Reprobates are pushing anti American antichrist depravity

Surveys continually point out that most identifying as Christians in America deny the Christian faith by the answers given. For example, the vast majority of “Christians” actually claim people achieve heaven by doing more good works in their lives than bad. They also think other religions can lead to salvation. They deny essentials of the faith like the virgin birth, that Jesus led a sinless life, and paid and died for their sins. Many even deny that Jesus was God. More than half in a recent survey said they believe Jesus was the first created being.

Many of these “Christians” think it is just fine for Christians to have abortions, to live together before marriage, and to marry those of the same sex. They also have no problem sending their children to public schools to be programmed by reprobate antichrists just as they were.

The Jews during Jesus time on earth searched the scriptures to get to the truth. That is how some of them came to understand that Jesus was the Messiah promised by God. “Christians” today apparently think learning spiritual truth comes by osmosis. Most obviously have no truth because they have received no Holy Spirit to guide them into truth.

The majority of “Christians” in America have learned nothing about what God said. Many of those that ever even read the scriptures use their feelings to pick and choose which Bible verses apply to their own lives. They show little regard for proper context and ignore passages that they dislike. Their faith is founded on nothing because they never learned anything to give them saving faith or faith to walk by the Spirit. They acquired no knowledge of the scriptures so they receive no spiritual wisdom from God. Most of these just have Christian identity. They like to claim they are Christians when it is convenient. However, many even grow to hate their Christian identity as they receive antichrist Marxist indoctrination from worldly schools and media.

Many of these identifying as Christians are now being taught by the “woke” leftist social justice and cancel culture movement to become self-haters. They then become the greatest enemy of the Church; just as self-hating “Jews” have become the greatest enemies of Israel. These are the false converts that are now pushing antichrist doctrine like Marxist BLM critical race theory in our churches. They do not have the spirit of Christ so they bring in depraved humanistic substitutes as if that is what the gospel is about.

Our nation was founded on biblical concepts but many Americans are now rejecting that. Marxist evolutionary humanistic concepts taught by schools and media have already superseded the biblical truths and the moral values that our nation was founded upon. Over half of the people in this nation are already well down the godless path toward their own destruction.

The Democratic Party now reflects Marxist reprobate beliefs and now is in direct opposition to the system of government that our God fearing founders set up. The godless reprobates that took over the Democratic Party intend to tear the whole American republic down. They want mob rule and international socialism — as if such a covetous godless system could ever bring equity and justice on earth. It actually will bring destruction.

Socialists think humans are basically good and will do what is best for society if guided by the more evolved among them. Evolutionary minds believe humankind will evolve to make its own utopia on earth, but achieve that utopia by time and chance in a survival of the fittest Darwinian dog-eat-dog world. The problem with that belief is that the top dogs would devour each other long before civilization evolved to become a paradise. That is displayed in violent world history and is obvious in our present world where nations do not get along. Fallen mankind does not evolve. He remains hopelessly depraved and Satan exists to lead those that will not be redeemed into death. The reprobates now marching in our streets do not realize that living in America is the closest thing to a utopia that humans ever experienced. What they would bring would be hell on earth.

The first prime directive for socialists is to reeducate those that are teachable and to get rid of the rest of those hindering human evolution. Therefore, oppression and murder is always their first agenda. These depraved reprobates especially want to murder true Christians. That is because socialists possess the spirit of antichrist. The proof is found in world history and in their opposition to the ten-commandments of God. They certainly do not believe in any second coming of Jesus Christ to rule the earth, and they never will allow anyone to teach it. Any “Christian” who promotes the Marxist agenda is literally out of their mind and out of the mind of Christ.

Most of the Republican conservatives in America are traditionalists but some actually are true Christians. Many of the American patriot traditionalists are older people or rural people that so far have escaped being totally brainwashed by the leftist system. They still believe in our Constitutional system of government. They also mostly agree with biblical morality. Nevertheless, even most of these only have Christian tradition that was passed down to them. They were never born of the Spirit.

From what evangelicals say themselves when questioned, it seems only a third to half of evangelicals believe essential Christian doctrine. Obviously then, only this number have actually been born of the Spirit. Only those born of the Spirit are actually saved Christian people. And only a much smaller single digit percentage of “Christians” in Catholic and liberal mainline churches even claim to have been born of the Spirit through faith in Christ. So, true Holy Spirit born from above Christians in America are probably only ten to twenty percent of the total population. The rest have just been born into Christian religion much the same way that Muslims are born into Islam. Having religion does not save anyone. Only those born of the Spirit by trusting in Jesus are saved people.

By the way, only those “Christians” actually born of the Holy Spirit will go in the Rapture when Jesus comes to take out His Bride Church. Many of the rest may get saved during the coming tribulation but that confession will cost them their natural lives. So, if the Rapture would happen today, the vast majority of Americans would remain to experience its fate.

This ten to twenty percent of true believers that are now occupying America can only influence America so far. Claiming 2 Ch 7:14 over America does not get the unregenerate saved. As proof, Americans now support all kinds of things that the Bible identifies as abominations. Grave sins like killing unborn children and homosexual marriage are not only being practiced they are being encouraged. It is not like most Americans did not ever get to hear the truth. They refused to believe God and be saved. So God is giving their lives over to the Devil.

Children are now being taught in leftist run schools to hate our nation. Godless Americans are being programmed by reprobate Marxists to become self-haters. The majority whites of America are being told to to hate themselves because the leftist radicals claim that all whites are racists. Some young people even want to change their sex because they learned through schools and media to hate themselves so much. Self-hating whites and people of color are also being taught to hate police enforcement set up by God for law and order. Thus, all these haters are now abetting lawless criminals to rightly bring destruction on their very own heads.

Leftists so hate true Christians and conservatives that they are working to take away any rights we have. Already, the only truth allowed to be heard in public is the leftist politically correct version, and even that changes like the weather. Nobody will be safe from the radical left purists for long, not even the liberals.

America is now on the brink of civil war. The riots and the killings are not going to stop after the November election. If Trump is reelected, the leftists will use Trump as an excuse to burn America down. There is no appeasing depraved reprobate minds. America is already 90 percent controlled by the left and is too far gone for a return to sanity and constitutional rule of law. At least, not before a civil war. Leftists are already talking about insurrection or secession if Trump remains in power.

Should the Democrats win in 2020 it will get even worse. They will throw money at everything. The dollar will become near worthless and the economy will totally collapse bringing massive civil unrest. Even then the radicals on the left will not see America being destroyed fast enough to please them. They will believe the leftist election victory gives them a mandate to hunt down and oppress all the people that they hate. Those on the right will have to resort to arms to protect themselves. So leftist governments will tell law enforcement to go take away the guns. At that point, military and para military organizations will have to choose sides. That is the making of a civil war.

The Democrats are planning to never concede the 2020 election. They are lining up lawyers, judges and rioters to fight election results that they will not tolerate. The Democrats are demanding that voting be done by mail, knowing full well that historically twenty percent of mail ballets are rejected for one reason or another. If Trump and the Republicans are winning they will then claim ballet suppression and they will take it to the streets and the courts. They will attempt to change constitutional election rules and the corporate media will claim that they are speaking for most Americans when they encourage the lawlessness and revolution.

As they did in the past, they will lie and commit every kind of fraud and fabrication to accomplish their agenda. It will not just be the Presidential election either. They intend to keep the House and take the Senate. In 2016 many House races were changed through fraud. They plan to do it on a much larger scale this time.

In other words, the Democrats are again planning a coup if Trump has the electoral votes. And why not? They did not pay any price for the last coup attempt! Trump should have invoked the Insurrection Act at the first coup attempt and rounded up and shut down the leftists taking part in this sedition of the Republic. The left has already corrupted everything in America. Much of the government is corrupt. The courts are corrupt. The education system is corrupted. The media is controlled by half a dozen leftist corporations. The corporations and foundations of America are almost all controlled by leftist elitists. The capitalist system that runs big enterprise in America can no longer be called free enterprise. The system is controlled by very rich leftist fascist predators.

(The socialism the elite desire for ruling the world is also known as fascism. It is authoritarian government/corporate/religious control over everything on earth. Total control over the world will be implemented and sustained through Orwellian surveillance and artificial intelligence systems.)

The top one-percent in America now own as much wealth as the entire middle-class. The bottom fifty-percent almost own no wealth at all. There soon would be social upheaval just because of the income inequity, but now with the forced Covid shutdowns it will happen sooner. Many people have already stopped paying their debts. The Federal government is borrowing from the future or just creating more money out of thin air to prop up the economy. None of this is sustainable. With all the division and hate, having millions of unemployed people in the streets is a recipe for revolution. Trump is not going to fix that by digging the national debt hole trillions deeper and the Democrats would only make it much worse. The whole system is about to come down. When it does, heads will roll in the streets and cities will burn.

America has had a good run but all world powers have a limited lifespan because scum rises to the top. Christians should not be that surprised. The depravity of man always leads humankind toward destruction. No earthly kingdom will survive long-term because of that fact, and the fact that Satan will be pulling the strings until Jesus returns. America is not the kingdom of God, and “Christians” in America who thought they were building it are about to find out that they were wrong.

I do not see a good outcome because reprobate minds pretty much are already in control all across the world. How can a reprobate world not bring the end? The fall of America will probably lead to the riding of the four horsemen in Europe and the Middle East. Then God will send his two prophets in Jerusalem before the Antichrist. Even so, our blessed hope is always in Jesus coming for His Church before that stuff happens.

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Reprobates are pushing anti American antichrist depravity — 60 Comments

  1. Hi Don,

    Wow – that article was like a shotgun blast to the head! Impactful, yet quite truthful!! I look forward to the rapture, but I’m afraid it’s still some time away and we will have to live through this horrible existence that only seems to worsen by the day. I’m reading “The Feasts of the Lord” by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal. Good read that really explains the relevance of the Jewish feasts and how they tie to Jesus’ first and second comings, which is comforting to know “the seasons.” But the uncertaintiy of the immediate future, at least through January, gives me pause as to what to do with myself, other than to continually read and study God’s Word.

  2. Hi Timothy,

    Learning new knowledge from the scriptures brings new wisdom.

    One thing I would caution on the fall Feasts is that they have nothing to do with the Church. Those claiming that the Rapture will occur on the Feast of Trumpets really have no platform to blow their horn on. The feasts are for Israel. The spirit filled Church started at Pentecost but only Jewish believers took part in this spiritual outpouring on believers. I suppose the Rapture will also either be associated with that Feast,the Resurrection or the Lord’s departure or no Israel anniversary at all. God may be looking for a completion of the spiritual Body of Christ not any date. These are the leaders for the kingdom age.

    Also keep in mind that even the present Jewish calendars may not be the correct ones to use when determining the correct day of the feasts. Some are saying the Talmud priests corrupted the calendar with a lunar calendar and we should be using the Essene solar calendar that has 364 days. Using their calendar the feast days each year would always fall on the exact same date.

  3. As time goes on, it becomes clear to me that the remnant (of to be raptured Born Again Believers) is much smaller than I have thought for most my Christian life. As shown by some of the surveys/polls you mention, we are a small group compared to the population. Wide is the road to destruction . .

  4. It’s amazing how quickly 19 years have passed since 9/11 and even
    more amazing that we are still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 7 year tribulation period is raising its head and it’s a shame how many American Presidents and Corporations put an end to the ‘American Dream’ of many American workers who lost their jobs due their jobs being outsourced to China for a $ Quick buck. We knew that these days were coming , i am somewhat surprised it happened much sooner than i expected.

  5. I have always had feeling that a tithe will go in the rapture…10% of the population. That’s still a pretty large number of people to disappear in the twinkling of an eye; 800,000,000 people. Pure conjecture on my part. This world, especially America, is reaping what it has sown. I just hope Believers don’t have to reap along side of the reprobates for too much longer.

  6. You speak the truth and the election will not heal this nation. I wonder if Trump is reelected and the riots escalate, will he send in the forces necessary to stop this destruction since he does not have to worry about his reelection. We always are told that Bible Teaching Churches are hard to find but if anyone wants to see/hear one of the best preachers teach I recommend tuning in this weekend for the start of the Sermon Series ” The Days Ahead”. You can watch live at 9:15am & 10:45am central time: Pastor Brunson was Senor Pastor of First Baptist Dallas when Billy Graham was a member and 2 years ago he left First Baptist Jacksonville FL to come to our little church Valleydale outside Birmingham AL. I am amazed that he will finally be teaching us about the last days as he stated it is his obligation to ready us for what the church is about to face. He believes the church will be raptured out before the coming tribulation. The sermons are also on Facebook live and all recorded sermons are located on YouTube. I have been reading Don’s Blog for many years and all my Brothers & Sisters comments to his articles which we align with our thoughts and beliefs, I assure everyone you will find Pastor Brunson’s teaching very edifying and I recommend watching last Sundays Sermon which he used to prepare us for what his responsibilities are as a Pastor according to 2 Timothy 4: 1-5. Look up Brothers & Sisters, the days are short!!

  7. Hi Don, great piece. You articulate very well what we have all (at least your readers) been thinking, feeling and praying about.

    You’ve probably addressed this before, but is this Western political/financial system the Mystery Babylon? I don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other, so I won’t be disappointed 🙂

  8. I have used the phrase “had a good run” quite a few times as of recent, for various contexts.

    Even for sake of sighing, let’s say the election went as it did in 2016. I ask “then what?” I’m not so sure I/we can take even four more years of the better of the two-evils secular scenario.

    Something has to give. I think that’s probably a couple months away, regardless of the outcome (which is probably what Don is saying, boiled down).

    Blessings, I pray that all of you keep faith in truth / knowledge / wisdom (that is, Jesus and his promise of future eternal love).

  9. This article is a mirror to what I see happening and believe will happen. The reprobation is not only complete and irreversible it has become clear it is too deeply embedded in the US mindset to be overcome. Any hope we as individuals have is in the Lord.
    I do not doubt that same mindset is in every nation, but as goes the US so goes the west generally.
    Don you have enunciated it all so very clearly.

  10. Don, as a Born Again Believer, a former Chicago Police Officer and a long time follower of your blog, you hit a homerun with this post. I fervently look and long for the Rapture, but have a sick feeling in my stomach than we will have blood on our hands, not in agression, not in prolonging our time here, but in defense of the defenseless. I could not face The Lord after death or Rapture if I didnt, if called upon, fight and lay my life down trying to protect those that cant. I honestly believe one of the things The Lord hates is cowardice, and I will not, at the age of 65, die a coward. I am named for an Italian Fireman who was my Godfather and for the Archangel Michael(Michael Angelo)…if necessary, let me fight AND die as strong and ferocious as an Archangel. Deus le Vuelt!!!

  11. Don, I don’t like what you wrote because it’s true. I don’t want to know what I know.
    I hope this isn’t off topic but I’m struggling with a serious question. I know there is going to be a prayer march at the end of the month to pray for the healing of our nation. (They’re probably going to use 2 Chronicles 7:14.) Does prayer change anything? I pray because the Bible tells us to let our requests be known but I don’t believe God is sitting around waiting for the prayers to come in so He can decide what to do. I believe He already knows what will happen and what He will do about it.
    Can you set me straight?

  12. Hi Caitlin,

    He knows everything before we pray but He still wants us to ask Him. When Israel and Niveveh repented God relented. God Knowing everything does not mean our future is set in stone.

  13. Another great job Don. Thank you. I do not really have much to add to this blog or to disagree with what you said and was not going to comment. What I am going to ask you about is OFF TOPIC and I know you generally frown on that. In any case, due to various health issues, I subscribe to a daily newsletter from a natural health MD. He has provided a lot of information about the Covid 19 problems and one of his recommendations, which I was already doing was taking high dose (10,000 IU) Vitamin D daily. He recommended Vitamin D years ago for the flu mitigation, and I have been doing it for several years and flu symptoms have been minimal. However, he links the proposed vaccine for Covid 19 to transhumanism via the gene modification path. I did a search of your blog on “transhuman” and got no result, but I do think I remember discussions on your old blog, probably under Nephilim. As a retired engineer, I do have a fairly good background in some of the sciences but the doctor makes the vaccine almost to be an attempt to sneak transhuman modifications into the population. It is NOT reassuring to read that the vaccine uses the enzyme “Luciferase”, that just seems odd. Anyway, I know it is off topic and if you want to delete it, no harm done, but a blog on the near capability of transhumanism does indeed seem to be something that could be updated and fit perfectly into your ministry. Here is the article link:

  14. Lets see how this whole Covid thing pans out over the next few months. Biden says he will close everything back down if it’s still around in the winter. It’s obvious now that the real numbers came out from the CDC that the entire lockdown was done under false pretenses. The IMF is paying smaller countries to institute draconian lockdown policies. Essentially it’s a bribe/blackmail imo. I just can’t see this “crisis” going to waste. There has not been an opportunity like this to reshape the world for decades.

  15. Hi Phil,

    I agree that people should be taking about 5000 IU’s of vitamin D a day, especially darker skinned overweight people living at higher latitudes. Just doing that would probably cut Covid-19 deaths by 80 percent and many other diseases by half.

    I have mentioned that the Mark of the Beast might change human genetics so the person taking it becomes transhuman. There is nothing I know of yet that would cause such a genetic change from human to transhuman but I am sure some are working toward that end.

    There are many vaccines being developed for Covid-19 and until we know which ones they go with everything is speculation. I think the mark of the Beast includes bringing about a genetic modification but people taking the mark will fully know it does this. The angel will even warn anyone that those taking the mark will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

  16. Caitlin

    Jesus prayed. John 17

    James 5:16
    Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

    1st Timothy 2:1-4
    Pray for your government basically

    David prayed often in psalms.

    Will God heal this nation if it truly repents? Probably. God always forgives anyone who honestly asks for it. Will most of this country repent without some sort or major calamity? Probably not.

    God takes no pleasure in destruction.

    I have wondered the same as you about prayer, I think part of that question lies in our limited perspective. I dont really understand how it works either but I can read the bible and see examples of God relenting in judgement with Moses, David, Nineveh, etc. At one point God even purposed to wipe Israel out but Moses asked Him not to and He didn’t. It seems possible that only final judgment is certain.

    A few of my own thoughts for these days.

    I have wondered lately about Isaiah 18 and if it applies to the United States and if it does how the year long destruction mentioned in it would come about. Could a civil war do this? It talks about cutting off branches and cutting off shoots. Could liberal states which are burning and self destructing be considered pruned branches of a bigger tree? I dont know this is me thinking out loud. If the liberal states burn it would remove some of the strength of the United States pushing Europe towards building its own armies in response to Russia and China. The United States with less liberal influence for a time would probably experience some sort of revival. I do not think it would be long lasting. This is just me thinking, not really saying hey I think this is whats going to happen.

    Good article as always Don.

  17. If America collapses and the dollar collapses, the economic systems of the whole world will collapse. It will lead to a revolution. Jesus’ coming will be near. China will not be a superpower. The USA is the last king in the Bible

  18. Don, your comment about how the left will attempt another coup if Trump wins, and “why not”. … I do not understand how there have not been any repercussions of any significance for all of the deceptive and deceitful things that the left has done… This goes back to the Clinton era as well… not to mention Obama. Why do they continue to get away with just about anything?

  19. No need to speculate. A study was conducted that showed only 8% of Americans are born again. Almost 90% claimed to be Christian.

  20. Hi,

    I happen to be one of the “few / far between”. Had Hillary won, it would have been a witch hunt. I guess God spared me a little longer.

    I applaud Michael’s sentiment. I don’t think, for Christians, it will come down to “fight to the death”. If I were to draw a parallel to old testament kingdom’s it would be Solomon and after — peace time to captivities, versus the first century of America parallel’ing David’s fighting men. I’m only drawing a parallel.

    I’m reading first Chronicles and Paul’s epistles. On one hand, Paul state’s that God formed the spirits/principalities/dominion’s — the very ones we are to put on the armor to resist / stand-up to, and on the other, we have God commanding His remnant to not resist the captivity(ies).

    In present day, we (believers) don’t have any instructions parallel’ing the old testament to accept the captivity — I think that’s because He raptures us prior. The wrinkle is that us in America are watching destruction ahead of the first horsemen.

    I won’t submit to apathy, and I think our instructions are to keep on working. I’m still packing, though. Lamp’s been on, but for how much longer I/we can hold out? Perseverance is wearing thin. He took care of His remnant, and He’ll have to do the same now.

    Blessings, Craig

  21. Hi Don. I still think you should be looking into what happened in 1917 and not in 1933 to get a better idea of what’s actually coming. Nowadays reprobates are not fascist but communists. Hitler was followed mostly by the working class and his economy actually worked. Lenin and the likes all over East Europe, Asia and Africa were followed by the bums. I was born and raised in communist Bulgaria and what I see now is an exact copy of the way communists came to power and not the way Hitler did. There isn’t any communist doctrine I was raised with that I haven’t heard preached by the left in the last 2 years. Even the obliteration of private property.

  22. Hi Martin,

    Hitler had brown shirts support before his SS turned on them. You’re assuming the kill the police BLM and Antifa thugs and losers marching in the streets today are the ones that will gain control over the world. It will not happen that way. The elite are in control. They are socialist but of the Fascist persuasion. In the new world order there will not be Communism even in China. As I said, it will be a government/corporate/religious world takeover controlled by the Satanic elite.

  23. It was not the bums who took control over the communist block. They were philosophers, journalists, militarily men, doctors, engineers, teachers, writers, etc.. It’s the bums they used as arsonists and terrorists and the prisoners they released before taking control who helped them get there. NY released some prisoners lately.

    But it’s mostly the ideas.

  24. Well I see Israel is reinstituting lockdowns. All nonessential businesses and schools are restricted. They want individuals to remain 500 meters of home. I’m sure other countries will follow. Might see round 2 of global lockdowns soon. I can’t believe the entire world is being duped by the global elite over a mild virus. Absurdity at its finest. I feel like im in the twighlight zone.

  25. Yeah but the elite in control of the world knows that communism does not work. There is not even Communism in China other than the name. They are living under Fascism. The elite know that socialistic fascism achieves great production and control. The UN and the elite are setting up Fascism and calling it the Third Way. That is their Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. You already are pretty much living under it. Defeat the Trump supporters in America and a police state along with Fascism is what you will have under Harris or Hillary. Yes, I do not rule her out as a late minute substitute. Never underestimate those that practice the occult.

  26. There are only a select few politicians I sense are truly evil and Hillary remains at the top of the list. I also get that same feeling to a lesser extent with Kamala Harris, Valerie Jarrett, Karen Bass, Obama.

  27. I kinda get the feeling something is up in the DNC. Joe Biden is barely cognitive at this point and has zero traction. I can’t see him being allowed to debate Trump. Both he and Harris have slipped and said a “Harris” administration recently. We all know the Clintons run the DNC. Maybe Hillary really is planning on being VP or some cabinet position. I think Trump will probably win but the thought of Hillary and Harris together with the Gates of hell foundation all planning global domination is a scary thought.

  28. Hi Jim,

    Maybe the DNC will replace Biden with Hillary at the last minute and keep Harris as the VP candidate. I think Hillary in today’s atmosphere would win against Trump

    I also wonder if Biden wins the election but before Biden and Harris are swore in can the Democrats replace Biden with someone other than the VP elect maybe Hillary or Pelosi? I am thinking that Constitutional laws only apply to those in office. So can Biden make it all the way to January? That seems a stretch at this point.

  29. I think there is another option open for the democrats too Don. On election day, the voters in each state really select a list of Electors. Those Electors are the “Electoral College” and their votes actually elect the President, I think sometime in December. If Biden is disabled and there is a majority of Democrat Electors, they can choose to vote for anyone they are told to vote for for president. If they were to choose that path, it could be any person meeting the Constitutional requirements for the office that the democrats select.

  30. Hi Phil,
    I believe you are right about what you said. The electors are going to vote for whoever the party in the respective states tells them to vote for.

  31. Or the VP would just assume the role for the first term. The actual rules seem to vary and im sure there will be lots of lawyers involved, not that rules matter to leftists. Harris was chosen for a reason. She is staying on the ticket.

    Now if Biden was to leave before the election could they just pop someone else in place that quickly? That actually seems more complicated to me.

  32. I just want to encourage everyone here and say that it’s only a question of endurance from now on.

    Heb 10:35-39: “Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay. But My righteous one shall live by faith; And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him. But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul.”

  33. The fight’s on now to prevent Trump from replacing Ginsberg before the election.

    I’m puzzled by the thousands of “professing Christians” posting RIP. Knowing the anti-God issues she supported it’s not likely she is resting in peace. Is that mean of me to think so? I don’t celebrate perishing (well maybe some people) but I don’t get the thinking behind these Christians.

  34. Roberts can no longer be the swing vote for the left in the case the election is contested and goes to the SCOTUS. On the other hand this added just another reason for the street agitators to riot. Whatever the case, now til January 20th is going to be even more chaotic.

  35. Mark those conservatives and Christians who are now saying great things about the life of Ginsberg. These people should not be speaking for true Christians or conservatives. They are genuflecting toward the left because they think kissing up to this evil leader is politically correct. They show they have no discernment and should not be followed. For decades Ginsberg was the antichrist chief leader of all the evil decisions made on the Supreme Court.

  36. The wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left is deafening. The fawning and fake platitudes from the media is nauseating. No last wish granted for the incredibly selfish Ginsburg. She should have stepped down years ago. Now let’s hope that Trump makes a good choice.

  37. True, according to a recent article Ms. Ginsburg left her Jewish religion at 17 because she was not allowed to join a ( Minyan ) male mourners when her mother died. She is one of those who ‘Wins the world but loses their soul’ one who sought true justice but ignored that of an Almighty GOD. It is sad that before the eyes of some men/ women that she accomplished much, but most of it went against the Commandments of GOD, Ms. Ginsburg is about to find out what true justice is when she stands before her Creator

  38. Not only am I happy she is gone, but I also hope God will keep eliminating key antichrist figures in the next weeks and months. This is the only way things could slow down and turn back to normal for a while.

  39. Ginsburg’s praises aren’t just coming from the left but from the right also. I’m going to name names because I’m so appalled. Franklin Graham only said to pray for her family but it was his followers who were posting RIP and praying. Jay Seculow who fights against abortion praised her brilliant mind, Ted Cruz said she was a trailblazer and he and Heidi were praying (that’s where I stopped reading.)
    Trump was saddened on hearing of her passing. They went on and on and on. If they all think paying lip service to an evil woman is the proper and polite thing to do then they need to check their integrity meter.

  40. Don, IMO, Ezekiel 33:11 says that God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. As Christians I think that we should not either. That said, we, as Christians, should not celebrate the life and actions of the wicked either. RBG was the swing vote on a number of abortion (infanticide) cases and on the sexual perversion cases. Her decisions, in a Biblical context were wicked. I think that I have seen where you wrote that you were once Catholic. As a noncatholic, I consider prayers for the dead as wasted. We were taught that we were appointed once to die and after that the judgement, out of the Book of Romana. I would be surprised if Franklin Graham said to pray for her. I do hope President Trump does a good appointment that gets approved. The left will explode.

  41. Hi phi,

    The real issue for Christians in America should be replacing this wicked judge with one that fears God.

    I grew up Catholic but have renounced their church and their heresies. Praying for the dead is actually practicing witchcraft.

  42. phi, I didn’t say Franklin Graham said to pray for Ginsburg. He said ‘”Pray for the family of SCOTUS Justice Ginsburg who passed away today. May God comfort her loved ones.” Graham has a following of thousands and although I didn’t read 65 thousand comments I read enough to know they were saying RIP and “praying.” I don’t assume all of his followers are saved but I assume if they follow him they know enough to know RBG is not resting in peace.
    That’s my position.
    Apologies if everyone is tired of hearing about this. I’m done.

  43. Should Trump win re-election for the single fact that God is maybe not done with him? I believe God is using him to set up the peace agreements in the middle east and he is not done doing that. Still many more peace deals need to happen and they are waiting for the election to be over to see who wins. Trump wins more peace deals.

    All these deals set up Israel living in peace and also can serve as the foundation of the peace deal the Antichrist re-confirms to start the 7 years.

    After Trumps gets deals signed then the US goes down so the Antichrist can rise to power.
    Just some thoughts.

  44. Hi Jeremy,

    Some astute people are more concerned that Trump is bypassing the Palestinians to deal directly with Arab nations to set up a two state solution that divides God’s land. Have you looked at the proposed peace plan? Among other things Israel gives up most of Judea and Sumeria to the Palestinians.

    In any case, I don’t think peace will work out the way you are thinking. There will not be any peace and security in Israel while Iran and Hezbollah remain the main threat. The peace and security in Israel probably comes because the revived Roman Empire expands into the middle east. Daniel says the little horn will grow exceeding great toward the east, south and toward Israel. You might think of the world once again being much like it was in the time of Jesus. The Roman Empire controlled the whole area. There was no foreign threat to Israel because Israel was a part of the Empire. So you might look for the rise of the ten kings and the rise of the little horn among them first.

  45. Hi Don, I got a kick out of reading our church’s daily Bible reading passage today (ESV translation). Here is the verse that jumped out at me (capitals are mine):

    Ecclesiastes 10:2 — A wise man’s heart inclines him to the RIGHT, but a fool’s heart to the LEFT. 🙂

  46. Now that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed, the senate and president are moving quickly to fill the seat with a conservative before November, and the democrats are now threatening to pack the court with more liberals. Interesting how hypocritical and wicked these democrats are. The upcoming elections in November will be a doozy. They claim Trump will not accept defeat, and possibly so, but they certainly will not. They have not accepted it the past 4 years. Much prayers for our country.

  47. If I sent this more than once I apologize.
    Sorry to bust this out here. Wanted to send an e-mail, but I was not allowed.
    David Wilkerson prophecies about riots and America burning 10-11 years ago. Not a big believer in prophecies like that per say. But not denying that David had more faith than I by converting gang members. in the OT the prophecies were rarely ever sudden. but over time were proven true. If any of this makes sense feel free to answer me here or at my e-mail
    The whole reason I brought this up is I saw an old post on your old web sight….

  48. Clinton, I met Rev. Wilkerson and attended a meeting he had at my college in the early 1970’s. I still have his book “The Vision”, which was about his first visions around here somewhere. In his book he outlined a number of bad things coming on the world, including the US. If one reads 2 Timothy 3 one will see that in the last days indeed bad times are coming. He has some specifics, in his book, that in the early 1970’s wasn’t immediately foreseeable. Cable TV and internet was not around and he does say there will be nudity on TV. We expect that today and must monitor what we watch. He said there would be nude dancing in church, I have not heard of it, but will concede that it is not unlikely. The thing is. There are a lot of “prophets” making a lot of “prophecies”. Most of us cannot discern what is valid and not until it happens or doesn’t. In that a prophecy is consistent with what the Bible says, we can listen, but should limit our belief to the Bible. Period. For example, there is another modern “prophet” Mark Taylor. Valid? In 2011 he predicted that Donald Trump would be President. In a later time he predicts that President Trump would appoint a total of 5 SCOTUS judges. He may get three in the first term. But the thing is we cannot put our trust in these things. The one statement from Wilkerson’s book that stayed with me as true, is that we should always remember “God has everything under control”. As we enter the end times, always remember that as a child of God, you belong to him and indeed he has everything under control. Don, feel free to delete this if it does not meet your standards.

  49. Guy’s

    I do not believe Wilkerson was any prophet in the biblical sense. I read some of his books and I am not aware of any specific prophecies being fulfilled as he wrote. It seemed to me that He actually was writing about the 1980’s Some people can see what sinful trends will lead to if the nation does not repent. I would put Wilkerson in that camp.

  50. I’ve had the opportunity to translate into Bulgarian more than 20 thousand pages of David Wilkerson’s sermons. All of them can be found on Times Square Church website. In some of those sermons he says he was not a prophet and most of his prophecies (unfulfilled ones) were words spoken out of fear for the nation.

    Don is right. He was just someone who could see what sinful trends would lead to. Besides his ministry was to teach people how to lead stainless life, so seeing all the evil trends in the 60s, 70s and the 80s must have angered him the way Old Testament prophets were angered by the evil deeds of the Jews.

  51. Reading in proverbs this morning…someone should slip this one to trump on in a note.

    Proverbs 25:5
    Remove wicked officals from the king’s presence, and his throne will be established through righteousness.

  52. Social media exploding cause Trump contracted COVID. Next debate possibly cancelled. No more rallies for awhile. How convenient. We pray he has a mild case like the vast majority of people do.