Islamist tipping point consumes European natives

With the bombing of  Russian airliner, the attack in Paris, the slaughters elsewhere and the Islamic invasion of Europe, I believe the Islamist tipping point will consume Europe, Russia and much of the world. I have warned that a native nationalist backlash against Islam will arise in Europe for a long time, but the timeline for that has suddenly been accelerated by these barbaric attacks.

The backlash against Muslim migrants by the right was already growing in Europe but now it will become a full-blown rebellion against the leftist ruling elite with their Utopian globalist secular humanist multiculturalism.

The ideology of these globalists blinds them to the real world facts. Even after these massive attacks the leaders still do not get it. These fools tell their people they must keep accommodating more Muslims. However, natives of their nations are getting wise to the fact that Muslims will not assimilate. And they know that more Muslims mean more attacks will come from the Islamic Jihadists living in the Muslim enclaves.

These globalist “progressives” leader never learn. They will take their multiculturalism collective Utopian ideology to their grave. They still talk about letting in more Muslims as if Muslims are not the problem. Europeans just need to accommodate them and European goodwill will bring Muslim invaders to the point where Muslims will all put flowers in their hair and sing “Imagine”.

These “progressive” leaders were part of the 70’s counter-culture movement or are every bit as irrational as were their radical parents. Both generations have chemically burned out brains. They call themselves “progressives” but they are destroying the nations that allowed them to progress out of their red diapers. Now they wear rainbow underwear but miss the fact that those dressed in black and white pajamas wish to kill them.

Did any rational person ever think that these collectivist pinkos that disrespected authority, called cop pigs, and called military veterans baby killers, would ever bring about John Lennon’s imagined Utopia on earth?

This time, I do not think any sane people who remain in Europe are going to tolerate politicians that revert back to the same “progressive” agenda of appeasement and multiculturalism. The Islamist tipping point has come to Europe and it will consume Europe.

I think the nationalist political parties in Europe are going to grow extremely powerful and take matters into their own hands. We have seen an authoritarian Europe twice before in the last one hundred years. We are at that point again. Massive wars will be the result.

Obama has just promised to stay the same failed course that he has been on. That is basically doing the same thing that has done nothing to fix the problem. This loon even said that we had ISIS contained just before the Paris attack. Now he claims that this attack in Paris was just a small setback.

Obama isn’t leading from behind. He is totally out of touch with reality unless he really wants the Jihad attacks that any rational being knows is coming. I certainly do not rule that out. He is a domestic enemy of America and our Constitution. Where are those that swore to uphold it?

Obama is still acting like ISIS is the Junior Varsity when the West is in the fourth quarter and trailing by a hundred cut off heads (and he wants to own an NBA team?). If America was attacked, and had anywhere near the dead that France suffered, Obama would have to send in massive ground troops or the people of America would have his own head on a platter.

If there is a major attack in the United States, Americans might reach the Islamist tipping point with Obama. Nobody is above replacement. His delusion about radical Islam, or his love of it, is risking the completion of his presidency.

Attacks are coming to America. ISIS plans attacks all over the world and has said that Washington is one of their next targets. They already have thousands of agents on our soil. The attacks in Paris was a prototype for future attacks in the West. If you are going to have gun free zones, you are going to provide soft targets for terrorists with lots of hard bullets.

Sooner or later we are going to have to exterminate these cockroaches. And since their nests breed more cockroaches the sooner we exterminate their main nests the better off the world will be. Exterminating these cockroaches will take boots on the ground to squash them. Just having air strikes is not going to do the job.

The Islamic State in Syria and Iraq was the bait that was bringing in vermin from all over the world. When all the cockroaches were located in one area it would have been fairly easily for an extermination force to go in and eradicate them. We had a unique opportunity to cleanse the world of many of its vermin by destroying them in Syria and Iraq, but now they have spread to many other Muslim nations. It will now take a major military effort by many nations to stomp them out. ISIS is joining with radical Islamist groups like the Taliban. Nothing short of a World War III will destroy this spreading Islamic cancer.

After the recent attacks, Russia and France declared war on ISIS. I think this is just the beginning of a war that will eventually go worldwide.  How do we exterminate ISIS in Afghanistan and Pakistan without warring on nations that harbor this violent radical form of Islam? Do you realize that the majority of people in Pakistan actually support ISIS? And Pakistan has nuclear weapons.

Do you also realize that polls indicate that at least 15 percent of all Muslims in the world support what ISIS is doing? A higher percentage are still undecided about ISIS but when push comes to shove they will support those using violence against the West.

ISIS has the support of hundreds of millions of people in Islam. Putin said at least 40 nations are giving support to ISIS. Even in so-called moderate Muslims nations like Saudi Arabia there are many wealthy princes that are aiding ISIS and funding other radical Islamic efforts. The most Tweets supporting ISIS comes out of Saudi Arabia. This is the same country that exports Radical Islam all over the world and that spawned the 9/11 attack on the U.S., but, we are told the lie that the Saudi’s are our ally. The Saudi’s with there extreme form of Sharia law lord over 85 percent of Islam and the Ayatollahs of Iran lord over the rest.

If people knew the truth about Islam, they would already be at the Islamist tipping point. Islam is a political ideology of world conquest. Some Muslims claim that should be done by voluntarily conversion and higher birth numbers and others believe violence is necessary. Maybe only fifteen percent of Muslims think that violence is necessary in the short-term but many more believe violence will be required in the long-term. Just read their own eschatology. Almost all Muslims support Jihad against the infidels and Muslims that don’t become targets by other Muslims that do.

They say that they are doing Jihad for Allah, but there is no such being as Allah. Islam was created by those that plagiarized the writings of Gnostic’s that preceded them and Allah is the created counterfeit fantasy god of their depraved minds. The Islamic ideology has been passed down through centuries of brainwashing.

Islamics do not worship the God of creation, they are Nazis wearing head scarfs with a moon god. They stick their butts up in the air five times a day at the sound of the call for the descendants of the Chaldean’s to fall on their face to worship the golden counterfeit image.

Many of the German people who supported the Nazis did not actually believe in the Nazi agenda or methods. They supported them because they were afraid not to. Most Germans did not believe that war and killing was the best way to bring about the supremacist Utopia that the Nazis preached. Nevertheless, they went along with them and brought destruction on themselves.

It does not take anywhere near a majority to control sheeple, it only takes a small minority if they have all the guns. That is true of Islam. It is a satanic control cult. People in Muslim nations are under the bondage of Islam because they are given no other choice. If they were ever given freedom, most Muslims would leave Islam.

We are told that most Muslims are moderate. As if they do not believe their own satanic verses. That might be true, but where are they? The truth is that many so-called moderates do not even know their own scriptures. Just like many that identify as Christians do not know the Bible. These certainly are not going to oppose those that actually do know what the Qur’an and Hadith collections teach.

Why do the “majority moderates”not oppose the radicals if the radicals misrepresent Islam? The fact is that radicals are more true to Islam’s demonic verses that are those identified as moderates. If Muslim nations did not tolerate Islamist terrorists, they would not exist. Instead, after every major attack we see public Muslim support for the murderers.

When any nation gets a significant Muslim presence they will always persecute those they are told to hate. And Islam hates just about everyone. Islam is an evil death cult.

We are told by silly wishful thinking fools that Islam is a religion of peace. Peace My butt! Even Islam does not claim that there will be any peace with the West. It is time to realize that Islam is the enemy of any civilization that does not submit to Islam as the Islamist imams interpret it. The longer we deny that Islam is the enemy of the West the worse the outcome will be.

What kind of blind fools believe that the God of creation would approve of mass murders? Is the God of Islam so weak that he needs humans to kill for him? I suppose so, because he does not even exist.

When the Islamic “Allah” gave out brains he obviously ran way short. The world is not playing with a full deck. How anyone can look at the world and think that people living in it are rational beings is beyond me. And it not just in Islam. Look at all the debauchery and depravity in the West? Marriage between same-sex people, woman aborting their offspring, and people pretending they are a different sex is insanity. The West has lost its marbles and Islam was psychotic from the start.

By the way, fearing Islam is very rational. It is not a phobia at all. When Islamic people want to kill you, that is reality, so don’t let people tell you that you have Islamophobia. Just be prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones because they really do want you dead.

“Progressives” have a phobia about telling the truth. Truthophobia. They think that if they appease Muslims they have nothing to fear. These people are delusional and if they do not get treatment they will get themselves and others killed. Islamists wants to kill all “progressives” that do not obey Sharia Law and do not submit to their false god.

With all the debauchery pushed by the Left in the West, one might think they would oppose a worldview that wants them dead. However, “progressives” are not rational beings, these people are quite insane.

Obama is so radical because of his Muslim and Communist upbringing, that he is doubling down on staying the course and he is doubling down on bringing in more Muslims. He will show America who is in charge! Besides, oppressive America deserves Muslims that will not assimilate and that will spawn violent upheaval! Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinski, Bill Ayers and “Rev” Jeremiah Wright must be so proud of the Obamanation that they helped create.

There is no easy solution to this. Thanks to Obama’s inaction, that window has now passed. After more killings by Muslims, Europe is going to flip toward the right-wing. I have said that an authoritarian Europe would rise again. France has pretty much suppressed all rights for the next three months and even wants to change their constitution so that people will be less free.

When nations are at war, personal freedom is the first thing that goes down the toilet. Just ask those in World War II how much freedom they had. Governments were in total control of everything. We have reached the Islamic tipping point and world war with government authoritarian control will soon become the new reality.

It has been my theory that some form of revived Roman Empire will occupy the whole area that it occupied in the time of Jesus. This will give Israel the security required for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

If I am correct (and I am 🙄 ), look for Europe to get more and more militarily involved in the Middle East and North Africa. I do not doubt that Putin will ally with Europe against radical Islam. The Russian Orthodox Church that he is in partnership with expects nothing less. Will the Russian Orthodox unite with the Church of Rome against this common Islamic threat? It seems likely. The pseudo Christian Harlot of Revelation 17 must be reigning over religion just prior to the rise of the European Antichrist.

After this European coalition of nations makes the Middle East and North Africa secure, they will have to deal with radical Islam elsewhere in the Muslim world. It will bring about a major world war and the end of Islam as we know it. When the military forces are defeated most of the revolt against Islam will come from the people who were trapped in this cult.

Then before or after the Rapture a thought comes into the mind of Gog and a hook is put in his jaw and the Gog Magog invasion of Israel plays out.

With all this in mind, I hope you ready for war bonds? Investing in them will be required. It will be written into law. They will be needed to fund the world war. They will pay back negative interest rates, but heck, where else could you put your wealth during the world upheavals?


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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Islamist tipping point consumes European natives — 17 Comments

  1. Hi Don do you think there is any truth in the idea that this whole European invasion is the machinations of the ‘moneyed elite’. George Soros is reported as saying national boundaries must go. Or are they all of a piece with the socialist left?

  2. Hi Brian,

    There certainly are multi millionaires and billionaires like George Soros and foundations that are funding the break down of borders and its not just in Europe. They are of the Fascist branch of socialism. These secular humanists think the only hope for the world is to have a strong central world government with appointed leaders that manage everyone and everything. Frankly, I think the big player behind the recent Muslim invasion of Europe is Turkey. Of course Soros is playing a role, as he is in the Ukraine and North America.

  3. Hi Don… “Sheeple”… I’m going to start using that one. People are sheep no doubt about it. My Dad always use to say “it’s coming” well.. ‘it’s here!’

    ISIS is definitely being used for the one world agenda.. that is why that guy boom ba ba what ever his name? kept eluding authorities. They wonder how could it happen? Keep getting away? Mmmm?

    Come on rapture get here!

  4. It is obvious that there is another war on it’s way. Europe will be utter chaos and the streets will run with blood. You probably heard that when Greece and Turkey played a soccer game just a few days ago, when they were holding one minute of silence for the victims in France, the crowd whistled, booed and shouted “Allah Akbar”, not much missing as to how those people feel about the west. They hate everything about us, and yet our political leaders open the door and say Welcome. I can see a very radical movement beginning here in Canada, old stock Canadians those of us who were raised in the 50′ and 60’s can see what is happening to our so called freedoms, especially when it comes to that of Religion. I do agree that there is some real trouble on it’s way and the framework for the Lord’s return is fast approaching. Yes and I can see when blogs such as yours will be outlawed as hate etc. I give you credit and pray that you will be able to maintain your watch as long as is possible.

  5. Hi Don~
    I wish it were not so, but it is. The world has gone mad. I am stunned by the progressives thinking, or lack there of. It is sheer madness. They say things that make no sense & people believe it! I sense they are ready to strike here & the president will be happy when it happens. 🙁
    Thank you, again, for getting back on line.

  6. Hi Don,

    My feeling is that WW3 has probably started with 9/11, the Afghan war, the 2 Iraq wars, Algera, Egypt, Lybia, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Alquyda, ISIS, and on and on. Islam has already infiltrated the whole world! ALL IS PROXY WARS !

    Tipping points has happened yearly spot by spot. Yours (2) in Amerika was 9/11 and 2008/2012 with Obama, it’s done and over.

    All Holy Roman Empire is now involved and will soon finish off WW3

  7. Don,

    Do you think the Islamic terrorists will attack the American continent with an EMP attack(s), using smuggled weapons provided by Iran?

  8. Hi Craig,

    I don’t think terrorists would have access to nuclear weapons and the missiles necessary to deliver such an attack from Iran, even if Iran had the capability. Remember ISIS is Sunni and Iran is Shiite. Iran is fighting against ISIS.

    I would not rule out a dirty bomb or a crude nuclear weapon or two if they could get enough weapons grade material on the black market, but any EMP coming from a non-nation state would be limited.

    Much more likely will be a coordinated surprise attack on our grid control stations and transformer yards. I think experts said that taking out about a dozen key transformer stations would take down our grid for months.

    The big danger of an EMP or cyber attack that takes down our whole grid would more likely come from Iran, China or North Korea and possibly Russia if we are stupid enough to force a war with them. However, I do not think any of that is in the cards for the next couple of years. A major economic collapse and a war with China in the S. China Sea could accelerate that.

  9. Well slap my butt and call me Sally….Welcome back Don!!! I just discovered you are back up, and I am glad to see it. With the amount of credible voices who have already gone to be on the Rapture review stand prior to THE Event, it is good to know there is someone left to learn from. Really, really happy to see it.

  10. It’s an interesting thought to consider the origin of the progressive ideology. In what I can only imagine spans back over the entirety of civilization, it has been an ever-present theme that is ready to ensnare the non-critical thinker. Always it bears some promise of higher status and standard of life. Sounding familiar? Let’s never forget that the first “progressive” thought that entered the mind of mankind was whispered by the subtle words of a serpent in a garden. The very reason we are in this whole mess to begin with…

    Also, Don, a very minor point that I’d like to mention since I have some experience in this matter. The taliban is not an organized fighting force (though it is often referred to as such in most sources that discuss it). It is closer akin to local gangs; thugs with guns that harass the local populace. Usually, foreign fighters will cross borders in to a country to get their jihad jollies off and head back (if they don’t get killed) to whatever hole they sprung from. Again, a minor point but I guess that is what discussion is for.


  11. On November 19th – you nailed it about Turkey. What do you think these latest events mean
    for bible prophesy?
    Thanks for all your articles!

  12. Hi donni,

    If you are talking about Turkey shooting down the Russian Jet, I think they it is unrelated to Bible prophecy. Turkey comes down with Gog so at some point. Turkey joins the Gog alliance against Israel.

  13. Obama was advised leaving Iraq would create the vacuum to be filled by extremist and his actions created Isis. The majority of Isis weaponry is made in the USA and Benghazi was used to transfer many of these weapons to so called Syrian resistance groups. We know Obama has refused to kill Isis with many opportunities of their parades in the desert would have been shooting monkeys in a barrel. France struck Isis command and control center within days of the Paris attacks, we did not. Isis brings in over 1 mil each day from oil sales which we are told Obama did not bomb for environmental reasons. With all these facts I find it hard to believe Obama is not going to use Isis to attack the United States and enact the many executive orders he signed to declare martial law which he can shut down cell phones, the internet and cancel the election retaining his power. I am not a black helicopter fanatic but the actions (inactions) make it hard to believe that this is not maleficence on our dear leader’s part.

  14. From all that you have written here I feel fairly confident you will be pretty much in agreement with me.

    In the coming clash between Islam and the West, could we soon see Putin at odds with terrorist Iran as well as Turkey? In the aftermath of this cultural war, being already in the area he would have firm control there and they would certainly be confederate in the Gog invasion of Israel.

    In line with that invasion I find it difficult to imagine Europe continuing to condemn Israel for any counter offensive she might make against the Arabs when Europe herself will be fighting for her own cultural survival, therefore the answering of the imprecatory prayer of Psalm 83 would almost certainly occur at this time.

    A victorious aftermath of such worldwide conflict would lead Israel to believe herself at rest from Arab terror and at peace with her ‘allies’ including Russia. In the light of Ezekiel 38:11 this would be a situation ripe for the invasion of Israel by Gog of Magog. A mercenary Gog will take the opportunity of a world wearied by bloodshed to take over the Middle East including Israel. The world is seen to admonish him for his greedy opportunism in Ezekiel 38:13.

  15. Jesus Christ is my Lord and saviour and KING of kings. The minute Obama was elected I knew America was doomed. His brothers like Jeremiah Wright and ISIS want nothing more than to see America fall. I am a christian but I also believe in defending my faith with my blood if needed. I will take alot of the antichrist with me when they try to come for me. I am a Vietnam era vet and death means nothing to me. I only owe one my alliegence his name is Jesus Christ. Obama is a wimp just like Putin called him, and he is also America’s biggest security threat. The Nazi’s would of crushed Islam before they even got started. This nation that has turned it’s back on God will pay for its blasphemy and abomination.