Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation

Have you ever wondered how Lucifer/Satan/Devil plans to become like the most High?

Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

The stars of God here are the angels. Satan was created to be the highest being in God’s creation. Since Satan cannot create his own creation, I think he is attempting to evolve the fallen creation.… continue reading

Satanic Beasts of Revelation rise out of the abyss not Islam

I find it interesting that in Revelation the Greek word for the Beast Antichrist and the False Prophet is that of a wild animal. The first time this Greek word appears in Revelation is in the days that Satan is cast out of heaven with all his angels. Earlier in Revelation the King James also calls the creatures around the throne “beasts”, but a different Greek word is used and that word simply means living creatures. The Beast name given to the Antichrist and the False Prophet depict that these beings are like wild animals in God’s eyes.

Chapter 12 of Revelation gives us the exact timing that the first Beast arrives on the scene.

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Supernatural nature of the Beast of Revelation is understated

Many Christians have taken supernatural explanations out of the Bible. They claim to believe the supernatural realm exists but they deny it exists by teaching natural explanations for biblical accounts that do not say what some claim they teach. Two prime examples are the usual Sunday school explanation for when the Sons of God took daughters of men and produced offspring, and the watered down explanation for the nature of the Beast of Revelation.

The Bible clearly teaches that Elohim (angels) had unnatural offspring with women, (the Nephilim) even if many in our churches have an agenda to deny any supernatural explanation.… continue reading

Halloween fright night spooky stories wake the living dead.

Oct 2020 update: every four years now demon possessed people run to become President and half of Americans vote to make that happen. The living dead among us gave us Clinton and Obama and now they want to give us Biden/Harris. The only thing scarier than that combination would be Hillary/Harris. With the Biden scandals becoming exposed, dark forces may still make that happen should Biden win but have to withdraw before he takes the oath of office. The original article follows

It has been a short and warped Halloween tradition of mine to write about spooky things or to allow others to tell their own spooky stories.… continue reading

Christian paranormal experiences might not be demonic

In my previous article I talked about The Unseen Realm, by Michael Heiser. Some used that post as an occasion in the comments to start talking about paranormal experiences that they had. That really takes the comments off the post topic so I thought I would post a follow-up article where Christian paranormal experiences might be expressed. I of course am assuming that most commenting here are Christians. If you’re into pagan spiritualism comment elsewhere.

I know some Christians think that all paranormal experiences are deceptions and have to be demonic but I do not believe that to be the case.… continue reading