Want revolution poverty and civil war soon? Then just vote democrat this fall

Americans better wake up. By voting for democrats in the upcoming national elections the people of this nation will bring judgment upon their own head. The Democratic Party has obviously been taken over by Marxist leftist radicals intent upon destroying our Republic. So why would Americans want to vote in a communist revolution this fall?

Many have been misled into believing that Joe Biden is a moderate. Even some Republicans say they will vote for Biden. In reality Biden has always been a leftist and he is now saying the very same things as the radical left Marxists. Any astute person also knows that Biden has become senile. He will pick a black radical Marxist female as his running mate and that is how the radicals will get someone into the presidency that Americans would never have voted into the office. A vote for Biden therefore is a vote for Marxism. A vote for Biden is a vote to destroy the Christian republic that our nation was founded to be.

If Donald Trump losses the election this fall, it also is likely that the Democrats would retain control of the House and also win control of the Senate. The first thing the Democrat controlled Senate will do is to do away with the filibuster rules so that everything passes by a simple majority. The Democrats will then proceed to change our government so that Republicans will never be able to regain power.

The Democrats will do that by immediately voting to make Washington DC a state giving them 2 additional Democrat senators. This legislation has already passed the House. They may also vote to make Puerto Rico a state giving them another two. They also plan to open the borders and flood the country with millions of illegals and give all those illegally here amnesty and the right to vote. Those actions will insure the Democrats will retain control of the House and Senate for decades.

They also have plans to control the Supreme Court and all high courts by expanding the number of justices serving on them and filling the vacancies with leftist radicals. There then would be a one party system running America until the next revolution.

After they establish full control of government, one of the first bills they will enact is the outlawing of semiautomatic weapons. The government will just legislate away inalienable rights mentioned in the Constitution. There will only be rights granted by government. Free speech will only be allowed if it is politically correct speech. Anyone against the “woke” leftist agenda will be taken down. The Democrats will weaponize government to go after anyone they consider their enemy. Conservatives and true Christians will become persecuted by their government and the courts will assist them. Only the Republican controlled Senate and Donald Trump have hindered radical legislation already passing the House from being enacted.

When the Democrats take control, they will greatly expand taxes and spending. Income taxes rates will go up for all middle-class people. For some the federal income tax rate will be as high as 70 percent. They would make the income tax rate even higher but states also demand their share. Capital gains taxes will double. They will have a wealth tax and thus they will drive the most wealthy people and corporations out of our nation. Payroll taxes could triple to pay for government run health care and universal income guarantees.

The Democrats in addition will add a transaction tax and a value added tax. There also will be a carbon tax added to everything. They will likely pass at least a ten trillion dollar reparation tax that will somehow be designed so only white productive people pay for black benefits. The minimum wage would go up to about $20 an hour making many services unaffordable. With all the taxes and the businesses shutdowns products will greatly increase in cost for everyone if you can even find them.

The government in short will confiscate almost all the income of the most productive people and the government bureaucracy will selectively determine who among the unproductive qualify for receiving the benefits.

Even with all these new taxes, they will not collect anywhere near enough to pay for all the programs and for servicing the debt, so they will just print the money. The dollar will start free-falling in value. Government universal incomes might sound good to those without jobs, but those receiving the incomes will soon find out that all the dollars they receive from the government will not buy them a loaf of bread in the unregulated gray or black market.

Businesses not favored and given tax breaks by government will not be able to make money, so they will close down. The stock and bond market will crash and people will lose their life savings including their 401K’s and pensions. Failing banks will just take much of the savings held there by using bail-in legislation. Inflation will do he rest. Unemployment will surpass even the worst of the great depression. Few will be producing anything anymore so widespread rationing will need to be implement. People will not be able to afford their mortgage or their rents so most property will default and become owned by the government. The main things that will keep millions of people from living out of tents on the streets will be the cost of tents and the tent shortage. People will soon be squatting in the huge amount of vacant buildings.

Under the Democrats, much of the military will be dismantled. With America neutered, wars will soon rage all over the world. The only reason America may not be destroyed militarily is that there will be no need. We did it to ourselves by voting in Marxism.

The falling incomes of state and local government will require them to defund law enforcement. It will become a mad max situation in the big cities. Gangs will control everything but major corridors. People will be living in burned out rubble in the midst of martial law and gang shootouts. Our cities will become like Iraq and Syria after their governments lost control. The Death Wish film series was visualized on a premise of a gang taking over a small part of New York City. This will become a reality in areas of blue cities. Even so, don’t expect many Charles Bronson’s to show up.

Rural areas will fare somewhat better because deep red states and counties would increasingly resist the federal lunacy. Militias will form. Counties will not enforce federal decrees and people will stop sending money to fund the Federal government. Limited free enterprise will continue to exist in rural areas because deep red areas of the nation will create their own gray market. State and rural locations may come up with their own currency. The federal government will attempt to stop the rural rebellion and secession, but that will probably generally fail.

I do not know if this would degenerate into an all out civil war. More likely it will be more of a Balkanization of America. Red rural areas will want nothing to do with Washington D.C. and the big cities. Good luck with Washington trying to force saner rural people to comply with all the godless leftist insanity that the leftists will enact. Marxist utopian experiments end when enough of the common people stop obeying the collectivist covetous ten commandments (the exact opposite of God’s ten commandments). Those living in the blue cities will soon experience first hand the errors of socialist ways. Those not becoming casualties of the socialist “woke” social justice revolution will revolt themselves.

Even if the Republicans win this fall, the leftist threat will remain. At most a Trump reelection might just buy a short delay to our downward spiral. That is because our universities are not educating people they are feeding them satanic indoctrination. Universities need to be shut down until the Marxist professors subverting our Republic are removed. After that Christian education and core courses on history and civics need to be mandatory in all American schools. Of course none of that will happen because most of America already believes in the humanist lies.

There needs to be alternatives to “higher education” that just put people in debt but prepare them to contribute nothing in the real world. Why not give employers tax incentives for educating people to be successful in needed occupations? Even the military knows that the best way to train people is through career focused instruction and on the job training. Achievement tests are first given to determine if recruits can succeed in any given career field. They know that people scoring in the lowest percentiles in electronics are never going to become future rocket scientists. Something similar should be used to determine career fields for youth. Not everyone should be going to universities. There needs to a lot more on the job training.

Even if Trump is reelected, we have a deep-rooted inner city problem that needs to be dealt with immediately. The first thing necessary is the establishment of strict law and order in these areas. There is no excuse for allowing all the murder. Constitutional rights of people should not trump lawlessness. Rather than defund the police we must empower law enforcement to stop the drugs cold and defund the gangs. As we do that, we need to find ways to get these people off of the Democrat created government plantations. Free handouts and sinful lifestyles enslave people, educating and enabling people is the way people are set free.

The self-destructive tendencies in America are not going away unless there is a spiritual revival. I do not see that happening before great chastisement. We seem too far gone. Nonetheless, those that do want America to survive in the near term can try to delay the national disaster by not turning over our nation to the radical leftists this fall. If the Democrats win control this November because you did not vote, or you voted for leftists, then as I said, you will receive what the godless leftists start to dish out next year.

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Want revolution poverty and civil war soon? Then just vote democrat this fall — 31 Comments

  1. Thanks Don, a usual, you’re spot on!
    I have to admit, I’m more than a little concerned, even if Trump reelected.
    The leftist will keep pushing, untill the government is pushed to act in a more heavy handed way. They WANT a police State, and might just get it, only, hopefully it’s under our control. Even then, we will loose because of it. Seems things are rapidly closing in on the end times scenario. I wondered how it would happen, but, saddened in a way. Just holding onto the promises made to the faithful. Yet it’s hard to rejoice, being witness to the destruction by the useful idiots in this country. Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

  2. Thanks Don! So many irrefutable points made here.

    Your point on a value-added tax “VAT” is very realistic from the position of the Democrats initiating the program. I have been in Sales tax law for almost 20 yrs in Canada and can tell you that here in Canada (and most of Europe, even India), almost all goods and services have a painful addition of 5-13% of taxes added. The end-user pays for these (not businesses) and it is quite a burden. Add to that the potential increases in personal and corporate taxation and the standard of living projected in the 2020’s does not look good.

    Another point you made on tax revenues by state and local govt’s is also dead on. Police will absolutely be defunded – even if not by choice, but simply by budgetary and fiscal limitations it will happen.

    Regarding Marxism in the higher learning centers – Some communist defectors from the USSR (if they are to be believed) have spoken about this in the past. The goal was very patient, long suffering, and pin-point accurate in leading generations of Americans away from nationalism and Christianity to one of authoritarian Marxism through control of the education system. Seems to be working very very well.

    If Trump wins I expect severe backlash from the Left. If he loses the bullseye will move directly from Trump to everyday conservative Christians’ way of life and values. Both scenarios are bad. We need as many Bronson’s as we can get.

    Thanks Don,

  3. Don I think you’re spot on. I also believe you are right when you say Balkanization is our future. The future of the US will probably be very similar to the fall of the USSR. If indeed that is the case, Lord only knows what that will entail.

    As for the economy. I did listen to an economics professor from Michigan State University say that hyperinflation could potentially be avoided. He said that 1970s style inflation could possibly exist over a couple decades, and perhaps that would allow the US to pay down some debts. I still don’t see how that’s possible.

    I didn’t think there was any way that Trump could lose to Biden. Now, I’m not so sure. I don’t really believe the polls that show Biden ahead by 15 pts or so, but maybe he is 3-5 pts ahead. Half the country is reprobate as it is, so we’re really only talking about a small fraction that elects the president anyways. If they can convince enough people by all of the propaganda, then it’s possible. Add in large amounts of illegal voting by the undocumented or mail in ballots and it’s over.

    Like you stated, even with Trump winning another term, chaos is likely coming by way of the economy or leftist rebellion.

  4. Hi Steve,

    I no longer can see how hyperinflation can be avoided. If inflation went up to what it was in the 70’s the interest rate on the national debt would also have to go up to at least 7 percent. That is because nobody is going to keep buying our debt to lose money through inflation each year. 7 percent of 30 trillion is 2.1 trillion of interest each year. That leaves almost nothing to operate government on. Our government now has to keep interest rates down or we go into debt default. When that happens nobody will take the risk to buy our bonds and the dollar will become near worthless. In other words, debt default brings the crash of the currency and the crash of the currency brings hyperinflation to the nation.

  5. Good article Don. I wish you could post more frequently as 2 weeks is an eternity at the rate the country is dissolving.

    First point. I 100% agree with the idea of training people for jobs. I even thought of creating a startup doing just that a couple years ago. There are problems though. That’s why nobody does it in any great numbers. Companies want people with experience who can start contributing asap. No company is going to wait a year and spend thousands on a guy that might not work out. I’ve thought of ways around this but it’s tough.

    Second point. Like I said in an earlier post, I just cannot see all out civil war happening unless most people are without power or food. It’s literally the only way to get the white suburbs to take to the streets to fight. People have to be desperate. So much easier just moving to a red state. It seems you kind of now entertain the possibility of widespread civil war being unlikely. If an EMP or a massive economic crash occurs then yes we will prob see war.

    In fact, if conservatives left deep blue states en masse and moved to red states we could probably do pretty well. We could build a very solid 4 or 5 state conglomerate that would remain sane for a long time. Of course you never win a battle by retreating. In time the radical leftist govornment will attempt to destroy any remnants of christian conservatism.

    In regards to what’s happening now, it’s clear that the whole Covid data manipulation and fear mongering is at the very least to ensure mail in voting. Mail in voting in the swing states will result in a Trump loss. I still have a feeling that things are going to spiral out of control soon. I think something is coming we are not aware of yet. We will see.

  6. Hi Jim,

    The military does career training in great numbers. People generally become productive in a few months but their on the job training continues for their whole military career and often they get reasonably good paying jobs in that career when they get out. Maybe we should have some kind of government training program not to prepare people to fight wars but to prepare those not having high enough test scores or the desire to go to college for a productive career. The rest they would learn on the job. It would be a small investment in our future and it would lessen the unemployability of inner city youth.

  7. “The federal government will attempt to stop the rural rebellion and secession, but that will probably generally fail.”

    That is when the real civil war happens. If we can’t escape by retreating to deep red states then shooting is the only option. It’s only a matter of time before we get a scenario like this.

  8. Don I believe you are correct about hyperinflation. I really don’t see a way to avoid it. The question is when?. Timing of America’s fall in relation to Israel’s expansion and wars will be interesting. I’m having a hard time seeing how all of the prophesied events unfold within a decade or so. Of course the rapture could happen at any time, so perhaps the gap between that and the final seven years is much larger than perceived by many. I don’t know? Happy Independence Day to all.

  9. Interesting topic re: hyperinflation.

    The total M0, M1 & M2 money supply + the Fed balance sheet, and the big banks balance sheets of USD is something like $60 trillion. There are also quadrillions in derivative contracts – how much would or could be converted to USD I have no idea. I have read some say the Fed actually has no real idea how many monetized trillions are in existence, but it may be $100+T.

    My point is hyperinflation may be farther off than we think. The US Fed could print a $trillion a month for a year and the impact on consumer prices and inflation would not be huge. The issue of confidence in the dollar would be though, and the global community would see this as a sign of weakness and ditch the dollar. The incredible vastness of the dollar and the lack of any currency peers still give it some strength…but for how long?

  10. Its definitely a somber mood today. It is July 4th but the idea that its probably the last free and or peaceful one really puts a damper on things. Most 4th of July shows are cancelled yet protests are still ok. Really debated with myself about whether to celebrate or not. Decided I would go ahead and do some stuff for my kids, better to enjoy what we have today instead of losing today worried about tomorrow. Things look bad for the U.S. but maybe we can still kick the can down the road a bit further…the distance it rolls shortens with each kick. Buying some fireworks and watermelon mite help someone else having a hard time with this coronaplague anyway. I guess if the Lord tarries we probably are headeded for balkanization. I had to look that one up, thanks public school. I agree that I dont see the large God fearing population in this country going along with a completely rogue federal government as long as we are still here. I guess we can regorganize and send missionaries to the demo zones for foreign missions, we can save on air fair thatway.

    It is refreshing to see you all discuss possible solutions to the problems facing this country even though things look really bad. I dont see any fixing the US as is, but who knowes what can happen should the Lord tarry.
    May you all have a safe and happy 4th remembering the real source of freedom and the hope He brings.

  11. Don, I personally believe the Rubicon has been crossed long ago. Forget spiritual revival, a resurgence of true patriotism, or a conservative resurgence. Its over and I truly believe civil war is inevitable . Im not a pessimist, a defeatist, a coward, or a robot. I am a 65 year old former Chicago Police Officer who can read the signs on the wall. We are almost at the time of departure for believers. Did anyone think it would be peaceful, easy, or without conflict? I would dearly like to go out in The Rapture but if it tarries very long lead may be the cause of my departure and I don’t mean suicide. Its irrelevant if Christians don’t want to partake in resistance; hell, neither do I. But, I wont die on my knees, I WILL die on my feet if necessary. This is gonna get ugly and forget about a happy ending with everybody singing Kumbaya. We as believers long to go home but are MANDATED to protect our own and the innocents who cant. If I posted this before Im sorry but Im gonna say this again. Patrick Henry said “Give me Liberty or give me Death.” I am part Serb and Im not sure who to credit this to, but The Chetnik Resistance had on their flag the same sentiment. It stated “Se Verum U Bogu, Sloboda Ilie Smrt”, I have faith in God, Freedom or Death. Damn right.

  12. In regards to my earlier comment. I actually don’t think retreating to deep red states might even work more than a couple years. If a legitimate Marxist revolution occurred with the blessing of the new Democrat administration then they will come for any organized resistance. I bet they would not hesitate to use the insurrection act as well as hold federal funds and stop goods from entering “rogue states”. Basically after Trump leaves office civil war is guraenteed.

  13. I don’t see things getting better. The majority of Americans are reprobate or support the reprobates. It even seems the majority of “Christians” I meet are Christians in name only. Try to talk to them about the Bible and they don’t read it and fully support LGBT, abortion, and pretty much believe in a hippy Jesus. It’s quite disheartening. I am beyond blessed that God led me to my current church where everything is taught out of the Bible. We are a small church because Laodecians aren’t attracted to us. It makes watching everything deteriorate easier to handle having sane people to talk about it and pray with. My Pastor and his wife both say they fully expect a communist government taking over soon. They see the masks as a way to desensitize the public in losing their rights.

  14. I’m a little concerned about these armed primarily black militias that are forming. This might be part of the next phase of the insurrection. Lots of comments on social media about how only racists have anything to fear from them. I could see this spreading across the country. We will see how it plays out.

  15. I am concerned about the perceived unwillingness from the President to act against these armed groups. I know there have recently been signed orders protecting the statues, but I keep reading about more coming down without consequence. On top of that the military leaders have apparently turned against him, and it makes me wonder if the deep state or whatever you call it has gotten to him, or rendered any of his potential actions impossible.

  16. This man who calls himself “grand master Jay” is leading the largest group of these militias. They recently took a hundred or so armed men to an old kkk site. Don’t know who supplied the firearms or swat gear. There was no violence but I think it was more of an announcement. Now people in other states are asking to join this movement and fight “racism” with a show of force. Funny thing is many comments on YouTube are being deleted about this whole arming of left-wing militia groups. Some powers that be don’t want the general public aware of what’s going on yet.

  17. Hi Steve,

    It looks like some in Defense are hedging their bets before the election. They want to be in a good position and still relevant if Trump does not get reelected. The retired generals and the ones looking to retire really cannot take strong position against the standing President publicly. They could lose there job or their ample pensions. For example, Harry Truman fired the great general MacArthur because MacArthur played the press card in their disagreement on how to fight China. Many of the current generals got their stars by advancing Bush and Obama’s agenda and by kissing the behind of those empowered to give out stars. These days top “woke” generals act more like politicians and social justice warriors than strong military leaders.

    Actually, most of the rank and file military are on board with Trump.

  18. Hi Don,

    I’m enjoying reading your material along with your readership comments. Most will agree we are at a tipping point in America; it could tip the wrong way this fall. If President Trump loses this election, then he may be the last true president. The left understands that Biden is incapable of leading the nation because of his senility, but they keep him hidden hoping he will become president and to control the damage his comments make.

    It won’t be too long before 666 enters the scene. We will not be able to buy, or sell, without the mark of the beast in our hands, or foreheads. There is nothing surreal about this ability, the technology is already there.

    In your timeline to the coming of Christ, I do believe you had the war beginning in the mid to late 20s. If Trump wins, the next president would almost have to be a democrat to insure that the markings of the beast are in place. Globalism would be securely in place. If Trump wins, that would not happen before 2026.

    Now…the two prophets and who they are is open to discussion. I also have my theories, but they would have to be “living” men to be able to die in the streets of Jerusalem. After three and one half days, they would be caught up to meet Christ. I think God will send those two prophets into Jerusalem while it is at war. They will preach for three and one half years which will end about 2034. This is just a guess. The Bible doesn’t say much about the two, but their message will not be accepted. After they are caught up, I believe Christ will step foot on the Mount of Olives and the mountain with cleave in twain with a large earthquake which will kill the enemies of Israel.

    There is a problem with my calculation in that I don’t know when the Temple will be built. I would think it would have to be built soon. Isn’t there a mosque where the Temple is supposed to be built?

  19. Hi Allen,

    The site is big enough to contain both the Dome of the Rock and the Temple.

    I am not sure what war you are referring to, there will be more than one future war. I believe the four horsemen are likely to start riding sometime in the 2020’s

    Bible prophecy does not depend on America’s 2020 election. For example, everything would change instantly in America if the Rapture were to occur. Satan would quickly give his man supernatural power and there would no longer be any major opposition to a godless leftist global government. If there is no Rapture in the 2020’s, I think civil war in America becomes inevitable no matter who is President.

  20. Hi Don,

    I did not know that the Dome of the Rock and Temple could exist in the same area. I read somewhere that Christ needed to return to his temple, but my knowledge of the scriptures are a bit hazy.

    About the wars, and I might be wrong, but there are two great final wars mentioned: one precedes the Millennium and the other comes thereafter. What I understand is the Battle of Armageddon precedes Christ’s arrival, and the Battle of Gog and Magog comes at the end of the 1000 years of peace. In the first battle, an army of 200 million is to be arrayed against Israel. Israel will win that war through the miraculous intervention of Christ. How that really plays out, I have no idea.

    During the first battle, I think the two prophets will show up. In that time period, I understand a false prophet and an evil prince will show up. This evil prince would change temple ordinances and force the people worship him as God in the temple of God. Daniel may have alluded to this prince by saying he was a person who understood dark versus (or language). I understood that to mean he used Satanic language to gain power. Here is where I am guessing a bit, I think that the two prophets will preach against this evil prince who is polluting the sanctity and ordinances of the Temple.

    Other than the timeline you gave, is there a place on your site that covers some of the questions of who is these people are (666 and others). Nothing against the Pope other than he is a bit leftwing for me, but some even say he may be in on some of this.

    At this point, I fully understand we don’t really know who these people are, or when they will show up, but it is an interesting topic to discuss.

    OH yes…thanks for your answer!

    It’s late here in the east, so I will come again later.

  21. Hi Allen,

    There are several wars during the tribulation or that still need to be fulfilled because they have have not been fulfilled in prior history.

    The first thing you will need to learn if you want to comment here is to stay on the post topic. Read my commenting policy (found from the top bar).

    What you posted gets basic Bible prophecy details mostly wrong. You need to be learning not telling others your fuzzy remembrance of scripture and Bible prophecy.

    You can learn about anything I write about by doing a keyword search from the search box near the bottom of my homepage. For questions on Bible prophecy there also is a email address (The website homepage not the blog homepage)

  22. Dear Mr. Koenig,

    Thanks for your time. I have no more questions. I didn’t read your rules concerning comments, but I did now and I was off topic. I ask for your forgiveness.

    It was not my intention to tell anybody anything about the scriptures, but to ask questions. Since I was off topic, I would request you remove all posts I sent to you.

    Again, thank for your time.

  23. Hi Allen,

    There is nothing to apologize for. It is not that big of a deal at this point. People learn from the actions of others. Explaining my commenting policy to others merits keeping your comments and my response to you up.

    Making statements unrelated to the post topic and asking questions unrelated to the post topic will soon stop people from reading and making future comments. That is the main reason why I ask people to stay on topic on all of my posts.

    As I said, if you or anyone else has questions related to Bible prophecy that are not related to the post topic I have an email address for that. Even so. people might want to use the search box to see if I have already written on the subject.

    By the way, there are other posts on this blog where such comments might be on post topic.

  24. Don,

    I took the time to read your resume, and we shared a lot of jobs in common (this was a shocker). By using the name DMA, I take it you worked there a long time ago. The US government is in full cuck mode. What used to be deviant behavior is celebrated as normal. The military leadership is full of liberal cucks and are destroying any semblance of how things used to be. I read other conservative sites that echo your very sentiments, so you are most defiantly not alone in your conclusions.

    The BLM, Antifa, and democrats are all part of the same team. They own the media and are financed with deep pockets. There are a few good patriots out there on TV media (Tucker Carlson), but they have to endure the onslaught of the left with what I call the cancel culture. What we have here is basic warfare for the souls of men.

    I wish I could be hopeful for a peaceful outcome for our nation, but if Trump goes, then there goes our last leader with backbone! The rest would be like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer taking a knee.

    I hope this post was “on topic!”

  25. Hi Allen,

    I only worked at Defense Mapping Agency for 5 or 6 years in the 1980’s at three different locations. As you know they have changed names and are now the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

    They have been trying to take Tucker Carson down by going after his advertisers but a couple of them have been sticking with him. I just read that Carlson’s main speech writer just got fired from Fox News. Will this impact his monologues?

  26. Hi Don,

    I have to say that Tucker rules the night time hosts on Fox News. I thought he wrote his own material. I hope the departure of his writer will not affect his program. Even Trump can see that Tucker hits a homerun each night during his monologue.

    From my vantage point, half of our nation is already lawless. Many of the things democrats have done would put a conservative behind bars. For example, Hillary Rodham Clinton would be behind bars had she been working where you used to work and sashayed out the door with classified information. Taking classified material home is a crime punishable by imprisonment, and above all of that it was stupidly reckless. Comey didn’t even give her a slap on the hand which begs the question “why”? Why would Comey cover for Clinton, or maybe even Obama?

    Maybe all these guys are on the same team? Comey, Clapper, Clinton, Obama, Xi Jinpeng, Castro and Maduro. I think we have one BIG royal mess on our hands. Oh yes, I believe that antifa and BLM are also part of the same team. The election is binary: Trump or communism. With Trump we have at least some freedom left, but with the democrats we lose our republic and the Constitution.

    By the way, and I may have said this, but I agree with everything you said in your editorial. I’m just stunned by how fast things are degenerating. This is straight out of Orwell’s book 1984.

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

    I’ll come back again some time and see if you write another editorial.

    Until then…take care!

  27. Things really are beginning to escalate rather quickly. If Trump can win reelection, hopefully he’ll make good on the redistricting issue per the census, regardless of the citizen question. From what I’ve read and heard, he wants states to redraw their maps in ways that limits the power of urban population centers (Democrat run cities) from being exercised over the rest of the state’s population (mostly rural, conservative Americans). This would be great, IF he can win. If not, well, there’s other plans in the works.

    Eastern and southern counties of Oregon are petitioning rather successfully to get onto the ballot the vote to secede from the state and become a part of Idaho. Imagine if Idaho could gain access to the coast and its international waters/air space. It would make Idaho (“Greater Idaho” as they call the idea) arguably the only red state in the North that could legitimately lead a secession movement. They also have their border with Canada going for them.

    Imagine if Biden wins, Dems keep the House and possibly take the Senate. Next thing you know there’s sweeping gun confiscation signed into law. Idaho could lead along with Texas, as well as the South and bring most of the Midwest and some Pacific Northwest into secession with them. In the modern age there’s no way the federal government would go to war with such a movement. The international order would encourage against it, and foreign actors like Russia and China would threaten to make moves if the feds take their focus off of them.

    Ultimately if we can develop enough awareness of these things already in action, we can achieve relatively peaceful solutions to ur current problems. This is much preferable to civil war, which would be much uglier than the first (think Syria) and would lead to the balkanization of the US. My podcast explores this topic in depth, and I appreciate the chronicling of our times here at The Prophetic Years. It all helps to shape the conversation us Americans need to be (and are) having!

    The end not need be now if enough Americans (predominantly Christian conservatives in red states) can get active in turning the tide. The question is – what are we doing each individually, as communities, and as counties at large to better shape our destiny in this country?

  28. The problem could be solved much faster and simpler if we just arrested the communist ringleaders in the schools, media, and political office. Unfortunately even that won’t work in the long run. You can’t live peaceably with at least half the population living in sinful ignorance. It would just push it down the road. Remember it’s the voters who are the ones putting these evil people in power.
    Millions are planning on voting for Biden even though it’s apparent his admin would finish what Obama started.

  29. I have a hard time watching the ongoing escalating lawlessness… And I mourn that very few of our “authorities” seem to have the spine to stop these actions and bring down the groups that are rioting. This lack of offensive blocking must be part of the great delusion? Great blog. Praying.