mention that I probably would not even be able to access the blog to obtain the email addresses. When someone comments I do also get their email addresses in my email but up until now I have not kept them very long. Also, most people that read my posts never comment so I would not even have their email addresses.

  27. 🙂 Thanks for understanding. I am considering moving my practice into a church setting giving all of the changes that are going on in my industry. More efforts to control what I can and can’t talk with clients about, especially spirituality.. Well, if it’s non Christian, that’s ok… Your articles continue to be a blessing!


  28. Hello Don,

    I wanted to post this timeline on a more recent blog posting:

    Rapture of the Church: 2025 (mid to late year?)
    Abomination (Obamanation) of Desolation: 2029 (yes I think Barack is 666)
    2nd coming of Jesus Christ: late 2032

    I think Jesus was crucified in the spring of 32AD. There are a few great articles by men of God that point to this being the year. 2000 years from 32AD is 2032. This completes the 6000 year plan for Mankind.

    I think we are looking at just over 7 years until the Rapture of the Church. I think Trump or Pence is elected in 2020 and will be in Office until January 20, 2025. God is going to allow a DEMONIC DEMOCRAT to take Office in 2025 to usher in the Tribulation and Antichrist (Obama) later that year.

  29. Hi Brett,

    People can predict anything and they often do, but all that claim they know the date and the identify of the Antichrist always prove to be wrong. I do not even think that there is only seven years between the Rapture and the second coming. I think it is 10.5 years or possibly even longer.

  30. Don,you do a great job.Remember we are in a race and can’t stop until we cross that finish line.Keep the good stuff coming.Love you brother,Jentry

  31. Don,

    I am just another diamond minor with a desk lamp and a keyboard digging deep into the Prophetic Years.

    Caitlian…So glad you were protected!

  32. Don, thank you for all you do. I can’t imagine the research that you have to do to keep this blog up. You are a diamond in the rough. I had a conversation with my daughter yesterday. To sum it up, she does not believe that a loving God would send anyone to hell. She works with very good people of different faiths and she doesn’t believe they are going to hell. As a christian, I am fully aware that being a good person is not going to get anyone to heaven. She asked me how I know that “my God” is the only true God. She asked me “what about the american indians?”. How do I speak to her about this without using circular reasoning? For example, you don’t prove the Bible is true by quoting the Bible. Do you have any writings that address this?

  33. Hi Teresa,

    God sent His Son so that fallen humans will trust in Him and receive eternal life. After the second resurrection those that will be cast into the Lake of Fire were not written in the Lamb’s book of life. Obviously since they are not of God, they are of their father the Devil. They reap the same consequence as Him and his angels.

    I wrote this article that explains why there is only one God of salvation.


  34. Teresa,

    I found some verses that could help. I have had conversations about that very thing before.

    Romans 1:18-20 ESV

    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

    Romans 2:12-15 ESV

    For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them

    I also found this interesting from Peter. Don, maybe you have more insight into this where Christ went down into Hell and presented himself to those who were in separation? I have heard of this before. Maybe in light of the other passages, Christ had and will present himself to those who have never heard the gospel when the pass away?

    Peter 3:18-22 ESV

    For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.

  35. I wasn’t making a “prediction”, merely stating what the Holy Spirit has shown me. I have no idea if the Rapture is in 2025 and the Antichrist is Barack Obama. I think it’s possible both are true though. Just trying to give your readers something to research, ponder and confirm. Eventually, we will pin the tail on the donkey. God is LOVE, TRUTH, WISDOM, and GREAT!!


  36. Hi Steve,

    That is up to the Lord and no matter if those that did not hear the gospel will be given a chance to hear it and believe, those that have heard it have no excuse for their unbelief. All must come to God through Jesus because Jesus is the express image of God. There is no other way. Also, keep in mind that nobody will become a member of the Bride of Christ unless they believe while still in the flesh, die with Christ and are born of the Spirit. We must die in the flesh with Christ to live with Him. That rebirth is represented in water baptism.

  37. Brett,

    The Holy Spirit did not show you what you said. I have a problem with those making special revelations from God claims. If you want to comment here, read my comment policy and abide by it. Also, you did not state what you said as an opinion. You stated it as you actually think you know and that we should believe you.

  38. Don,
    You know what? You are like the Church of Ephesus that has lost it’s love.
    Now, stop acting so damn arrogant and self righteous and serve God!


    Please remove me from your follow list.

  39. Hi Don and Steve,

    The gospel that Paul wrote about in 1 Cor 15 obviously did not occur yet in the old testament times the old testament saints were under the old covenant of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and their souls would of been in paradise on the other side of the chasm in Sheol where Christ came to resurrect them up to heaven.

    They didn’t have the same gospel that we have simply bc Jesus wasn’t incarnate yet so they couldn’t believe in the death burial & resurrection it didn’t happen yet in that dispensation of time.


    The world has a veil covering their eye’s so people are not permitted to see until the Holy Sprit removes that covering. We can talk until we are blue in the face and our loved one’s will remain blind. You can lead a horse to water but u cant force them to drink.

    Our weapon is effective prayer that God removes that veil and with faith He will. He did my brother. Keep dropping seeds let God harvest those seeds.

    “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). Via Mankind

  40. When someone says God showed them a specific date I can cross that day off from the possibilties lol. I believe the Holy Spirit is working with astute believers to help us recognize we are approaching the end times. Too many elect are somehow all aware together that the time is short. Specific dates are not included.

  41. Thank you Don, Steve, and Bill,

    Your words of encouragement are appreciated and I will heed all your advise. It breaks my heart but you are correct Bill. All I can do is plant the seeds and pray that God will open her eyes.

  42. Yes, Don, I want to say thank you too. Doing this blog and the articles must be a pretty much thankless endeavor as you do not get a lot of personal interaction. It is all computer print and you cannot know many of the results. I started visiting many years ago when I was doing my personal research on EMP. Your article came up on google. I then read your Revelation commentary. You are one of the only people who write something like that and openly admit that you do not know everything about it. We, I believe, will all be surprised at when and how God fulfills some of the Biblical prophecy. I got this late, because Yahoo mail started listing your emails as spam again. I check every few weeks. Yours and the “Rapture Forums” emails from time to time get changed to spam on my Yahoo email and I have to go reset it. Anyway thanks again and have a good Fourth of July.

  43. Teresa,

    Just keep fervently praying for your daughter and believe God will eventually remove her blindness even if it has to be in the tribulation your prayers wont return empty. And you might be pleasantly surprised that she comes around on this side of the rapture.

    If you happen to regularly talk to her about being saved as a warning, sorta speak, then try stopping it stone cold for about six months just keeping conversation on regular day to day things but behind the scenes you pray (don’t tell her your praying) and ask the Lord to move her in that six months towards a bent heart for the things of God.

    Watch God work behind the scenes but you cant let the cat out of the bag or she’ll fight it. There’s no reason why we cant snatch her from the grip of the enemy. I’ll began praying too, now.


  44. Thank you Bill,

    It is heartbreaking to think your children may not make it in the rapture….even more heartbreaking they may not come around during tribulation either. You are absolutely correct. I will be praying for her every day. Please do pray for her and her husband. I know she is in God’s hands and all I can do is witness with love and pray for her. I was already planning to not say anything more right now. I don’t want to push her away. One day and one prayer at a time. Thanks

  45. Don, the only pertinent thing I can say here is Thank You for all of your work, and I hope we will ALL be home sooner than later. You are one of the very few truthful, accurate voices left on this planet. Its time to go home.

  46. Don, I’ve been reading your blog for many years .Thank you and keep up the good work. Maybe we’ll meet each other on the way up. All the best Ernie.

  47. Don, may God continue to use your ministry to sound the alarm that time is short and that believers should be sharing the reason for the hope we have in Jesus. I love reading your blog and past articles, though this is the first time I have ever left a comment. I found your website long ago, probably about the same time I joined the Omega Letter to read Jack Kinsella’s daily articles. I still read the posts there by Pete Garcia, JL Robb, Wendy Whipell and all of the other writers now that Jack is with Jesus. So OL, Rapture Ready, JD Farag, Hal Lindsey and your website are the only prophecy sites and teachers I follow. I’m encouraged to see how so many of us who are watching, waiting and longing to meet the Lord in the air have a sense of urgency that we are so near to that event. Blessings to you and your family. I pray that the Holy Spirit will open our hearts and minds to share the urgency of these last days as we share the Gospel of Christ. Godspeed Don!

  48. Don,

    I also want to say thank you for all the work you’ve put into this ministry. I too thought you were writing an epitaph of the blog, thank God, that’s not it. It’s hard to believe that I found your site nearly a decade ago. I was studying the Apostasy, and digging for insights online. I couldn’t comment back then, I didn’t even have an email address until around 2014 because I was a late start with technology. But, I read almost everything on your site. It was very helpful to me back then as it has been ever since.

    I was thinking how you had been searching for a church, over the last several years, and just today, thought you’ve had a kind of church right here all along. Your articles like sermons, or lessons, thought provoking, leading us to dig deeper at times. In a very real sense, you’ve been like a pastor, who are supposed to be able to teach. So it seems your ministry was preordained by God, giving you the early retirement. At times over the years, this has been a vital connection to other believers for me, as I’m sure it has for many others.

    Now, I’m in agreement with your timelines estimates, and usually I’m a bit pessimistic, however, I think we have been spared for a undetermined amount of time, because of Trump having been elected. I realize that things could go horribly wrong, overnight, so I’m not being pollianish. But, on twitter, facebook, YouTube, etc, there is a fast growing movement of democrats that are leaving the party. They are from every walk of life. The video has been viewed over 5 million times. If you do a Search of #walkaway there are article’s from Redstate, Breitbart, and more. It’s gone viral. And I’ve read in several places, Blacks support for Trump is growing substantially, as are other groups. They are mostly tired of the hate & lies coming from Dem leaders & MSM. But, it’s more than just this thing, it’s the fact that Trump is actually getting real big things done, promises kept. So, I’m cautiously optimistic, that the US will be spared for a time, compared to the EU and elsewhere. The rise of conservatives in many European states is another reason to think that some can still make a difference. But, God’s plan will happen no matter what, I’ve often thought why fight against the opposition because it would seem like fighting against God’s time table, but, we can’t just stand still, if we must fight for what’s right, and good and just, then that’s what we have to do, each in their own ways. Even if it’s just being a prayer warrior, a most important job to be sure.

    OK, I better stop here, except one last thing, “Brett”, reminded me of earlier times with some of the off the wall participants you often had to deal with. I had to smile.

  49. Absolutely Teresa,

    Prayer moves God especially when we are following in the law of the Lord & not trying to cherish iniquity in our hearts our prayers are like a fragrance to God, she & her husband will end up saved somewhere along the line don’t think for a second God wont tug at them.

    I didn’t see anything happen for about 5 yrs w/ my brother and now him & his wife are REALLY involved in their church a difference of night and day.

    I will for sure it’s a crown I’d love to have a part in.

  50. I love your blog. you have taught me so much. as the posts to this article prove, what is terrible right now is the fighting among Christians.not over salvation, but everything else!I pray for every new believer to be properly discipled, for our country to stand ( God gave us a window, an opportunity….how long will it last until we join our brothers and sisters around the world in persecution?) Press on, Don. Thank you.

  51. About 13 years ago I was looking for a timeline that seemed Bible based about when Jesus will return and found your site. I’ve followed it since then and check back in once or twice a month. It gives me a lot of comfort. Thank you.