Push back now against leftist subversives or prepare for consequences

Americans over a period of many decades have not pushed back enough against cultural Marxism and the consequences are that leftist Marxists have now risen to subvert our Republic. We can push back now before the 2020 presidential election or they will soon put a radical in that office that will so divide our nation that civil warfare becomes inevitable.

Those that cannot see what is happening in America have their head in the sand. There is a well planned leftist insurrection taking place. It’s time to push back against those trying to destroy our Republic or reap the consequences. If leftists win the presidential election in November It will be too late to peacefully do anything about the communist/fascist takeover of America.

The orchestrated events of the last few months and the subversion by media has put Trump way down in the polls against an obviously senile Joe Biden. Biden will pick a radical running mate that Americans would never put in office on their own merits and that leftist radical would attain the presidency before or shortly after Biden is sworn in. We are in danger of losing all branches of government to the radical leftist hijacked Democratic Party in 2021. Meanwhile few seems to care. Our Christian leaders even take a knee with the Marxist led Black Lives Matters mob and tell their followers to do likewise.

Should the leftists take power, you can forget about having any rights. They will force you to agree with whatever they decree or reap the consequences. The middle-class will have their wealth taken from them by higher taxes and inflation. Those with fundamental religious beliefs will have to modify what they believe and teach so that unbelievers will not be offended. Minorities and mentally ill perverts will be given special protected rights to take what they did not earn from people earning it. If you have been paying attention to the latest trends, you should be aware that the Antifa and BLM mob is already pushing such insanity.

Of course push back from increasingly oppressed whites at some point becomes inevitable. The communist radicals are counting on that because these Stalinist insurrectionists are openly working toward race and class warfare. Their hope is that civil strife and division will bring about the anarchy needed for success of their communist revolution.

BLM and Antifa already have an agenda to subvert the local police enforcement of the big blue cities. They are trying to bring about conditions where God fearing police officers will leave. That is what the de-fund the police movement is all about. They only want “woke” leftists policing the cities. When they get officers to quit or be fired they will only replace them with those that pass the godless leftist litmus test.

America has been losing the cultural war to the Marxists for decades. We allowed and even enabled Marxists to take over our education system and the media. As a result. the useful idiots and reprobate minds are now found everywhere. They dominate the deep state. The radical leaders want to burn America down but their millions of useful idiots think this movement will bring about a global communist collectivist utopia where the government provides for everyone’s needs. That is what Black Lives Matter and Antifa is really about. They are a cult of “woke” insane people that do not live in the real world.

Black lives matter, as do all lives, but the organization that named itself after a slogan is all about destroying western civilization. Their own website even says as much. Yet, a recent poll said 62 percent of Americans now support this subversive communist group. Just months ago the vast majority of Americans thought BLM was a radical subversive threat, but now anyone not agreeing with the BLM agenda is attacked. The subversive communist media that we allow to broadcast 24/7 in this nation made this change possible. The deep state coup they supported did not work, so they are all in for an insurrection.

President Trump has not been taking the subversion and insurrection taking place against our Republic seriously enough. They are the domestic enemies of the Constitution that our government officials swore to stand against. The leftists tried to take Trump out through a deep state coup but nothing has been done about bringing the perpetrators to justice. Trump said he would put people in our courts that would uphold the original meaning of the Constitution but it is obvious with the recent Supreme Court decisions that Trump was misled.

In 2017 I warned that Gorsuch would prove to be a social liberal. It was so obvious, Gorsuch would not have belonged to one of the most progressive churches in America if he was not in agreement with them. Trump apparently does not know what a true conservative or a true Christian is. He is always picking people who prove to be leftist deep state “progressives”. Even Trump’s much flaunted generals all turned out to be leftist progressives. The true conservatives and libertarians that got Trump elected were quickly removed from the White House and still are not adequately represented.

The last three justices that republicans picked turned out not to be true conservatives. They are the reason the Supreme Court voted to redefine the meaning of marriage. Now Gorsuch decided that gender identification is what was meant by discrimination against sex in the Civil Rights Act. There were not the insane identifying with 57 genders back then. Discrimination against sex was clearly put in the Civil Rights Act to stop discrimination against women. Now the LGBT+ movement usurps the obvious with the help of  the Supreme Court. Good luck for women sports because the court now says women have to compete with biological males who just identify as women.

The Supreme Count also just upheld Obama’s unconstitutional executive order called DACA because they did not like the manner that Trump went about halting the unconstitutional executive order. In addition, they refused to hear 2nd amendment cases. As a result of the recent court decisions, more insanity will now take place against Christians, conservatives, gun owners and women.

America is hardly being governed anymore by laws passed by elected representatives of Congress as outlined in the Constitution. America is now being governed by executive orders, bureaucratic decrees and judicial activism.

I have little hope that President Trump can pull off an election victory with all the subversion taking place in America. There will be a lot of fraud. Republicans might even lose both the Senate and the House. The cultural Marxists apparently already own the Supreme Court. Even if Trump somehow wins, there will not be much to celebrate. The leftist subversives will continue in their effort to get him out of office, and Trump will continue to compromise to try to appease these leftist reprobates that can never be appeased. Trump’s polices in just his first term will put the government ten trillion dollars further in debt. What could possibly go wrong when the dollar crashes in his second term?

Even if Trump wins, I hope you are prepared for an even greater insurrection in the blue cities. On the other hand, if the democrats take over in 2021, I hope you have a plan to survive the civil war that will ensue. The Marxists are not going to be satisfied with just taking over. The leftists will come for your guns and what is left of your free speech. They are going to make white people pay for their past “privilege”. They will even force everyone to worship everything that is perverse just as they do.

Christians remaining in big cities will be like Lot living in the midst of Sodom and Gomorrah. If you are white, they will blame you for everything and make you pay reparations. You will only be allowed to walk at the rear with your white butt hanging out. If you are white and Christian, the reprobates will go after your children. Of course there will be push back. That is what civil wars are made of.

People are going to need to get prepared. The insurrection now playing out as riots here and there will continue. As the economic and political situation worsens so will the violence. Reasonable law enforcement officers are going to be looking for other work. Those remaining will contribute to the law enforcement problem. They will do as little as possible and they will never take a stand against anything that is not politically correct.

Christians and conservatives living in blue cities and states need to relocate now if that is at all possible. You may not be able to do it latter. Property in many rural areas is now relatively cheap. After the exodus from the cities start it is going to be much harder to find anything.

Crime in these cities are going to get out of hand and police might not be available or useful. People are going to need to protect lives and property themselves. For those with little firearm training I recommend getting a shotgun for protection against home invasion. A good shotgun can be found for under $200 and they are legal to own just about anywhere. Loaded with number four shot or buckshot it will do the self-defense job anywhere around your home. Just get a shotgun with a kickback that you can handle. That might be anywhere from a 12 gauge to a 410. You need to prepare to protect your home from evil people, not to prepare to fight the military. Rifles are not needed for those not planning to get involved in the civil war.

There may come a point where you will not be able to trust your local law enforcement. In that case, do not call them. Deal with the issue yourself. In the cities neighborhoods are going to need to organize and look after themselves. In the recent riots, businesses protected by guns were not burned. Neither did Latino gangs allow rioters to enter their areas to loot and burn. I can foresee a resurgence of paying for protection. The Mafia knew how to look after its own. A local militia might exactly be what is needed in the cities to keep your neighborhoods safe. Out of work war veterans and de-funded police officers should consider starting businesses offering neighborhood protection services for a suitable monthly fee.

You need to get some extra food on hand. I recommend having a deep pantry filled with more of the stuff that you eat anyway. The freeze dried stuff that lasts 25 years is way too expensive for most to afford. A years supply of freeze dried food for just one person can exceed $5000. Even then it’s mostly cereals. I also recommend growing a garden. For example, you can grow hundreds of lbs of sweet potatoes or plain potatoes in a 10′ by 10′ plot. The harvested potatoes are full of vitamins, minerals and calories and they will last the better part of a year. Keep in mind, that Ireland survived on mostly potatoes before the potatoes failed.

Obviously things are rapidly heading downhill in America and the world. I believe we are in a time comparable to the 1860’s and 1938. You now have less than five months to push back against the communist takeover in our nation. If the leftists do take over America with all their insanity, it inevitably will bring about a great push back from traditional God fearing Americans. That push back will look much like a civil war. Before it comes to that, now is the best time to push back against the leftist subversives and now is the best time to prepare.

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Push back now against leftist subversives or prepare for consequences — 51 Comments

  1. Don, you’re articles are FANTASTIC sir (I just sent it to my dad who LOVES them as well). I live in Toronto Canada – a liberal stronghold like no other, and I have made escape plans from the city if needed, but while living and working here have begun looking into some major firepower for home protection. Things are really escalating in bad way. I really hope Trump gets in, but win or lose this is one BAD situation either way. In the city I live in, Heaven help you if you are right leaning, and Heaven REALLY help you if you like Trump (as I do). Even the vast majority of Christians here love Obama and Hillary and are all rooting for Biden to win. I seriously grow weary. The BLM/Antifa nonsense is also something that all of my friends and fellow Christians here take knees too (I would never kneel to their nonsense). It seems to me there is an Elite element that is stirring and fomenting the race issue in a major way.

    As an Irish Canadian I can attest to the power of potatoes lol. My father always tells us about how us poor Irish in Ireland many decades into the early 20th Century during the famines survived on big pots of potatoes only for their 3 meals each day.

    Thanks Don – it gets sad being utterly surrounded by the ungodly. I really appreciate every second Friday when you drop another amazing article on us!

  2. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your support. What you describe is now true in most of Western Europe and the Commonwealth countries around the world. The once Christian West has morphed into the cultural Marxist West. The U.S. is about the last straw but even it is now blowing in the wind.

  3. Don, that is very very true – the United States is the LAST stronghold and bastion of hope believers have – something no one should ever doubt. Our Prime Minister makes Obama look right wing….

    The Christian West in 2020 has been gutted by Marxist demonic ideas since at least the 60’s. I am very serious when I say that 9/10 ‘Christians’ in Canada would kneel before Hellary/Biden/Obama than vote Trump. I have some family in rural areas that would remain conservative but the vast majority are hard Left-leaning.
    I seriously think that the AntiChrist should just skip rebuilding Babylon on the Plains of Shinar and just come here – this city would erect anything he needs even faster than its dark supernatural help ever could.

    Thanks Don,

  4. Hi Don,
    Thank you for the panic attack I’m having. Seriously I know it’s all true.

    Clarence Thomas is the only SCOTUS I really trust and he’s out numbered.
    After I saw their ruling I felt like we might really be finished.

    I’ve been telling people for weeks on face book the truth about Antifa and BLM but it’s like casting pearls to swine to some people. Others are ready to pushback. We need organizers.

    The only bright spot in all of this is I like potatos.

  5. Yea I don’t see this thing just going away after the election. I think internal polling shows Biden actually behind Trump or else the left wouldn’t be going ballistic. If Biden was a sure win they would just wait till november to start their agenda imo.

    My biggest concern is how organized these whole last 5 months have been. It is indeed carefully crafted and funded. You even have been seeing small BLM/ANTIFA groups going to small rural towns. I wonder if they are simply spying and seeing how much armed resistance certain places present for future planned conflicts.

    In Democrat controlled states or cities you definitely will not be able to trust police. They will arrest or shoot you if you try to defend your property from the rioters. Heck, Floyd’s brother openly called for UN involvement in local police. Maybe its the UN troops we also need to look out for if Biden’s radical VP takes control and war breaks out.

    If Trump looks to be winning expect blue states and some red states to Institute new lockdowns in October. Trump said it won’t happen but he really can’t override what individual state mayors and govornors decree. This will prob be the final nail in the coffin for many many businesses and the whole economy will collapse if the Fed doesn’t spend another 5-10 trillion.

  6. Some other things to consider:

    If you need any elective surgery etc, eye glasses, good boots, etc. You need to think about getting that taken care of now.
    If you want to grow sweet potatoes you need slips, buy sweet potatoes and bury them in soil in flower pots. Plant the sprouts. They like hot weather. If you want to grow regular potatoes any sprouted potatoes from the grocery store will work, what season to plant them depends on youe geography. Mine from this spring are about done, I am in east texas.

    Please consider Don’s advice, if the rapture happens this is all moot and happy days for us. Dont do nothing counting on the rapture to keep us from getting uncomfortable.

    God bless yall.

  7. Don, you are dead right on 1., the need to take care of matters because of the lack of Police handling mass protests and the number of Police actually sympathetic to leftist demands, the choice of home defense guns, ammo, and the need to have at least a modicum of affordable food via bulk purchase, gardening, canning, etc. As a retired Chicago Police Officer, I fear the emasculation of PD’s nationwide, the exodus of Officers fed up with being whipping boys for the world, the calls for defunding of PD’s everywhere, and this: if Antifa, BLM, and other overt Communistic/Socialistic organizations get their wish, at some point the only people who would actually sign up for this abuse would either be mentally ill or members of the aforementioned organizations(one could posit a valid argument that to be a member of these one would necessarily HAVE to be mentally ill). Therein lies the real horror; the resultant Policing bodies would be more similar to Nazis, Ustashi< the TonTon Macoute, or othersuch opressive bodies. With absolute certainty, a revision of 1935 Germany would result. I may be called conspiratorial for this, but I am of the belief that George Floyd and several other killings were set on purpose to serve as an American version of The Reichstag Fire. I believe a lot of mainstream Americans either don't believe this ever happened or couldn't happen here. If memory serves me correct, that's the same way the Jews in Europe thought prior to The Reichstag Fire. There really cant be a lot of time left here for us, in my opinion.

  8. Yes dawson that is good advice. Don’t forget getting dental work done as well. Better safe than sorry. Certain store bought foods last a couple years or more for those who can’t plant a garden like myself. Peanut butter, canned foods, dried beans, rice, beef jerky, etc are all good choices.

  9. Im kind of rambling here. Really, I expect us to have to go through some hard times. The rapture is a promise we wont go through the very worst. I think many will come to Christ as things get rough and we will be here to help point them that way. Just imo.

  10. Or you could consider coming down to Mexico if you are retired. You can live kind of well on your pension here. Most people in Mexico are highly conservative, the socialists are still seen as the delusional idiots they are. Land is extremely cheap compared to any place in America. No one here hates Americans. Nobody cares about skin color, gender identity, etc. It may not be for long though, but Mexico won’t reach the level of extreme degeneration the USA and West Europe are going to reach under your next president, no matter who he is.

  11. Clearly an entire world reset is coming soon. It’s not akin to the 1860s or 1930s it’s BOTH at the same time. Civil war,world war, and global economic collapse might happen all at the same time. There has not been a trigger point yet but it is coming.

    I think this looming crisis will be the one to usher in the revised EU, the fall of America as the world leader, and a new electronic economic system. From there we don’t know how long we have could be a few years to a few decades (to the 2nd coming). Probably not past 2075 AD at the very latest.

  12. Hi Martin,

    Mexico has its own class issues and darker people and Indians are being discriminated against there. Not to mention the drug war in Mexico is way out of hand. You are also assuming retired people from the USA will continue to be sent dollars that are worth what they are today. I believe because of all the Fed printing and all the debt the dollar will crash before long.

  13. Hi,

    I just finished up 2-SAM-21, and in that chapter, with Saul long gone, God is judging the nation for sins committed by Saul (to the Gibeonites). It was a rather ensuing ordeal with hangings and God eventually appeased his judgment, David having the responsibility for unfinished business. In any case, …

    It appeals to me just how messed up things are with mankind running his own destiny (with Satan having administration and God allowing events to happen, far beyond my paygrade to figure out). I would use other language, but I’m keeping it clean.

    In David’s time, they were banking on a savior to fix things here, and we’re banking on a savior to remove us and, while that is in the bank, it’s on a CD that hasn’t matured and may not mature as soon as we’d desire.

    Mike’s comment alludes to the most despicable phenomenon, that of the harlot fake and spoiled-baby Christains pulling handles for godless DEMs. Even if some are saved, I would contend to them that they might not be removed since they are more entangled with their selfish world than they are with knowing the truth.

    In America and the world, it’s overloaded with spoiled rotten baby brats that, for generations, have never received their daily dose of long overdue rod spankings (yet another Satanic maneuver).

    // (not sure how to close that post, sigh)

  14. True about Mexico, its not so much about ‘Race’ in Mexico last year 33,000 Mexicans were : Kidnapped, Killed, Beheaded by Mexican Cartels and skin color had nothing to do with it, just GREED. Men will kill their fellow men for $$$ ambition, greed, lust for drug power. I remeber the 1992 L.A. Riots where some 60+ people were killed, it’s much more violent in Mexico, wickedness is multiplying the government there can not fully protect its own citizens, thank GOD here in the USA we are not there yet. In 2019 Mexican cartels beheaded more people than ISIS did for the years 2015-2019.

  15. Good article. One thing you left out is that all but 2 of the supreme court justices are Jesuit trained Roman Catholics. So is Dr. Fauci the man who controls our medical martial law, and yes Bill Gates and his wife Roman Catholic and also Trumps wife. Just sayin

  16. Don and Joe
    33,000 people were killed in Mexico in 2018 by drug cartels, while 17,000 were killed in the US. You don’t lack violence there. The numbers for Mexico that year were way higher but they weren’t being reported because the regime here was involved. The new president has done a great job to diminish the numbers.

    The civil war in the US will start right away only if Trump wins. If he doesn’t you will have like 1 or 2 years before the war starts. If you sell your property now you will be able to buy anything you want in Mexico and won’t have to live under “woke” SJWs regime until the rest of your life on earth – perhaps 3 to 5 years. If you stay in the US you won’t be able to run away once the war has started.

    I highly recommend the south of Mexico where people are armed to the teeth and population consists of mostly villagers in rural areas. The population is highly conservative and even burns down police officers and cartel members when they try to mess with them. Mexico is a way calmer place right now that you could possibly imagine.

    As for the dollar, when the dollar collapses all currencies in the world will follow in less than a split second after. You won’t have pensions no matter where in the world you will be living. You still have time to buy cheap land in the south of Mexico, to grow anything you want. Degeneracy levels in Mexico won’t reach the levels in the US and West Europe. Persecution against Christians may or may not take place but persecution against you in the US has already started.

    I’ve been reading this website in the last 16 years. I feel like I know all of you, even the ones who have never left a comment here. If you decide to flee from the hell the USA is going to be in like 1 to 3 years and move to Mexico, let me know.

    God bless you all.

  17. A BLM leader just said that they are mobilizing and training “patrols” to protect black people and challenge police in NYC. There was a mention that these people are being trained by ex special forces who are members. I’ve heard the same thing about ex military advising ANTIFA a couple weeks ago too.

  18. Hi Martin,

    It’s not that I disagree with most of what you said, but you are assuming people reading this blog have property they can sell to buy property in Mexico. Most of us are not as wealthy as you seem to think or in a position where we can just sell everything and leave the county in the hope that Mexico will be better down the road than it will be here. I doubt if that will turn out to be the case and there are other issues such as lifelong friends, families and language.

  19. The left has really outdone themselves. They recruited kids on Tiktok and other platforms to send thousands of fraudulent RSVPs to the Trump rally last night. Not near the attendance they planned for and a lot of wasted time and effort of building a second outdoor stage that was never used. How can any rally reliably gauge attendance now?

  20. Now that there is no separation of powers between the judiciary and our legislative branches, what with Gorsuch making law, it’s not looking good for the Republic. In addition to Gorsuch being a sell out, Kavanaugh learned nothing from his public flogging during his confirmation hearing. The LGBTQXYZ crowd who called for his head, are the very same people he congratulated. The problem with all these people is that they want to be liked. They’re all cowards. They’ll do anything or say anything to get people to like them. Dennis Pragar said 1 of the traits that very few people have is courage, and he’s right. We’re seeing it now more than ever. Lindsey Graham constantly has his finger to the wind. He’s probably hoping Trump loses so he can go back to playing patty cake with his Democrat pals. I expect to see a statue of Baphomet going up in place of 1 of the monuments that the anarchists have torn down. That would be fitting for what’s happening now and no one would stop them. They’d probably kneel and start worshipping that statue. There’s a saying that goes something like “pray for peace, but prepare for war”. I do believe that’s where we have now arrived.

  21. Don, great, great article, and very timely. The dollar has to be on its last leg. I guess the plan is to hyperinflate it away. Someone said the true debt number is in the 100 trillion range. That is unfathomable. I hate to think what will happen once this goes down. The effects will be enumerable.

    Politically speaking, extremism usually follows such occurrences. The left obviously wants Communism. Will there be enough people on the right to counter them, and how can we prevent extremism from forming on this side of the spectrum is my question? I think it’s possible that some form of Communism wins the day in the end. Especially if the UN and China gets involved.

  22. Steve,

    My guess is that we will see covid induced stagflation. Economy shrinks while inflation expands. In the end they will dump the dollar.

  23. Shawn King, probably the biggest leader of the radical BLM organization says churches are next. White depictions of Jesus and other biblical figures are racist and have to go.

  24. Good morning Don and all:
    I agree with everything in your article and thank you, as always for sharing your perspective, thoughts and advice. I have a question for you and everyone else on here about: “…Before it comes to that, now is the best time to push back against the leftist subversives” I agree, but how exactly? We vote, we email and call our elected officials, we pray for Trump and Pence, the administration and their families every night at 8 p.m. We attend a God-fearing church and are reaching out to our community in as many different ways as we can think of. We live in a very rural, politically conservative location in middle America and we are aware of the destruction and perversity in the cities but we have not (yet) witnessed it in any personal way. I believe we are where God “put us”. We moved to Wyoming ten years ago from California and sadly, started then to prepare for the decay and collapse of our society.
    My husband gets extremely upset about the blatant and accepted wickedness that is destroying our country from within – just like the self-destruction of the Roman Empire. I believe if we lived in any leftist city my husband would already be leading the physical push-back (or would be in jail for trying) that you speak of “That push back will look much like a civil war.” Is a “civil war” style push back the right answer, eventually? I too heard that “White depictions of Jesus and other biblical figures are racist and have to go.” is the latest threat.
    I would appreciate hearing your thoughts. God Bless… Bev

  25. Hi Bev,

    You obviously are already pushing back against the godless reprobates and have been preparing. I am talking to the vast majority calling themselves Christians, conservatives and Americans that have done nothing and have even have tried to appease the evil reprobates.

  26. Don,
    Thank you for your reply. In speaking to Pastor Steve after the service Sunday we agreed that we, as a church, need to be praying and testifying to the pseudo-Christians with-in our sphere, in addition to the obviously ungodly. We agreed that as a church, we have greatly fallen down in that particular mission.

  27. The LEFT long ago lost ‘common sense’ Noam Chomsky himself is against the very existence of Israel even though his own parents suffered persecution in Russia a while back as Jews. In College i almost embraced the ‘Left’ but soon realized that America was a force of good, we are not perfect but most of the rest of the world is worst off in : corruption, denial of human rights and civil liberties. Defund our American police ? Last i researched all African countries have their own police force for good reasons and so does Asian and Latin American countries.

  28. Trump finally admits BLM leaders are traitors. It’s a good first start but he will have to do much more than that to stop what is coming.

  29. Don

    Ive typed out several further comments on here but I keep erasing them. I really appreciate you and the research you have done, its also a help that you put some practical advice as to what to do with our hands while we watch and wait. Most of the people doing the youtube stuff dont say a word about what to do because they act like the rapture is going to save us from any hardship in this country. It mite. But we cant live like its going to. We dont know. Andy Woods is pretty good about talking about what to do as well. Anyway, your level headed and practical approach to these difficult days is a help. Ive emailed the governor, whitehouse, senators, etc. Still wringing my hands.

  30. I don’t think we’ll be celebrating freedom this 4th of July. We’ll be mourning the death of our nation. The fear mongering by the media has gone into overdrive again about the virus. Lockdown 2.0 is just around the corner.

  31. Hello Adriana:
    We will be celebrating America and “slightly limited” freedom in Wyoming – Praise God! We have had around 50 people confirm their intention to attend our 2nd annuual 4th of July barbeque and our little country church is participating in the town’s (population less than 100) 4th of July parade. There are a few downsides to living 2-hours from any real shopping and 1-hour to hospitals, doctors, etc. BUT the positives WAY out weigh the negatives. None the less, I too grieve for America…Bev

  32. The question is will everything calm down after the election or will it ramp into overdrive. Nobody knows.

  33. Hi Jim,

    This is not going away after the election and most here do know where this is heading. That is why I said we either stop the leftist subversion of our Republic now or we prepare for the consequences.

  34. They will not be able to engineer a successful communist revolution without a massive crisis that either crashes the economy or shuts off utilities and supply chains. The communist revolutionaries and their supporters are outnumbered probably 100 to 1. Therefore I think either an EMP or second much more draconian lockdown is about the only way they can accomplish this in a short time frame. They might be able to to it in big Democrat cities but subjugating the rural and suburban folks is a real challenge.

  35. Hi Jim

    They do not have to deal with the rural population to accomplish their goals. If they get control of most of the cities or at least destablize them enough they will cause enough damage to the country. If they manage to control or destabilize the cities that will effectively stop the supply chain. Rural people will be much easier to control and isolate to deal with when they do not have food, healthcare, etc.

    Part of the problem is that so few people are taking this seriously. To mount a successful insergency does not take many people and it requires 10x the number of insurgents to deal with them. At least half the country is sympathtic to them and then a large part of the other half doesnt take it serious or is scared to do anything. Im not sure if there is any stopping this.

  36. Yes, I’ve been trying to convince myself lately that it’s not as bad as I think it is, but that doesn’t change reality.

  37. We need strong leadership from the pulpits, but we haven’t had any in a long time. We need a real patriot movement similar to the Tea Party organization of Obama’s era, but much stronger and more organized. I don’t know how we get there?

  38. My govornor Andrew Cuomo mentioned an outline of his plans during his daily coronavirus briefing. These include;

    1. All police departments have to agree to make changes based on community concerns (aka radical marxists demands). Deadline is next April or state funds may be withheld. He says we have to seize this moment now.

    2. Creation of a state coronavirus enforcement agency to assist local governments with compliance. Probably only in the cities for now due to the lack of manpower. Enforce who? With what rules?

    3. The strict enforcement of quarantined individuals by doing random phone and video checks to make sure you are where you say you are during your quarentine (starting with out of state travelers from states with high virus cases). Heavy fines may be levied for disobedient individuals.

    Im not making any of this up. That’s how draconian these democrats are getting. Any thoughts on this?

  39. Jim
    I would move. I do not think there is any fighting it in the democratic strongholds. We have a republcrat here that did ok getting us opened back up but now he is backtracking.

    I wish I knew. To few people are taking this seriously, many who supported the t party movement are afraid of the virus. Further, we are being sensored so even if there are a lot of people against what’s going on we have little communication and no media assistance save the few real conservatives left on fox.

    As far as food goes my wife and I have been canning and gardening our little hearts out. We actually enjoy that when we aren’t thinking about the state of things. We do remind eachother the rapture probably isnt far off, but we cant know when so on we go on doing what we can to make a safe environment for our kids.

  40. Hi Jim,

    If the people of NY don’t like authoritarian control freaks to rule over them they should not vote them into office. Since the majority of people there apparently want such people all you can do is try to educate them or move to areas where the majority of people think differently.

  41. I mean the blatant totalitarianism in blue states is astounding. There is no reasoning with these people. They are clearly planning on a police state in the near future.

  42. Governor Gruesome here in Calizuela has started shutting things down again and of course it’s right before the 4th. On various conservative news sites I read, a lot of the comment sections are filled with statements like “we’re weeks or days before the people are going to take back their cities and/or states”. I’m just not seeing much of that push back anywhere. Probably because the law abiding citizen will be prosecuted while the low lifes run amuck. A big problem is there is no leadership among conservatives. In reality in L.A., where all the beaches will be closed, again, the people should be storming those beaches on the 4th. Masses should show up. Maybe they will. One can only hope. Most sheriffs departments said they wouldn’t enforce the mandate. The police are supposedly going to do a blue flu on the 4th. Will they even do that? Where has America’s fighting spirit gone?

  43. I think there is going to be a trigger point in the next few months that will take this hot. Right now it is relatively restrained. I don’t know if it will be The election results, another lockdown, a forced vaccine, BLM violence, or destruction of a historical site. Once it starts there is no going back.

  44. Adriana, you need to get out of California if you are able asap. I heard where Gov. Newsom was going after people having bbq’s due to the virus “spread” amongst families. So, he is going after real peaceful gatherings celebrating our independence while ignoring the Marxist, radical BLM and Antifas violently gathering. Makes sense.

  45. In Kansas Democrat Governor Kelly issued a mask mandate starting tomorrow but leaves it up to each county whether to enforce or not.

    I too read the comment section on conservative news sites. People are ready to push back but are waiting for the word. I agree there is no organization to give the word and we aren’t going to start shooting things up. Who’s going to bail us out of jail?

    I was reading a Limbaugh transcript and a 15 year old girl called in to ask how to push back.

    We want to do something but I don’t think we know what actions to take.

  46. Hi Don and readers. I haven’t said much since everyone has summed up the present situation. Seeing what’s going on in the States is continuing to ‘boggle my mind’ – and feeling very sad, as well. I appreciate your interpretation of what seems to be happening ‘behind the scenes’, Don. You make a key point re president Trump: how he has put (at times) the wrong people into key positions. We can only hope that he’s learned from this. Whether the President is a believer or not, God seems to have ‘infused’ him with unlimited energy! The man is unstoppable.
    It must be hard for (especially) patriotic Americans to witness the tearing down of those statues. Even as a Canadian, I am offended by this ugly behaviour. Of course, the loss of human life is even more reprehensible.
    One bright spot – perhaps God is using this present crisis to draw people to Himself. Also, let’s continue to pray for those genuine Christians within government and the political sphere.
    I see that many people appear to have been (finally) charged with some recent crimes. Don, do you think A G Barr is truly ‘in Trump’s corner’? If you’ll allow, I’d like to give a quick shout out to Adriana and Caitlyn (sp?). These two ladies bring good observations to the table, so to speak. Although the situation is very serious, I got some comic relief from Adriana with the “governor gruesome” comment, also “Calizuela” very funny! Thanks a lot, Don. – Kevin.

  47. Hi Kevin,

    Trump is not even in Trump’s corner according to some he has appointed. Who knows what Barr will or will not do if push comes to shove? Obviously the Justice Department as a whole continues to resist any investigation. Most of this has been put in Dunham’s hands and some are saying he is not even looking up the food chain to prosecute the real cause of the lawlessness. After the election any prosecution of the crimes of the deep state coup attempt may quietly go away.

  48. With Epsteins pimp being arrested we might see some new crisis unfold to steal attention away. Either that are she “commits suicide”.

  49. I have been hesitant to say anything I’m just a country guy I’ll make a good living I’m saved by the grace of God I own two guns I shoot them a couple a year just to make sure they’re working and in good shape sorry for my punctuation I’m driving down the road doing speech to text I just want to let you know in the country we will fight we don’t want to but we will please God Bless America

  50. Hi Martin

    I am considering relocating to southern Mexico. How do I contact you?